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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Then ask yourself how Jackie was layed out on the trunk in Nix's last frame, later sat down in Z and finally was back on the trunk in the same position in Bell (as with Nix) with the same orientation to Clint approx 23 extant zframes later.
  2. First show the impossible actions of human beings in the following link. Next, show how two films reveal the timing/syncing problem associated with those actions below.
  3. Mark, I always look for similar comparisons. For example, compare the white stars on the car flag when I slow down the film for 5 consecutive frames. On the last slowed frame, now look at the policeman's "striped" vest and the white stars on the flag. Once again, this gif is running at approx 17fps. I used the front tire for stabilization.
  4. Compare the following gifs(waving in background) to the Z drummer lady above. I've removed the distraction(pretend it's the limo) and sequentially removed every other frame. Now compare it to the Z wave. Then test it yourself by standing in place waving, then start walking backwards and keep waving, while trying to keep the same waving speed. What happens? Humans are capable of certain actions, just not some of what we see in the extant zfilm.
  5. Do you consider "splices" in a film as transitions? Perhaps the splice at extant z157 started one of the frame removal series. I'll provide another example of this, connected to the drummer lady reference. Comparing should be a little easier that way.
  6. A few other obvious signs of an increasing frame rate. Her number one fan(woman second from the left side of Stemmons) clapping. Watch as the limo moves closer to her, just as the lower sprocket hole touches her, the clapping speed increases even more. Once you have adjusted to that, then immediately after, look at the head turn by our new drummer lady.
  7. When I start my next band, I'll take the woman next to Croft as my drummer. btw, this gif starts purposely at the extant z157 split.
  8. All three are playing at the same(Photoshop Setting) approx 17fps speed, the only difference is the sequential removal of frames:
  9. No. I did not shoot any footage in Slo-Mo on my B/H 414. But, I do have Slo-Mo material from either 8 and/or 16mm films to work with. I'll provide some examples including frame removal in a bit. There are other problems(not my work) besides blurring in that area of the Zfilm, here's another to consider: This is the same (problem) idea that we encounter with Jackie down around the Z411/Nix sync. The early Bell frame(in terms of syncing) tells us more (Zframes) time is needed. Humans are not capable of moving this fast no matter what your eyes are being shown. And, no-one is brave enough to try and reproduce Jackie's action in the allotted time because the results speak for themselves.
  10. Sandy, That would have been 48fps = slow motion mode on the B/H 414 camera. The same concept as an automobile that slows down thus creating more frames in the same time/distance span regardless of the frame rate. I didn't introduce anything related to blurring. But, while most of my filming with the B/H 414 I previously owned(40 year old camera) involved panning moving vehicles, I do have a few frames where no panning was involved. Sync problems among the different films is readily apparent at Nix/Z411. Bell provides the supporting frame for it.
  11. Hi Ed,

    There is more than one way to skin a cat.

    I tried to post a response to your zframe topic at the ROKC, but am not allowed to post anymore, apparently.

    The link provided is someone else's work, but I believe you'll understand the connection.


    Afterwards, I would encourage you to follow up by reading this entire post and thinking in terms of alternative methods to prove your existing points.

    Better quality, more original footage slowly seeps out, unfortunately,  I don't believe we'll ever obtain any of the out of camera, original material from films/photos.

    btw, I do have some B/H 414 color footage I shot in Dealy Plaza back in 2005, not the best quality. But, in terms of providing a few frames of a vehicle in motion(blurred) with a stationary light post in focus nearby, just ask.

    Good luck,






  12. Better quality equals more detail. Sharpening added.
  13. Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing Two shots to the back of the head.
  14. The more completeness of films we acquire, the clearer the true picture becomes. It’s called “transparency” which there is quite a lack of in this case, at least in terms of original video availability. Fifty nine years and counting!!! It is not possible for Jackie to do her thing in the time allotted from extant z411-z417. Fortunately, an early Bell frame with sprocket holes provides more support for her extra time needed. Mark Tyler and I mostly agreed on Z435/6 synced with Bell, within a few frames, during his Motorcade sync project. The early (sprocket hole) Bell frame occurs eight Bell frames before the Z436/Bell sync. We used two other sync points between the two films and 18.3fps for Z, which put Bell’s fps at 15.6. Eight Bell frames before the z436 sync = 8 x (18.3/15.6) = 9.38Z frames Z436 - 9.38 Z frames = Z 426.62 = early Bell frame Now, sequentially compare Jackie’s position in Nix at Z411 to Z417 to Bell/Z426.62 . Doesn’t work. She was still in a laid out position in the Bell frame. The following gif (both frames at a 1.33/1 aspect ratio) will give you a better idea of Jackie’s matching body orientation between Bell/Nix. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TUy4w5BqqFto3aClgVyXMh2RoEyVtRM-/view?usp=sharing
  15. Sandy, Watch the beginning frame in each film before it starts advancing. Clint's right leg is hanging off the bumper. After two frames elapsed in each, no more hanging off. It's rather obvious that, both of those points are synced. No need to provide a frame rate(although I like trying) for any film really, just show with the existing films how those rates are incorrect or the film is altered or what have you. Identify common occurrences among the films and then proceed with disqualifying. Allow others to provide the BS info. For instance, Myers "frame for frame" sync info.
  16. There is nothing anomalous in pointing out human (physically limited) abilities. One way to prove/disprove this is by reproducing the action and comparing it to the extant films using the allotted time given. So, how does Jackie in Nix(elbow lowers onto trunk lid in last frame) slide back into her seat as we see in Z (z411-z417) in 6 zframes = 1/3rd of a second? Remember, as she turns towards the back seat, she has to contend with JFK’s dead body weight, which is already crowding her space, besides ever sliding back down in a seated position. Most people have a cell-phone and a car, don’t need a convertible(preferred though). Once you find out how preposterous a feat this is to accomplish in 1/3 second, then ask yourself why the Nix film ends exactly at the point that it does. So yes, please use a little common sense when weighing your options.
  17. It was in 2017. Once Trump's tax cut(for the wealthy) was enacted, the exemption was eliminated thereafter. https://www.thebalance.com/no-more-personal-exemptions-you-can-still-claim-these-tax-credits-4169655 "What Are Personal Exemptions? Personal exemptions generally allow taxpayers to claim themselves (and possibly their spouse) on their tax returns. Before the TCJA took effect, the personal exemption was $4,050. You could cut $4,050 off your taxable income for yourself, as well as $4,050 for your spouse, and for each of your dependents.1 A married couple with three children could subtract $20,250—$4,050 times five—from their taxable income before claiming the standard deduction for their filing status or itemizing.2 However, while the $4,050 per person is lost at least through the end of the 2025 tax year, claiming dependents can still save you tax dollars. The TCJA also more or less doubled standard deductions over what they were prior, so your tax situation might remain at least somewhat the same if you’re eligible to claim these other tax breaks."
  18. Except the personal exemption of $4050 per person was also eliminated = $8100 per couple. When added to the standard deduction of $12,700 per married couple totaled $20,800. The new standard deduction of 24k - 20.8k = a difference of a whopping(sarcasm of course) $3,200 income reduction. https://obliviousinvestor.com/2017-tax-brackets-standard-deduction-personal-exemption-and-other-updates/
  19. Connally stabilized. It's easier to view Connally's right wrist if you select "full screen". https://drive.google.com/file/d/15x8Egf7Z3beipRizJ_UQkk-aKXZMW8Yq/view?usp=sharing
  20. Chris, Apply that belief to Trump's tax returns, womanizing, election results, 1-6 involvement, racism, backstabbing his pseudo friends, etc, etc. I mentioned before, that, without&with-holding "transparency" will lead you to your Machiavelli quote. He is a rich narcissist(too many blind followers) who will throw all under the bus for absolute power. That is my definition of a tyrant. Are there others from all sides of the political spectrum, surely. We are dealing with the here and now. Personally, I wasn't a blind follower of the pro-vaccination crowd. Read the available literature both pro/con before making the decision. Realized the possible downsides of the vaccine. But weighed that against the chance of a full blown infection(possibility of spending hospital time on a ventilator) and chose the alternative. Granted, the odds were quite low of ending up that way. But, since my niece's "brother in law" who was my age (mid 50's) and had zero health problems in April 2020, spent four weeks on a ventilator and then passed away, I felt receiving the vaccine gave me more piece of mind.
  21. 1. How do matte artists turn color into silhouettes? 2.Possible
  22. OTOH, Using a similar piece of footage might accomplish the same effect.
  23. Thanks David, I couldn't agree more with all bets being off. In fact, a second film fills in much of the story. I think you'll enjoy this next piece. My previous(movie theater) analogy should help. Sitzman?/a female(check waistline) at the least, appeared in the foreground of film #2. Hence the "knock out"(old graphic arts days reference) created in the extant z208 frame. Fortunately, my late brother photographed me upon the pedestal, from behind, which would allow a similar comparison to the silhouette/knock out in z208. Where's Waldo, I mean Z?
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