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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 10 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    I have a question for you @Vince Palamara

    Do you think this recent Landis thing and the Gary Louks (may be misspelled, lol!) story about Kinney being the one to find the bullet might be part of a "limited hangout" because they know there is a smoking gun somewhere in the remaining documents that they know will be released at some point pointing to more than one shooter?

    Does that make sense?

    Of course, if anything like that ever happened "officially", then they would still say Oswald did it but just had an accomplice.

    Hmmm- no. Loucks is dead and when he came out in 2013 to reveal his alleged conversation with Kinney that happened in 1986, Kinney had been dead since 1997.

  2. 32 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    i know you are on a jihad, that is evident.

    But I really don't know what you mean. Even though you address to me.

    The Landis bullet is not CE 399.

    How could it be?  He may think so, and Daily Beast may think so but that is just damage control.

    How could that bullet eject out of JBC's thigh, unprovoked, and into the back seat--which would be an incredible piece of reverse trajectory.  Einstein maybe could explain it but not Newton.

    Secondly, Landis said he placed it on JFK's stretcher, not Connally's. Unless you buy Daily Beast and it bounced off Kennedy's stretcher, how does that relate to what the WC says happened with CE 399?

    And BTW, it was not on Connally's stretcher it was on Ronnie Fuller's. 

    Are you really saying that Lisa M.'s husband should be taken as gospel truth?

    I guess you can say I am floating between a DVP and VP stance on this specific issue (a whole bullet versus a fragment). That said, I put a lot of stock in his two Secret Service reports and his denouncement of the SBT; firm and established pre-2023 materials there. EDITED: also- his 2016 demonstration of the rear head wound-excellent

  3. 26 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    i know you are on a jihad, that is evident.

    But I really don't know what you mean. Even though you address to me.

    The Landis bullet is not CE 399.

    How could it be?  He may think so, and Daily Beast may think so but that is just damage control.

    How could that bullet eject out of JBC's thigh, unprovoked, and into the back seat--which would be an incredible piece of reverse trajectory.  Einstein maybe could explain it but not Newton.

    Secondly, Landis said he placed it on JFK's stretcher, not Connally's. Unless you buy Daily Beast and it bounced off Kennedy's stretcher, how does that relate to what the WC says happened with CE 399?

    And BTW, it was not on Connally's stretcher it was on Ronnie Fuller's. 

    Are you really saying that Lisa M.'s husband should be taken as gospel truth?

    Another thing: unless I missed it and keep missing it, Landis doesn't mention his two reports and what they said (I am assuming he will in his book), but never seems to in interviews (unless I missed it somewhere [apart from the 2010 Blaine book]).

  4. 24 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    i know you are on a jihad, that is evident.

    But I really don't know what you mean. Even though you address to me.

    The Landis bullet is not CE 399.

    How could it be?  He may think so, and Daily Beast may think so but that is just damage control.

    How could that bullet eject out of JBC's thigh, unprovoked, and into the back seat--which would be an incredible piece of reverse trajectory.  Einstein maybe could explain it but not Newton.

    Secondly, Landis said he placed it on JFK's stretcher, not Connally's. Unless you buy Daily Beast and it bounced off Kennedy's stretcher, how does that relate to what the WC says happened with CE 399?

    And BTW, it was not on Connally's stretcher it was on Ronnie Fuller's. 

    Are you really saying that Lisa M.'s husband should be taken as gospel truth?

    Hi, Jim! Oh, sorry about that- I really don't mean to come across as someone who is debunking Landis claim, per se. I am just posting a lot about it because a) it is fascinating b) it is my area of interest and c) Landis and/or the way the details are conveyed (by either himself or his co-author) seem to be all over the map. I am merely posting Blaine's book excerpt and Clint Hill's debunking Landis' claim as more grist for the mill. I myself do not necessarily endorse Landis or the debunkers.

    To be honest, I am in the middle; sort of talking out of both sides of my mouth on this specific issue (I admit it). I certainly WANT to believe Landis; that is a given. That said, there are (seemingly) troubling anomalies and contradictions to the past accounts. I am working on another author's book chapter (pro conspiracy book) about this, collecting every bit of data (articles, links, photos, etc.) I can muster.

    Landis is an enigma: his first two reports state that a shot came from the front (and he confirmed this to the HSCA in a very last-minute early 1979 outside contact "interview"), yet he changed his tune to Blaine in 2010 (unless Blaine/McCubbin editorially "massaged" the account to spin it their way...I am definitely an ardent critic of McCubbin, as you know)

    He doesn't believe the single bullet theory (he came out in 2016 about this), yet he believes Oswald acted alone...or he doesn't know what to believe any longer.

    ON CNN'S JAKE TAPPER JUST TODAY, he says the bullet was on an exam table, not the gurney/stretcher out in the hall...I am confused.

    The AMAZON book hype definitely gives the impression that his book is an LHO-did-it book, talking about where "conspiracy theorists get it wrong," yet, by virtue of his own reports (plural), HE was one of the first conspiracy proponents!

    The MEDIA book hype (numerous high-profile articles and tv appearances) give the impression that something is wrong in Denmark about the official story.

    The bullet went from fragments to fragments and what sounds like CE399...but it wasn't CE399.

    Landis book states he is the "final witness", but of course he is not-others spoke out and wrote books beforehand and several of these men and women are still among us (including Clint Hill, a good friend of Landis, who is now on the warpath---a real jihad---to debunk him).

    You have to admit- it is fascinating and confusing.

  5. Just now, Pat Speer said:

    He doesn't really debunk Landis. He just expresses doubt. That's only natural. It's like two college buddies having a 70 year reunion, whereupon one "admits" he'd had sex with the other guy's girlfriend in the dorm when the other guy was sleeping. And the other guy says "Nope, you're dreaming!" 


    Pat, what do you think about both Hill AND Landis choosing the exact same location for the JFK head wound? Also- even if the witnesses vary on whether it was LOWER rear of head or HIGHER rear of head, doesn't that still "say" that the back of the head was gone and/or the shot came from the front?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:

     Since we know that the back wound was the depth of half a finger only and had no connection with the throat wound - a fact which by it's own debunks the myth of one shooter only - I don't see the point of a lengthy discussion about a claim by an SS agent finding a bullet in the limo 60 years after the fact. 


    V. Palamara showed SS Agents were lying through the years and had ever changing memories. 

    I don't give a damn what Landis claims. 



    I definitely get where you are coming from but, due to the nature of WHO is saying it (a former JFK agent there in the motorcade), it is significant (even IF he is lying).

  7. HSCA attorney Belford V. Lawson*, in charge of the Secret Service area of the "investigation," is the author of a recently uncovered memo in regard to an interview with Nathan Pool conducted on 1/10/77 and headlined "POOL's CO-DISCOVERY OF THE 'TOMLINSON' BULLET." In the memo, Pool mentions the fact that TWO Secret Service agents were by the elevator, one of which " remained there throughout most or all of Pool's stay". Before we can catch our breath, a THIRD Secret Service agent enters the picture; although all these men were in the immediate vicinity of the discovery of the bullet, one particular agent "was within 10 feet when Pool recognized the bullet". According to Pool, the bullet was pointed, and he added that it "didn't look like it had hit anything and didn't look like it had been in anything".

    Lawson felt that further development of Pool's testimony may reveal the following:



    Pool Nathan 01.pdf (archive.org)

  8. Just now, Leslie Sharp said:

    Do you know at what point Landis hitched a ride?

    He was on the follow-up car the whole time***, although he went into the car after a short time at Love Field and then eventually went back out on the running board. 


    ***except for a couple unannounced short stops on the outskirts of Dallas where he and the other agents surrounded the presidential limo.

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