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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. On 10/18/2022 at 12:12 PM, John Kennedy White said:

    Apologies if this has been covered previously. I'm not able to use the search function on the forum as each attempt times out.

    Has someone chronicled the order of vehicles in the motorcade in Dallas vs. previous motorcades to confirm that the order was rote until the press was moved back in Dallas?

    Versus previous motorcades? Myself...in large volumes. See my books and You Tube channel, especially:


  2. Top review from the United States

    Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 20, 2022
    by Douglas Horne, former Chief Analyst for Military Records, on the ARRB Staff

    I have been waiting for this book to be published for a long time, and it has been well worth the wait. The color illustrations in this new hardcover book make it well worth the price. So do all of the newly published essays and book reviews, most of them never before available elsewhere. This is my review of the new hardback (paper) edition.

    David W. Mantik, for those who do not know, has earned an M.D. (he is a radiation oncologist who is qualified to read skull x-rays) and a Ph.D. in physics, so he is a true scientist who applies scientific rigor to the many paradoxes and conflicts in the medical and forensic evidence surrounding the JFK assassination. He has also visited the National Archives 9 different times to closely examine, and reexamine, the JFK autopsy photos and skull x-rays. I first heard him present on the subject in 1993 in Dallas, and ever since then I have followed his work closely, and with increasing admiration. By the mid-1990s, I considered his evolving work on the JFK skull x-rays so important that I persuaded the ARRB General Counsel (Jeremy Gunn) to enlist his services as a consultant to the Assassination Records Review Board in 1995 and 1996, as the staff prepared to take the depositions of the 3 pathologists who performed JFK's autopsy. Dr. Mantik's inputs concerning the JFK skull x-rays proved indispensable to the ARRB's medical depositions.

    The central core of this, his final work, is the re-publication (on paper) of his earlier seminal work "JFK's Head Wounds," complemented with a plethora of absolutely essential full-color medical illustrations in this new paper edition. It will likely forever remain the definitive work on how many shots struck JFK in the head in Dallas (three), and about the proper anatomical placement of the Harper bone fragment in JFK's skull.

    But even if one already has the earlier, Kindle version of "JFK's Head Wounds," this new book is worth purchasing simply to obtain the many essays and book reviews, which Mantik has been working on for years---most of which have not yet been published.

    Noteworthy among them is the newly published essay "Masquerade at the Museum," about the extremely serious (and troubling) evidentiary subterfuge surrounding the first-generation Zapruder film images at the Sixth Floor Museum, in Dallas. It is a shocking story of misrepresentation and deceit.

    Mantik has also published, in this volume, book reviews of the central JFK-related works by authors Vincent Bugliosi, Sherry Fiester, Fred Litwin, Robert Wagner, and Josiah Thompson. David Mantik, in his own impeccably footnoted scientific style, takes them all to task for the many insupportable positions in their recent works.

    He has also addressed, in considerable detail, his serious disagreements with one other credentialed researcher into the JFK medical evidence (Dr. Randy Robertson), and with two prominent JFK bloggers (John McAdams and Pat Speer).

    I also highly recommend his new essay on the JFK limousine windshield.

    Dr. Mantik has previously published many lengthy scientific articles online, and in published anthologies, about the JFK medical evidence. This new work is clearly the capstone to his considerable life's work in the JFK assassination research field. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

    This book is a masterful example of the proper application of the scientific method to the often perplexing, and all-too-often misunderstood, JFK medical evidence. Well done!
  3. 1 hour ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

    Vince, your books show on Amazon like they should, except one* perhaps

    The Not-So-Secret Service,  Survivor's Guilt and Honest Answers are all available in the Amazon Euro-stock (no fees, no shipping, this is very important, if not the price would be like x 5 )

    Who's Who in the Secret Service is available at a Dutch book depository (low shipping, no fees)

    *Honest Answers shows writer Vincent Michael Palamara and does not link to your other books


    The others are all linked to Vincent Palamara and will lead to the others (clicking on your name that is)

    I do not know why there is a difference





    Thanks for the info/update!

  4. As a lot of you know from last year, right on the eve of the release Carol Leonnig's massive number one best-selling book ZERO FAIL, my books and several (many?) other pro-conspiracy author's books disappeared from Amazon, either the actual URLs or, at the very "least", the author's Author Page. Here is the link to my article from KENNEDYS & KING about it:

    Zero Fail: Déjà vu All Over Again (kennedysandking.com)

    Well, here we go again: Clint Hill is coming out with another book on 10/25/2022 and all my books are gone again and several of the individual links no longer work [NOTE: literally as I am typing this, after contacting Amazon, they are coming back]:


    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img_9444.jpg

    Here are the five as they SHOULD APPEAR:




    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img_9445.jpg

  5. 4 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    I don't believe Hill for a second. He never revealed this in any of his prior books or interviews. Sounds like more "sale bait", similar to the false fish story about Gerald Blaine "almost" shooting LBJ. Anything to sell his FIFTH book [counting The Kennedy Detail co-authored by his wife Lisa McCubbin Hill. Clint wrote the Foreword, contributed to the book and did the media tour and documentary].

  6. 8 hours ago, Max Good said:

    @Vince Palamara

    You wrote, "**thanks to Max Good - watch his amazing new documentary!**" in the description of the above video after I complained about you not giving any attribution.  How about mentioning what the movie is or actually including a link to it??

    But I see a pattern here.  You have also stolen my content without attribution two other times recently.  Please cease from posting my content on your YouTube channel.

    1. You posted an actual ripped scene from my film that I never released online before (maybe you ripped this from someone else, but you should know that scene came from my film).


    2. You took this video that someone else had created with my recording of Vincent Salandria's statement, "The Role of the Paines in History."  At least they had the consideration to link to the original source at ratical.org.  You provide no attribution.

    The original is below.  Your copy is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f26ygeqm76M



    I added this note of apology to my community section of my channel (it includes a link to your You Tube channel):This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is caswpture.jpg

  7. 8 hours ago, Max Good said:

    @Vince Palamara

    You wrote, "**thanks to Max Good - watch his amazing new documentary!**" in the description of the above video after I complained about you not giving any attribution.  How about mentioning what the movie is or actually including a link to it??

    But I see a pattern here.  You have also stolen my content without attribution two other times recently.  Please cease from posting my content on your YouTube channel.

    1. You posted an actual ripped scene from my film that I never released online before (maybe you ripped this from someone else, but you should know that scene came from my film).


    2. You took this video that someone else had created with my recording of Vincent Salandria's statement, "The Role of the Paines in History."  At least they had the consideration to link to the original source at ratical.org.  You provide no attribution.

    The original is below.  Your copy is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f26ygeqm76M



    Yes- this is where "mine" originated (sorry about that):


  8. On 8/20/2022 at 1:37 PM, Max Good said:

    Hey Vince,

    It looks like you are taking some videos off my YouTube channel and posting them on your channel without any attribution.  I shot and edited this video.  You could at least give me or my film a shout out.  Here is that video from my YT channel, posted about two months ago.





    My apologies, Max. I sincerely mean no harm whatsoever. I will update the videos with attribution.

  9. 22 hours ago, Max Good said:

    @Vince Palamara

    You wrote, "**thanks to Max Good - watch his amazing new documentary!**" in the description of the above video after I complained about you not giving any attribution.  How about mentioning what the movie is or actually including a link to it??

    But I see a pattern here.  You have also stolen my content without attribution two other times recently.  Please cease from posting my content on your YouTube channel.

    1. You posted an actual ripped scene from my film that I never released online before (maybe you ripped this from someone else, but you should know that scene came from my film).


    2. You took this video that someone else had created with my recording of Vincent Salandria's statement, "The Role of the Paines in History."  At least they had the consideration to link to the original source at ratical.org.  You provide no attribution.

    The original is below.  Your copy is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f26ygeqm76M



    Sorry about that. I had someone send it to me- I didn't know it came from you. I make no money--not a penny---from any of the videos. Sorry about this- I didn't mean any harm, Max. I am on this forum sporadically so I don't always see people's comments right away.

  10. On 10/12/2022 at 8:56 PM, David Lifton said:

    Vince: Could you please provide a concise summary of what these two sources said? Thanks.  DSL

    [From my third book THE NOT-SO-SECRET SERVICE, pages 153-155] At the time of the assassination, the White House Detail was in a weakened condition due to recent resignations and transfers. Nearly one-third of the 34 agents on the White House Detail assigned to protect JFK, including a number of experienced agents, had recently resigned or been transferred. [quoting THE KENNEDY DETAIL, page 19“In the past two months alone, eleven of the most experienced agents on the Kennedy Detail had been replaced. It had been a purely personal choice by the agents–they’d requested, and had been granted, transfers to field offices… [N]early a third of the agents had decided they just couldn’t do it anymore. Too many missed birthdays and anniversaries, too many holidays away from home.” (This means that despite several known plots to assassinate the president, the Secret Service nonetheless was permitting numbers of its experienced agents to leave the Detail. Shouldn’t it have been obvious under the circumstances that allowing so many experienced agents to depart was unwise?). Based on years of intensive research, here are the experienced veteran agents who left in 1963: Tom Fridley, Bill Skiles, Scott Trundle, Milt Wilhite, Tom Behl, Charlie Kunkel (Summer 1963), Jimmy Johnson (Aug 1963), Ed Z. Tucker (Summer 1963), Jerry Dolan (Fall 1963), Bob Lilley (Fall 1963), Larry Newman (Oct 1963), Anthony Sherman, Jr. (Oct 1963), Thomas B. Shipman (DIED 10/14/63), and Ken Wiesman (10/23/63).

    The new agents were Robert L. Kollar, Robert R. Burke (Summer 1963), Radford Jones (Summer 1963), George W. Hickey (July 1963), Robert R. Faison (Sept 1963), William T. McIntyre (Fall 1963), Chuck Zboril (Fall 1963), Henry J. Rybka (Fall 1963), William Straughn (10/17/63), Bill Bacherman (11/10/63), Dick Metzinger (11/10/63), John J. McCarthy (11/10/63), Roy “Gene” Nunn (11/11/63), Gerald W. O’Rourke (11/11/63), Kent D. Jordan (11/15/63), Andrew M. Hutch (11/18/63), Ed Morey (11/20/63), Dale Keaner (11/23/63), Ken Thompson (11/23/63), Glenn Weaver (11/23/63) and Bill Livingood (11/23/63). Regarding Metzinger: His daughter Julie wrote to me on 6/19/16 and said: “My dad got sent home unexpectedly from the detail the day before Kennedy was shot” Also, PRS agent Glen Bennett was made a temporary agent of the WHD on 11/10/63.

  11. It does seem very strange that the real Babushka Lady--or someone who knew her, assuming she is now deceased--has never come forward. Beverly was bold enough to write a book and appear as a consultant to the Stone movie JFK (and, of course, her character is in the movie), not to mention The Men Who Killed Kennedy and other appearances. I don't believe she was the Babushka Lady. I am just saying that it is strange that a) she took such a bold chance in staking the claim to her name and b) the real one never came forward.

  12. 10 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    VInce, I think you were right on about Dallas SS agent Robert Steuart as being the SS agent on the knoll. I asked SS agent Mike Howard to identify the man in the photo and another man in some Homicide Bureau photos. Howard refused to do their identification. His refusal can be seen as a confirmation that the man in these photos is an SS agent. The photo in front of the TSBD was taken 2 hours after the assassination by Jim Walker. His photos can be seen on the 6FM website. 





    Thanks, Denis- just seeing your post now. Someone shared this with me about 4-6 years ago. This is one thing about photo interpretation(s): usually tantalizing but hopelessly inconclusive. The two photos DO look like the same man but I am not sure it is actually agent Robert Steuart- it could be just a reporter (or a regular dude) in sunglasses. I forget her last name now but Linda (a researcher who was real passionate about Ancestry.Com and photo interpretations) would send me many photos like this.

  13. 8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Vince Palamara "is" an expert on the history of the post WWII Secret Service.

    Hill and Blaine are and were not.

    Neither Hill nor Blaine have done 100th the hard, dedicated, academic research effort into their own SS that Vince P. has.

    They admit such!

    Blaine was only with the SS for 5 years?

    Hill wrote his own SS personal experience biographical account.

    Brian Lamb didn't ask any hard ball questions of Hill and Blaine.

    Would have loved for Lamb to have asked Hill and Blaine on national TV about Abraham Bolden.

    I would have asked them if Bolden was wrong when he claimed and graphically described his experience working with the White House detail.

    And whether there was any racist attitudes amongst the SS during JFK's presidency?

    I am certain Hill and Blaine would have weaseled out of answering those specific questions with a lame "I wouldn't know"  and/or "We never discussed such things like that amongst our brotherhood."

    Because if they answered yes to the question of whether any or many of their SS brothers did harbor black movement racist feelings, you would then have to ask these guys if it was possible there were feelings of resentment, dislike or even hatred toward JFK because of his fairly perceived image as more sympathetic towards the blacks and their racial equality movement.


  14. 2 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    This Kathleen Cunningham lived & died in Philadelphia & her obit states that she suffered from cerebral palsy, not that this condition should prevent her doing research.

    There is a post on the Forum from earlier this year that states Kathy Cunningham had stepped back from JFK medical research and given her research papers to a university in Florida.  Would that indicate that K.C. was not from Philly?

    That obituary is definitely not the researcher Kathleen Cunningham. The researcher we know retired from research around 1999-2002 and donated all her materials to a Florida university. She was very passionate, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about her medical research, but I believe the ARRB (despite its many virtues) coming and going and nothing changing in the public's eye made her give up. Other notable people who quit at that time are the 3 Paine experts: Stephen Jones, Barbara LaMonica, and Carol Hewett. Like author Henry Hurt of Reasonable Doubt, some people have a "shelf life" when it comes to the case. I myself almost gave up in 2007 and 2012 (getting a book contract put the wind back in my sails). Lately, I find myself both very prolific on You Tube (remember- it is just me, it is easy and it is all free) and burned out on the case myself. I would never quit, per se, but I am leaning toward semi-retirement. I am reluctantly doing a Zoom conference presentation this fall that will probably be my last. I feel like I have taken it as far as I can go and I have said/done it all.

    Again- I would never quit in the formal sense of the word- all my many online materials (videos/blogs) will be out there and I DO have five books. I just feel spent.

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