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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 3 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    I can almost hear @Vince Palamara in his best Michael Corleone impression "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!". 😂😂😂

    OMG you can frame that LOL! RIGHT when I was heading toward (semi) retirement with the case, it came roaring back and people's insatiable appetite for it. All the questions, comments, "liked" etc. I am doing a chapter in an author's book, maybe another one, AND a via-remote conference appearance. I may even attend my alma mater Duquesne University to bug Paul Landis in person. I will let him know who I am LOL!

  2. 49 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:
    @Vince Palamara
    can you comment on James Robenalt's recent twitter: "The most amazing photo from Nov. 22, 1963 shows Paul Landis still on the side running board of Halfback (sunglasses), speeding to Parkland Hospital. Texas School Book Depository looms in the background, with the window Oswald just shot from visible. Oswald was still in building."

    Oh, yes- I am much aware of this photo. You can see Shift Leader (ATSAIC) Emory Roberts in the front passenger seat on the radio microphone. Interestingly, he was ALSO on the radio microphone during the shooting, as one can plainly see in the famous Altgens photo facing the front of the limo.

  3. 6 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    I'm dismayed that in their enthusiasm — and regardless of how significant a smoking bullet might be to the investigation — David Talbot and Jefferson Morley seem to have failed (thus far) to publicly acknowledge the fundamental issues with Landis's personal story, so I'm relieved to read your concerns, @Larry Hancock

    I'm even more dismayed that NYT, The Guardian, The Independent, Vanity Fair have inexplicably leapt over basic precepts of investigative journalism to publish sensational headlines, eureka! witness breaks his silence and raises new questions which leads me to consider concerns expressed by others that this might be a limited hangout or a more complex "revelation of the method."

    • If SS agents weren't trained in the fundamentals of crime scene preservation, evidence gathering and reporting, weren't they at least vetted for common sense?
    • Why then did Landis remove evidence from a crime scene (limo) and relocate it to a stretcher instead of handing it off to his superior or at the very least local authorities?
    • Why didn't he mark the bullet?
    • Why didn't he record his finding in a report?
    • Did PTSD impede him from fulfilling his oath to support and defend democracy in the ensuing years?
    • How could he avoid the WCR and Specter's "magic bullet" theory for decades?
    • Did he state as late as 2013 that he believed a lone gunman was responsible for Kennedy's assassination?
    • Did the trauma overwhelm him for six decades?

    In his own words published by alt-right Gateway Pundit which headlines Robert Kennedy Jr's reaction, Landis states:

    "There was nobody there to secure the scene, and that was a big, big bother to me. All the agents that were there were focused on the president."

    So, Landis was concerned that the scene hadn't been secured yet he himself lifted a bullet (or fragment??)  from the limo, took it inside the building, placed it on a stretcher, and never reported it or spoke of it publicly again — until the 60th anniversary ... not the  55th, or 57th, or 59th, but The 60th.

    If leading spokespersons for "the community" fail to address the most basic questions, how long before conspiracy skeptics and cynics add this episode to the list?


  4. 1 minute ago, Denny Zartman said:

    I'm trying to take my time and be careful in analyzing this story before commenting.

    I've read the first New York Times article. I saw in another thread someone say there was apparently another article published today, but I haven't found it yet on Google news or the NYT website.

    I've also read the Vanity Fair article by James Robenalt, and watched the NBC interview with Landis and Robenalt. It's too bad the book doesn't come out for another month.

    Especially for you, Danny- 


  5. Just now, Pat Speer said:

    No surprise there. Most of the witnesses recall its being on the top back of the head ABOVE the ear. What sucked me down the rabbit hole was that so many took their stating it was on the far back of the head as "proof" it was really on the back of the head AT THE LEVEL of the ear. Hubba-wha? I don't know what that is but it most certainly isn't rational, IMO. 

    This is THE first and only time Landis is on record about the head wound!

  6. 20 minutes ago, K K Lane said:

    Crazy question, but did Clint Hill carry any loose bullets in his pockets or on his person that day?   I mean, if Clint dropped his lighter he might have also dropped a loose bullet?   He did, after all, climb in the area the bullet was found.

    VERY interesting and entirely plausible scenario! He was there and spread eagle over that very same area.

  7. 13 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Landis has come forward with his disclosure about finding a bullet lodged in the back seat because he knows he is nearing the end of his life and wants this information to be revealed before he dies. It is close to being tantamount to a death-bed confession.

    Given the situation that existed in the hours and days after the assassination, it is perfectly understandable why Landis decided not to reveal his finding of the bullet.

    Look at Kenny O'Donnell's very belated disclosure to Tip O'Neill that he was certain some shots had come from the grassy knoll. That's not what O'Donnell said in his WC testimony. He told O'Neill that he did tell the FBI about hearing shots from the knoll, but that they told him he "must have been imagining things," and so O'Donnell chose to testify "the way they wanted me to." Yet, years later, he finally revealed the truth to his good friend Tip O'Neill, and Dave Powers, who rode in the follow-up car with O'Donnell, confirmed O'Donnell's account.


  8. On 9/11/2023 at 2:10 PM, K K Lane said:

    Discussion of Landis' claim on this forum have been predominantly analytical and respectful.   Posner's substack was essentially a hit-piece and Clint Hill's reaction is, of course, tendentious.

    My questions for Landis include:

    • Please distinguish the bullet you are now referring to compared to the bullet fragment that since 1983 you've claimed you found in the limo.   Are these "bullets" the same?   Is the new bullet in addition to the bullet fragments?   Does the whole bullet you now recall finding in the limo physically resemble CE399?
    • Please explain your thinking in November 1963 for not reporting this found bullet in your written reports.   Was there explicity or implicit pressure to express or not express certain viewpoints?   What form did that pressure come in?   Are there additional unspoken revelations that you're aware of from your SS peers?
    • When did you first tell another person about the whole bullet you now report having found in the limo?   What is the oldest written document or letter that references this 2023 found bullet?
    • Please share your thoughts on the propriety of a SS agent not including a found bullet in your post-assassination report.   Was evidence chain of custody part of your SS training?   Do you have a sense of the historic importance of what you are now revealing?   

    Personally, I'd like Vince to get "the interview"

    I tried several times to interview Landis and he refused every time. He is much aware of me: 


  9. On 9/11/2023 at 2:25 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    A follower of K and K left me this quote from long ago which VInce P should recall.

    It took me a while to find it again but I knew I had written the quote in the comments section.

    Entitled "First Annual Midwest Symposium on JFK part 3 6/26 - 6/28/92 Chicago, Illinois " from Vince Palamara YouTube channel. 
    "During the last days of the public hearings of the House Select Committee, Congressman, now Senator Dodd, gave the most important revelation. He stood up or sat up and asked Professor Blakely to answer him one question. And he said, Mr. Blakely, will you please explain to me about the bullet that was found in the President's limousine that cannot be ballistically matched to the Oswald weapon? Congressman Dodd never received an answer....to this day."

    Yes, indeed! Excellent!

  10. On 9/11/2023 at 11:35 AM, David Josephs said:

    Seems pretty simple, straightforward book marketing at its finest.

    Doesn't matter what he's said all along - you think anyone but us even has a clue? - by questioning the SBT he almost guarantees a best-seller.

    Worse yet, despite scientific impossibility, Landis' words will be taken seriously and confuse those looking into the case for years to come. {sigh}.  The man blew off his primary responsibilities, got plowed until 5am and NOW wants to come clean with a best selling book and more confusion about the facts of the case.  Red card!


    @Vince Palamara Hope you don't mind but found this in my stuff... not sure if all this remains the same today for you yet this was a great recap... thanks!



    The Secret Service and CE 399
    by Vincent Michael Palamara 

           The following is a compendium of all the anomolies
    pertaining to what I like to refer to as the "legitimacy" of
    CE399, including the Secret Service's handling of it:

    [in no particular order]

    1) CE2011-O.P. Wright, Darrel Tomlinson, Chief James J. Rowley,
    and SA Richard Johnsen could NOT identify CE399 as the bullet
    they all allegedly  handled on 11/22/63 ("over-the-counter"
    references: "JFK-Conspiracy of Silence", p. 133; "Crossfire", p.
    365; "Reasonable Doubt", p. 70);

    2) 24H412-Although two FBI agents (Todd and Frazier) initialed the
    bullet they received from the Secret Service, Johnsen and Rowley
    did NOT, breaking the legal chain of custody;

    3) CD7-Although the bullet was "officially" found on a stretcher 
    in a corridor of  Parkland Hospital, the FBI(Sibert and O'Neil)
    reported that it was found in the emergency room!;

    4) a)Sibert and O'Neil  interview of  SAIC Jerry Behn,
    11/27/63-the same FBI agents bypassed Johnsen and spoke instead
    to Behn(not even IN Dallas) about "the location of a bullet which
    had been found on a stretcher at Parkland";

    4) b) RIF#180-10104-10481:HSCA interview of SAIC Behn-
    Incredibly, Behn "stated that he was in the chain of custody of
    CE 399-Behn received the bullet from Johnsen, then turned it over
    to the FBI" [DJ: Johnsen gives it to ROWLEY who gives it to TODD who gives it to FRAZIER, no BEHN];

    5) Price Exhibits, Warren Commission Volume XXI - O.P. Wright, 
    the man who allegedly gave the bullet to Johnsen at Parkland, 
    does not even  MENTION this very important find at all in his

    6) Darrel Tomlinson, O.P. Wright, Nathan Pool-all described a
    DIFFERENT bullet than CE399(pointed, hunting-type)["Six Seconds
    in Dallas"; "High Treason", p. 102; HSCA document-interview with
    Nathan Pool, 1/10/77; etc.]. According to research done by Josiah
    Thompson, the bullet was found on a stretcher used by a young boy
    named Ronny Fuller!;

    7) LBJ Library document-Memorandum to File-According to Chief
    James J. Rowley, CE399  "was found amongst the clothes on one of
    the stretchers." If that wasn't enough,  Governor Connally 
    stated in his autobiography called "In History's Shadow"," But 
    the most curious discovery of all took place when they rolled me 
    off the stretcher, and onto the examining table. A metal object 
    fell onto the floor, with a click no louder than a wedding band. 
    The nurse picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. It was 
    the BULLET FROM MY BODY, the one that passed through my back, 
    chest, and wrist, and worked itself loose from my thigh" 
    (emphasis added-p.18; "The Investigator" Feb-May 1994). 
    Corroborating Connally's memory, from the 11/21/93 Dallas Morning
    News interview with Henry Wade:" I also went out to see 
    Connally, but he was in the operating room(note the time frame).
    Some nurse had a bullet in her hand, and said this was on the 
    gurney that Connally was on...I told her to give it to the police,
    which she said she would. I assume that's the pristine bullet"
    ("The Investigator" Feb-May 1994). Finally, Gary Shaw (in the 
    11/22/93 "Dateline: Dallas" issue) came across this passage from 
    the Warren Commission testimony of Parkland nurse Jeanette 
         Specter: "Did you notice any object in Governor Connally's
         Standridge:"Not unusual"
         Specter:" Did you notice a bullet, specifically?"
         Specter:" Did you hear the sound of anything fall?"
         Standridge:"I didn't"
     Is THIS "CE399"? What's going on here?

    😎 Bill Greer-Although it is an "official" fact that Agent 
    Richard Johnsen gained possession of CE399 (a.k.a. "the magic 
    bullet," linked to Oswald's gun) via O.P. Wright (who obtained 
    it thru Darrel Tomlinson AND Nathan Pool, who obtained it in the
    PRESENCE of Secret Service agent[s]) at Parkland Hospital, what 
    has never been widely reported is the fact that Agent Greer 
    maintained VERY close proximity to Johnsen and the bullet in
    question (18H799-800):

          a) BOTH agents guarded the emergency room(Trauma Room
    1)-Greer inside, Johnsen outside(2H126; 18H798);

          b) IF the FBI's report is accurate(see # 3[CD7] above),
    Greer was the ONLY agent stationed inside the emergency room with
          c)Johnsen rode with Greer in a car on the way to Air Force
    One (along with fellow agents David Grant, Samuel Sulliman,
    Ernest Olsson, and Paul Landis)-and we're supposed to believe
    that ALL these agents remained  silent about the bullet!(18H799;

          d)Greer rode with Johnsen near the casket in the REAR of
    Air Force One(from the point of time starting with the swearing
    in of LBJ, when the MAJORITY of agents/people were up
    front[18H799; 2H126))...

          When we consider that  both Greer AND Kellerman remained
    silent about this bullet until it was announced by Chief Rowley
    that night during the autopsy (via a phone call TO Kellerman!),
    we have to wonder about the implications of this "silence"-- in 
    a recently uncovered HSCA document, Roy Kellerman stated that 
    SA Johnsen told him about the  bullet  while they were still at
    PARKLAND(HSCA document, interviews with Kellerman, outside
    contact report, 8/24-8/25/77)!!!! This early knowledge is
    troubling because of the following:
         Once the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital was underway,
    Greer "said that a bullet had been found on a stretcher-or rather
    as it fell from a stretcher- in Parkland Hospital...could this be
    the bullet that went INTO THE NECK and, in the jostling of the
    President on the stretcher, FELL OUT?" As author Jim Bishop
    reported (thru his interview with Greer [and Kellerman])," GREER's
    THESIS had a supporter. Roy Kellerman ... said he remembered a
    Parkland doctor astride the chest of the dead President, applying
    artificial respiration. Kellerman...thought the bullet in the
    BACK...might have been squeezed out by manual pressure..."("The
    Day Kennedy was Shot", page 498,530; see also Tomlinson-2H412;
    Greer-2H127; Kellerman-2H93)!

          Why would they even need Rowley's call to "alert" them to
    the bullet found at Parkland and given to the FBI (two agents --
    Sibert and O'Neil -- were in attendance with Greer and
    Kellerman at the autopsy)? Why would Rowley "order" Kellerman to
    tell the autopsy doctors about something he already knew about?
    It gets better (or worse, depending on which way you see it)...    

    9) During an interview conducted on 9/29/92, the author learned
    that Agent Richard Johnsen DID NOT REMEMBER having possession of
    CE399!?!? ("The Third Alternative-Survivor's Guilt:the Secret
    Service and the JFK Murder", p. 43-see also pages 30,31,52,53,
    and 65;"The Investigator" Dec '93/Jan '94-article by author).
    Furthermore, Johnsen mentions in his first report that the
    bullet, quote, "may" have originated from Governor Connally's
    stretcher -- obviously, one of the components of the "single 
    bullet theory" is having the bullet on Connally's stretcher; if 
    the bullet was found on JFK's stretcher (or Ronny Fuller's, or
    elsewhere), the theory is in big trouble. Interestingly, Johnsen
    retired in 1979, having never been questioned by the FBI, the
    Warren Commission, or the HSCA, and when I tried, I received very
    cantankerous responses(it was the day after contacting Johnsen
    that I received  the infamous call from the Executive Secretary
    of the Former Agents of the Secret Service, "Percy" Hamilton 
    Brown, telling me very angrily to "cease and desist from
    contacting any more of my associates...I gave you no authority to
    do so." As former agent Bob Lilly told me, "Who died and made him
    boss?!" Sam Kinney told me, "Hey, it's a free country!"). As for
    Johnsen's "second" report, a sort of mini-report enclosed with
    his first report having to do with the acquisition of CE399, it
    is UNSIGNED. (18H799-800;this report actually exists seperately,
    as new documents uncovered from the LBJ Library reveal, although
    the same report as reproduced in the Warren Commission Volumes
    gives the impression it is part of the same[first] report, due to
    its juxtoposition on TOP of the first report). There may be more
    to Johnsen's present "amnesia" over this evidence than meets the

    10) CBS' Eddie Barker [whose son is a Secret Service
    agent!] interview of O.P. Wright ("Postmortem", p. 46)-"...I got
    hold of a Secret Service man and THEY[sic?] didn't seem to be
    interested in coming and looking at the bullet in the position it
    was in then. So I went back to the area where Mr. Tomlinson was
    and picked up the bullet and put it in my pocket, and I carried
    it some 30 or 40 minutes. And I gave it to a Secret Service man
    that was guarding the main door into the emergency room..."Who
    was the first agent Wright spoke to? And was his use of the word
    "they" a mistake? NO...

          HSCA attorney Belford V. Lawson*, in charge of the Secret
    Service area of the "investigation," is the author of a recently
    uncovered memo in regard to an interview with Nathan Pool
    conducted on 1/10/77 and headlined "POOL's CO-DISCOVERY OF THE
    'TOMLINSON' BULLET." In the memo, Pool mentions the fact that TWO
    Secret Service agents were by the elevator, one of which "
    remained there throughout most or all of  Pool's stay". Before we
    can catch our breath, a THIRD Secret Service agent enters the
    picture; although all these men were in the immediate vicinity of
    the discovery of the bullet, one particular  agent "was within 10
    feet when Pool recognized the bullet". According to Pool, the
    bullet was pointed, and he added that it "didn't look like it had
    hit anything and didn't look like it had been in anything".

         Lawson felt that further development of Pool's testimony may
    reveal the following:


    And you thought only "assassination buffs" came up with
    compelling  assertions...

    *a former adviser to JFK on civil rights; a D.C. political
    figure; any relation to WINSTON G. LAWSON, in charge of the
    advance security in Dallas?

    My pleasure! 


  11. 16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Can i ask a question here about consistency?

    How about Givens?  

    How about Brennan?

    How about Tatum?

    See, that is OK for the Commission zealots right? Why is that OK?

    Pretty obvious right?  

    I am surprised Vince did not point this out.  He knows that Brennan absolutely refused to testify for the HSCA under any circumstances.

    Let me add, in addition to using that pile of crapola from VIncent Guinn about CE 399 in his article, Posner uses all three of these BSers in his book.


    Good points, Jim. Point well taken.

  12. As DVP previously wrote: "So, in 1983, Mr. Landis was saying it was merely a "bullet fragment" that he picked up in the limo, which he "gave to somebody". But now, forty years later in 2023, it's a whole bullet (not just a fragment) which he didn't give to anyone but which he himself carried into the hospital and placed on JFK's stretcher."

    No photo description available.

    Right under our noses- from Gerald Blaine's best-selling book THE KENNEDY DETAIL (Landis was interviewed for the book and participated in the television documentary in on screen interviews and in the scrapped Hollywood movie) [page 225]:

    No photo description available.


  13. (this is in regard to the long-since scrapped Hollywood movie based on Gerald Blaine's book The Kennedy Detail that was going to be directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal)


    A screen writer friend and colleague of Gyllenhaal's, Cantara Christoph, sent me this back in early 2013:

    "Vince, I swear this is genuine. Paul Landis, one of the Secret Service agents on the Kennedy protection detail in Dallas who failed to protect the president from an assassin’s bullet back on that fateful November 22, 1963, has his own idea of how to start a picture. Got this personally from the director of the upcoming feature film The Kennedy Detail:

    [Paul Landis writes:]

    "Stephen, I don’t know how you intend to open your movie, but I have an idea that I would like to run by you, not intending to intrude into your creative space. Just a thought. Please forgive any miss spelled words. I’m just going with the flow.”


    Paul (not Paulie)


    Opening Scene: Taking place while titles, actors ,credits, etc. burn thru in white.


    Start – Surround sound – Motorcycle engine starts – Loud – …Varoom. Then a second – same sounds – Varoom…Varoom. Followed by other sounds, cars starting, “Let’s roll”, voices, commands, close ups of car wheels starting to move, cycles shifting into gear, Presidention flag on fender, feet walking & starting to jog, all close ups & tight shots…lots of quick shots & cuts…people waving…shouting…fenders…cycle exhause pipes…flashers blinking…Clint/Paul exchanging glances…”Jackie, Jackie”…”Mr. President”…”Over here, over here Mr. President” etc., etc. More pix of buildings, people in windows…waving. Someone running towards presidents limo, arm extended…Agent looks at hand, quick flash close up…gun?…Knife?…finally a camera. Another Agent pushes person back towards crowd. the person tumbles…motorcade continues.


    All sorts of scenes taking place and building in intensity as motorcade reaches & continues down Main Street in Dallas. Finally, as motorcade slows & turns right onto Houston…sounds start to fade…crown thinning out…..camera scanning buildings, Plaza, overpass, etc. As other sounds fade out, an erie background sound starts to fade in. We are now going into slow motion as cars start turning left onto Elm St…Silence….Sound (Click, click…lock & load)…theatre audiance in suspense, silent, intence, waiting in anticipation. Everyone knows what is about to happen…silence……BAM…Screen goes White. Blank!


    Next Scene: Version of scene 12 – Paul getting shot, etc…Paul wakes up with a start…covered in cold sweat. (His idea of how it should have been).




    Page 2, Scene 20 – WRHS (either 2010, age 75, or 2011, age 76).


    To be continued……………………………."

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

    Director Stephen Gyllenhaal and the gang: Blaine attempted to make a Hollywood movie about his book, but it was scrapped. I contacted the director, so perhaps I had something to do with this.

    No photo description available.



    Blaine and Landis with the then-current Secret Service Director Joe Clancy in 2016.

    No photo description available.

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