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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Former Secret Service agent Mike Howard is telling tall tales again:



    "a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading “I WILL KILL” Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward."

    This is the same guy who fabricated a story that a janitor saw LHO pull the trigger.


    No photo description available.

  2. 1 hour ago, Richard Price said:

    Vince, another question on the mixture of photos in this post.  Some of them show the dark blue limo and some show what is either a gray or white Lincoln with no jump seats.  Are these all of Nov. 22, 1963?  I thought the motorcade began at Love Field in the dark blue limo with jump seats and ended in the same limo at Parkland Hospital.  I have seen photos of JFK in the light colored Continental, but not on Nov. 22, 1963.  Are these just interspersed with the photos of that date?

    The creme-colored Lincoln is from Fort Worth that morning.

  3. On 11/27/2022 at 7:54 PM, Gerry Down said:

    I think your right.

    Do you know if the star came in a leather pouch with an ID card inside which would have the agent's name and photo? This is the layout of some law enforcement badges.

    The gold star on its own seems a bit bare if an agent was to take that out of his pocket to show someone. There would be no way to know if the person had simply stole or found a real secret service agents star/badge and was now using it to pretend to be a secret service agent himself.

    Correct- a simple card with the agent's name and photo augmented the star.

  4. 3 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

    I thought presidential candidates didn’t get SS protection until 1968, after RFK’s murder? Can you explain this to me like I’m 5 years old.. 

    You are correct. Why agents are protecting them here is baffling. Then again, there are famous newsreels of JFK and Jackie during the campaign in 1960 in an open motorcade in NY and there are several agents protecting them, as well, so perhaps they did it as an unofficial courtesy before it became law.

  5. 3 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

    Thanks for those great pics, Vince. 

    Astonishing to look at those pics of JFK and LBJ cruising through downtown in an open car together, swarmed by people, with no secret service and only local police protection.

    A sniper’s dream if someone had the inclination to do such a crazy thing… 

    There were at least two Secret Service agents- John Joe Howlett and one other. They appear in the film/video at one point and can be seen clearly in the photo with Cheif Curry extending his hand to JFK.

  6. On 11/23/2022 at 1:13 PM, Pat Speer said:

    I would bet that the video is misleading and that it is a video that will be available through Netflix and not a video that is funded by Netflix, or will be promoted by Netflix. If it was in fact a Netflix production it would have some credits in the trailer ("From director so and so", or "From the studio that brought you Making a Murderer"). It does not. it looks like an inflated YouTube series. I mean, my friend Brad and I created one of the first Youtube series on the case, that sadly still remains one of the best. We had original music and some original graphics. We also filmed a few re-enactments. I didn't notice anything like that in the promo. In short, it looks like narration added to found footage--with the footage most probably taken from other sources without permission. So...will I watch it? Perhaps. If it is all designed to lead us to thinking Greer did it, it will be a tremendous waste of time and effort. And I will avoid. But if it includes extended excerpts of the many interviews performed for the book--most of which were only briefly excerpted in the book? It may still be worthwhile. 

    The best part of your outstanding series is when you put the cd behind your head. There was a video compilation on You Tube that showed that clip hundreds of times, slow, fast, and super-fast set to music LOL! Seriously, though- that is great: 


  7. 16 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

    Thanks! It sure looks like Main Street to me. Makes me wonder if they went through Dealey Plaza on that 1960 motorcade route? 

    Never seen a map of their 1960 Dallas motorcade route, but it would make logical routing sense. FDR’s motorcade went through Dealey Plaza in ‘36, to the newly-constructed underpass (which I think was a WPA project, if memory serves correct.) 

    May be an image of 6 people, people standing, road and text that says 'oca bola BEREALLY REFRESHED The parade in Dallas officially begins at Main & Market Streets after passing eastbound through Dealey Plaza.'

    May be an image of 2 people and people standing

    May be an image of 1 person and standing

    May be a black-and-white image of one or more people, street and road

    May be a black-and-white image of 4 people, people standing and outdoorsMay be an image of 1 person and standing

    May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'LPOLICEJ DBT Evelpndtencolw ack Volume VI October 13, 1961 President Kennedy receives welcome from Chief Curry The President of the in Dallas Monday Sam Rayburn Baylor Icoming thanks L. Jackson receives Presidential States, arriving peaker the House eceived Police hief President Kennedy' unexpected visit, prompted by instituted by Chief trip for the measures Secret Agent Curry ensure Approxim of Procession hospital. traffic denied passage long lockingbird, Gaston. into President waiting limousine the airport and irectly Baylor Hospital behind he of police es- Washington, Several Chief Curry' staff officers were on Page 3, Col. 2)'

    May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outdoors, crowd and text that says 'ADOLPHUS HOTEL PARKING Enter on Field St, From comm Commerce St Eatwell Cafe Downtown Dallas'

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