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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. This analysis ignores the snuff job AG William Barr pulled on the half-hearted Mueller Report ("Russiagate"). It also ignores the facts surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop. The FBI went to Twitter honcho Jack Dorsey in 2020 and alerted him to the possibility of foreign attempts to influence the 2020 election. When the NY Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story Dorsey thought it might be Russian disinfo, and put a twenty-four hour hold on references to it on Twitter. Twenty-four hours. In spite of the claims of MAGA operative Rudy Guiliani, the laptop contained no evidence of Joe Biden corruption. This hasn't stopped MAGA operatives from claiming the twenty-four hour Twitter hold cost Trump the 2020 election. Just another lie that won't die.
  2. Like that line from "Cool Hand Luke" -- "What we've got here is failure to communicate." I strongly suspect JFK was hit by high tech weapons developed for the CIA. Trump doesn't know what he said or meant from moment to moment. He could look at the withheld files and not grasp anything about them.
  3. I don't believe a word that piece of garbage says. MAGA is in an all-out assault on every American institution including the CIA, FBI, the military, the justice system, the electoral process and the independent media. Christian Fascism is coming folks -- it's time to wake up.
  4. Lanier was solid on defense and could play short and second base, He was smart. He once scored from first on a Jimmy Davenport bunt. Joe Torre thought the ball was going to go foul and slammed it down in frustration when it stayed fair. The Braves catcher had run up the line and Lanier just kept going with no one covering home. Juan Marichal vs Sandy Koufax in the heat of a pennant race. As I recall Marichal had a problem with Roseboro throwing the ball back to the mound an inch from Marichal's ear. The Giants won the game 4 - 3 but Juan was suspended for 10 games, and those two lost starts may have cost the Giants the NL crown. I saw Marichal pitch live a couple of times. He beat the Pirates at the 'Stick 4 - 3, and lost to the Mets at Shea 1 - 0 in 10 innings. I don't think that happens anymore -- a starting pitcher go into extra innings.
  5. Frank Duffy was involved in two of the Worst Trades in Bay Area Sports History. We got him from the Reds in a trade for George Foster. The Giants basically traded an MVP powerhouse and a Cy Young winner for "Sudden Sam" McDowell who'd turned suddenly wild for the Indians the year before and found himself suddenly in the Giants bullpen before they got rid of him In May of '66 Sadecki and the Cardinals beat the Giants 2 - 1 and the next day they traded Cepeda for him. Orlando was a first baseman and the Giants had Willie McCovey. Both of those guys were defensive liabilities in the outfield, so something had to give. Sadecki beat the Dodgers at least once. June '68 at the 'Stick, 9 - 2. I was at that game, which was most notable for the MLB debut of Bobby Bonds. In his second big league at bat he hit a grand slam. Next AB the bases were loaded again, but he walked. I saw Perry face off live against Tom Seaver at Shea Stadium in 1971. 5 - 3 Mets. I saw Willie Mays play live a half dozen games . He was uncharacteristically quiet. The most memorable hit was a blast off the chain link fence at the 'Stick that bounced right back to the left fielder who held Mays to a single. Then McCovey came up and smashed a two run homer.
  6. Ashton Gray claimed Nurse Diana Bowron stabbed JFK in the throat with a poison needle while JFK was wheeled from the limo to the ER. When I argued against that scenario he accused me of being a government disinformation agent. His real name is Randall MacDonald (iirc), a hardcore Scientologist. David Lifton shared with me his later theories in a phone call in 2019. He assumed he spoke in confidence, which I won't breach even though he's passed. To get the definitive word on David's theories we'll have to wait until Final Charade gets published.
  7. Please note the inability of Lone Nutters (or T1/CTs) to rebut the above.
  8. It destroys the Lone Nut theory, indeed. The key detail in Croft is the normal amount of visible shirt collar, which indicates the jacket collar was in a normal position. Normally, the lower margin of clothing collars are at the base of the neck, or slightly above. The SBT requires several inches of shirt and jacket to elevate above the top of the back without pushing up the jacket collar at the base of the neck. This scenario is contrary to the nature of reality.
  9. The bullet hole in the shirt is 4" below the bottom of the collar, the hole in the jacket is 4.125" below the bottom of the collar. The Croft photo shows a similar fraction of an inch ride up of the coat -- "a little bit."
  10. This explains why DCM held up a "hold fire" signal during the shooting sequence, why he didn't depart the scene immediately, why he may have carried a radio. I don't see a function for Umbrella Man in this scenario -- why the redundant signal man? Shouldn't we look at photos below and above the overpass for other possible Bomb Team perps? Someone had to have a thumb on the detonator, yes?
  11. When Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat vocalist) told H.R. (Bad Brains vocalist) they were "hardcore" H.R. said, "Like in porno?"
  12. Speaking of Mickey Mouse... That's it? Joannides trained Alpha-66 therefore he smeared make-up on, stood out in Dealey Plaza giving a hold-fire signal during the shooting sequence, then sat on the curb for a while where he could be photographed. Not Disney. Loony Tunes.
  13. A condescending know it all who challenges my bonafides -- you're the right guy. Evidently not. You keep harping on it. I asked a simple question that you are unwilling to answer -- what "other factors" did you base your ID of Joannides upon? Authoritarian personality types melt down at the simplest of challenges. No, we're taking credit for any non-pornographic use of the word "hardcore" after 1979.
  14. There was a second article you didn't read. The purpose of this thread was to explore the possibility Felipe Vidal Santiago and Roy Hargraves were photographed as Dark Complected Man and Umbrella Man. Relevant to this discussion is the observed actions of DCM and UM in Dealey Plaza photographs, as well as an eyewitness description of UM's actions. Umbrella Man and Louis Witt have prominent noses -- Roy Hargraves does not. Scratch Roy Hargraves as UM. That leaves us with a reasonable question: what was Santiago/DCM doing in Dealey Plaza?
  15. All I did was ask what Felipe Santiago (or George Joannides) and Roy Hargraves were doing in Dealey Plaza. Seems like a reasonable question.
  16. No, Melissa Mohr had nothing to do with the origination of hardcore punk rock. You didn't read the material. I was the first promoter of "hardcore punk rock." My friends and I saved the word "hardcore" from a strictly pornographic connotation and added the suffix "-core" to the language. Dozens of words. You'll never approach that kind of impact.
  17. Factually incorrect. I asserted Averell Harriman held the most individual responsibility for the Vietnam War, and you said he was tied. I asserted the Golden Triangle cabal took down the French Connection and you agreed. Yes, it was a lot of material to go over and this is not my main writing pursuit. You ID'd Joannides as DCM on the basis of clothing and other factors. Rather than take advantage of the opportunity to explain these "other factors" you decided to pitch a fit Spare me. I had impact on the lexicon. https://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/In-a-Word/2022/0207/Getting-to-the-heart-of-words-made-with-core#:~:text=The suffix -core comes from,groups such as political parties. The suffix -core comes from hard core, which at first (1841) referred to broken bricks or stones that formed the hard substratum of roads and foundations. By the 1930s, it was an adjective that described the “base” or “core” of groups such as political parties. It then made its way into pornography and, in the 1970s, music, where it was used for “very loud, fast rock,” according to Merriam-Webster. </q>
  18. Years ago on the Ed Forum Tosh Plumlee told a tale of a routine abort team mission he helped fly into Dallas early morning 11/22/63. He said he dropped Johnny Roselli off on an earlier stop. The abort team was deployed to Dealey Plaza without the needed intelligence to stop the assassination This is not a widely believed account, but I was willing to give Tosh the time of day on the matter. He said that DCM looked like abort team member "Gator." I suggested Gator was confused by the actions of Umbrella Man and sat down next to him to sort him out. Tosh loved that idea, and thereafter referred to DCM positively as "Gator." So Gator held his fist in the air to hold the abort team at bay? That might explain the radio. That is a more plausible scenario than DCM working for the perps, far fetched as it may be.
  19. That's odd, you agreed with me on other threads about Harriman's responsibility for Vietnam and Golden Triangle interests taking down the Corsican Mafia. I may have been the only poster here who gave you the time of day on your Moynihan-as-Deep Throat riff. I asked for a point of clarification on psych drug experiments under the Harriman Administration in the late 50's. Yes, all that material you posted in response to me must have been a waste of time. Good to know.
  20. A few other people had raised arms. I plead innocence for Umbrella Man. I'm agnostic about DCM. I'm trying to coax out of you a cogent scenario wherein George Joannides stood on the curb or in the street holding his fist in the air. The shooting had already started and a raised fist is a military signal for "hold fire." And then sit down out in the open for several minutes where he could be photographed.
  21. Ah, so you can't address the issue so it's straight to snark. Doing what? He held up his fist after the first shot -- that's a military signal for hold fire. Are you sure "people-raising-their-arms-as-the-President-passes" is where you want to plant your flag?
  22. Matt, what was the Hargraves/Santiago function? Is that how a military style ambush proceeds -- spotters out on the street separate from the shooters?
  23. Why run? Calmly walk away. Because you could be photographed. Why not immediately saunter off and not give anyone time to notice you? The coast was clear. Attention was directed toward the grassy knoll.
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