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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 14 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    This is incredible, the DVD was at number one its first three weeks in release in July of last year!

    Now, 11 months later, its back at number one  for documentaries on Amazon AGAIN.

    What this means is that, in all probability, it will achieve what is one definition of a classic.

    For one year it was either in the Top Ten, or right around that area.

    Remember what Roe said when it came out:  Its going straight to You Tube.😃. LOL. HA HA HA

    Congratulations- well deserved! Also: an impressive rating ratio of 4.6 out of 179 reviews. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    The questionable part is "in between" bundles of paper. 

    You see the photograph of the bundles in the KandK article. There are bundles of paper, encased in paper packaging, much like if you buy 500 sheets of paper today, and they are encased tightly in a paper package.

    Patrolman Norvell testified he lifted one bundle up, and underneath that bundle was resting the Walker Bullet---in between bundles of paper. That is the evidence we have of how the Walker Bullet was found. 

    Unfortunately, the record is thin, and we do not know if Norvell also saw, or did not see, say, a streak atop the bundle upon which the bullet was found, indicating the bullet, by rare happenstance, had penetrated exactly between bundles, and then came to rest. Norvell did not say he saw a streak indicating the bullet came to rest naturally between bundles of paper. A strict reading of Norvell's account sure raises questions if the bullet was planted.. 

    Norvell was not a detective and, had joined the DPD five months earlier, and then left the DPD one month after the Walker shooting. 

    Side question: You see the picture of CE 573 above. If you found that slug on the side of the road, and then, even informally, related finding the slug to a friend, would you call that slug "steel jacketed'? Would you say, "Oh, I found a steel-jacketed slug alongside the road today." 

    If you were a police officer or detective, collecting evidence at the scene of an attempted murder, would you call CE573 "steel jacketed?" Why? 

    The contemporary evidence we do have is that the Walker Bullet was relatively rare steel-jacketed slug. There is no contradictory contemporary evidence. 



    Excellent article!

    So this may be related:

    No photo description available.


    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    Great stuff.  I guess we do not have the actual calendar? 

    To get this straight:

    So, on the Paine calendar, in the month of March, is the notation regarding Oct. 23 and LHO's purchase of a rifle? 

    Does that mean that, in October 1963, Paine flipped the pages on her calendar back to March, and then put the notation regarding LHO and the rifle?


    Yes, virtually everyone who dealt with Marina in 1963 doubted her veracity on any topic. In her defense, she may have been deeply troubled and frightened, rather than evasive. 

    Side note: No one in the media ever---ever---referred to LHO as a new father, in 1963 coverage.  In fact, he had a one-month old baby. 

    I have always wondered if financial inducements led LHO into an unwitting role in the JFKA. 

    Thanks! Actually, you can thank Johnny Cairns for this :)

  4. An esteemed researcher (I will name him IF this is big news) sent me these today with the note "Ruth Paine marked in her calendar for March 1963, LHO purchase of rifle":



    No description available.\

    No description available.


    He also added: "I came across this today while reading the Scobey files- Loads in there about Marina-She lied uniformly to the FBI.. by her own admission Marina is a xxxx.. strong stuff

    No description available.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    I cant remember Vince ever providing any (new)(valuable) information re the who-how-where-when-shot..... ie new info not available from the public police & fbi & SS records.


    Have confidence in your own beliefs. Don't rely on someone else (like me) to confirm your beliefs. Why do you care what I think about Hickey LOL? I have total confidence in my research. I don't need someone else's approval to validate it.

  6. 20 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    I do need to ask though Vince... your experience with the SS, is Hickey looking at a missed shot here...
    Had it ever come up?

    Maybe easier to see in the context of the entire film, this all prior to z170



    Thanks! Like so much else in the (film) evidence, it is hard to be conclusive. We would have more definitive answers regarding the film and photo evidence if these were iPhone videos and crisp digital images.

  7. 15 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    It has been said/written that it was & is well known in SSA circles that Hickey shot jfk.

    I wonder whether Vince has ever received confirmation off the record?

    We know that Vince is certain that Hickey did not shoot jfk (or at least that Vince said that he was certain). I am certain that Hickey shot jfk. How can 2 clever guys hold opposing beliefs?

    Happens all the time in life. I do not believe that Hickey shot JFK; sorry.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    VP...without question and debate you are truly one of the top JFKA research historical figure icons.

    Your hundreds of heretofore unknown JFK secret service security history facts were/are groundbreaking. As well as many other areas of JFKA related research areas such as the Parkland Hospital revelations you cite above.

    If there was ever a JFKA truth mission research museum built to house, display and honor it's founding fathers and most influential contributors, I could see your own wing with your bust on an entrance located pedestal. Perhaps wearing a Duquesne University ball cap and a Pittsburg brew loving lapel button?

    Saluto mio amico.

    Thanks a ton, Joe!

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