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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Vince, just thought I'd let you know.  I looked for this last week at amazon using your name as I couldn't remember the title.  Your other books popped up but not it. Was going to pre order using a retirement gift card.  I went ahead and ordered JFK vs Allen Dulles Battle Ground Indonesia by Greg Poulgrain, it looks very good from a quick perusal.  I'll still order yours, with that first social security check.

    You might want to try the search at amazon using your name to verify this and contact them about it.

    I just tried it again.  Brings up your other books but not the new one.

    Amazon.com : vince palamara 



    Thanks for the heads up. I am going to have them take out my middle name, as all the other ones are "Vincent Palamara" (the new one is currently "Vincent Michael Palamara").

    That said, it seems people are finding it--the pre-order sales rankings have been good lately. 




  2. 1 hour ago, Mark Tyler said:

    It was a very large number (at least 35-40 by my count).  In addition there were about ten witnesses who mentioned two shots in quick succession at the beginning just before JFK raised his arms (e.g. Kenneth O'Donnell, Sam Holland, Jean Hill and John Connally).  Connally is especially helpful as he mentioned the gap was two seconds (he said he was hit by the second shot of the pair).  He added that the two shots were fired so quickly he felt there were either two gunmen involved or maybe an automatic weapon was used.  We see Connally starting to react to his injuries at Z225-Z230 of the Z-film, so two seconds before this is around Z188.  Z190-Z210 is the second largest jiggle in the Z-film and looks to be the strongest evidence of when the first shot was fired (backed up by many of the witnesses).  With two shots fired within two seconds Oswald could not have fired them both, so I feel that is the strongest evidence of conspiracy between the Z-film and the Dealey Plaza witnesses.

    My witness data is here, along with references:


    Add her, as well:

    Patricia Ann Donaldson- another bang...bang-bang witness 11/22/63 - YouTube

    JFK assassination: shots too fast for one man (compilation) - YouTube

  3. Just now, Calvin Ye said:

    This is an passage from the book  George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography: "MacArthur warned that the forces bent on destroying Kennedy were centered in the Wall Street financial community and its various tentacles in the intelligence community." Dillon's family was involved in Wall Street themselves.

    Yes--Dillon had the right connections, intelligence and financial, to make things happen in the background.

  4. 6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Interesting interview of Carol Burnett.

    My goodness she looks so much like Ruth Paine. 

    The face and face shape, eyes, big toothed smile, hair color and haircut.

    I was always quite attracted to Burnett.


    Well, whoever this really is, she has a sweet and gentle dog and she is gently affectionate toward it and she probably reads alot judging from the packed bookshelf behind her.

    She seems quite smitten with her interviewer hence perhaps her relaxed and giggly demeanor which otherwise would seem a little out of place considering the serious JFK tragedy questions proposed to her?

    Her answer regards her missing the rifle being placed in her car in New Orleans by Lee Harvey Oswald and not her seems rational, however, when she and Marina arrived back in to her home, Lee Oswald wasn't around to do the unpacking was he?

    Which begs the question, who unpacked the car at that time?

    Someone must have grabbed the rifle to place it in Ruth's garage. Either Marina herself, Ruth or her husband MIchael who, it would make sense, might have been asked to help unload the belongings by Ruth, even though they were living apart at that time.

    Good comment.

  5. 9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    This is just intended as a fill-in. In the film, Byrd talks about auctioning off the TSBD. He sold the building in 1970.

    Corsicana Daily Sun” from Corsicana, Texas March 31, 1970 Page 10



    Famed Depository Building for Sale

    DALLAS (AP) — The Texas School Book Depository Building goes on the auction block April 16. The drab, seven-story building that entered American history the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, will go to the highest bidder at the Northpark Inn in Dallas.

    The building is owned by the Dallas Trust Corp. The majority stockholder of the firm, Col. D. Harold Byrd, 69, has decided to liquidate some of his holdings. The Texas School Book Depository has built a new warehouse outside Dallas and their lease on the building is about to expire. The auction is open to the public and auctioneer G. C. Walters, who will conduct the bidding, says no stipulations have been put on possible buyers as to what may be done with the building. Walters said some have suggested turning the building into a shrine in honor of the memory of the President. Another informal proposal has been made to convert it into a John F. Kennedy Memorial Day Care Center. It’s just possible the new owner will choose to raze the structure,

    1961 Dallas City Directory page 387



    Steve Thomas



  6. 3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Vince, Lawson's re-creation of the time interval between the last two shots by patting his hands twice on his thigh and saying the words "bang - bang", with only a very short pause between each, is the same exact last two shots time frame re-creation made by countless other ear witnesses in or near Dealey Plaza that day.

    We've all seen these many re-creations via so many videos and even in testimony transcripts.

    I could come up with several as I am sure others here could too.

    First that comes to mind is Lee Bower's last two shot knuckle tap recreation in Mark Lane's "Rush To Judgement" documentary.

    It is the same time lapse recollection as Lawson's.

    Bam ... 3 to 4 second pause ... then Bam ... 1 to 2 second pause ... Bam!

    Because dozens of other Dealey Plaza location proven ear witnesses repeated this same 3 shot time sequence almost word for word, their cumulative " Bam ... Bam Bam" timing recollections must bear considerable and valid credibility weight imo.

    And for those who claim the last two shot sounds sounding so close together was merely the effect of an echo ... why is it that no one recalls any echo sound at all from the first shot, which allegedly came from the same exact firing location as the last two?

    For the 5 thousandth time I just now again reviewed the normal speed Zapruder film after seeing this Lawson video.

    I always see something curiously anomalous relative to Lawson's and other's last two shot close together time sequence recollection.

    Please check this out yourself and see if you see it too.

    I count on my fingers the seconds between JFK being hit the first time when he is hidden from view behind the Stemmons Freeway sign...to when he is hit in the head with the next shot.

    Am I wrong in counting a good 4 and maybe even 5 seconds?

    JFK is hit, straightens up with fists lifting to his neck, in pained dispair looks left toward Jackie, Jackie first looks at Connally acting in pain while stretching out her arm and hand to grab JFK, she then pulls him close to her and then bends her head down close to JFK's ... and then BOOM ... JFK's skull explodes.

    I count a good 4 seconds for that entire sequence ( The first JFK hit to the second hit ) to take place! 

    I am sure the experts have timed this sequence as well. Using the Zapruder camera film individual frame timing and other methods. Is it different than my simple layman timing finding? I don't know.

    But here is the catch regards all the "Bam-Bam" last two shot timing recollections.

    How many seconds between Lawson's last two shots thigh tap recollection?

    How many seconds between Lee Bower's table knuckle tap recollection?

    And all the other quick time lapse ones between those last two shots?

    From my view, only one to two seconds.

    I ask you, tap your knuckles twice on any hard surface with a one to two second pause ... and then a four second interval pause between each tap.

    Now, compare that 4 seconds long pause to the Lawson, Bower and other earwitnesse's 1 to 2 second long pause between the last two shots recollections.

    The time difference between a 1 to 2 second pause and a 4 second one is ridiculously stark and obvious.

    This stark contradiction between these witnesses shot timing recollections and the real time scene we see on the Zapruder film ( from JFK first being hit to the head shot ) doesn't add up.

    Could there have been two rifles being fired at JFK, with their individual shots being almost on top of each other?  With one hitting it's intended mark and the other missing? 

    I would love for someone else to watch the Zapruder film in real time and tell me if they agree or disagree with my belief that it was at least 4 seconds between JFK first being hit and then being hit a second time in the head.

    I have a video compilation coming very soon that will add to what you state here.

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