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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Will this fictitious LBJ dunk down too as his car turns onto Elm St? Kathy C
  2. Dear David, I don't know what happened, but don't be so hard on yourself. You apologized. I'm sure Greg Parker understands. Greg Parker was the only Researcher that I know of who looked into the "Oxnard call" and called it for what it was -- a stupid Rosicrucian with foreknowledge, not a depressed young actress in Hollywood with major ties. Please come back to us. Yours Truly, Kathy C
  3. I can't believe Gary Mack is dead. What I liked about him was when he'd send me an email with information he wanted posted to the forum. And I always obliged. He discovered Badge Man, yet for some reason, he turned away from conspiracy and, I guess, believed Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy from the 6th floor of the TSBD.
  4. Here is my take on Nixon. Yes, Nixon knew Kennedy was going to be assassinated. On that day Nixon was photographed crying in an airport. He probably had some drinks. He was sorry for what had happened, but what could he do? He would be killed or his wife and children. Supposedly, there was a meeting at Murchison's house the night before. Late. I have a long list of who was supposed to be there. Nixon was there. He was a very troubled man. There were the wealthy oil barons and the like who wanted him to get into politics again. However, I've read that Murchison's home in Dallas was sold in 1959. Whether this is accurate I don't know. After Watergate, E. Howard Hunt and the CIA were blackmailing Nixon. They threatened to tell the world how Nixon killed Kennedy.be shot. Mrs. Hunt, doling out the money was killed in a suspicious airplane crash. Nixon had to give the "plumbers" a vast amount of money because they had to go to prison. Nixon began to drink more and he eventually resigned. During his campaign, George Wallace was shot and if I remember correctly, the publisher of Hustler Magazine was shot because he said he'd pay a million dollars to anyone who could tell who committed the Kennedy Assassination and was prosecuted. George Wallace was a "spoiler." He would take votes away from Nixon. Was Nixon behind this? Bobby Kennedy was also a spoiler too, in a way, as I believe he would have won the Presidency so was shot and killed. I don't believe Nixon was a part of this. The oil barons, the bankers, the John Birchers and the ku klux klan mostly did these things. I can't imagine Nixon saying, "Kill Bobby and George Wallace." These right-wingers wanted Nixon in. Kathy C
  5. There is a book called the DD Group, a bunch of amateur, but fervent, investigators interested in Monroe's death which Amazon has. This is their conclusion. Bobby Kennedy called her that day (Saturday, August 4, 1962) and she wouldn't see him. Very angry. He showed up with Peter Lawford. Monroe grabbed a knife and came after Bobby. The 2 men wrestled her to the floor to get the knife out of her hands. They leave. Her psychiatrist, Greenson, came over. He called Dr. Engleberg to come over and give Marilyn a nembutal shot. Engleberg was having difficulties in his marriage, leading to divorce. He told Greenson he couldn't come over. Greenson asked if he could go over to his place for liquid nembutal. Greenson came back with the liquid nembutal. He instructed Eunice Murray, whom Marilyn hated, to give a certain dose of the drug in an enema to Marilyn. After Greenson left, Eunice did so. It later became apparent that Marilyn was dead or near death. Eunice had given Monroe too much of the drug. What they didn't know was Monroe was filled with Chloral Hydrate, which she bought in Mexico. The 2 drugs killed her. Because of her mistake, Eunice Murray effectively killed Marilyn Monroe. When Pat Newcomb found out, she yelled, "That woman should be hung up by her thumbs." Bobby Kennedy took a helicopter to LAX, then a plane (probably a friend's) to the area near Gilroy, CA. He was photographed Sunday morning about 9:30 am, going to church with his family in Gilroy. I believe this photo is being suppressed. Bobby had no reason to make Monroe give up the "red diary." Was he stupid? No. If she had something written down about the Administration, he would have taken it with him, rather than trust her to do it. But I believe there was no red diary. In her last weeks her file cabinets in the guest house were broken into several times. Robert Slatzer was her friend. I found pictures of him with Monroe at her birthday party on the set of Something's Got to Give, just like he maintained. You could see their closeness. This wasn't uncovered by the DD Group, but was found by me on youtube. Kathy C
  6. Things I found on the Internet this week concerning the Assassination: Embalmer John Liggit used JD Tippit's body to create a body with the same wounds Kennedy had, but all coming from the back. Tippit resembled JFK. This was to falsify x-rays taken at the autopsy. This theory was put forth by Robert Morningstar. Did Liggit later become a serial killer of women? Next, Governor Connally turned around and killed Kennedy with a handgun, even though he was himself hit. Connally was close to Lyndon Johnson. LBJ had a double who was used the night prior to the assassination so Lyndon could go to the Murchison house to finalize plans regarding the murder of President Kennedy. And I'm sure that's just some of the Assassination news around the Internet this week. Brought to you by Kathy C (scandal journalist)
  7. http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y437/kayecee3/Ralph%20Geb%202005_zps3iaw2cau.jpg?1429474351993&1429474352724 Here is the link to the picture of Ralph Geb, impersonator of Oswald. If this doesn't work I'll scream. I tried the link myself and it works. You'll see only one photo -- Ralph Geb. I found it 10 years ago FWIW. Kathy C
  8. I have notified photobucket about no one being able to see my photos and giving me the correct address for people to use. Kathy C
  9. It's wonderful that I start a thread and people can't get to my photos. I will try again. Kathy C
  10. Thanks for telling me. I signed in and my photos came up. It might be you have to sign up. I don't know, but the search engine text box took me to: http://s.1274.photobucket.com/ The problem, evidently, was I didn't put a period (dot) after the "s." But even the old link works for me. Try it again. Kathy C
  11. Ten years ago I was exploring the Internet for anything on Donald O. Norton, believed to be the real Lee Oswald. Norton was renting charter boats out and had a fly-fishing store. I went on sites about charter boats. I found a red-headed man who did the same business as Norton. The 2 even named their businesses Red's. On a charter boat site I decided to look at their pictures. One picture made its way down the page slowly. I saw the name Ralph Geb. I wrote his name down as an afterthought. Later, I thought I'd look up Ralph Geb, and was astonished to find out he was an Oswald impersonator. When I went back, his picture would appear fast. I couldn't see that name anymore. About a month later, I emailed the business about the man in the picture and was told he was Bill ------------ I don't remember his last name. They told me he came from the Outerbanks of North Carolina. I have a picture of him, he's blond and wearing a toupee. He seems to be doing the books, an accountant. Go to: http://s.1274.photobucket.com I wonder if this is the same man as in Mexico. And remember his picture was taken over 15 years ago. You'll also see 2 pictures of Castro dead; others believe he's still alive. And there are photos of Phil Ochs in Dealey Plaza, by the garage of the Dal-Tex building after the shooting. He hung himself in the late '70's. Kathy C
  12. That theory was formed by Robert Morningstar, a writer. At the time I thought it was nuts. Now, I'm wondering. And the latest is that J.D.Tippit was killed by G. Gordon Liddy, who was working with E. Howard Hunt for the CIA. It explains embalmer Liggit who supposedly came home disheveled and exhausted. He was trying to make Tippit look like Kennedy, giving him bullet wounds like Kennedy had only going in a different location. Whoever killed Tippit Highly upset, he took his "family" out of town, where they went to a hotel and he watched TV the whole time. and when LHO was shot, he noticeably breathed a sigh of relief and they went home. LHO knew something about this. When he was finally killed, Liggit came into millions, I understand. He became a gambler and his wife divorced him. This is in one of the early episodes of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. It doesn't mention Robert Morningstar or Tippit's body, but it tells about Liggit, the Body Snatcher (My term.). Kathy C
  13. I think I was a bit tired last night. I was totally wrong. Thank you, Kathy, for finding that bit about LBJ. I know ellipses mean something was glossed over in a short description. I apologize. I am wide awake now. I did read that a post was made in which someone said a friend of theirs saw either the "other" film or the Z film and said (paraphrase), "It doesn't show Clint Hill slapping Jackie on the trunk of the car." So make of it what you will. Sorry. Kathy C
  14. My message in my last post was definitely between Jackie and Clint Hill, not Johnson. I think Johnson was acting because I think he was behind the shooting. He knew damn well Kennedy was going to die that day. There are photos taken that day, at the speech in front of the hotel and at the breakfast, where Johnson looks at Kennedy in a gloating manner. Kathy C
  15. They're crazy. It takes place in Camden, which is Central-West of NJ. People are going to pay to see this ridiculous lie. Unbelievable. Kathy C
  16. LHO could not have been very bright. He couldn't tell he was being sheep-dipped by the intelligence agencies. Kennedy was going to ride right before the TSBD. Knowing how Texans felt about Kennedy -- wanted for treason. One thing I've read recently, G. Gordon Liddy, of the CIA, was working with E. Howard Hunt. Supposedly he was the one to shoot J.D. Tippit. And Tippit's body was used to fake x-rays and stand-in for JFK's body. He was embalmed by the notorious Liggit and autopsied as JFK, as they shared a resemblance. Liggit became a millionaire. (The Men Who Killed Kennedy) Later when the coffin was brought back home out of Bethesda and its embalming, Jackie and Robert viewed the body. Jackie looked and said, "It isn't him. It's something you'd see in Madame Tussaud's," (wax figures of celebs) and walked away. Bobby Kennedy with Schlesinger looked at the body and said, "It doesn't even look like him." His friend said, "It isn't him. It's a wax dummy. Close the coffin." From myforrestgumplife.com: "Officer J.D. Tippit's assignment was to pick Oswald the patsy up after the assassination and kill him. The rest of the assassins would then meet at the local theater where they would be driven to the airport in a Dallas police car. However Oswald was on to Tippit and got out of the book depository and onto a bus back to his boarding house. It was there that Tippit pulled up in front of the boarding house and honked his horn three times not knowing that Oswald was onto him. Oswald waited for him to leave before walking to the movie theater to meet his contact whom he still trusted. Meanwhile Tippit is still driving around the area looking for Oswald and a witness reports seeing Tippit stop to question a man walking on the sidewalk who shoots Tippit. Since one witness saw three men running from the scene one has to wonder if Tippit didn't already have two passengers in his back seat at the time he encountered the man walking. (taking them to the movie theatre?) According to Frank Sturgis' deathbed confession Gordon Liddy killed Tippet to further implicate Oswald. So was it Liddy whom Tippit pulled up to?" This page is interesting. It's by Michael Allan Hall, apparently an actor. Then he names all the celebrities he's met. Kathy C
  17. I am trying to find out if Clint Hill "slapped" or "hit" Jackie Kennedy when she was on the trunk. This is from History.net. I could not find the entire quote, but this is what I got: "Jun 12, 2006 - President and Mrs. Kennedy embark on a political fence-mending mission to ... Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, assigned to Mrs. Kennedy, describes the morning ..... immediately after the first explosion, hitting me on the shoulder, and shouted to all ... Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me..." This came from History.net, but wasn't elaborated on. Kathy C
  18. Rich Dellarosa told me about it. We talked about it a lot. I never heard he slapped her, as this individual said. The film shows everything we don't see in the Z film. Rich was in the air force and saw it twice in a theater on a college campus. Another time the "other" film showed up on a TV show in the background. They accidently showed the wrong film. Burnham said he saw it too. I did NOT see Clint Hill "slap" Jackie in the "other film" and I never have said that I did. Moreover, I can assure the members of this forum that Rich dellaRosa did not claim that the film he saw showed Clint Hill slap Jackie. He never wrote that anywhere and he never mentions it in any interview, including his 2009 Black Op Radio interview. I cannot claim to know what Rich told Ms. Collins. However, based on her false claim above: "Burnham said he saw it too...." I advise caution. ------------- Kathy, I think it best of we choose to steer clear of each other. I will not address you, talk behind your back, or in any way disrespect you. I would appreciate the same courtesy. I only responded this time because you brought my name up and I needed to set the record straight. Let's leave it at that. OK, I'll avoid you. I just want to say that I didn't say you saw the slap; apparently none of us did. It might have been on your website. I'll try to find it elsewhere. I meant you saw the "other" film, not the particular post I brought up. Kathy C
  19. Then why did you throw me off the forum after your nasty email? Why did you call me despicable. What I told you doesn't happen everyday. Kathy C
  20. This was in the Daily Mail, David. Might be of interest to you. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236766/Clint-Hill-Jackie-Kennedys-bodyguard-reveals-decades-guilt-49th-anniversary-JFKs-assassination.html Apologies to all if I am wrong. In Hill's first book, with it's "I had a crush on Jackie" theme, I recall a bloody back seat and a back-of-the head wound described, but not specifically a bloody trunk lid. Not owning the book, I perhaps should not have commented until I checked. In the Z film, the trunk is immaculate.
  21. Fetzer has Rich Dellarosa's description of the "other" film in one of his books. It was a day when Rich was a little cranky about going over it again. Kathy C
  22. Rich Dellarosa told me about it. We talked about it a lot. I never heard he slapped her, as this individual said. The film shows everything we don't see in the Z film. Rich was in the air force and saw it twice in a theater on a college campus. Another time the "other" film showed up on a TV show in the background. They accidently showed the wrong film. Burnham said he saw it too.
  23. It's not that I won't go to Burnham's site and check there. he threw me off the forum. It seems a few years ago I wrote in an obscure forum that Rich said Burnham is a bully. I was telling this to a man who said Burnham threw him off a forum because they didn't agree on something. Burnham must have google alerts for whenever his name turns up. He was nursing a grudge all that time. But he didn't throw me off for anything having to do with my posts. Rather, it was because I sent him a private message telling him something odd about a mutual friend. "That is none of my business," he said, and called me despicable for spreading gossip. I was confiding in him this thing about a mutual friend. What I told him came off the Internet! It was public! Sooner or later he'd probably hear about it himself. After sending me an email, he blocked me so I couldn't get back to him. Right now we are bitter enemies. He thinks I lied about what I told him, like he doesn't believe Rich often called him a bully. Well, he is a bully. He should have stayed in the Seminary. Kathy C And then maybe I read this somewhere else. I will try to see if it was on a different forum. Kathy, I didn't know you people didn't know more about the "other" film. It shows everything the Z film doesn't show. Remember, I started this thread about blood on the hood of the car in which Kennedy got killed. And look where we are. Kathy C
  24. I think you prefer larger-than-life fantasies over boring reality. That doesn't make you a xxxx. Where did you get this from? Your attitude towards me. I told you everything Rich told me, but he never mentioned Jackie being slapped or pushed. I read that I think on Burnham's forum. Where do you get "fantasies" from? How do you know me? You don't. And if Burnham is involved with this there will be fireworks. Kathy C Kathy, apologies for being rude to you. I have been reading your posts for many years and I admire your energy and determination. Apology accepted. I am not making this stuff up. I like to contribute, but I'm all over the Internet all day as I'm addicted. I try to write down the address of something, but if I don't I forget where I've read something. I think, Oh, I'll remember. But I don't. The "other" film, according to Rich Dellarosa who told me this, was like a feature film. The quality was fantastic. What I always wondered was, did the "other" film have a soundtrack. It was not taken from a home movie camera. It was professional, so Howard L. Hunt and his cronies could watch it gleefully. Supposedly, LIFE has a copy and probably one of the networks. Kathy C
  25. I'm sorry you feel that way. I am surprised at how little you people know about the "other" film. It's like the Z-film but it shows more. They wanted it to look like the shots came from the rear. With the Z film you're not shown the car stopping, or the turn onto Elm when a "firecracker" went off. They tried to hide the complicity of the Secret Service agents.
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