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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I hate to be negative toward any (pro-conspiracy) author trying their best out there (and I have big respect for Gary Shaw and Brian Edwards), but their attempt to rehabilitate the (yikes) Roscoe White story is, with all due respect, an epic fail. Ricky White is back from the pre-internet "dead" and is back with a pretty lame 'scrapbook' that is really much ado about nothing---a bunch of unintelligible scribbles and some pretty nothing-special newspaper cut outs. Quite frankly, my first thought was "Hmmm- how do we know this wasn't RICKY or GENEVA trying to put something together to 'replace' the conveniently stolen-by-the-FBI "diary." The book kind of feels like good ole Texas boys sticking up for their friend, who they say is a good "family man" who wouldn't make stuff up.

    I WILL concede these points- it is intriguing that Roscoe joined the Dallas Police Department in October 1963 [he is even mentioned in the Warren Commission volumes: 19 H 148], his wife Geneva worked for Ruby (and there is a photo of them together), and the third backyard photo (as noted by the HSCA) was in the hands of Geneva/Roscoe. However, just as Beverly Oliver (NOT the Babushka Lady) was definitely a stripper at the Ruby-rival Colony Club (captioned photos of her from the night of 11/22/63 at the Colony Club are on the Sixth Floor Museum website via the Dallas Times Herald), these kernels of truth do not vouch for the rest of the tale(s).

    In addition to the conveniently-missing diary, the so-called cables reek of fakery (sorry). "Mandarin"...yeah, right.

    As for Dr. Mantik's latest book, it is a best-seller and selling like wildfire! It is also his very best (in fact, you don't even need his other two, as everything good from those books is included herein):




    May be a graphic of 1 person and text



  2. 4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    Like millions of others in the United States, I experienced the incredible total solar eclipse today (Monday, April 8th, 2024). Total darkness descended upon my front yard in central Indiana at 3:06 PM (EDT) and lasted for almost four minutes. It was an amazing sight to be sure.

    And in Dallas, Texas, at the site of President Kennedy's assassination, many people gathered to watch the eclipse in Dealey Plaza. I captured the three images below via the Sixth Floor Museum's Dealey Plaza Cam. Click to enlarge:







    Excellent, DVP! You know this IS a conspiracy between the moon and the sun (two actors), correct? The Luna Nut Theory :) Seriously-thanks!

  3. 32 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    Video has been removed.


    Not good.

    It is up in abbreviated form on my channel (again). A big misunderstanding between Alex Harris (who FOUND the video and first posted it) and myself led to a brief "disagreement" [wherein the video was taken down] that has since thankfully passed. Alex may post it again but, in the meantime, my 14-second Fair Use bit is included here (yes, Alex is much aware of this): 


  4. 1 minute ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Vince, both you and young Alex Harris have done a FINE job in getting this historically important video out to the masses! I agree with you, no proprietary information held close to the vest on the JFK assassination. When I find something useful/educational I immediately email blast it to my list of 1,000 JFK assassination researchers.

    Other authors are free to sit on research for 20-30 years while they write their book which may or may not end up being published.

    I have sent young Alex information on how to contact moderator Sandy Larsen so hopefully Alex Harris can be a member with posting privileges at Education Forum.

    I think young Alex just wanted to make sure he got credit for finding this nugget of a video.


    Exactly! I made sure he received credit via the first pinned comment on the video and the link to his video, as well as on here (and on Facebook). :)

  5. On 4/6/2024 at 1:51 AM, Robert Morrow said:

    That is very nice. How do we know that Dr. Malcolm Perry's interview with ABC occurred on 11/22/1963? I am not doubting this. I merely want to footnote this properly.

    Hi, Robert! JUST seeing your post/comment right now (I am not on every day and, even when I am, hours can go by before I see someone's response/reply, so bear with me). I believe it is from 11/22/63 (the evening) BUT there is a chance it is from early 11/23/63. In the big scheme of things, I am not sure that it matters too much. That said, it is at the end of an ABC video labelled as footage from 11/22/63.

    Jefferson Morley enthusiastically wrote me about the video in an e-mail and here is my response (that may clear up some other issues, as well):

    "Hi- someone sent me an MP4 of this (just the Perry part) that apparently came from a young man named Alex Harris who found it on an extended video (the first part features several uninteresting interviews with others). Alex is 15 or so (!!!) and presented at Lancer. He has a You Tube channel called The JFK Theorist. He wasn’t too happy that I posted it (I didn’t know it was discovered by him) BUT his version was largely ignored when he posted it 3 weeks ago because he only has 3K subscribers (I have 20K) and it is buried at the end of largely uninteresting footage at the start. His version has 700 views….my Perry-only edit has 12K-plus-and-counting.  As I told Alex, I make zero money on these mostly copyrighted (by others) videos and share them for free as a labor of love and to get the truth out there. I apologized to him and gave him full credit on the first pinned comment on my version of the video and on The Education Forum. My view on this is simple- it is 60-plus years later…no more proprietary items held close to the vest! And, frankly, neither Alex NOR I shave copyrights to an ABC video made before we were born LOL!  I think he was “bummed” that “my” version received all the attention, but the alternative was this- it was buried and ignored on a modest you tube channel. :) Vince

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Hold on a minute Vince.  When I watched this the 1st time I thought, this had to be on Friday evening the 22nd, before they really got to Perry.  Didn't someone come up after the press conference that afternoon, shortly after JFK had passed and tell him not to mention the throat wound as one of entrance (as he had done 3x)?  

    If we actually read C.E. 2051 which Denis provided it clearly states the UPI team, including Sisco arrived on the evening of 11/22/63.  It is the December 1st FBI interview of Oliver Oakes, UPI sound engineer. He was in and out of the DPD HQ that evening.  It ends with the only thing Oakes filmed that weekend was of Nellie Connally's press conference on John's status, done at the same time Oswald was shot.

    I think this gives pause for consideration that Sisco could have possibly done the Perry interview the evening of 1/22/63.

    "He is employed by United Press International (UPI), Hews Films as a sound engineer . lie, PAUL SISCO and ISADORE BLECKMAN, as a UPI team, went to Dallas Friday, November 22, 1963, via plane, arriving Dallas in the evening of that day . On November 22 and 23, 1963, he entered and left the Dallas police department building several times and on occasion had his press pass inspected by uniformed policemen but added, "they got to know us ." Initials "UPI" are on all news gear carried by OAKES and he sometimes entered the building without showing press card with police officers assuming he was a new . . ."

    "The only films shot by OAKES were of Mrs . CONNALLY and this was given to SISCO which he forwarded to New York."

    Warren Commission, Volume XIV: CE 2051 - FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Oliver Oakes, at Morton Grove, Ill. (CD 85, pp. 463-464). (history-matters.com)

    Yes, i put the title back to 11/22 after seeing Pat's post. It DOES seem to be 11/22. Tellingly, even Alex Harris has the title of the video as 11/22/63.

  7. 9 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    This video was posted by Alex Harris 3 weeks ago. You didn’t know that, Vince?

    Hi, Denis! Sorry for the delay in responding. No, I had no idea, especially because his video is titled "Miscellaneous ABC footage from the evening of November 22nd, 1963" and says nothing about Perry. I was sent an MP4 of just that part from an associate. I told Alex sorry and that I did not know where it came from. I have since pinned a comment on my copy giving him credit and the link. 

    It is a good thing that the Perry part was highlighted all by itself: while the original extended video (posted 3/7/24) has just 514 views, the Perry-by-itself version has a whopping 6800-plus-and-counting views in just 22 hours! I make zero money from any of my videos (most of which are copyrighted/originate with networks; neither of us have ABC News credentials) and I just intermittently post them for free for people to share and to spread the truth.

    After all, many people (Alex, me, etc.) have versions of the Z film, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, etc. on all our channels (unless/until they are taken down, which does occur from time to time [some guy---Dannotch's Videos---had a wonderful channel with even more subscribers than my 20K but his channel and all the videos were taken down due to the fact that his hundreds of videos were all NETWORK videos and nothing he himself filmed and owned].

  8. 13 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Just the first minute.  This is from ABC, where has it been buried?

    - (Immediately) noted a lethal wound.

    - No heartbeat or pulse, he was attempting anginal respiration. 

    - wounds in the neck and head, the latter massive.

    - mortal wound, chance of survival, none.

    - two distinctive wounds. 

    "The wound of the neck was a small, penetrating wound, and appeared to be the entrance wound of one of the missiles".

  9. 1 minute ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Damn Vince.  Wow!  Where did you find this?  I'm stunned.  I need to watch it again a time or two before I comment.  This blows his Warren Omission testimony to hell.

    Pretty awesome, huh? I am constantly dredging the Network archives and every channel/video I can find.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

    Jerrol Custer’s testimony to the ARRB described metallic fragments in the C3/C4 region of the neck (in a now missing neck X-ray), making it more likely to the throat wound was the exit from a small bullet fragment rather than an entrance for an intact bullet. 




  11. 12 hours ago, Nick Bartetzko said:


    Was there not was a Secret Service agent…I forgot which one…who claimed he had copies of the Secret Service records for the Chicago trip and promised to make them available? Is my memory correct on that, and if so, did he do that and were you able to get access to those documents for your book?


    Hi, Nick! Hmmm...I don't know about that but stay tuned: something similar is in my book (!)

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