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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. Air America on forged orders. Spent time in NV getting ready.
  2. Talked to him face to face and having served two separate tours in Detroit Homicide I'm convinced of his honesty. He shot from the Dal Tex building with a Winchester Model 70 re barreled in 6 MM. His personal motivation was family members killed at the Bay Of Pigs. Since I'm not selling anything I'm perfectly content to just sit and watch and comment occasionally.
  3. Joined the Detroit Police Dept in 1969. Way too young for Korea.
  4. The critical question is if the FBI and CIA wanted to know or even knew prior to the Big Event as the WC was a farce. My sources tell me JM Wave Cubans and a military sniper flown in from SE Asia to backup the Cubans who were notorious for running their mouths.
  5. Went to the SHOT SHOW in Vegas to do some market research for a guy. The SHOT SHOW is the shooting, hunting and outdoor trade show and is the largest one in the world. He got us comped at the Horseshoe and Bennie jr invited us to dinner. When he found out I was retired Detroit Homicide he apparently incorrectly assumed I was dirty and spoke rather freely. I, of course, was not but mostly listened to him talk about his dad and Vegas at the time. He informed me that virtually every Clark County Sheriff's vehicle had a shovel in the trunk and they were often assigned to deal with problem people who needed to be buried in the desert. I, of course, was familiar with the mafia heads in Detroit and the Hoffa Affair. I did not ask about JFK as I had been up for 24 hours straight due to a delayed flight and excused myself and went to bed.
  6. One can safely assume that Dr Baden had access to the original prints and his enlargement would have been a 1st generation copy and he could not even get it right side up.
  7. Avoidance therapy might be indicated for DP.
  8. I still wonder about a comparison between the photos take of JFK and the same men's work in other autopsies. I was an Evidence Technician with Detroit Pd and We had Yashika dual lens camera and if I had ever taken a photos approaching such poor quality I would have been back to pushing a marked unit!
  9. I assume the "Quality" of these pictures is why Dr Baden had one upside down when he testified before the House Assassinations committee.
  10. I agree that many of them are forgeries, some are missing, and the quality of the photos available is distressing. I do think that the photos missing are gone and I think they were destroyed quickly after they were stolen. I think one of the greatest value of the photos we have is to point out the poor quality. What I've wondered is if anyone compared the autopsy photos done by the same men in other autopsies and if their photographs there were of such poor quality?
  11. Depends on your definition of expert and the standards required. I was trained and qualified as "a sniper" in Detroit. Years later when I was involved in training the SWAT guys in Detroit that the standard I had qualified at would have been more accurately described as a "police marksman".
  12. The problem in all this, of course, is that we never had a thorough crime scene search of the limo and we didn't have an open and honest autopsy. Clint Hill reported a gaping hole on the rear of JFK's head. Until we can resolve those cover ups we're at a serious disadvantage. Remember one of the SS agents in the vehicle talked about a flurry of shots entering the limo. I was ambushed twice while a cop and shot at on a number of occasions. I quickly learned to recognize gunfire AND NOT ALL COPS AT THE SCENES DID AND i HAD TO YELL AT SOME TO TAKE OVER ON REPEATED OCCASIONS.
  13. I was the original training sgt for the SWAT Team in Detroit and we found that amour piercing rounds did not deflect near as much and frankly rounds thru windshields did all sorts of unpredictable things. As a training specialist for the National Nuclear Security Administration's office of secure transportation we had access to all sorts of classified rounds but most were a refinement of earlier efforts and AP rounds existed before 1963. An ap round would produce a caliber sized hole going in and out but again I cannot tell you how many times we recovered bullets at Homicide scenes that we would not figure out how they ended up where they did and since neither the body or limo were subjected to a thorough and professional search we've got to dig a lot deeper.
  14. I was the original training sgt for the SWAT Team in Detroit and we found that amour piercing rounds did not deflect near as much and frankly rounds thru windshields did all sorts of unpredictable things. As a training specialist for the National Nuclear Security Administration's office of secure transportation we had access to all sorts of classified rounds but most were a refinement of earlier efforts and AP rounds existed before 1963.
  15. As far as the accuracy potential of any Dallas PD personnel, Texas is hunting country and I suspect there would be a ton of DPD folks who could have made the shot.
  16. Anybody know where I an gt a copy of the Execution of JFK?
  17. interrogates a couple of hitmen but no presidential assassins while at Detroit Homicide. I find both nature of the inquiry, the number of people present for the interrogations, and the record kept all totally unacceptable My interrogations ran a much as 14 pages and there only two of us in the room. I'm convinced in Dallas that some of the folks present were there to ensure LHO didn't open doors best left closed.
  18. It was a decent idea that quickly when down the toilet/
  19. In the early 90's I was part of a training team doing an advanced hostage rescue class at FL. One of my fellow instructors was retired 22 SAS while another was ex-Selus Scouts. They introduced me to a retired Green Beret master breecher who they both described to me as the most dangerous man they'd ever met. I made an oblique comment on the JFK assassination and he commented than the contract was offered when he was part of an A team when they were running cross the border ops into mainland China.Refused to comment further and we went to lunch. Recently I Heard the same comment made by a retired green beret/Phoenix Project member Who I've known for 20+ years and he admitted being being involved in Phoenix in the last six months.
  20. There is a dramatic difference between denying a conspiracy and disagreeing over where the bullets hit. As some one who attended 100s of autopsies and seen better work done by some one during their internship at the morgue than was done at Bethesda.
  21. The above was one of my pop's favorite statements. He raised me to be a majority of one and I'll always appreciated that. One of the problems with the JFK Assassination is that we fall in love with a theory that resonates within us and we often fall in love with our own words. My group of suspects has shrunk dramatically over 50 years and I'm personally convinced that some of the perps were part of JM Wave. But ask me after I have had a chance to plow thru the recently released files and it could change simply because I'm not trying massage my ego or form a fan club.
  22. Joe, I attended USC before spending two years as a Mormon Missionary. My roommate was older than me and attending Pharmacy School. He knew all sorts of people from the film industry-cameraman and stunt men. One who had worked with several of the big name directors was extremely critical of all of them as human beings except for Cecil B. DeMille.
  23. Testimony? Ruby, the Paines, SS agents in the car with JFK and John Connolly.
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