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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara


    11. Discovered evidence of Meatloaf at Parkland Hospital (video went viral for a moment after Meatloaf's death): 

    12. Discovered (more like popularized) in 1991 the rare video of Dr. Robert Shaw: 

    13. "Smoked out" the very retired former Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine and inspired them to write their books! SEE: Gerald Blaine, The Kennedy Detail (kennedysandking.com)

    and this video


  2. Why not? I will add my accomplishments:


    1) Corresponded with Parkland Hospital Dr. William Zedlitz in 1998, who confirmed that no one had ever contacted him before. JFK Lancer and Robert Groden later added his comments to their works.

    2) Interviewed and corresponded with the vast majority of President Kennedy's White House Secret Service agents who were still living as of 1990-2007 (as well as field office agents and/or other agents who served from FDR-Bush W)- SAIC Gerald Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, ATSAIC Art Godfrey, Sam Kinney, Clint Hill, Tim McIntire, John Ready, Gerald Blaine, Rufus Youngblood, Jerry Kivett, Lem Johns, Sam Sulliman, etc. I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few surviving family members (Roy Kellerman's widow, Bill Greer's son, Stu Stout's family, Thomas Shipman's family, etc.) and White House aides/others of importance (Dave Powers, Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons, Milton Wright, etc.). See my first book SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE & THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY. A mere sample:

    3) I also interviewed and corresponded with quite a few Parkland and Bethesda personnel, including Dr. Malcolm Perry, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Paul Peters, Jerrol Custer (on video twice), Aubrey Rike (on video), etc. See my second book JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA. A mere sample:

    4) Discovered in 1997 that one of President Kennedy's main driver agents, Thomas B. Shipman, died of an alleged heart attack at Camp David on 10/14/63! He was looking forward to the Dallas trip, as he has relatives there. I spoke to his surviving family. 

    5) I discovered (more like popularized) in 1991 the infamous WFAA/ABC video of Secret Service agent Don Lawton being recalled by Shift Leader Emory Roberts. I showed it at conferences in 1995-1997 plus on both THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY and A COUP IN CAMELOT: 

    6) Demonstrated, via interviews with JFK's agents, that President Kennedy did NOT order the agents off his limo: 

    7) I discovered that multi-story building rooftops were normally guarded during the FDR-JFK eras, not "just" in Washington, D.C. OR as a response to the assassination! 

    8. I discovered that the Secret Service was the only boss the President of the United States truly had, not the other way around (as confirmed by Presidents Truman, LBJ and Clinton, among other sources). In other words: the Secret Service was the boss and the final say when it comes to the president's (JFK's) security. Clint Hill (with Gerald Blaine by his side) admitted as such in 2010- see my first and third books and this video: 

    9. Discovered (in 1999) Secret Service agent Floyd Boring's buried 1976 JFK Library oral history and had the Library make it available to everyone.

    10. Made available to a worldwide audience (via television/VHS/DVD/Blu Ray/Amazon Prime) the JFK Secret Service's failures: THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY (HISTORY CHANNEL 2003; VHS/DVD; also on NEWSMAX TV 2019-2020), A COUP IN CAMELOT (DVD/BLU RAY/ Texas Theater premiere/ Amazon prime), and the 2021 UK/British/Australian documentary THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK (also shown 2022-2023):

    See 12:51 of this video:


  3. Excellent! I just received the 120-minute version of what I thought was only a 90-minute version of a major 2021 UK JFK assassination documentary that I participated in, and which has been shown several times in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (UK/England, Australia, etc.). EXTENDED FOOTAGE OF MY INTERVIEW I did not have [27 minutes and 14 seconds, over three times as long as my original edit, based on the 90-minute version]! Like the short version I already had [which clocked in at 8 minutes and 43 seconds], this edit is MINUS all the lone-nut stuff from Philip Shenon, etc. :13 Roy Kellerman :45 (me) about Secret Service in general, Kellerman in particular 2:10 (me) June 1963 Civil Rights speech/ JFK "We're heading to nut country" (right wing/dangerous city for Kennedy) 3:30 (me) crowds/Love Field- Kellerman, agents 4:30 (me) drinking incident/9 agents 5:10 (me) bubble top (including great films) 6:30 (me) Love Field/agents 7:50 (me) vehicles in motorcade 8:20 (me) buildings not guarded- contrast with Tampa 11/18/63 9:15 (me) agents surround limo during unscheduled impromptu stop during route. 9:50 [from the newly released files] anonymous caller to US embassy re: "big news" 10:10 (me) [Hosty-shocked at how exposed the Kennedys are] buildings not guarded, agents not on/near rear of limo, motorcycles depleted, no bubble top- "Kennedy was a sitting duck" 11:10 (me) Main/Houston/Elm- "violation of Secret Service protocol and common sense" 12:00 (me) vast majority of Dealey Plaza witnesses thought first shot was a firecracker or motorcycle backfire 12:30 (me) Kellerman: "Lawson, this is Kellerman- we've been hit." 13:30 Jackie: "My God, they've shot his head off." 14:40 Kellerman: "flurry of shells." 14:50 single bullet theory- Dr. Cyril Wecht criticizes. 15:50 Jackie: "He's dead- they've killed him." 16:00 (me) Kennedy was "DOA" [dead on arrival] 18:05 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover closes case very early- Dr. Cyril Wecht criticizes. 19:15 Dr. Cyril Wecht 23:55 (me and Dr. Cyril Wecht) re: autopsy + Kellerman- back of heads gone 25:30 Dr. Cyril Wecht- JFK shot from the front and the rear 26:05 (me) Kellerman/agents- failed; Kellerman believed there was a conspiracy/ June Kellerman

  4. 8 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    This book, and I hate disagreeing with VInce, is pretty bad.

    I read it weeks ago, and I do not even want to review it.  Even though I took 18 pages of notes over three days.

    If you could interview anyone about the JFK case, why on earth would you inlcude:

    Judy Baker

    Phil Nelson

    Peter Janney?

    And Janney and his Mary Meyer fantasy is the longest interview in the book.  I mean, in the wake of the ARRB? 


    To be fair: a) I was biased, as I have a chapter in the book (you better have liked that one, Jim haha!) and b) I STOPPED reading about 40 percent into the book, so perhaps I tacitly agree with you to a point. I really liked the first part, then I lost interest.

  5. 23 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    We should remember Vince to credit Harry Malcolm and Bart/DPUK whenever possible. 

    Definitely! I told Bart Kamp (and he has seen) that all the videos on my channel that are the same copiously credit him/ Dealey Plaza UK. That said (in the ironic department), quite a few of the (older) videos CAME FROM ME as I gave them to Harry in VHS form in the late 1990's! Bart merely uploaded video tapes that I sent, free of charge, to Harry. So it is cyclical, in a way. Still, attribution is important (and I made zero money from the videos. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't--you can't monetize copyrighted videos from the networks, etc.)

  6. On 3/13/2023 at 12:23 PM, Gerry Down said:

    You were very young too when you started researching the assassination.

    You were in your early teens when you first sat in on an interview of someone connected to the assassination, weren't you?

    I was 12 in 1978 when I started (during the HSCA investigation). I became serious about it in 1988 (22 years old), the 25th anniversary.




    The Final Witness: A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After Sixty Years Hardcover – October 10, 2023



    [there are several witnesses also still alive, including Clint Hill, and he has spoken before. SMH]

    Regarding the infamous Secret Service drinking incident on the morning of 11/22/63, Landis was a participant (one of the nine agents, including Clint Hill, Jack Ready and Glen Bennett from the same follow-up car) and he did not depart “The Cellar” until 5:00 a.m. on the morning of November 22, 1963! [18 H 687]

    Although Landis was, like Agent Hill, assigned to protect Mrs. Kennedy, he was strangely out of position back on the opposite running board, making him un-available to assist her in the event of a crisis. 

    Interestingly, Landis reported that the fatal head shot to JFK came from the front: “My reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front.”[Landis’s report dated November 27, 1963: 18 H 758–9]

    Landis later wrote: “I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road.”[Landis’s detailed report dated November 30, 1963: 18 H 751–7]


    The HSCA, who interviewed Landis on February 17, 1979, noted: “Landis confirmed the accuracy of his statement to the Warren Commission [sic: report submitted].”[HSCA Report, pp. 89, 606 (referencing Landis’s interview, February 17, 1979 outside contact report, JFK Document 014571)]No photo description available.

    Landis "broke his silence" many years beforehand: Agent Paul E. Landis, Jr. (First Lady Detail, rode in Secret Service follow-up car): From a newspaper article in the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, November 20, 1988: “Vice president of Knutsen Machine Products in Cleveland, Paul Landis graduated from Worthington High School in 1953 and is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio. Crediting [Agent] Bob Foster as ‘the influence in my joining the Secret Service’, Landis remained five years. Assigned to the protection of Jacqueline Kennedy, he was a part of that historic motorcade in Dallas. During this interview - only his second interview in 25 years - he says, ‘I’ve never gone back and read anything on [the assassination] … I’m about ready … Up until now, I didn’t want to rehash it. It was a very painful time for me.’ Landis remained with Mrs. Kennedy for six months after Dallas, helping her move out of the White House, as well as protecting her from the ever-growing, insensitive crowds. Among his photographs is a picture of the former first lady bearing the inscription: ‘To Paul Landis, with deep appreciation for all your help to us for three years. Jacqueline Kennedy.’ ”

    Landis also spoke to author Gerald Blaine IN 2010, even appearing on the Kennedy Detail documentary. Oops.

    The Final Witness: A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After Sixty Years: Landis, Paul: 9781641609449: Amazon.com: Books

  8. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    My latest on Russo, based on some of his relatively recent writings, after he served as point man, for the PBS, ABC and NBC malarkey.

    I could not get everything I wanted for this.  Because I could not locate the actual Brokaw special on video.  I really wanted to since IIRC Reeves said something even worse about Kennedy and VIetnam than he did in the book.  If anyone can find it let me know.

    Anyway Gus marches on, spewing baloney, and avoiding at all costs what the ARRB achieved.  That fell to Oliver Stone.


    I am looking for the special you are talking about. In the meantime, there is this:


  9. On 1/2/2023 at 4:22 PM, Gil Jesus said:

    It also gives credence to three phone calls the Dallas FBI received from anonymous females that Forrest Sorrels, head of the Secret Service in Dallas, was anti-Kennedy. According to the callers, he was "anti-government", his position was "against the President", and reportedly gave a report on "overthrowing the government".


    I discovered this amazing document years ago and it is featured in my latest book HONEST ANSWERS.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    But it doesn't help when that ballistic evidence is not only ignored, but deliberately twisted.

    Dr Joseph Dolce was pretty much the most highly rated wound ballistics expert in the US, if not the world. He was called in to test the rifle and the ammunition to see if the Magic Bullet was actually possible. I don't think Specter cared about whether it was probable, or likely... just theoretically "Possible" was what they needed. As we've seen, squeezing the theoretically possible into a fact shaped box is their speciality. 

    Dolce told the team at Edgewood Arsenal exactly what tests to perform, and how to perform them including how to establish control subjects for each bullet, including various tests at different ambient temperatures to remove as much speculation from the equation as possible, before committing to their findings. When Dr Dolce presented his findings to Specter including the finding that given his level of expertise in the field, CE399's suggested foray through Kennedy and Connally was "Physically Impossible"  Specter swiftly lost his phone number and thought no more about including Dolce in the proceedings of the Commission. Specter moved on to other, more pliable, scientists from Edgewood who gave their new, Specter approved. opinions... that literally contradicted the results of the scientific reports they had presented to the Commission.

    At which point Dr Dolce, as the kids refer to it "Totally lost his $*&%" and wrote an angry letter detailing his outrage at the way the Commission was playing fast and loose with his ballistic testing.

    Of course it was ignored, and since it never found its way into the final Warren Report it "doesn't count" for some reason.


    But as to a matter of ballistics... yeah... that stuff exists. It was conducted by the leading expert in the field. It's just that it shows the Magic Bullet to be a flawed theory. 


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