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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. From a pro-conspiracy friend: "Look at the seatback behind JFK. Put a bullet on it. It will try to roll off the smooth flat high place. That's with the limousine parked. Then drive the limousine like a maniac at 85 mph down Stemmons to Parkland, and jerk the limousine violently to make the corners. No way in hell will the bullet stay in place on top of the seatback to be found upon arrival. The story Landis tries to peddle is patently absurd."

  2. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Also keep in mind that SS Agent Paul Landis (via the Vanity Fair article) also makes the claim that he saw two "bullet fragments" lying on the back seat as well.

    Of course, as we all know, there were no bullet fragments recovered from the BACK seat. The two large bullet fragments (CE567 & 569) were found in the FRONT seat of the limousine after the car was flown back to Washington.

    Some people (mostly CTers) can always claim, of course, that Agent Landis really did see a couple of bullet fragment lying on the back seat on 11/22, but the Bucket Brigade (clean-up crew) scooped those fragments up when they washed the back of the limo out at Parkland.

    Bottom Line regarding Mr. Landis (IMO):

    It's absolutely ridiculous and wholly unbelievable to think that a member of the United States Secret Service, right after discovering and moving a piece of very important evidence connected directly to the case of an assassinated President, wouldn't have mentioned to anyone the fact that he found a whole bullet right there in the same car where JFK was murdered.

    And nobody can possibly use the fact that Mr. Landis, in later years, suffered from PTSD, which is, indeed, unfortunate for him. But any PTSD that was suffered by Mr. Landis certainly can't explain his lack of communicating with someone (anyone!) the fact he had found (and moved) a bullet on November 22.


    VERY interesting indeed that Clint Hill will be on NBC News tonight to do some damage control.

  3. 20 minutes ago, K K Lane said:

    I've put together a Landis timeline drawn mainly from the other Landis thread.   Thanks to Vince for being awesome generally and specifically for providing such great detail on the other thread.

    I'll update thread if corrections or additions come in.   

    • October 1959 - Landis joins the secret service
    • Night of November 21 - 22: Landis was evidently out drinking the night before and morning of the assassination.   He apparently
      left the bar at 5AM and reported for work at 8AM.   Per VP on the other thread.
    • November 27th, 1963:  Landis seemingly reports hearing just two gunshots: the first from the rear/side right, the second from the front right (i.e. grassy knoll).   I say "seemingly" because as I first read this report Landis indicated three shots.   https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/m_j_russ/Sa-landi.htm
    • ~May 1964: Landis leaves the Secret Service
    • Fall 1964: Landis is not interviewed for the Warren report but his 11/27/1963 written report is included
    • February 17, 1979: The HSCA, who interviewed Landis on February 17, 1979, noted: “Landis confirmed the accuracy of his statement 
      to the Warren Commission [sic: report submitted].”[HSCA Report, pp. 89, 606 (referencing Landis’s interview, 
    • 1986.  According to Sam Kinney's neighbor Gary Loucks (reported publicly in 2013): SS Kinney admitted to Loucks  in 1986 to finding an extra bullet and putting it on a stretcher.
      The neighbor claims Kinney also said the shot came from the grassy knoll, there was smoke and a conspiracy was necessary because LHO couldn't have done it alone.  https://youtu.be/ZaW6k0N6ZzI
    • 2010.  In the book "The Kennedy Detail" (p. 353) Landis evidently changes his mind and says that the second bullet did not in fact
      come from the front.
    • May 31st, 2012.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wENV85zx_S0         27:00 Landis recounts the shooting: hit, miss, head shot.  29:10 Landis took the president into "one of the rooms there [in the hospital]" but Landis did not go into the operating room where JFK was worked on; he was with Jackie.  41:00 Landis supports the LGT, but mentions that he originally thought that one shot came from right front.  He says LHO only hat to get off two more shots in 6.2 seconds because "the first shot was free" (i.e. the gun was loaded)
    • 2014.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXg5sCdD4MY  Landis mentions a third shot (@1:10) 
    • 2016.   Landis oral history interview with the 6th floor museum.   It doesn't play for me.   https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/47223/paul-landis-oral-history
    • September 9, 2023 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/09/new-jfk-assassination-revelation-upend-lone-gunman    "[Landis] claims he spotted a bullet resting on the top of the back of the seat. He says he picked it up, put it in his pocket, and brought it into the hospital. Then, upon entering Trauma Room No. 1, he insists, he placed the bullet on a white cotton blanket on the president’s stretcher."


  4. 2 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    The fact that Landis only decided to reveal  this after reading Six Seconds in Dallas doesn’t really help his credibility, IMO. 

    That said, it does seem like a bit of a stretch that an 80 year old man would fabricate a story like this just to sell a few books, but not actually seek publicity for it for almost a decade, but you never know. 

    I’m not sure what to think about Kinney taking credit for the same thing. Granted it’s a hearsay claim from 1986, but Kinney’s alleged story sounds almost identical to what Landis is saying now: SS agent placed  bullet on stretcher, innocent act in the heat of the moment, etc. etc. If Kinney really said that, it seems to support the idea that certain SS agents knew that the bullet was moved. 

    Landis' age (88) is the only thing working in his favor that he is not just a fraudster looking for cash. That said, I am skeptical. IF he is lying, it is a win-win for me: just goes to show you what XXXXX these agents are (Hill, Blaine, etc.).

  5. Wow---all the hype and national articles are making Landis forthcoming book a best seller:


    • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Chicago Review Press (October 10, 2023)
    • Language ‏ : ‎ English
    • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 240 pages
    • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1641609443
    • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1641609449
    • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.74 pounds
  6. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    @Vince Palamara 

    Bill - the Queen Mary was the Secret Service Car... not the limo.

    "they brought back in an envelope a spent misshapen bullet which they had found on the back floor of the “Queen Mary”[sic] where they had found the pieces of skull bones."

    I too have that report.  Emory Roberts - if I remember correctly - claimed to have found skull bone in the Queen Mary as well but since that suggested a frontal shot - he changed that to "the limo" (That wasn't Boring was it?)

    So if there really were bullets and skull in the Queen Mary...  frontal shots are a certainty.

    Vince - Wasn't LANDIS part of the SS drinking party the night before?

    @Matthew Koch

    The bullet known as CE399 is only acknowledged as the bullet ROWLEY gave TODD (with the timing conflict to Frazier).  Nothing else prior to that represents CE399 but a pointed bullet which was claimed to fall to the floor, picked up by a nurse and disappears.   

    Yet we've had this info for many, many years (the memo) and little if anything is done to connect dots.  :huh:

    What I don't understand is why this memo and this story does not constitute proof of more shots, more bullets and complete l-i-e-s.

    Phyllis Hall, the very first nurse to enter Trauma Room 1, said that while she was cradling the president’s head, she saw a bullet in JFK’s neck.

    “I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder,” she said. “It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. There was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had been fired.”

    “I’d had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds, but I had never seen anything like this before. It was about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were later produced. It was taken away but never have I seen it presented in evidence or heard what happened to it. It remains a mystery.”

    Phyllis’s description of the bullet sounds very much like a flechette, and JFK did apparently have a neck wound in that location. In 1989, Tom Wilson an electrical engineer and photonics expert, used special photo analysis equipment to examine the autopsy photos in 3D. He determined that the small defect in the neck was an actual wound.   https://www.quora.com/Could-nurse-Phyllis-Hall-be-telling-the-truth-when-she-said-she-saw-a-bullet-lodged-in-JFKs-neck-a-bullet-like-she-had-never-seen-before 




    Hello! That was Boring, not Roberts.

    Landis was one of the nine agents who drank that morning and the most sleep deprived: he left at 5 am and had to report for duty at 8 am.

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