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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Hi Denise, I read Restons book a while ago. The Connally as target case seems to go to a claim by Secret Service agent Mike Howard that he saw a hit list of four names slated for death in Oswald’s address book one of which was Connally. Nobody has verified that, nobody else ever said they saw it except Howard, the pages don’t exist today (Howard says they were ripped out and LBJ had them destroyed), and Howard himself never first mentioned the claim until I think not before the 1990s. (The other three names Howard claims he saw on LHO’s kill list were Walker, Hosty, and LBJ. Kennedy was not on the alleged list!) 

    I don’t believe it and it’s hard to chalk this up to a mistake. But I cannot figure why he would be lying, which is the only conclusion I can come to on it. 

    Apart from that I don’t see much substantial to make Connally the target. The bullet either was aimed at JFK and JFK moved and it went into Connally behind him, or the bullet went through JFK into Connally behind him, either was accidental and either way proves that shot came from the rear. 

    There’s another Connally target argument book I can’t recall the authors name, I have the book somewhere, a man from Alaska, only a few hundred copies in existence. He did the most research of any on the Connally target theory but his main source is Howard whom he visited and interviewed who added a few outrageous whoppers to that book that not even Howard says in his public newspaper interviews. For example Howard told that author that Marina told him (he did security for Marina) that the night before the assassination, Marina saw Oswald in the middle of the night aiming the rifle in the kitchen! Yet Howard tells no one that (and Marina told no one else that) all these decades until telling this author that! Why would a professional non-delusional Secret Service retired agent just make up stuff like that? For the fun of it?

    So that’s my take on that! Only mystery to me is why Howard was doing stuff like that. I believe he’s maybe 93 and still alive and in sound mind today. 

    Mike Howard joins the list of other former agents who told tall tales and/or revised earlier statements (Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine, Paul Landis, etc.):

    Secret Service agent Mike Howard and brother Pat deliberately planted story that a janitor saw LHO pull trigger
    25 H 721-722, 725, 844-850:re: Secret Service agent Mike Howard and brother Pat and the allegation that they deliberately planted story that a janitor saw LHO pull trigger 







  2. 3 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Thanks, Roger, for your civil tone. 

    Clark said he studied the head wound in an effort to determine if it was a survivable wound, and quickly realized the answer was no. 

    Now, he did say he saw cerebellum. And never retracted that statement. 

    And I consider that a problem for my conclusion he was mistaken. 

    But he refused to talk to conspiracy theorists, and denounced them in the press, and worked with Lattimer, so I think his ultimate position was probably that he was in fact mistaken. 

    While studying his statements, moreover, I noticed that he claimed in the press conference, his report, and in his testimony, that the wound appeared to be a tangential wound. That led me to wonder 1) why those obsessed with his statements regarding cerebellum never discussed the significance of these statements, and 2) what was the implication of these statements. This sent me on a years-long journey into forensics journals and books on wound ballistics, and to the ultimate realization Clark was absolutely correct on this point. This is spelled out in chapter 16b Digging in the Dirt. 

    As far as messages, my inbox is probably full and I probably need to clean up a few. I have been holding onto old messages from people like Gerry Hemming, Gary Mack, and David Lifton. 

    This raises a question. Should I make these messages public now that they are no longer with us? Is that cool, and in the spirit of this website? I don't know. 

    Thanks for your feedback, Pat!

  3. Yes- I am a huge fan of all of Jim DiEugenio's books and the latest Stone documentary. 

    Likewise, @Pat Speer is my favorite researcher- he has me questioning my beliefs on the medical evidence over and over again. For example- at first glance, the new book by Dr. David Mantik and Jerome Corsi THE FINAL ANALYSIS is quite impressive, yet the entire time I was reading it (I just finished it), I kept thinking "I'll bet Pat Speer doesn't believe this" or "I think Pat Speer debunked this" and so on.

    Pat- what is you take on the book and Mantik's work? Do you believe his optical density measurements are solid? What about the white patch on the x-rays? What about the dark area on the back of the head as seen in the Zapruder film? Also, what about the red spot on the color autopsy photos that is alleged to be an entry wound (the approximate Clark Panel and HSCA position) that others have disputed?


  4. I mentioned this author and this book before, but I am greatly impressed with Oswald-probably-did-it-alone Robert A. Wagner's new book (which seems to have died out on Amazon-just 3 reviews and not-good rankings) JFK ASSASSINATED: IN THE COURTROOM- DEBATING THE CRITIC RESEARCH COMMUNITY. Wagner succeeds where Manchester, Bishop, Belin, Moore, Posner, Bugliosi, Ayton (etc.) fail:

    He is a nice guy who CONCEDES ground from the pro-conspiracy side; greatly and genuinely respects several prominent authors and researchers from "our" side such as Pat Speer, Tink Thompson, David Mantik, etcetera; is NICE in his tone--no insults or snarky remarks; he DOES NOT BELIEVE THE SINGLE BULLET THEORY (!)

    Wagner believes the greatest challenge to those who believe there was a conspiracy is the following: there is no evidence that Oswald's movements were controlled in any fashion on 11/22/63 to PREVENT HIM FROM HAVING AN ALIBI. As an open-minded author/researcher, I myself cannot think of a good counter argument to this challenge. I hope someone else can and will. I asked researcher Martin Hay, who (in my opinion) successfully reviewed and counter-argued Wagner's previous book THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK: PERSPECTIVES HALF A CENTURY LATER, to review his current book but I don't know if he will or not.

    Wagner believes the greatest challenge to those who believe there was NOT a conspiracy is the high-on-the-top-of-the-skull bullet fragment trail, as both alleged rear entrance locations on the skull do not explain it away.

    Again, Wagner believes Oswald definitely fired shots and probably acted alone, yet his style is so open-minded and refreshing (finally! An Oswald-probably-acted-alone author who concedes points! It's a miracle!) that he gets you thinking and rethinking things quite a bit.

    That said, like Dr. David Mantik's new book THE FINAL ANALYSIS, it is lengthy and highly clinical/technical, so it can leave the reader exhausted.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Steven Kossor said:

    The video provides a selective reporting of the Sibert & O'Neil report.  The actual quote in the Sibert & O'Neil report is "surgery of the head area, namely in the top of the skull."  By editing the presentation to exclude the boldface words, it made it appear that the "surgery of the head area" was not specifically in the top of the skull (where the surgery evidence actually appeared), but rather that the statement was referring to the triangular incision above the right eye.  This is not scholarship; it is shameful propaganda.

    Yes- that is NOVA and Walter Cronkite circa 1988.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Keven Hofeling said:

    Thank you, Vince. I have closely studied an earlier much longer version of this video and frequently quote therefrom (with proper attribution, of course). You've accumulated a great deal of very important evidence during your career which has greatly benefited the research community. I post directly below some of my favorite and most frequently used examples of that evidence as a tribute to your work:


    Chapter Ten of 'HONEST ANSWERS ABOUT THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY' by Vince Palamara (Courtesy of Vince Palamara)

    "Master List of Witnesses Who Stated That the Limousine Slowed or Stopped – A Deadly Delay on Elm Street"

    "The following is a complete listing, the largest one ever compiled, of every single witness I could find – over 70 in all – who stated that the limousine either slowed down or stopped. This deadly delay on Elm Street was Secret Service agent Bill Greer’s fault, pure and simple; he was the limousine driver. As even lone-nut authors agree, Greer’s inept driving of the limo during the shooting allowed the assassination to be a tragic success...."























  7. FBI Agent Frank O’Neill, Dr. Malcolm Perry (3 different appearances), Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, Secret Service Agent Paul Landis, Secret Service Agent Sam Kinney, Mortician Tom Robinson, Dr. William Zedlitz, James Curtis Jenkins, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Nurse Audrey Bell (repeated), Floyd Riebe (repeated/extended), Jerrol Custer (repeated/extended), Dr. Kenneth Salyer, Dr. Robert McClelland (4 different appearances), Dr. Ronald Jones (2 different appearances), Dr. Paul Peters (2 different appearances), Dr. Richard Dulany, Dr. Charles Carrico, Dr. Marion “Pepper” Jenkins, Paul O’Connor, Secret Service Agent Winston Lawson, Phil Willis, Marilyn Willis, Linda Willis, Dr. Charles Crenshaw, Dr. Charles Baxter, Nurse Sharon Tuohy, Nurse Phyllis Hall, Dr. Robert Schorlemer, Aubrey Rike, Theran Ward


  8. 3 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

    I understand having concerns about the cables.

    I don't think the diary disappearing is suspicious. If it were real, it certainly would have been something conspirators would want to conceal. The story of the emergency plane landing is documented and certainly appears consistent with the FBI looking for items in Ricky's possession.

    The scrapbook, I have to disagree with you on. I respect you and your work tremendously, and I'm very interested in your opinions on Roscoe White. But in my view the scrapbook is weird, and there's something about it that I don't think a person faking it would have added. I'll try to elaborate with an example in a separate post.

    Well, there is hope for me yet, as you won me over with the Hargis video! :)

  9. Just now, Denny Zartman said:

    I understand having concerns about the cables.

    I don't think the diary disappearing is suspicious. If it were real, it certainly would have been something conspirators would want to conceal. The story of the emergency plane landing is documented and certainly appears consistent with the FBI looking for items in Ricky's possession.

    The scrapbook, I have to disagree with you on. I respect you and your work tremendously, and I'm very interested in your opinions on Roscoe White. But in my view the scrapbook is weird, and there's something about it that I don't think a person faking it would have added. I'll try to elaborate with an example in a separate post.

    You can see how, circa 1990, many smelled a rat: a huge media explosion, then no diary. Cables that many thought seem fake. Geneva appearing to be looking for a payday. Beverly Oliver and Gerry Hemming coming out of the woodwork saying they knew Roscoe. Then Ricky disappears for 30-plus years.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

    YouTube - “Michael Brownlow interviews B.W. (Bobby) Hargis Part 1 / 2”


    Uploaded by gbm hon





    ok---I will concede that this is impressive. @Denny Zartman I am impressed that someone of Hargis' credibility says this on video, as opposed to having to rely on someone vouching for him saying this.

  11. The cables just reek of fakery, the scrapbook is a big nothing and it is TOO convenient that the diary disappeared.

    ALSO--Beverly Oliver and Gerry Patrick Hemming knowing Roscoe White does the Roscoe White story no favors LOL! [Hemming is mentioned by Paul Hoch in his newsletter Echoes of Conspiracy as being someone who was saying "oh yeah--I knew Roscie"]

  12. Just now, Denny Zartman said:

    Well, there was another diary produced after the first one disappeared, but it was immediately dismissed as a fake produced by Geneva. As I understand it, Ricky was the one who I.D'd this second diary as a fake. Wouldn't that argue for his honesty, rather than against it?

    And there are other aspects besides Roscoe's link to Oswald, Geneva's link to Ruby, and Roscoe's possession of a heretofore unknown third backyard picture.

    There's the high powered radio transmitter/receiver and hundreds of spent rifle shells found in Texas near the Mexico border, a place the White family had visited.

    There's also Roger Craig saying he saw Roscoe on the grassy knoll just after the assassination. I believe this is a important piece of evidence and I'm not sure why people are going out of their way to ignore it. It's also supported by the observations of Ed Hoffman, who reported seeing a man in a policeman's uniform behind the fence on the grassy knoll.

    Bobby Hargis, not Roger Craig. Is there a video/documented proof that Hargis said this? If so, I will concede that this is impressive.

    Hoffman? Hmmmm- never bought his story.

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