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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Other fish to fry. Good Luck. Mr. ALTGENS - This would put me at approximately this area here, which would be about 15 feet from me at the time he was shot in the head--about 15 feet from the car on the west side of the car--on the side that Mrs. Kennedy was riding in the car.
  2. Viewing limitation is the eastern sewer side/wall. Earliest viewing opportunity would be approx extant z353 depending on JFK's height above the street.
  3. U= Umbrella Man D = Dark Skinned Man X =JFK in limo Willis approx extant z203 Bronson approx extant z231 Not for timing, only for positioning because of the extant z207 splice
  4. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/jfkinfo2/jfk4/witt.htm
  5. Don't believe what you see when viewing the film. That's why I asked "Which version do you believe is closer to representing the true events" while providing the WC elevation dilemma. Isn't it amazing how one study can start at a 1ft lower street elevation(18.3ft horizontal) than the other and use a more correct head height measurement above the street, yet when compared to the WC version, the horizontal distance between the two is approx 1.65ft.
  6. He then follows up with re-enforcing the previous description(limo stopping) and adds another action to it. Mr. WITT. No, sir. I--my view of the car during that length of time was blocked by the umbrella being open. And my--the next time I saw the car after I saw it coming down on my left traveling west, the next time I saw the car was when this activity of the car stopping, one car rushing up on another, the motorcycle patrolman stopping, there was this screeching of tires, this sort of thing. One thing I recall there was a movement in the President's car. By this time--I don't recall seeing the President. He must have--I am sure he was down. The only thing I recall was the--there was a sort of a pink movement, and it was--that was Jackie Kennedy, I think, wearing a pink dress or something. This pink thing stood out in my mind, and all of this happened in very rapid order. The--as soon as the one car ran up behind this one, a man jumped off and I think the first car was pulling out about the time he had jumped on the back.
  7. Mr. WITT. Let me go back a minute. As I was moving forward I apparently had this umbrella in front of me for some few steps. Whereas other people I understand saw the President shot and his movements; I did not see this because of this thing in front of me, The next thing I saw after I saw the car coming down the street, down the hill to my left, the car was just about at a position like this [indicating] at this angle here. At this time there was the car stopping, the screeching of tires, the jamming on of brakes, motorcycle patrolman right there beside one of the cars. One car ran upon the President's car and a man jumped off and jumped on the back. These were the scenes that unfolded as I reached the point to where I was seeing things. Mr. GENZMAN. What did you hear at that time? Did you hear voices? Mr. WITT. I don't recall any voices at that particular time. After I finally became aware that something had happened, you know, something terrible had happened, I just sat down. I was standing on the retaining wall, and I just sat down, just right straight down, and apparently--I don't know if I had laid the umbrella down or dropped it or what I did. Nevertheless, I think it ended up on the sidewalk and I just sat there. Some of the things that I recall, one of the things I remember seeing while standing, there was a couple, I looked down to the right and there was a man and a woman, and they were covering some children, they were lying down and they were covering the children with their bodies and this may have caused me to sit down or I may have just sat down because I was stunned. Because there for a few minutes or for a few seconds at least I didn't seem to be able to collect my thoughts. Sometime later after the cars moved out, this is when all this activity in the cars stopping and the cars moved out, I recall a man sitting down to my right and he said something like: They done shot them folks. He repeated it two or three times but it was repetitious of him saying the same thing. Mr. GENZMAN. What was he saying? Mr. WITT. They done shot them folks--something to this effect. Mr. GENZMAN. Can you describe this man? Mr. WITT. I remember him as being a Negro man. I don't know if I ever actually looked at him for any length of time or not.
  8. Moving it under one umbrella: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27278-the-harvard-crimson-admits-we-debunked-ce-399/?do=findComment&comment=509779 https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27278-the-harvard-crimson-admits-we-debunked-ce-399/?do=findComment&comment=509995 https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27278-the-harvard-crimson-admits-we-debunked-ce-399/?do=findComment&comment=510206
  9. The top graphic is from "The South Knoll Gunman" study. Which version do you believe is closer to representing the true events. I suggest taking a look at the previous gif posted.
  10. White sign says 313. The right extended foot is the alignment marker. The orientation of objects to filmer are: Extant z323 for the convertible support bar. Extant z327 for the back seat. (+/-) 1 frame Film Credit To Harry Livingstone
  11. The front blinkers also tell a different story about the extant Z film. https://cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/zthesis.html I did arrive at a different amount of missing frames based on the average from the 49 frame span Hughes gif vs Morningstar(z133-182) study, but the process he used is invaluable. In real time, the Hughes 49 frame segment lasted 2.7 seconds for a 18.14fps rate. PS. So no, I don't lie. I may make mistakes, but that is the extent of it.
  12. A sequel to "The Blob", coming to a theater near you.
  13. Expected response from the Sweathogs: "But,but,but, Mr.Kot′ter, Mr.Kot′ter, Mr. Kot′ter′′ only the way Horshack could convey it!!!!
  14. Perhaps you can obtain his opinion on the topics covered in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3aQOCkSK8&t=2s
  15. It wasn't a key role. I fortunately had acquired material that was helpful in that situation. In fact, I wasn't interested in Sean's research at all. I don't think it serves much purpose any longer, regardless of what the strengths/weaknesses are, at this time. It's idle chit-chat leading nowhere. The Bell frame I supplied earlier might be a more interesting investigative subject, at least for now. I have other fish to fry.
  16. Sean's original email inquiry to me had nothing to do with the figure we refer to as PrayerPerson. He was looking into the Altgen's photo and the peculiarity of Lovelady within it. He asked for my help and I supplied him with the frame from a 2005 documentary, in 2007. At a later junction(don't know how much later) the hypothesis was formed. This was/is not grasping at straws to advance/revitalize a conspiracy theory as there is a very good argument that it is Oswald. But, I wouldn't bet the farm on it either. Think there might have been a better chance approx 12/15 years ago. Just my opinion.
  17. Ask the right question: When is the first comparison of extant assassination film/s correlated to the extant Zfilm presented? What year? The time would be better spent finding out who the 2nd figure on the steps with a long sleeve red shirt/jacket is. The one I discovered in Bell as the limo is passing in front of the TSBD. As to acquiring better generations of Darnell/Wiegman, that's never going to happen. When I pointed out that person(Wiegman film) in the shadows back in 2007 to Sean Murphy and later Robin Unger(Darnell film), Sean and others developing the theory that the person was possibly Oswald should have kept quiet about it until after they actually acquired the better quality copies. In other words, they inadvertently tipped off the wrong people. End of story.
  18. What's the probability of two red shirted people on the steps as the limo passes by, while the red shirted sniper is up in the 6th floor SE window? The "dog/pony" show put on by the WC will keep you chasing your tail for eternity, or, at least approaching 60 years.
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