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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 16 minutes ago, George Govus said:

    "Mrs. John F. Kennedy left the hospital at approximately the same time the coffin carrying the body of her husband left. The coffin went to a private air installation at Dallas' Love Field. It either had left or will leave Dallas-Love Field in a matter of minutes. We are told that the gunshot wound, the fatal wound inflicted on the President of the United States, entered at the base of the throat and came out at the base of the neck on, uh, the back side."

    Vince, you've been on fire lately with the YouTube shares. I thank you.

    Jackie left "approximately" the same time as the coffin. Did she go where the coffin went? Not a lot of linkage there.

    Coffin went to a "private air installation" at Love Field. Anybody get this before?

    Throat wound unambiguously not just a gunshot wound, but a fatal wound of entry.

    Never mind that such a fatal bullet trajectory has trouble carving itself a path through his right temple and blowing out the back of his head, before exiting the "base of the neck on, uh, the back side."

    Thanks! I have a You Tube editor and a video editor...I am inspired  :)

  2. 5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

           I noticed that known CIA asset, Mayor Earle Cabell, avoided direct eye contact with the camera throughout the first interview, (above) while continually looking from side to side and even frequently turning his head away from the camera.

          In the second interview, he clearly demonstrates his early complicity in the bogus "Lone Nut' narrative.



  3. On 1/22/2021 at 12:31 AM, Pat Speer said:

    If I'm not mistaken, Vince, Kinney never told you about his cleaning out the limo, either.

    And yet... A Secret Service agent was observed cleaning out the limo... and news footage proves that the man with the bucket was...Kinney.   

    So...how big a step is it, really, to believe Kinney took a bullet he found in the limo...and planted it on a stretcher?

    Not much, I'm afraid. 


    Fair enough. Kinney was affable but something of an enigma. He believed Oswald was the lone shooter, yet he believed there was a conspiracy. He stated that the right rear of JFK's head was missing AND that he had the skull piece while on the C-130. He also stated that all three shots made their mark and that there was no missed shot. Kinney was also adamant that President Kennedy never ordered the agents off the limo AND that he (Sam) was solely responsible for the top's removal on 11/22/63.

  4. On 1/20/2021 at 10:45 PM, Greg Doudna said:

    Thanks very much for bringing these two videos to attention Vince Palamara (from 1978, and 1993 Frontline, both new to me). These video interviews clear up a puzzle and establish and confirm the date of the visit of Leopoldo, Angel, and Oswald to Silvia Odio's doorstep: the evening of Wednesday, Sept 25, 1963. Oswald was on a bus departing from the Houston bus station at about 2 am that night. The Warren Commission spent a lot of energy fruitlessly trying to work out the timeline. They could not find how Oswald got to Houston. They also thought the Silvia Odio visit was on Thursday night and that it therefore could not have been Oswald. Their confusion over the timing of Oswald's movements has contributed to conclusions that either Oswald did not visit Silvia Odio, or Oswald did not go to Mexico City. But this Frontline video clears up what happened, and there is no contradiction between the visit to Silvia and Annie Odio from Oswald with the two others who indicated they had driven from New Orleans and were en route on a trip to somewhere else, and Oswald's departing on the bus from Houston later that night headed for Mexico City.

    After telling of the visit of the three men including Oswald to her front door, starting at 1:50 Silvia says: "I think it was two days after that Leopoldo, who had clearly a Cuban accent, called me on the phone".

    Then starting at 2:33 Silvia says: "The reason that I remembered so clearly was because that same night, or I think either that night or the night afterwards, I wrote my father, and I also told a friend of mine, who was my father confessor, about the visit."

    Then starting at 2:53, Father Machann, the father confessor: "I think I can pin a date to this conversation with Silvia. It was the day in which I spoke to her about her attending a charity event at which Janet Leigh was going to appear in Dallas."

    This dates the conversation with Father Machann to Friday Sept 27, because that was the date of the charity ball. Gayle Nix Jackson discusses this in her book, Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology (2016). On p. 252 Jackson has a photocopy of a newspaper article showing that event on Friday Sept 27. However, Gayle Jackson's discussion crucially--and per this video interview of Father Machann, mistakenly--assumed the charity ball was the evening of the Oswald visit to Silvia Odio. Gayle Jackson interviewed both Odio sisters and also Father Machann, but that critical misunderstanding of what she thought Father Machann's date linkage was, contradicted the timeline of Oswald's Mexico City trip, for by Friday evening Oswald was in Mexico City.

    Without having seen this video I had earlier studied the chronology of Oswald's Mexico City trip, departure from New Orleans, and the Silvia Odio visit, and had worked out that the Silvia Odio visit was Wed Sept 25. With this video that date reconstruction is confirmed correct. The Oswald visit was not on the Friday of the charity ball. It was the phone call of Silvia to Father Machann, two days after the visit, that was on the Friday of the charity ball, and the Oswald visit was on Wednesday.

    With the date of the Silvia Odio visit cleared up, both the supposed contradiction in timing making Oswald's movement to Houston impossible is removed, and also the mystery of how Oswald got to Houston is also resolved (by elimination): quite simply, Oswald got from Dallas to Houston that night not by bus or air, as the Warren Commission sought to verify but could not, but by being driven (239 miles Dallas to Houston; 3.5 hrs driving time, starting from ca. 9:15 pm according to Silvia Odio's best estimate of a 9 pm time of arrival of the three men to her door that evening), which may or may not be by the same two men who had driven Oswald from New Orleans to Dallas.

    My pleasure!

  5. 6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    I've seen this interview of Michael Paine 2 or 3 times in the past and just viewed it again.

    Some thoughts and observations on Paine.

    He does sound educated to a good vocabulary degree.

    He seems very uncomfortably cautious in speaking. Halting often for seconds at a time. He also avoids eye to eye contact much more than the average person.

    He comes across as dour, overly serious and perhaps even secretive as the man he is passing evaluative judgement on...Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Nothing close to a relaxed at ease facial expression or smile.

    No life of the party this Michael Paine.

    And yet, we are told that Paine loved to hang out in coffee shops frequented by young college people hoping to engage them in conversation, usually political?

    He initiated the same with Oswald? 

    I am sure Oswald didn't go up to this guy first and say..."Hey Mike, hows about you and I talk commie philosophy shop?"

    Paine wanted to know where Oswald was at. He obviously asked Oswald a lot of questions about his political beliefs, his time in Russia, etc.

    Closed conversation Oswald would never just blurt his beliefs and exeriences out without prompting.

    Michael Paine's extraordinary interest in this realm of political thought and conversation is curious considering his real life station. 

    Is he a member of any political organization besides maybe the ACLU?

    He attends meetings of political groups however and he likes to engage others in this subject matter.

    He was of the Quacker affiliation as was his wife Ruth but it seems she was the more commited. 

    He sang in choirs, he bowled, he built model helicopters.

    He and Ruth kept files on certain people unless those were Oswald's files.

    If you read Micheal Paine's biography from childhood it's remarkeable how deeply immersed his well heeled father was in political activity, including social interaction with communist minded others.

    When I hear Paine disparaging Oswald regards Oswald's lack of any true academic understanding of political philosophy and the real world ( Paine has to mention dismissively that Oswald gained his beliefs by a simple reading of some books on Marxism ) and how illogical Oswald's beliefs were...I see an intellectual elitism arrogance.

    He gives not one empathetic quarter to Oswald regards Oswald adopting his bitter "exploitation of man by men" feelings by even trying to consider the fact that Oswald adopted these beliefs after living a formative years childhood of extreme lowest income neglect under the American way of life.

    Where as Michael Paine's childhood under the same system was one of wealthy privilege, protection, nurturing and opportunity, especially academically. 

    And what of the recorded phone call between Ruth and Michael Paine right after Oswald's arrest?

    The one where Michael Paine says to Ruth..."we both know who's responsible."?

    Lots of contradiction and intrigue with Michael Paine imo.

    Good observations.

  6. 10 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Vince, There is a very brief vid at the 15:00 minute mark of S.S. follow-up driver Sam Kinney.

    You contacted and interviewed him back in '94.  Was he the agent that cleaned the blood & gore out of the pres. limo at Parkland?

    In a recent publication. 'The Lone Star Speaks' an interview with Kinney's 'friend' Gary Loucks includes :-"He said he was the one who placed the bullet on the gurney in Parkland Hospital."  Kinney found the 'pristine bullet' lying in the President's limousine as he cleaned the interior.

    This is a book full of 'hearsay' and unsubstantiated statements.  What are your thoughts?


    Hello, Pete! Yes, that very brief clip is actually most of what aired from Sam's one and only television interview (Today show, NBC, 11/22/93). The other segment was merely about John Junior's salute.

    Sam helped put the top on at Parkland with a Dallas police officer. The cleaning of the blood and gore appears to have been done (well, at least an attempt was made) by the other agent present, the infamous George W. Hickey, Jr. What's more, the bucket sitting there may or may not be related to any aborted attempt at cleaning, as it could have also been used for lubrication of the metal screws that fastened the metal strips for the bubble top.

    As for Gary Loucks, I do not credit him. I was dubious from day one about this, as Sam (in three lengthy conversations from 1992-1994) never divulged this information.

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