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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 2 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

    I've spent most of my free time over the past 48 hours watching these short video clips David made back in 2013 and had posted to youtube only 4 or 5 weeks ago. Im pretty sure it covers exactly what he was writing about in "Final Charade".

    Their are 14 vidoes in all, here is a link to number one:

    I had sent emails to two email accounts i had for David a few days ago asking if he was ok, was he well.....I've had no reply.....like many here david was well respected by posters of this site, i for one was delighted when he would reply to posts or emailed me asking why or thought something or he replied to correct my comments. 

    My condolences to his family and friends, 

    R.I.P David, i hope you may now have all your questions answered.



    Here is all 14 in order in one place:


  2. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I was looking again to see if I could find any official recognition of David's passing.  An obituary or mention in a major publication.  Still nothing I could find.  But I stumbled across this wapo article from shortly before Best Evidence came out.  It was interesting to me.  Thought I'd share.

    David Lifton's Startling Study of JFK's Murder - The Washington Post

    Very interesting article, Ron-thanks for sharing!

  3. 1 hour ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    I wouldn't think RFK would be cool with or onboard with his brother being tossed into the cargo area like a piece of luggage. What do y'all think about DSL saying that the limo stopped and a different SS agent drove from there (I think it was on the overpass) on to the hospital? Has anyone else ever heard anything like this even being suggested? I know a few years back, in an appearance on Night Fright if I remember correctly, DSL said there were witnesses to the limo stopping again because Jackie was trying to climb out like she did on Elm. Or at least many thought she was trying to escape.

    I think that is silly, with all due respect. That was something Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams (Murder From Within) believed, as well.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    Thank you @Vince Palamara for posting that! I went to the channel and had been watching those videos one by one but they're all out of order and it'll just be easier to watch all in one video! Apparently DSL had come around to certain conclusions in his later years that would have been in Final Charade. I am very open minded in this case but some would be a little hard to swallow unless you have all the info to back it up, like would have been included in the book. Hopefully we still get the book. Apparently he came to believe that some of the doctors in Parkland were involved in the cover-up at least peripherally. He said he thought the body alteration was supposed to take place at Parkland with all bullets removed and everything. He said that was why the president (obviously D.O.A.) had all these life saving procedures done like the tracheotomy and the chest tubes (which he says weren't even put in all the way) and they were gonna act like they had to take him upstairs into surgery but Jackie wouldn't leave the room and he was obviously already dead so the S.S. took the body as plan B. I also heard him say that he thought Oswald was actually in the window with the gun firing blanks as part of a simulated assassination attempt. Personally, I don't believe that Oswald was anywhere near that window.

    The first 23 seconds of this important video are, to my mind, the greatest evidence of pre-autopsy surgery: 


  5. 2 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    Thank you @Vince Palamara for posting that! I went to the channel and had been watching those videos one by one but they're all out of order and it'll just be easier to watch all in one video! Apparently DSL had come around to certain conclusions in his later years that would have been in Final Charade. I am very open minded in this case but some would be a little hard to swallow unless you have all the info to back it up, like would have been included in the book. Hopefully we still get the book. Apparently he came to believe that some of the doctors in Parkland were involved in the cover-up at least peripherally. He said he thought the body alteration was supposed to take place at Parkland with all bullets removed and everything. He said that was why the president (obviously D.O.A.) had all these life saving procedures done like the tracheotomy and the chest tubes (which he says weren't even put in all the way) and they were gonna act like they had to take him upstairs into surgery but Jackie wouldn't leave the room and he was obviously already dead so the S.S. took the body as plan B. I also heard him say that he thought Oswald was actually in the window with the gun firing blanks as part of a simulated assassination attempt. Personally, I don't believe that Oswald was anywhere near that window.

    Thanks! Good comment.


  6. 1 minute ago, David G. Healy said:

    Is it possible there isn't a Final Charade manuscript? And I'm thinking out loud here... not seeking responses. Everything I ever spoke with David about ended up discussing some facet of Best Evidence, never Charade -- regardless of topic subject.

    I get the feeling this story has a more tragic ending... than simply David passing... this subject maybe tainted by my current situation but I don't feel so...

    It sounds like it was lost when David's laptop crashed, but Matt Douthit said what he was conveying in his recent videos was essentially the book (see the other post from tonight re: his videos).


  7. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    I talked to Matt and he said Lifton's hard drive crashed about two months ago. Not to be dramatic, but it's hard not to see this as a factor in David's passing. 

    I know that when I was in the hospital last year fighting cancer and google updated my site, and scrambled all the images, I was incredibly depressed. My poor health--where I was given a 1 in 3 chance to survive--in combination with the thought I'd spent thousands of hours creating something that had essentially disappeared--was just too much. I was nearly catatonic.

    Fortunately, however, my wife was there for me, as were the rest of my family and friends. They made a difference. 


    I hope you recover 100 percent. THIS is a classic you can be proud of- I have it on DVD, too:

    2019 in the plaza- I met you with Matt Douthit there, as well:

    No photo description available.No photo description available.

  8. 1 hour ago, Steven Kossor said:

    We should wait until David's estate is settled, when its contents can be examined and appropriate action taken to preserve historical records and other things, including any manuscript portions that exist.  David's last correspondence with me in November was related to the corruption of his address book files, not his other files.  With his next-of-kin out of the country until 12/20, it will probably be at least until that date before the contents of his estate can become accessible, but in any case I'll try to promptly update the Education Forum about the details.  Best wishes!

    Thanks a lot! :)

  9. 17 hours ago, Steven Kossor said:

    At the request of his next-of-kin, I updated the Wikipedia citation for David Lifton just now to document his death on 12/5/2022 in Las Vegas at the age of 83.  The citation for his work on Final Charade reads:

    At the time of his death, Lifton was living in Las Vegas after having lived in Southern California from 2010 until he moved for a short time to McKinney, Texas and then relocated to Las Vegas in 2021. For many years prior to his death, he was working full-time on a major written work about Oswald and details about the plan to assassinate JFK that were unearthed in the years following the publication of Best Evidence. His unfinished work, entitled Final Charade was to explain "what was supposed to have happened on 11/22/63, but didn't because of unexpected events in Dallas that forced the perpetrators of JFK's murder to improvise in their desperate attempt to recover control over JFK's body in order to complete the alterations necessary before his autopsy that would allow his murder to be ruled 'an accident of history' and permit the levers of power to operate efficiently to achieve an orderly transition from the Kennedy administration to the Johnson administration. The perpetrators were nearly exposed in 1963, as the evidence reported in Best Evidence clearly documents. The sequence of bizarre, seemingly inexplicable events that happened at Parkland and Bethesda on the afternoon and evening of November 22-23, 1963 were not part of any plan to kill JFK and alter his body before autopsy; it was the best they could do under the circumstances and they succeeded in concealing the truth for almost 60 years."

    I believe that David's research archive has been preserved and that his collected papers may be assembled for publication in the future.  He will be interred in his family's cemetery plot on Long Island, NY.  I will do what I can to help preserve his legacy, which was unequivocally substantial.  I believe that, in Best Evidence, he did the best he could with the available evidence to analyze and synthesize the facts he uncovered and that his understanding evolved as new evidence and conversations with others with knowledge of the JFKA continued to occur because of his notoriety and ongoing drive to uncover the truth to the best of his ability.  I think Final Charade will be a fascinating read when it's finally published.

    **UPDATE*** Good news, bad news about FINAL CHARADE (a small excerpt from a public post by researcher Matt Douthit):

    "This case literally lived with him 24/7. Over a span of 56 years, he interviewed on audio and video more JFK eyewitnesses and researchers than any other researcher I have ever known. If he ever had a lead, boom, he would be on the next bus. And if he didn’t have the funds to do it, he would always find a way no matter what. The most important thing he taught me as a mentor was to always avoid Confirmation Bias, and to always be open-minded. I first got to know him when I was 19 and got to know him even more in person when he lived here in Dallas for a year. We would sit in diners, I in awe, mesmerized listening to him tell me literally everything he knew and all his theories. Yep, I heard it all. I was blown away when he read to me out loud from his spiral notebook the Introduction to “Final Charade”. He has since made all this public per the interviews he’s given in the past few years. As for the manuscript itself, I’m sad to tell you all that his laptop had crashed and he “lost everything.” BUT, like I said, the gist of it all has been made known through those interviews he gave"

  10. Just now, James DiEugenio said:


    Wallace's discovery of the stuffed animal dog was really good.

    As was his exposure of Posner and Gaudet.

    Jim Moore was a waste.  yech.

    Jim Moore was like poor man's (pre) Posner LOL! His book was lame. When he wrote that he experimented with a stick for a rifle out the 6th floor window, I knew you couldn't take what he had to say seriously.

  11. ***UPDATE*** Good news, bad news about FINAL CHARADE (a small excerpt from a public post by researcher Matt Douthit):

    "This case literally lived with him 24/7. Over a span of 56 years, he interviewed on audio and video more JFK eyewitnesses and researchers than any other researcher I have ever known. If he ever had a lead, boom, he would be on the next bus. And if he didn’t have the funds to do it, he would always find a way no matter what. The most important thing he taught me as a mentor was to always avoid Confirmation Bias, and to always be open-minded. I first got to know him when I was 19 and got to know him even more in person when he lived here in Dallas for a year. We would sit in diners, I in awe, mesmerized listening to him tell me literally everything he knew and all his theories. Yep, I heard it all. I was blown away when he read to me out loud from his spiral notebook the Introduction to “Final Charade”. He has since made all this public per the interviews he’s given in the past few years. As for the manuscript itself, I’m sad to tell you all that his laptop had crashed and he “lost everything.” BUT, like I said, the gist of it all has been made known through those interviews he gave"

    [see the video above]

  12. 9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I agree with that Joe.

    Wallace was an efficient and accurate researcher who talked about a variety of subjects.

    He was easy to understand and humorous at times.

    After looking into the Guinn NAA stuff and before he was about to launch his first broadside against it, he prefaced his remarks with something like this:

    This whole NAA thing is an utter mess that has no probative value.  And remember this is from a guy who is coming from the medial evidence swamp.

    Jim, see three videos of Wallace posted above.

  13. There is 100 percent definitely a manuscript that is, to most people's standards, done but perhaps not "David Lifton" done (he was forever adding and amending). How I know this: researcher Matt Douthit, who became good friends with David. According to the gentleman who started the thread (his recent comment), they are going to get it published [perhaps even if it is "just" Author House or similar self publishing venues a la what Tyler Newcomb did with his late father's book MURDER FROM WITHIN co-written with the late Perry Adams].

  14. 4 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    This is correct - I knew about it at the time but for some reason didn't post anything here. Both Wallace and David were exceptionally kind to me as a young researcher, a period during which we spent many hours talking on the phone.  Although I have come to disbelieve the core tenets of David's body alteration theory, I think we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his tenacity and research acumen.

    Obituary | Wallace Milam of Dyersburg, Tennessee | Curry Funeral Home

    Wallace Milam

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