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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Paul, Here's a pano with Truly included.
  2. Yes, I know that's from a recreation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lDfJUgbVKK2r0bRe08Tu3BaQfQhraXa/view?usp=sharing
  3. Paul, Do you believe the films or his testimony? Mr. TRULY. That is right.And the President's car following close behind came along at an average speed of 10 or 15 miles an hour. It wasn't that much, because they were getting ready to turn. And the driver of the Presidential car swung out too far to the right, and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway. And he slowed down perceptibly and pulled back to the left to get over into the middle lane of the parkway. Not being familiar with the street, he came too far out this way when he made his turn. Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb? Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left.If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here.
  4. The view depicted from atop the County Records building( from John Orr's presentation) looking down over Elm St, superimposed over an actual photograph. https://ibb.co/jtZFZm
  5. The base distance from z273 to County Records Building Annex corner (Photo)= 256.25ft The rooftop = 80ft. The elev change = 430-420.06 = 9.94ft The angle needed for this shot to the street is 19.35 degrees = 19 degrees 21min The parallel scenario set forth by the WC (6th floor SE window) is thru Shaw's testimony who states somewhere around z236. If one will look back at CE884 data for z235, the angle set is 19degrees 26min. The angle change in CE884 for z235-z240 = 25 minutes or 5 minutes per frame. So z235 (19deg 26min)- 5min (z236) = 19deg21min which is a match.
  6. Hi Jorma, I think you are on the right track in not requiring the known location of the microphones. I was asked to watch Donald Thomas' latest video awhile ago and apply it to the extant Zapruder film. Here was my response: Brad's previous inquiry: The speed of the limo factors into the acoustics analysis recently presented by Donald Thomas: In his lecture, Mr. Thomas relies on the FBI/WC speed of JFK's limo at slightly over 11 mph. If your research presents the analysis that this speed is not factual, does it not also indicate the audio analysis of Dr. Thomas is based on untrustworthy data? Brad, I did get a chance to watch the Don Thomas video. Thank you for supplying the link Here's what I came up with. I'll do it in small bits. Thomas has the recording motorcycle at approx Z161(Station#3+21.7)while the extant Z313(Station# 4+65.3) headshot occurs. That 321.7ft starts where the "Houston St corner building aligns onto the street". Edited should say "crosswalk" not corner building. A two foot difference between them. In other words, take the last Hughes frame of McClain in it, and that's your starting timing point also. Close enough. In Hughes, from the time "JFK in limo" is aligned with the TSBD corner until McClain hits the starting timing point is approx 6 seconds. This means, McClain is the distance traveled by the limo in those 6 seconds + the distance from starting point to the TSBD corner, behind the limo. Remember, there is the Elm St turn to traverse when arriving at the TSBD corner aligned spot on Elm St. Brad: Part 2 In the background at extant Z233,the front end of the first blue impala convertible aligns with the last wall hole, from Zapruders LOS. At that point, it has traveled 99ft from the starting point (McClain crosswalk). McClain in Hughes is actually trailing the 2nd blue impala convertible. The one directly behind the first. The cars are 17.5ft in length. At Z233, most likely, the farthest McClain can be up Houston is 64ft. 99ft-35ft(17.5 x 2) = 64ft Originally, he needed to travel approx 319.7ft from starting point to Z161 location. At Z233, 80 frames until Z313, he needs to travel 319.7ft-64ft = 255.7ft to get to Z161 location. 80/18.3 = 4.37seconds. 255.7ft/4.37seconds = 39.8mph average. I have stabilized versions of the background from Z133-Z255 approx where the background drops out. McClain does not appear farther up Houston in that span. Baker does, just briefly trailing the 1st blue convertible.
  7. How would you manipulate Jackie's head position to recreate JFK's at z312?
  8. The grid (area between the two upper photos)would be a likely location for a extant 313 shot. This area opens up the gap between Nellie and Jackie for a direct LOS to JFK.
  9. Picture the truck-bed as the rear seat location for the Connally's and Kennedy's.
  10. Probably finished the outside first(most visible), put the top on, then worked the inside.
  11. The farther east along the south knoll the better. Also, a little higher would be more beneficial. If in the upright position, the top of JFK's head is 52.78", at extant z313 = 39.24", 13.54" lower.
  12. Disregarding Jackie's position, the sewer LOS would look something like this.
  13. Richard, Is the sewer close enough to your position? I didn't put the "x" there. I did include the red arrow.
  14. This would be very close to the previous posting. The limo approx 7ft further west and we'd see the back seat occupants. Imo
  15. This is approx where "JFK within the limo" would be for a sewer shooter using the extant Zfilm and the previous FBI/SS documentation. Note the yellow curb stripe on both.
  16. Could someone lift off/recover the manhole lid , climb in and wait?
  17. 2003 Video Cameraman filming on leftside. Footage on rightside Note the wall holes in both the video and the plat.
  18. Street elevation determined for shot approx 4ft short of Station# 5+00 = 416.83 Street elevation of sewer approx 414.20 Difference of 2.63ft Determined height of JFK’s (top of head) at extant z313 = 3.27ft above the pavement. 2.63 + 3.27 = 5.9ft Distance from sewer to JFK’s ( position in limo) at elevation 416.83 = 51ft
  19. A wider opening. Yes, I do have one. Nowhere near 1963. But, before I post it, take into consideration this wall. Just the wall, disregard the cameraman's angle. The sewer side wall does not allow that same angle (at least with the frame I have). Note the previous "LOS plotted" posting.
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