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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Red shirts(plural) were caught on Bell first. Alan has done a nice job of developing the bigger picture. https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,3524.msg135170.html#msg135170 https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,2639.msg143009.html#msg143009
  2. Andrej, Let me rephrase your question into a format that the rest of this forum might understand: What would I have to do to a film's frame rate(fps) in order to hide the removal of frames? Myers frame rate for Towner 8mm camera = 22.8fps for his"frame x frame" syncs to work Zapruder frame rate for 8mm =18.3fps Towner extant frames according to Myers = 167 Myers-167/22.8 = 7.324 sec Zapruder-167/18.3 = 9.125sec 1.8sec x 18.3fps = 33frames 25.6-24 = 1.6fps Wiegman 652 frames/24fps = 27.16sec x 1.6 =43.45frames/1.31=(24/18.3) = 33.17frames P.S. 1963 8mm camera's do not shoot film at 22.8, nor 24fps. Otherwise, they would not be 8mm camera's. They only shoot at that speed when they are being synced to other films to ultimately hide the removal of excess frames among other alterations.
  3. David, I believe this is the answer to what we have been searching for:
  4. Thanks David, Using an old phrase from Tom Purvis: Hiding In Plain Sight
  5. The frame count isn't the only variable that will bite you,remnant fallout from trying to keep a sync in place will appear. For example, the early plat created by Robert West on Dec5, 1963 was revised on Feb7, 1964 after the SS/FBI "fine tuning". The height(measured up from the street) used for a bullet location in Kennedy was 3.27ft. The initial elevation used for the extant z313 headshot was 418.35, later officially changed to 418.48. That change equates to a 2.37ft horizontal distance. I suggest comparing that difference to the CE884 distance above used for extant z207-208-210. Now, go back and watch the 3.5 minute segment that I suggested to Ian.
  6. Video Link: https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-carlson-packages-2-biggest-125955212.html
  7. Please watch the 3.5 minute segment above and let me know where they determined a shot (hitting lower than JFK's head) would work with the SBT? If you can do that, then I'll try to address your previous questions.
  8. Ian, I'm not familiar with the relationship of CE1032 and rifle angles.
  9. When you excise frames, the frame count is bound to bite you in the ass. Another example from both versions of CE884 would be the speeds derived from the same physical location. In this instance below, 9.54mph and 28.63mph starting with extant z207. It is the same concept from above, where we have two greatly varied speeds of 5.3 and 20.41mph in adjacent frame spans plotted, that cover z195.5-z207.
  10. What's nice about modern day technology is the ability to recreate the reenactments. As mentioned above, the reenactment vehicle was moving at a "calculated" faster speed than the extant limo. This is easily remedied by modern day programs (FinalCutPro) abilities to create interpolated frames. In this instance(below) more interpolated frames were created by a 52% reduction in speed. .48 +.52 = 1 Once that was obtained, and the correct "frame removal" sequence was applied to some of the area in question(below is z186-z207), it would be very difficult to decipher that 60% of the whole(real+interpolated) were removed from below. This could have been completed with an optical printer using the "sequencer" option I believe, in a brief amount of time. I left a partial view of the speedier 15.92mph reenactment version for comparison.
  11. Once the subpoenas are issued, the evidence is collected and testimony under oath is given, the truth in this case arrives. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/f-ing-b-tucker-carlson-unloads-on-sidney-powell-in-jaw-dropping-unsealed-exhibits/ Over 60 court cases lost in pursuit of the Big Lie. Most of them laughed out of the courtrooms. So, no thank you TC and friends.
  12. We understand Paul. The answer is No. They are not less guilty. They actually are more guilty. Some of us choose not to sell our souls to hypocrites for the sake of a "pie in the sky" JFK news flash.
  13. And now, as a follow up, it's back to Dino: https://vimeo.com/807638543
  14. When you get tired of looking at the gifs above, refer back to the plotted area of extant z195.5-201.5. The scale is 1"=10ft or each 1/8" mark = 1.25ft I count approx 7.875 marks at 1.25ft = 9.84 ft total in 6 frames = 1.64ft per frame = 20.41mph Add that to the next span at 5.3mph and you have an average speed from extant z195.5-207 of: 20.41 + 5.3 = 25.71 / 2 = 12.85mph Now compare back to the average speed from CE884 z166-z207 = 12.44mph Take another look at the "camera movement" within the gifs again.
  15. Did you really believe this was all camera movement? I suggest comparing it to the previous gif.
  16. If you have a grip on the previous posting, it should be quite easy to understand the following: Why would the FBI/SS have a zfilm copy that contained a lot of missing frames (I'll use frame 195-222 span, HINT HINT) which would normally equal 27frames. When viewing this 19 progressive frame gif, imagine excising the SIX double image frames that appear while it's playing. That would leave 13 frames for that same 27 frame span in the extant zfilm. 13/27 = .481 I hope that ratio rings a bell. The elimination rounds for the extant zfilm.
  17. For use as a reference: 2.24mph = .18ft per frame 3.74mph = .30ft per frame 5.98mph = .48ft per frame .481 x 12.44 = 5.98mph See the connection to the speed, dictated by the tire circumference chalk markings previously supplied? It's the last entry below in my discussions with Tony. .481 is awfully close to 1/2 Do you know what happens to the vehicle speed on film when you remove over 1/2 the frames in a certain span, depending on what frame removal sequence you utilize. Especially when the vehicle was slowing down/stopping? I've previously provided the plotted speed using JFK as the mark from extant z201.5-207 = 5.3mph Is that close to 5.98mph. It is by .3ft 2.34ft/5.5frames =5.3mph 2.34ft + .3ft =2.64ft/5.5frames = .48ft per frame And, since they had the limo traveling at .3ft per frame per CE884 extant z168-z171 (3frames/.9ft), I believe my plotting of a 5.3mph limo speed is well within the BS parameters set forth by the WC.
  18. They easily could have put a bullet in Chansley and many others, just like they did to Babbitt. They chose not to. Was an all out bloodbath a more desireable outcome? Carlson is the poster child for hypocrisy. The Dominion trial hasn't been good to him or his cohorts. That's in an environment where, when you perjure yourself, the consequences are real, as opposed to his bully pulpit on Fox. "While Carlson said that it was not clear how Chansley got into the Capitol, the plea agreement admitted he entered the building through a broken door around a minute after it was breached, becoming one of the first 30 intruders in the Capitol. Already-public security footage shows his entrance. “If he was, in fact, committing such a grave crime, why didn’t the officers who are standing right next to him place him under arrest?” Carlson said. Manger called the “tour guide” characterization “outrageous and false” in an internal message to officers on Tuesday. “I don’t have to remind you how outnumbered our officers were on January 6. Those officers did their best to use de-escalation tactics to try to talk to rioters into getting each other to leave the building,” Manger said."
  19. Paul, Deciphering the BS supplied by the WC (zfilm, ballistics, math etc).
  20. Paul, Personally, I would never label a "peaceful" protest as a terrorist act. But, what occurred on Jan 6th was not a peaceful protest. Terrorism Definitions International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored). Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. And, if anyone believes it was peaceful, just watch/listen to 19 seconds of video. https://vimeo.com/806904828 If a person smashed the windows in my house trying to break in, I wouldn't necessarily think they were a terrorist, unless the intent was proven to be of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. But, I do have the right to defend my property/safety. The hypocrisy flowing from the Fox mouthpieces is deafening.
  21. A refresher and it's on to some ballistic triangles:
  22. And/Or, This might make it a little easier on the eyes, while conveying the same message: Don't forget the angle change on the top sprocket hole, now that the bottom one is aligned.
  23. Does this motion look like familiar? Change the ANGLE and you have a solution to the bobbleheads. But, once you change it, it'll reveal the necessary camera height difference upon the pedestal to accommodate the alterations.
  24. Michael, I'm not too concerned with shooter locations at this time. I will say, I believe Dr.Shaw has one of the positions correct in regards to Connally. Previously addressed. More handywork was applied to the film/s than just the StemmonsSign adjustment. imo More importantly, it's rather obvious that the shot/reaction circa extant z207 had to be excised because of the reactions seen on the extant film at approx z225. Not enough time for one shooter.
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