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Ed LeDoux

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Everything posted by Ed LeDoux

  1. Thanks Greg! Yes a diagram would be very useful in understanding the layout. Pictures from interior would help greatly too. If the "closet" was good enough for Lee to keep a rifle and or pistol he supposedly kept there, then why go to all the trouble to climb up into/onto the attic/roof dormer to hide a sign/placard? Why not take the placard to New Orleans? Again I ask did Lee take the handouts sent from NY to his Po box in Dallas with him? If he did then he had plans to pass them out, and would take this "placard" too. But first things first, lets see where this attic find goes. I'll be interested in what the ceiling of 214 Neely looks like. If there is no scuttle hole or attic hatch then this is a dead red herring. No hole, no access, no sign. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/21/2170-001.gif Results of investigation = 14 photos http://books.google.com/books?id=fG1XlPHujfgC&pg=PA67&lpg=PA67&dq=i+lived+in+oswalds+apartment+neely&source=bl&ots=bwfYuml-sx&sig=ZfBYFuVryLIwT-PeCu6gX2jUnok&hl=en&sa=X&ei=FPvtTu2pJa_-iQKt-6j3Aw&ved=0CFsQ6AEwCTgK#v=onepage&q=i%20lived%20in%20oswalds%20apartment%20neely&f=false Bringuier supposedly has his own placard he teases Ossie with! http://books.google.com/books?id=CYwluOC30KAC&pg=PA181&lpg=PA181&dq=i+lived+in+oswalds+apartment+neely&source=bl&ots=LzapbIWsrg&sig=OFOgSpEFIqICL2lapPAhh6xHzxY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=CwLuTuvLJMGhiQLWgaWOAg&ved=0CEAQ6AEwBjgU#v=onepage&q=placard&f=false Martello in NO supposedly keeps the handbills, placard, and Ossie's note and a picture but turns over the materials to the Secret Service where he said they still retain it. He does not specify turning over the placard to them but says "pamphlets, leaflets, booklets". http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=44&relPageId=64 Why does the SS not produce this damning piece of evidence? if it was kept and given to them by Martello? As Martello said it "contained information about the FPCC" so it was of importance since he had conducted investigations into other FPCC literature found near Reissman's house. Anyways, thanks for the Marina angle on this: Mr. RANKIN. How did you learn about it? Did you see it some place in the apartment? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, Lee had a small room where he spent a great deal of time, where he read---where he kept his things, and that is where the rifle was. Mr. RANKIN. Was it out in the room at that time, as distinguished from in a closet in the room? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, it was open, out in the open. At first I think---I saw some package up on the top shelf, and I think that that was the rifle. But I didn't know. And apparently later he assembled it and had it in the room. Mr. RANKIN. When you saw the rifle assembled in the room, did it have the scope on it? Mrs. OSWALD. No, it did not have a scope on it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you have any discussion with your husband about the rifle when you first saw it? Mrs. OSWALD. Of course I asked him, "What do you need a rifle for? What do we need that for?" He said that it would come in handy some time for hunting. And this was not too surprising because in Russia, too, we had a rifle. Mr. RANKIN. In Russia did you have a rifle or a shotgun? Mrs. OSWALD. I don't know the difference. One and the other shoots. You men. That is your business. The CHAIRMAN. My wife wouldn't know the difference, so it is all right. Mrs. OSWALD. I have never served in the Army. Mr. RANKIN. Did you discuss what the rifle cost with your husband? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. RANKIN. Was the rifle later placed in a closet in the apartment at Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. No, it was always either in a corner, standing up in a corner or on a shelf. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know what happened to the gun that you had in Russia? Was it brought over to this country? Mrs. OSWALD. No, he sold it there. I did not say so when I had the first interviews. You must understand this was my husband. I didn't want to say too much. Mr. RANKIN. Is this rifle at Neely Street the only rifle that you know of that your husband had after you were married to him? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever show that rifle to the De Mohrenschildts? Mrs. OSWALD. I know that De Mohrenschildts had said that the rifle had been shown to him, but I don't remember that. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street at any time? Mrs. OSWALD. You must know that the rifle it isn't as if it was out in the open. He would hang a coat or something to mask its presence in the room. And sometimes when he walked out, when he went out in the evening I didn't know, because I didn't go into that room very often. I don't know whether he took it with him or not. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever see him clean the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I said before I had never seen it before. But I think you understand. I want to help you, and that is why there is no reason for concealing anything. I will not be charged with anything. Mr. GOPADZE. She says she was not sworn in before. But now inasmuch as she is sworn in, she is going to tell the truth. Mr. RANKIN. Did you see him clean the rifle a number of times? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Could you help us by giving some estimate of the times as you remember it? Mrs. OSWALD. About four times---about four or five times, I think. Mr. RANKIN. Did your husband ever tell you why he was cleaning the--that is, that he had been using it and needed to be cleaned after use? Mrs. OSWALD. No, I did not ask him, because I thought it was quite normal that when you have a rifle you must clean it from time to time. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. Now, I think that he probably did sometimes, but I never did see it. You must understand that sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would be in his room downstairs, and he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he may have taken it. He probably did. Perhaps he purely waited for an occasion when he could take it away without my seeing it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe that the rifle had been taken out of the apartment at Neely Street---that is, that it was gone? Mrs. OSWALD. Before the incident with General Walker, I know that Lee was preparing for something. He took photographs of that house and he told me not to enter his room. So there was a separate room, not a closet. And what about her saying it was downstairs? Geez she makes things difficult. Maybe they were living in the attic Ed
  2. Can you show me Weigman, who would have been right there under the TSBD with his camera rolling, panning the windows of the sixth floor? Can you show me the part of his film where people are running and diving for cover? Oh that's right, the folks running and diving for their lives are ....near the knoll. Where did Weigman run to? Did he run to the TSBD to capture the people hitting the pavement? Did Weigman run towards the TSBD to film the murderer in the window? Hahaha NOPE! He went to the same source of shots as those on the grass heard/saw. Do I need to name all the employees under that window who went back inside, back to where a supposed murderer with a rifle was supposedly shooting from. Now then demonstrate the fact that these people directly under that window did not take cover. Be honest. Be rational. They did not flee the building. They in fact took notice of shots from the West of their location and many went to see what happened by the knoll as that was the source. Your beginning to sound like Jerry Ford! "There is no evidence of a second man, of other shots, of other guns." ~Congressman Gerald R. Ford And we know what Jerry does with the evidence, don't we! Ed
  3. Are you saying the shots came from the SW corner of the TSBD then? Because Newman gave a general area as to where the shot came from over his head. Do you think the statement of where the shot and the, as he said it, people running to that area was a dream? He was in the line of fire. Are you saying a bullet weaved its way from the SE corner of the sixth floor around the SW corner of the building, then weaved its way back over the pergola to come across the Newman's? I realize you are a fan of magical bullets and their amazing directional changes and characteristics, but a bullet that veers off "course" by that much is incredible! Again you'll avoid the reactions of people standing directly under your necessary snipers nest. Now that is some funny logic! Under the TSBD no one dives for cover, no one runs for cover. On the grass they are running or diving for cover. Need a diagram of that David? Way to tweak the facts to meet the logic of DVP! "I thought the shot had come from the garden directly behind me, that it was on an elevation from where I was as I was right on the curb. I do not recall looking toward the Texas School Book Depository. I looked back in the vacinity [sic] of the garden." ~William (Bill) E. Newman Jr. sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963. Ed
  4. Wrong again. WFAA interview with William 'Bill' Newman. Shots were fired from the knoll. "Shots came from behind me....Up on top of the hill, the mound of ground, the garden" ~ Bill Newman http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/JFK/gknoll.mov David will not admit that witnesses near the knoll said shots came from there. He will have you think the shots came from the Texas School Book Depository. Funny how the crowd all ran to the building to see what happened...but that did not happen, the rush was towards the knoll and the source of the shot that killed the president. Those who did not rush the knoll casually went back inside the TSBD. Funny, did they not assume the killer with a weapon would be coming downstairs. Unless they did not suspect ANY shots had been fired from that location. David will distort the record to help his pal Vince sell books and support the discredited Presidents Commission (Warren Commission). His distorted 1964 view has been ridiculed on almost every forum where this has been discussed. He gets kicked off of these forums because he is a propaganda shill artist promoting a slanted view and will bait people with innuendo and personal attacks. No matter how many posts, no matter how many websites, no matter how many reviews he does he is always wrong. But that is just my opinion BTW. Ed
  5. My attempt at humor is probably way closer to the truth than anything you have posted. Ed
  6. Yes Mark! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0310906/ Using transcripts from the Warren Commission Report, this film documents the workings of the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Director: Mark Sobel Writer: Mark Sobel Stars: Martin Landau, Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen
  7. David, Its simple really, Emma held onto the envelope...no scratch that. Emma held on to the order for two months and....no no scratch that too. Mrs Vaughn held the order till the $10 dollars cash cleared ...umm no no no. Emma Vaughn held the order till the same day as the rifle was to be shipp... oh drats. Seaport holds orders for a week, just to see if you'll call and check on them...oh I shouldn't have said check. Try again,,, The order was held for the one week cooling off period as is customary with all mail orders? huh... There that was simple. And Emma thought gee I have held this order for such a long time I'll send a $10 more expensive gun than the ".38 St (standard?)W. (with) 2" barrel" to this nice man. See a pattern with Oswald "supposedly" ordering a weapon of a certain size or model only to get another of different length or make??? Fish are not the only smelly things in the sea(port) Ed
  8. Thanks Ed. Please let me know if you hear anything back. Your in luck Martin! Just received a call back from Mark. He will be releasing the film for the 50th. No exact date but his intention is to have it finished and ready by then. I asked about the changes he has made since speaking to Pat Speer. Differences in the film are the addition of Kennedy as a character in the film. And as a victim. His speeches will punctuate the film throughout. It will be another layer. No plans for DVD and he could not specify where he will have a screening. He is just intent on completing the film in a more matured version. I related that many folks on the forums are waiting for it and will be excited to see it come to fruition. Ed
  9. Another showing the roof design, with the peak and attic dormer. http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/141433.jpg Now question is was this space accessible from the apartment in '63 or would it require climbing up on the roof and removing the vents to gain entry? A possible hiding location indeed. Ed
  10. Ed, The roof, or the ceiling? Hmmmm? Oh, I got it. The roof was the ceiling. --Tommy I just quote em' Tommy, and as accurately and as closely as possibly. But yes he recalled his ceiling had no attic space as it was also the roof. It has been a while but I doubt the ceiling has been lowered in the intervening years. A visit to Neely may be in order to flesh this one out completely to everyone's satisfaction. This photo shows the Attic dormer. http://www.onthisveryspot.com/pics/spot_1684_760.jpg Ed
  11. Or flapper would leak and the toilet kept running. The electric is the odd part never a deposit and strange usage. I asked James if he ever went back to Neely after moving and he said he never went back. In this doc Marina talks about the beginning of January at Neely, http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=171027 (and the rifle) Then she is convinced the rifle didn't exist till the end of March at Neely. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=171615 Tom, James mentioned his sister Nancy Jackson (he can't remember whom she married) worked at the Copa Room and Ruby had sent her messages and wanted her to work for him. She didn't like that idea, and turned down offers from him. and Also mentioned was a Victor Antonio Solez(?) He was a mob guy who could 'fix' things for you, like ID's, fake names, et cetera. Any info on them would be of interest. Thanks, Ed
  12. James Jackson was surprised that they "found" an attic! Talked to him again to see what he kept up there. He said he didn't , as he never knew the roof had any space above it. Does not recall any way into it if there was an "attic". No cubby hole in the closet, etc. He said it was just an old rickety building and roof was the ceiling. Maybe some wooden boards across at the peak but no way into it. Ed
  13. Exactly what Bill was saying, they should have rubbed it in the commissions face. Yes I feel they danced around this so they could go either way. Harkness not asked. Curry not asked. Not pictured. Not listed in evidence. Not in a report. Not looking good. Ed
  14. Ed, I added the http:// bit to make it a live link. Hope you don't mind. --Tommy Dang. I still can't get it to open for me. I'm a-feared I jus' ain't too good with these new-fangled things they calls "computers"... Thanks for the old college try! I got her fixed. Thanks anyways Tommy. Still wonder about the shirt buttoning itself up and down?? hmmm
  15. From what I've found the Dallas one supposedly said "VIVA CASTRO" yet Lee's letter claimed it said VIVA FIDEL. The N.O. one said "VIVA FIDEL" or at least that is in the claims. From Quigley interview: About one p .m . on August 9, 1963, OSWALD said that he wont down on Canal Street by himself and started distributing committee literature . He said he had made up a placard which he hung around his neck with a piece of string . The placard was made up of brown cardboard . On the placard were several pieces of literature which expressed the aims and purposes of the committee . At the bottom of the cardboard placard he said he had printed 'in black capital letters the words "Viva FIDEL." From this time until around four p .m . he said he distributed a throwaway which was prepared on yellow paper, 6" x 9" In size, which contained the following : "Hands Off Cuba! Join The Fair Play For Cuba Committee, Now Orleans, Charter Member Branch, Free Literature, Lectures, Location : A . J . HIDELL, P. 0 . Box 30016, Now Orleans, Louisiana, Everybody Welcome!" AND Around 4 p .m . while standing in the immediate vicinity of Walgreen's Drug Store at Canal and Baronne Streets, OSWALD said three Cubans approached him, and he gave each one of the above-described throwaways . These individuals became very angry, tore up the throwaways, threw them down on the sidewalk and began arguing with him. This created quite a disturbance and shortly thereafter the police arrived, and he, as well as the other individuals whom he understood to be Cuban exiles, was arrested . The handouts were torn up not a placard. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/pdf/WH17_CE_826.pdf This has the placard being placed into evidence in NO against LHO: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:fqxlI8GaGPcJ:jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%2520Subject%2520Index%2520Files/O%2520Disk/Oswald%2520Lee%2520Harvey/Arrest%2520New%2520Orleans/Item%252001.pdf+lee+oswald+placard&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShh08keVvhAmGQAwXrPlm0gmuRvxRJ-Il1DZBVH9IdYUwBiHdzAaCSEFwwAq61k_7how8D6qBw5tkV_TTHiR2uSvd42QmAtxNQk8sHDmKecDtlxqy_ZAg4V-4d8EZ8QAFeWlzUI&sig=AHIEtbQBG-GNw7HM6QWSkvXL-x8A6bMV4Q But no such Placard is listed in the evidence. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=lee+harvey+oswald+viva+fidel&hl=en&noj=1&tbm=isch&tbnid=nBQgvHZLRQmO6M:&imgrefurl=http://www.cubaforum.nl/viewtopic.php%3Ft%3D5209&docid=LSl4hiU4aewYeM&imgurl=http://www.aguadadepasajeros.bravepages.com/cubahistoria/leeharveyoswald1.JPG&w=514&h=402&ei=3QnqTvzQB-aviQK0oYj4Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=374&vpy=296&dur=466&hovh=120&hovw=153&tx=161&ty=97&sig=102926174183376059607&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0&biw=1018&bih=599 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/136/dsc00106o.jpg/sr=1 http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7095/oswaldpatsy.gif http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6707/leeoswaldpart34.jpg I've searched through most of DPD archives and no luck with a reference to Attic or a Placard. CD 5, p. 135, says FBI searched 214 W. Neely on 11/24/63 - was it found then? If so nothing lists it. A DPD inventory list showed zerex and photos were made of box top and pay stub. They even copied and had pics of his Po Box key...but nothing exists for the stub and box top. http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth49672/ Did Lee receive the flyers and pamphlets from NY sent on the 18th of April as Lee moved the 24th to NO. Did he take these handouts to NO. http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth49783/m1/1/med_res/ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Pizzo_Exh_B-Oswald_leaflets_FPFC-WH_Vol21_139.jpg/220px-Pizzo_Exh_B-Oswald_leaflets_FPFC-WH_Vol21_139.jpg No sign seen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=35V8OePDTjI Mrs. Joyce O'Brien, 1615 Fairway, Beaumont, Texas, was interviewed on November 30, 1963. She stated she was a cousin of Lee Harvey Oswald inasmuch as her mother, Mrs. Charles Murret, 757 French Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, is a sister of Oswald's mother. Mrs. O'Brien stated that while visiting her mother in August, 1963, she received a telephone call from Lee Harvey Oswald who was in jail in New Orleans. Oswald asked her to post $25 for his bond. Mrs. O'Brien went to the New Orleans Police Department and was informed Oswald was charged with "disturbing the peace" for carrying posters. She said that, after she saw a poster bearing the words "VIVA CASTRO" and other pamphlets, she decided against putting up bond for him. She subsequently received a second call from Oswald, who instructed her to contact his wife. However, Mrs. O'Brien telephoned Mr. Emile Bruneau, a friend of her father, and Bruneau made the arrangements through which Oswald was released. http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/JA/DR/.dr19.html I believe the Poster she saw was the flyer or handout and not a Placard. Harkness and Finigan statements to Curry and Curry to Rankin. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/pdf/WH22_CE_1409.pdf Church Committee references a Dallas memo to HQ: On April 21, 1963, the New York Field Office learned that Oswald had written a letter to the Fair Play for Cuban Committee. This was the first indication in Bureau files that Oswald had a relationship with this pro-Castro organization.23a Oswald’s letter stated that he had passed out FPCC literature in Dallas with a placard around his neck reading “Hands Off Cuba-Viva Fidel.” This information was not reported to Dallas until June 2’7, 1963,24 and not reported to Headquarters until September 10, 1963. 25 Once again, Oswald’s activities contradicted his interview statements. 23a Memorandum from Dallas Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/10/63. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/book5/pdf/ChurchB5_6_Appendices.pdf Nothing I've seen points me to an attic find...nothing contemporaneous points to any reports by individuals to DPD about the Dallas incident. Yet the claims include a one VERY ANGRY soon to be Dallas magistrate and current United States Commissioner W Madden Hill. No report of this was filed. No handouts collected. Nothing but after the fact statement of Finigan and Harkness. Belin does not ask Harkness about this. Curry is not asked either. Curious? Without the actual FBI archive insert I'm unsure about it being found in the Neely Street Attic. Hopefully someone will be able to re-find it and post it and solve another Neely Street mystery. Ed
  16. Thanks Bill, I don't believe anything is a waste of time when it comes to the Neely Street evidence. I'm not positive I know what you mean by an insert in the FBI file. Was it just a notation, or a filed report? If it was an insert it should carry a serial number. "Inserts also record investigative activity, although they are usually used for information that is believed to be "non-testimonial" or "negative," that is information that is not significant to the investigation. For example, an insert might be used to document that a criminal records check was negative." I think the insert could have come from the LHO letter to New York FPCC. As info for its file this would make sense. Any more light you can shed would be helpful. Thanks, Ed
  17. Ron I couldn't seem to get your link to work so... http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:N3_UN3aosj0J:jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%2520Subject%2520Index%2520Files/M%2520Disk/Mack%2520Gary%2520Cover-up/Item%252020.pdf+San+Diego+Star-News,+November+20,+1983.+mckinnon&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShnKAUmLmZb85mZDIOLP1dD0BIRED_bm1rOEj1XJjqnbD4VLqyiwAy3uOPfq-9LdSan7zqfoTcIR0KKVDfFhX-qTSA7qxZ_BuZeBosJypDLUVXdDRMzugluX580yA05cywHRZ0-&sig=AHIEtbRYA90WyTOHGqLAWZzOffXucNE1jQ Thanks, Ed
  18. Thanks Chris, Appears that may very well be the case. I doubt it was captured on film now. Ed
  19. Martin, maybe soon as in 2012. http://www.marksobel.com/COMMISSION/first.htm Quote: "NOTE: The website IMDB.com has the film listed as having had a June 2007 release. This is incorrect. It has been screened as a "work-in-progress" at the AFI Film Festival in Los Angeles and the IFP Market Awards in New York. The film remains in post through 2011." I sent an email...waiting reply
  20. Thanks for this Bill. I would really like a reference for this ATTIC find! But as PDS says Lee never publicly demonstrated in Dallas so it is doubtful he would have needed or made a placard. What PDS says is the FBI intercepted a letter from Lee to FPCC and that part was in the letter and that was how the FBI interpreted it. See John Newman, "Oswald and the CIA", p. 275 See also April 1963 FBI Report: http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/pdf/WH17_CE_829.pdf (2) Federal Bureau of Investigation, report, (19th April, 1963) Dallas confidential informant T-2 advised that Lee H. Oswald of Dallas, Texas, was in contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. According to T-2, Oswald had a placard around his neck reading, "Hands off Cuba Viva Fidel". http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKfairplay.htm See Life Magazine Feb 21, 1964 page 76. http://books.google.com/books?id=SVQEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA76&lpg=PA76&dq=%22Hands+off+Cuba+Viva+Fidel%22.&source=bl&ots=l0cMR8x0fh&sig=L-F8etdiHAr2NpNv1EmjgaG4Nks&hl=en&ei=lSrmTqu5C4uNigLLlIDeBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Hands%20off%20Cuba%20Viva%20Fidel%22.&f=false Testimony of Hosty: Mr. STERN. If you will look at page 2 of the report we have marked for identification No. 829 Mr. HOSTY. Yes, sir. Mr. STERN. The last paragraph on that page relates--well, tell us what information that refers to. Mr. HOSTY. It says, "On April 21, 1963, Dallas confidential informant T-2 advised that Lee H. Oswald of Dallas, Tex, was in contact with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New York City at which time he advised that he passed out pamphlets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. According to T-2, Oswald had a placard around his neck reading, 'Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel.'" Mr. STERN. Did you attempt to verify that information? Mr. HOSTY. When I got it, it was approximately 6 or 7 weeks old, past the date it allegedly took place, and we had received no information to the effect that anyone had been in the downtown streets of Dallas or anywhere in Dallas with a sign around their neck saying "Hands Off Cuba, Viva Fidel." It appeared highly unlikely to me that such an occurrence could have happened in Dallas without having been brought to our attention. So by the time I got it, it was, you might say, stale information and we did not attempt to verify it. Mr. STERN. When you record this as something that an informant advised about on April 21, that doesn't mean he advised you or the Dallas office on April 21? Mr. HOSTY. That is right. Mr. STERN. Did this information come from another part of the FBI? Mr. HOSTY. Yes, sir; it came from the New York office of the FBI. They were advised on the 21st of April If you have a source for DPD in the Neely attic please share!! Thanks, Ed
  21. I reach Minnie for follow up. Her number is one of those Magic Jack computer phone devices and doesn't seem to ever accept calls. I have tried Skype and texting to the number also. I tried calling Kristy to have Minnie call me and surprise Minnie was there! Minnie broke wrist and was in hospital for a bit of recent. She said she got the pictures I sent her and will show them to her daughter and see what she thinks. She recognized the building and yard and said it looked like a spring picture of LHO in BY. She sorta remembered Linnie Mae Randall as landlord but not Mr George. Minnie confirmed Marina spoke to her often in passing, she said Marina had an accent (unspecified) but could converse readily in english with maybe a bit of trouble on some words but was not hard for Marina to talk "English". Not long drwn out conversations but more brief friendly "Hi how are you" "hows your baby" type of speech. She did not remember James upstairs or the apt. being vacant. She said she did not recall any loud arguments but she was probably at work. She said she has not been contacted before about the Oswald JFK stuff. Said George Gray was always into heavy equipment, as an operator, and may have driven a garbage truck. Didn't work for a tree farm or such that she knew. I was unable to verify employment or get records from City of Dallas for his employ as a Sanitation Worker. City said something that old was microfiche'd, I had them check, no luck. They said if they found anything on his employment they would contact me with employment verification dates....no call back. Minnie never saw any of the things Lee had in the Back Yard pic, no guns no rifle, etc. Said Jack Ruby was friendly when he came to her work at Bowling Alley. I asked if she ever saw Lee or Marina drive- NO, Did they have a car-NO , Did she see visitors with a car -No Asked Minnie how she got to work and she said mom sometimes drove her and taxi's the other, Asked about cab drivers Whaley, Scoggins, she didn't know of them. Did not know of the Tippit's. So I explained the Tippit timeline controversy. I asked how tall was Lee and she thought around her height at the time 5' 7" maybe bit more. Asked height in relation to Marina and if she ever saw them both together and Minnie said YES there was one time when Marina was with LEE and Marina spoke to Minnie. But Lee didn't say anything...and as far as she knows she never heard LEE speak. Thus this may be why Minnie etc think him unfriendly. Asked if she knew of or was a relative of any Bledsoe's - No, not a relative she said. After all that I asked her if I could call again if I had other questions and Minnie said Yes of course. Ed
  22. Martin, It does tend to add up to the impression that smoke, loud noise, and activity all took place behind the fence at that area at the time of shooting. Thanks for the GIF and that bit of text Bernice, it was written by Bill I'm assuming. Ed
  23. Richard, Thanks for posting a pistol and the long gun vids! Long barreled weapon decidedly pushed the smoke out away from the shooter similar to what was described by witnesses as seen near the fence. A test at that location, when conditions are similar, most certainly would show gun smoke does not hang at the top of the fence but would move along with the wind and currents but also get swirled into eddies along the fence/bushes. This would give the sun ample areas to reflect off it and for witnesses to see it. Depending on the load, type of weapon, caliber, and as Martin says the cleanliness of or a well oiled barrel, among other factors, would make even more visible gases. Ed
  24. A Weigman grab showing doorway: http://www.jfklancer.com/pdf/galanor.pdf Scroll down. Ed
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