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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Don't quote me on this, but I think this guy Armstrong was one of the CIA liaisons to the HSCA and his job was to keep like a history of the relationship.

    Interesting. The Sprague/Tanenbaum era, although short-lived, had so much promise!

  2. 29 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Did I just see that?  Whew.

    I answered a question about this on Black Op Radio tonight.

    Why does the right wing media actually praise JFK and think he was killed by a plot, but yet the so called left media, MSNBC and Maddow, CNN  etc  refuses to acknowledge this?

    Well here is more evidence that such is the case.

    Keep in mind, Jim: NEWSMAX TV STARTED AIRING THE BANNED EPISODES OF THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY IN 2019-2020 (perhaps beyond) and they air PRO conspiracy JFK assassination programs, albeit late at night, fairly regularly.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    I hate to be negative about this, but I don't think the media gives a rat's ass who you were unless someone pays to make an official announcement. In Lane's case, he had family and presumably a publisher who could announce his death. In Lifton's case his next of kin is...? And his publisher is...? 

    While I doubt any announcement is forthcoming in the mainstream press, I have to believe Wiki will eventually allow mention of David's death. Once someone like Posner announces it in an article...

    I think Pat is right about this. I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but I would bet, in the MSM's eyes, Lifton was/is probably viewed as a "has-been" who four decades (plus) ago had a best-seller about a "conspiracy theory." In OUR eyes, he is a legendary best-selling author. Lane was married; Lifton was not. I know "unknown" local people have obituaries all the time, but they had FAMILIES; Lifton did not have a wife or kids. 

    For David's legacy, he should have published the follow-up (much, much sooner). However, based on what he espoused in that video, maybe not. Nevertheless, by not following up on that first and only best-selling book, and with no immediate family (wife/kids), Lifton just isn't noteworthy to the MSM.

    Come to think of it, I don't think there was an obituary for Harry Livingstone (2 best-sellers, 1990-1992) when he passed in 2015 (again, no wife or kids).

  4. 17 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

    When Byrd was standing at the window, in a sniper’s stance, he looked like he was living out a weird happy fantasy… 

    I remember that fire and always wondered if it was a deliberate arson job for insurance money. Dallas really, really, really didn’t want that building becoming a tourist attraction. 

    Yes- I agree!

    I can see the suspicions of arson for the very same reason.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

    I am seriously thinking that, as with Harry Livingstone, David Lifton started to "lose the plot", "couldn't see the forest from the trees", etc. Harry believed all the films were altered. Lifton believed all the films were altered. Both started to adopt extreme views on the case. Both were lifelong bachelors- this is important because I firmly believe that, without "a life", you start to become bitter, paranoid, see conspiracies in your soap, etc. James Fetzer is this way, as well (despite being married, so I guess there are exceptions to the rule).

    I don't know: I am married and I have hobbies and interests away from this (and I am retired from active research-I have taken things as far as they can go with my research: 5 books in 8 years, several DVD/Blu Ray productions [including one to come in 2023], etc.). I see things from both sides of the case, am very open minded (I know, I know- to my downfall once because I flirted with the "dark side" in 2007) and, most important of all, I SEE HOW THINGS LOOK FROM JOHN Q. PUBLIC/non-researchers. The public would think we were insane if we were dismissing our case out of court, so to speak: "all the films are altered! All the photos are altered! All the evidence is crooked! You can't trust anyone." Then we become the loons, UFO people and "conspiracy theorists" those in the MSM label us as.

    But back to the main point: I believe the Lifton circa 1963-2000ish wouldn't have espoused some (all?) of these latter-day ideas. But, having devoted his life to the case with seemingly no vent/no filter, the "conspiracies in your soup" factor comes sharply into focus (FWIW, there was a time when Livingstone and even Fetzer weren't as way out as they became: the Fetzer pre-9/11 was fairly well grounded. The Livingstone I knew in 1991-1993 was relatively grounded).

    Think about it: do professional athletes "live" their profession 24/7 for a lifetime? No- there is an off-season, an end to their careers, etc. I personally think devoting one's life to this is not a healthy thing. Some of these latter-day ideas of David's are further proof of this.

    Also: IMHO, David waited waaaay too long to come out with his sequel. This is why he lost any contract to publish a follow-up and pursued a GOFUND ME page to put it out. If he would published 1982-2003ish, it would have been huge and he would have found a publisher with no problem. Ultimately, David was like a music artist with a massive hit: a one-hit wonder that record companies forgot about. What have you done for us lately? 1980/1981 is very ancient history.


    And as a wise man once said, "There comes a time for a sculptor to put down his chisel."

  6. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    I'm almost certain he was aware of all of it. I've been trying to stress that David was a creative thinker. In the eyes of many, he'd successfully argued that the medical evidence was not what we'd been told and shown. I believe he was looking to do the same with the evidence regarding the shooting. He wasn't relying on the photos, or the official documents. He was looking at over-looked or ignored newspaper articles and interviews. He was creating an alternate story, almost from scratch. 

    As stated, he'd call me up and tell me some pretty wild stuff, then swear me to silence and threaten my life. At the time, I assumed he was doing so because he thought what he'd told me was explosive information, and he wanted to make sure he owned it when it came out. But now I'm starting to wonder if he didn't want it to come out because it wasn't fully formed yet, and he didn't want to be wedded to something he would later disavow.

    But if this is so, then why did he share so much of this supposedly top-secret stuff in filmed interviews? 

    I'm perplexed. 

    I am seriously thinking that, as with Harry Livingstone, David Lifton started to "lose the plot", "couldn't see the forest from the trees", etc. Harry believed all the films were altered. Lifton believed all the films were altered. Both started to adopt extreme views on the case. Both were lifelong bachelors- this is important because I firmly believe that, without "a life", you start to become bitter, paranoid, see conspiracies in your soup, etc. James Fetzer is this way, as well (despite being married, so I guess there are exceptions to the rule).

    I don't know: I am married and I have hobbies and interests away from this (and I am retired from active research-I have taken things as far as they can go with my research: 5 books in 8 years, several DVD/Blu Ray productions [including one to come in 2023], etc.). I see things from both sides of the case, am very open minded (I know, I know- to my downfall once because I flirted with the "dark side" in 2007) and, most important of all, I SEE HOW THINGS LOOK FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF JOHN Q. PUBLIC/non-researchers. The public would think we were insane if we were dismissing our case out of court, so to speak: "all the films are altered! All the photos are altered! All the evidence is crooked! You can't trust anyone." Then we become the loons, UFO people and "conspiracy theorists" those in the MSM label us as.

    But back to the main point: I believe the Lifton circa 1963-2000ish wouldn't have espoused some (all?) of these latter-day ideas. But, having devoted his life to the case with seemingly no vent/no filter, the "conspiracies in your soup" factor comes sharply into focus (FWIW, there was a time when Livingstone and even Fetzer weren't as way out as they became: the Fetzer pre-9/11 was fairly well grounded. The Livingstone I knew in 1991-1993 was relatively grounded).

    Think about it: do professional athletes "live" their profession 24/7 for a lifetime? No- there is an off-season, an end to their careers, etc. I personally think devoting one's life to this is not a healthy thing. Some of these latter-day ideas of David's are further proof of this.

  7. 7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    And here's what SS Agent Paul Landis said in his very detailed and lengthy official Secret Service report which he wrote on November 27, 1963, much of which, if we're to believe what David S. Lifton has said during his November 2013 video interview, is nothing but one big lie (emphasis is DVP's):

    "After we rode under the overpass I again looked at the President's car and saw Special Agent Clint Hill lieing [sic] across the trunk. He was looking back towards the Follow-up car shaking his head back and forth and gave a thumbs-down sign with his hand. ATSAIC Roberts asked if anyone got the exact time of the shooting and someone said "about 12:30 p.m."; then someone told me to get inside the car and pulled me by the arm. My sun glasses fell off and Special Agent Bennett handed them to me. By now we were on an Expressway and a few people were standing in spots along the way waving as we went by. ATSAIC Roberts was telling the other agents in the Follow-up car to cover Vice President Johnson as soon as we stopped. Sometime around 12:37 p.m. we arrived at Parkland Memorial Hospital. I immediately ran to the left rear side of the President's car, reached over and tried to help Mrs. Kennedy up by taking hold of her shoulders. She did not want to let go of President Kennedy whose head she held in her lap and she was bending over him."



    It is as if Lifton was not familiar with the Secret Service reports in Volume 18 or some of the photos.

  8. 26 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    You're wrong. The remarks mean exactly the opposite---i.e., Lifton (at least as of 2013) thought the driver shot Kennedy. Just read Pat Speer's post from 2:00 this morning---here.


    I am shocked that Lifton believed some of this crap- Ready (first arrow) was back on the follow-up car after only taking a few forward steps on Elm Street (Landis: arrow behind him): No photo description available.

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