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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Hey, Vince. I was thinking that the bulk of that footage came from The Men Who Killed Kennedy, but I realize now that was incorrect.

    Can you relate when those interviews were filmed, and by whom?

    Thanks, Pat.

    Most of that came from the 1988 NOVA PBS program Who Shot President Kennedy. I have a much longer video compilation I will post.

  2. Parkland doctors: Paul Peters, Robert McClelland, Richard Dulany, Ronald Jones, Charles Carrico, Charles Crenshaw, Charles Baxter, Marion "Pepper" Jenkins, Robert Shaw + Nurse Audrey Bell + Aubrey Rike Bethesda: Jerrol Custer, Paul O’Connor, Floyd Reibe, FBI's Frank O'Neill Secret Service agents Clint Hill and Win Lawson Dallas Police officer James Chaney + reporter Bill Lord; Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses Phil, Marilyn, and Linda Willis Warren Commissioner John Sherman Cooper 1988 was a banner year for some (25th anniversary) television/VHS (DVD) classics: KRON/JFK: An Unsolved Murder (also included in Robert Groden’s DVD), NOVA/ Who Shot President Kennedy, The Men Who Killed Kennedy (+ Jack Anderson's Who Murdered JFK? + NBC's JFK: That Day in November + Geraldo) Also: Crenshaw on ABC’s 20/20 April 1992 etc.




  3. In fact---didn't Lisa McCubbin herself complain about a big thread about her background that was posted here a number of years ago (it contained newspaper articles about her, her Middle East connections, etc.)? She must have because it disappeared.

  4. Continuing on what I wrote above: back in 2009-2014, Blaine, McCubbin and their friends would intermittently write me, expressing their disapproval of something I posted. I cannot help but feel that they had something to do with me disappearing from Google. There is another weird item going on now--if you Google Vince Palamara now, a person's face comes up that is NOT mine: it is former Secret Service agent Tony Sherman, a colleague of Blaine and Hill. AND, when you click on his photo, you are directed to a C-SPAN video of Hill and Blaine-!!!

  5. 7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Is Google really that rigged against people like us?  I mean I know all about Wikipedia. But now this? If so, Google has to go.  Break it up.

    Jim, something STRANGE happened on GOOGLE around 2016 or so. From 1998-2016, any time you put in "JFK Secret Service" or some variation of the same, much of my work came up. In fact, one could argue I was the "king" of anything related to President Kennedy and the Secret Service on the internet.

    Then, sometime in 2016, NONE of my work comes up on the first or second page EXCEPT my brief mention in a Vanity Fair article!! Nada. I went from dominating Google to disappearing.

    Interestingly, I used to also dominate the terms "Clint Hill". "Gerald Blaine" and "The Kennedy Detail." No longer--Hill, Blaine and his book have major websites that blot out anything else.

    Just as 2013 saw the media close the case, ever since then, Google and company have done all they can to shut dissenting views out. I suspect HTML/java script codes have been encoded--along with algorithms---to wipe us out (example: if I write Secret Service JFK, perhaps there is a code that cancels me out now).

    Interesting item about Lisa McCubbin, Clint Hill's girlfriend and co-author of all his books + Blaine:

    In July of 2001, Lisa gave up her broadcasting career to move with her family to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where her husband was being transferred by his company. Who would have guessed that just two months later, on September 11, nineteen Arab terrorists would change the world.

    A graduate of Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Ms. McCubbin has been a television news anchor and reporter, hosted her own radio talk show, and spent six years in the Middle East as a freelance journalist in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Doha, Qatar.Later, as the Saudi government came under increasing Western media scrutiny, the Saudi Minister of Foreign Investment hired Lisa McCubbin as a media consultant to train leading business people and members of the Saudi government to deal with the Western press---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. 22 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Thanks, Vince. I'm assuming the the 3-9-63 is a typo and that the author meant 3-9-78. I mean, that only makes sense. 

    About that author...can anyone read that signature? Zilier Dinneer? Was this an assistant to Blakey?

    Yes, I meant to point that out- she definitely meant 1978. I suppose dealing with 1963 factors on a constant basis made her think "63" instead of "78."

    That is Eileen Dinneen.

  7. Secret Service agent Elmer Moore's refusal to cooperate with the HSCA and the funny note at the bottom ("or boxing")

    No photo description available.


    Secret Service investigation: Elmer Moore one of the top agents; Jerry Parr, who would go on to save President Reagan on 3/30/81, was also one of the agents.

    Image may contain: text that says 'MEMORANDUM TO: RELEASED PER P.L-102-526(JFK ACT) NARA 52 DATE G2002. FROM: Reproduced Nabonal Arch SUBJECT: Paul Wallach Dwyer/Greissing List of Secret Service Agents Investigating the Assassination of President Kennedy I Supervisors: Inspector Kelley Elmer Moore Leon Gopadze II Dallas Office Forrest Sorrels Wilma Duncan James Howard Joe Howlett Charles Kinhel William H. Patterson Lillian Rhyan Virginia Smith Stewart Warner Roger III Others Bill Carter Gary Seals T. Bailey Heis Tony Sherman rthur Blake Max Phillips Hardy Alwyn Dicherson Robert Jamieson Harry eighton Charles Baber Jerry Parr'


    A man pretended to be a Secret Service agent in an LBJ motorcade less than a year after Dallas and got away with it? Remember the "agents" in Dallas on 11/22/63 in the plaza. Former OSS man Paul J. Paterni, Deputy Chief of Secret Service.

    No photo description available.

    Chicago Secret Service agent Conrad Cross to the HSCA- good man.

    No photo description available.

  8. On 12/24/2020 at 11:59 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    Wouldn't one think that whoever was responsible for JFK's limo ( in this case S.A. Geis ) might have asked ( demanded ) the owners of the "Empire Garage" Lincoln Mercury dealer in New York repair the very visible and unsightly damage they caused ( according to Geis's statement ) to the inside of the limo windshield frame?

    If any of us took our own personal car to a dealer repair business and got our car back with this hideous 5 or 6 inch wide metal twisting around a 1/2 inch or more deep indentation hole, would we not immediately demand they fix it?

    We are talking the number one public display show car for the President of the United States! 

    Used and showcased both here and abroad!

    A car that took an unprecedent amount of advanced Ford corporation work to build and $200, 000 more government money to enhance even further. 

    S.A. Geis's indentation provenance statement including the ignoring of the windshield frame damage and it's repair for more than two years ... is preposterous.

    I agree!

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