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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. On 11/16/2023 at 11:49 AM, Michael Griffith said:

    The main point of the chapter is that the dented shell could not have fired a bullet on 11/22/63. 

    The shallow back wound could have been caused by a short shot, a shot that was traveling at a greatly reduced speed. Since the throat shot was the first hit, JFK's back muscles would have been very tight from stress and tension--this would have helped to prevent the back-wound bullet from penetrating more than a short distance. (JFK starts the motion of reaching for his throat at around Z202 in response to the throat shot, long before he is obviously hit in the back and jolted forward at Z226-232.)

    Science tells us that bullets that are traveling as "slowly" as 165-200 fps can penetrate skin. A bullet traveling at 200 fps has a max effective range of about 75-100 feet. A bullet moving at 400 fps has a max effective range of about 150-200 feet. A bullet moving at 600 fps has a max effective range of about 200-300 feet. If the back wound was caused by a short shot, I would guess that its velocity was somewhere around 600 fps when it left the barrel. JFK's greatly tightened back muscles would have contributed to the bullet's shallow penetration.

    As many researchers have noted, a number of witnesses commented that one of the shots sounded noticeably different from the others. This could have been a short shot.

    One thing that is crystal clear from the ARRB releases is that the autopsy doctors positively, absolutely determined via prolonged probing and body manipulation that the back wound had no exit point and that the bullet did not penetrate the pleural cavity. This, of course, is why one of the drafts of the autopsy report said that the throat wound was made by an exiting fragment from the head shot.


    Hi, Michael! The book arrived today. I cannot wait to read it. Thanks also for including me in it!

  2. 45 minutes ago, Simon Andrew said:

    Which means it’s 35 mins of program and 25 mins of advertising, so probably is the same.

    The paramount plus program is geo fenced meaning you can’t watch from a UK account (even with a VPN via a US server).

    So here in the UK we will get a program about Trauma room one interlaced with adverts for tampons and erectile dysfunction tablets. 

    The one I saw today on Paramount Plus was 92 minutes and 14 seconds long with zero interruptions or commercials of any kind.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mart Hall said:

    In the UK we have a 3x60min documentary starting this Sunday. Which I’m now hoping is the same production as reviewed by Vince.

    JFK:Trauma Room One.
    It says it’s a reunion of seven doctors who treated JFK “divulging unsettling medical details surrounding the assassination that raise doubts about the government investigations that found Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.”

    9pm Ch5. 

    That's the one: it is also in association with Channel 5 UK.

  4. 7 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    For those who might be interested, I have published a new book on the JFK assassination. It is titled A Comforting Lie: The Myth that a Lone Gunman Killed President Kennedy. The book is available as a paperback and as a Kindle book on Amazon (LINK). Here is the table of contents:

    Part 1: The Investigations
    Chapter 1    The Warren Commission and the Basic Elements of the Lone-Gunman Theory
    Chapter 2    The Forgotten Investigation: The House Select Committee on Assassinations
    Chapter 3    The Assassination Records Review Board: Historic Disclosures
    Part 2: Bullets, Marksmanship, Film, and Suspicious Events 
    Chapter 4    Too Many Bullets, Too Many Misses
    Chapter 5    Too Many Shot Reactions in the Zapruder Film
    Chapter 6    The Wounding of James Tague: A Fatal Blow to the Lone-Gunman Theory
    Chapter 7    The Impossible Feat: Oswald’s Marksmanship and His Alleged Shooting Performance
    Chapter 8    Suspicious Events in Dealey Plaza
    Chapter 9    An Easy Target: The Suspicious and Unusual Lack of Security in Dealey Plaza
    Part 3: A Look at Some of the Medical and Physical Evidence
    Chapter 10    The 6.5 mm Object: Evidence of Fraud in the Autopsy X-Rays
    Chapter 11    The Bullet Fragments in the Back of the Skull Refute the Lone-Gunman Theory
    Chapter 12    The Vanishing Low Fragment Trail on the Autopsy Skull X-Rays
    Chapter 13    The Strange White Patch
    Chapter 14    The Autopsy Report vs. the Autopsy Photos of the Brain
    Chapter 15    Too Much Brain: The Impossible Autopsy Photos of the Brain
    Chapter 16    The Head Shot from the Front
    Chapter 17    The Dented Bullet Shell: Hard Evidence of Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination
    Part 4: A Disturbing Pattern of Death
    Chapter 18    Suspicious Deaths
    Part 5: Understanding and Appreciating JFK’s Presidency
    Chapter 19    Was JFK Bad for America?
    Chapter 20    JFK and Vietnam
    Final Thoughts
    Bibliography and References

    As you will notice from the pricing, I am not looking to get rich off the book. The Kindle version is only $9.99, and the paperback is only $23 even though it is over 600 pages long (however, the pages read quickly because the font is Arial 11 and the line spacing is 1.1). 

    The Introduction, Chapter 1, and part of Chapter 2 are included in the free Kindle sample.  

    I just ordered it! :)

  5. (I was contacted by the producers this past summer and a few of my photos, including my 1998 correspondence with Dr. Robert McClelland, were used)

    Dr. Lawrence Klein

    Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich

    Dr. Kenneth Salyer

    Dr. Robert McClelland

    Dr. Peter Loeb

    Dr. Robert Seldin

    Doug Horne

    Dr. Michael Baden

    Bob Tanenbaum

    James Curtis Jenkins

    Matt Crumpton

    There are some explosive things said (definitely for the first time on video/television). The only exasperating point is there is zero acknowledgment of David Lifton. In fact, Crumpton actually calls the body alteration theory "Doug Horne's theory"!

    There is much that will make Pat Speer tear out his hair (haha) and a lot that will have you pondering all things medical evidence.




  6. On 11/9/2023 at 10:44 PM, Jean Ceulemans said:

    Below is a list of books I have, or have recently ordered.  That is, within the JFKA theme.   I have always been a book collector and I especially like reading bio's of witnesses, personnal accounts of agency personnel,  thngs like that.   I'm still going for the paper version, cover-type doesn't really matter to me (ofcourse a signed copy is always a nice touch).And if only a downloadeble version is available I'll print it.   Witness-books are often smaller books,  publisched in low numbers and as such hard to get.   Or essays, or a simple bundle of information handed out at conferences. But to find them, I have to know the title, author and if possible year of publication,  In case you know of considerably different editions of the same book, just let me know.  So if you know of some titles to add, feel free to suggest!  If you know websites where I can download long out of print books!  As you will see some are in Dutch, but I don't mind if they are in French or German (and English ofcourse)

    And as you can see, the next book will be number 60 

    PS : see any mistakes in the list below, please tell me



    Honest Answers about the Murder... by Palamara, Vincent Michael (amazon.com)


  7. On 11/9/2023 at 10:44 PM, Jean Ceulemans said:

    Below is a list of books I have, or have recently ordered.  That is, within the JFKA theme.   I have always been a book collector and I especially like reading bio's of witnesses, personnal accounts of agency personnel,  thngs like that.   I'm still going for the paper version, cover-type doesn't really matter to me (ofcourse a signed copy is always a nice touch).And if only a downloadeble version is available I'll print it.   Witness-books are often smaller books,  publisched in low numbers and as such hard to get.   Or essays, or a simple bundle of information handed out at conferences. But to find them, I have to know the title, author and if possible year of publication,  In case you know of considerably different editions of the same book, just let me know.  So if you know of some titles to add, feel free to suggest!  If you know websites where I can download long out of print books!  As you will see some are in Dutch, but I don't mind if they are in French or German (and English ofcourse)

    And as you can see, the next book will be number 60 

    PS : see any mistakes in the list below, please tell me



    Palamara, not Panamara LOL

  8. "The JFK Assassination Chokeholds: That Prove There Was a Conspiracy" by James DiEugenio, Matt Crumpton, Paul Bleau, Andrew Iler, Mark Adamczyk




    "In JFK Assassination Chokeholds, readers will find up to date evidence that would have compelled any jury to conclude that Oswald was not guilty beyond reasonable doubt, and that there is clear and convincing evidence of both a conspiracy and obstruction of justice to cover it up.

    The approach taken by the contributors in this anthology, three of whom are attorneys complemented by two of the leading authorities in the field, focuses on sixty years of revelations that have been inescapably proven. There is no way around these matters, making them argumentative “chokeholds.”

    The next time a historian, teacher, author or Warren Commission backer pushes the lone-nut assassin scenario, the reader will be able to counter with troubling questions, such as: Why was Oswald impersonated? Why did Ruby receive assistance in murdering Oswald? Why do an overwhelming number of investigation insiders not believe the Warren Commission conclusions? How can one explain the scandalous shenanigans around JFK’s brain and the chain of custody for CE 399? And many other inexplicable facts that are a matter of record.

    On November 22, 1963, the world took a turn for the worse. JFK and everything he stood for was cruelly taken away from us. Hopefully the truth can help pave the way for a new direction."

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