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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. "One can smile and smile and be a villain." History is littered with people who seemingly got along in their public personas, yet there was a real (hidden) side- witness even regular folks who may be friendly with their bosses but secretly hate them. Witness the warm and friendly correspondence between Hoover and RFK, yet we know what they really thought of each other. It could always have been a "nothing personal" situation...but JFK's security was abysmal on all fronts and the buck stops with the Secret Service. When you get my first book, you will see why I find those three agents the most suspicious.
  2. I spoke to Lawton in 1995 and he died in 2013. I didn't mention Roberts specifically during my interview, one of my failings- I should have. Lawton DID say "you always have regrets, remorse. Who knows- if THEY [emphasis added] had left guys on the car. You can hindsight yourself to death." The "they" is obviously the Secret Service (and Roberts, especially). Lawton also told a trusted colleague "I should have been there [on the back of the limo]" as he had been on 11/18/63 and in Chicago on 3/23/63. Roberts died in 1973. He became Appointment Secretary to LBJ while still an active member of the Secret Service, an unheard of and unprecedented move. Who told Roberts? Floyd Boring, the assistant SAIC (my three suspects in the Secret Service for what did and did not occur are Boring, Roberts and Greer). The rooftops not being guarded had to have come from above- either Boring or people above him (in another organization, perhaps?). The Secret Service covered all multi-story buildings along the 11/18/63 Tampa trip, JFK's longest domestic motorcade (28 miles long!), yet they did not do this in Dallas, a mere 11 miles in comparison. The motorcycle officers were kept away (just like the phony JFK order about agents being told not to be on the car) by agent Lawson (obviously acting on higher authority- he was in communication with Boring, who gave him the Dallas advance. He lamely said it was his understanding that Kennedy did not like all those motorcycles besides him (never mind the fact that they were there in good number and formation on all the prior Texas stops---and countless other trips--before Dallas, a situation the HSCA rightly named "uniquely insecure"), yet he testified under oath to the WC (Dulles, specifically) that there was not a specific order in this instance from JFK---! The route, which was changed (as confirmed in an interview I did with SAIC Gerald Behn), was under the control of agents Lawson and Sorrels, who were both working on higher authority: Floyd Boring, the planner of the Texas trip from the Secret Service point of view. You need to see my first of five books SURVIVOR'S GUILT: THE SECRET SERVICE AND THE FAILURE TO PROTECT PRESIDENT KENNEDY
  3. Thanks a lot, Joe! And I have reason to take it personally, too---Blaine's friends harassed me at work and online, deleted blogs and reviews and ole Blaine himself had his lawyer threaten me over my blog back in 2009!
  4. 1) 0:01 Clint Hill on the wounds\what he implies versus the records and the facts (including fellow agents Winston Lawson and Sam Kinney ) 2) 2:49 Gerald Blaine's poor taste "assassin's club" comment about the grassy knoll versus what his colleagues said---Lem Johns: shot from knoll plus debunks notion that he was the mysterious knoll agent + Specter rips Hill for drinking the morning of 11/22/63; 3) 5:18 Clint Hill on the bubble top versus the record and the reality (many films and photos proving the top was used in good weather + Sam Kinney [1994 audio] took sole responsibility for its removal on 11/22/63 in interviews with me); 4) 19:16 Clint Hill on Greer versus what others said (but admits the brake lights went on!)----press witnesses Bo Byers, Mary Woodward + Dave Powers + press Tom Dillard: photographers flatbed truck cancelled at last minute; + ABC's Ron Gardner confirms building rooftops normally guarded, confirming my research; 5) 31:24 Gerald Blaine regarding the agent's alleged "silence" [yet they spoke to me in droves, as did Blaine and Hill] and the phony 11/25/63 meeting versus the real stories: Jesse Ventura [I am on 16 pages of his book] mentions my research on CNN + ABC's Ron Gardner on 11/22/63 wondering why agents weren't near the limo as they normally were + Clint Hill tells the REAL story in 2010 + fellow agents Sam Kinney, Floyd Boring, Gerald Behn, Don Lawton and Winston Lawson----plus Florida Congressman Sam Gibbons, who rode with JFK on 11/18/63 in Tampa, Dave Powers, Kenny O'Donnell----confirm that JFK did not order the agents off his car! [includes letter from June Kellerman, widow of Roy Kellerman] + amazing discovery of mine: Fort Worth police officer Rocky Stone on 11/22/63 says that President Kennedy was very cooperative with the Secret Service and he always went by their decisions!
  5. I will be speaking tomorrow Sunday 11/21/2021 via ZOOM at 9:50 am EST. This will be my last conference--kind of said it all and done it all.
  6. The book came today in the mail from Amazon. It looks great. I cannot wait to read it.
  7. Hi, Ron! It WILL be on regular Showtime for the whole world to see 11/22/2021 [last Friday was streaming and Amazon Prime only] and on DVD and BLU RAY in February 2022 (including the FOUR HOUR version)!
  8. A book of the film? Excellent! Just like there was a book of the film for the JFK movie. I wonder: what ever became of Jane Rusconi?
  9. It is now available on Amazon Prime and Showtime streaming. It will be on TV via Showtime on 11/22/21. It will be on DVD and BLU RAY in February 2022.
  10. It is now available on Amazon Prime and Showtime streaming. It will be on TV via Showtime on 11/22/21. It will be on DVD and BLU RAY in February 2022.
  11. Gochenaur makes a couple lengthy and impressive appearances in the new Oliver Stone documentary.
  12. The FOUR hour version coming to DVD and BLU RAY in February will no doubt be amazing, if these two hours are anything to go by. I watched it a second time and took details notes: it is fabulous.
  13. While I genuinely loved the whole thing and have NO criticisms (!), my favorite parts were (naturally) the Secret Service related sections about Elmer Moore and James Gouchenauer and especially about CE399 and the medical evidence; wow and triple wow! Aguilar, Mantik, Wecht, and others did a tremendous job here. I also really liked Barry Ernest's segment on Vicki Adams and the girls on the stairs. i just finished it and I am blown away. This documentary was so amazing and I cannot wait to purchase it in February AND to see the four-hour version! I will be watching this one again soon via streaming. Brilliant job on the production and narration and compiling the clips together; so densely packed with info.
  14. I am thanked at the end (I supplied some photos and info) but I blew my chance to be in it: for every documentary I have done, there are two others that never see the light of day. I was tied up with work and other things at the time and I was invited on short notice with no mention of Stone or anything…so I thought it was going to be another one of those “film and bury” documentaries. Oh, well.
  15. I thought it was fantastic-the best JFK assassination documentary to date! While I am immensely proud of my appearances on both A COUP IN CAMELOT and even the warts-and-all THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY, JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS is the best one ever! Nice consolation prize at the end, too (I contributed several Elmer Moore, James Rowley and related photos):
  16. Thanks! That is why I have continued to make these videos (and why I wrote several books). Dallas was decidedly different.
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