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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 23 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Vince, I just came across a video you posted on You Tube. A French language clip of the comings and goings at Bethesda Naval hospital when JFK's body was brought there.

    I have two questions regards a couple of observations of the video.

    There are two artistic renderings that pop up so briefly you almost miss them. One is a full scene of Jackie Kennedy looking pensively out a window in what one assumes is a VIP waiting room on the higher floors of Bethesda and what looks like RFK, Kenny ODonnell and Robert McNamara in the room with her. Another is a closer up shot of this rendering where we see Ethel Kennedy ( I think ) sitting down at a table in this same room... and most curiously the side/back of a man sitting across from her. 

    Do my eyes deceive me...or is this table sitting man holding a hyperdermic syringe and perhaps preparing this to use on perhaps Jackie Kennedy as a sedative?

    If so, what a bizarre scene to paint.

    Also, there are two video shots of enlisted Navy men lined up in a row in their white navy sailer caps and P Coats. I assume they are on duty in the hospital area during this arrival and autopsy of JFK's body there?

    In the second clip of these navy enlisted men I think I see Dennis David! The fellow on the farthest right side of the line looks like David to me especially with his very big and stuck out ears?  Do you agree?

    Interesting video that we of course have never seen as it was obviously filmed by a French film crew.

    I agree on both accounts- he does look like Dennis David!

  2. 9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Every possible precaution was taken. ??? 

    Every Dallas police officer was on duty ( really? What about Tom Tilson?), several hundred police reservists were on duty, every Sheriff's department officer ( hundreds ) were on duty.

    Sheriff Roger Craig stated that he and his fellow plain clothes, detective officers were told by his boss County Sheriff Bill Decker just two hours before the assassination that they were in no way to take part in the motorcade security.

    Craig also stated in Mark Lane's documentary that he was concerned by the lack of police presence in the motorcade crowd.

    Every possible precaution was taken?

    On their before hand security dry run drives over the motorcade route an untrained high school student probably would have noticed and mentioned all the hundreds of upper floor building windows and the roofs of these buildings as being possible threats in their sniper potential.

    I would have asked what the security protocol was for this real threat scenario.

    Would all these unprecedented police presence personnel include placing even one of them on the 30 or more roofs of these buildings as JFK was driven underneath?

    How about police on the ground being tasked with scanning all the higher floor windows above them ( open ones with red flag urgency ) with binoculars before and during JFK's drive underneath?

    Why not an order that all higher story buildings on the downtown route have no open windows just before and during the motorcade?

    High rise building drive through motorcade security common sense no?

    The crowd thinned out in Dealey Plaza so the lack of but a few DPD officers on the street there besides the motorcade cycle guard seems explanable. I think Arnold Rowland mentioned one? Maybe none?

    Yet, the long stretch of higher than street level tree canopy and picket fence area above the grassy knoll which even a child could see provided a perfect hidden cover shooting position and the parking lot behind this had not one police guard there while JFK passed by?  Police on the over-pass could not even see what was going on there.

    Cabell waxes enthusiastically about the huge loving feeling Dallas had for JFK while at the same time downplaying stark exibitions of anger, hate and violence toward JFK's close confidant Adlai Stevenson just months before in his city with spitting, cursing and protest sign hitting of Stevenson.

    Cabell downplays the extreme right JFK hating organization presence in the Dallas area with it's most powerful and wealthy core centered there.

    Heck, everyone then and now knows Dallas was the capital of the most wealthy, powerful and rabid JFK hating farthest right wing organizations in the country at that time.

    Home to the world's wealthiest JFK hating men like Hunt and Murchison who were also the principle financiers of the JBL, Minute Men and who knows what other JFK hating groups.

    Dallas was even home to JFK and RFK hating and mental institution commitment resentful General Ed Walker!

    Dallas was also widely known as one of the most rabid JFK hating KKK cities as well. Perhaps as many as half the city police force connected with this organization ideologically if not directly?

    JFK knew he was hated to such a vile and extreme way in this part of the country he himself referred to it as "nut country" to his wife Jackie.

    Did Cabell express any JFK respecting concern and reprimand when he saw the incredibly disparaging and threatening JFK ad in his own city's DMN newspaper? How about the hateful and highly enciting "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" fliers that H.L. Hunt himself was placing under car windshield wiper blades before JFK's arrival in Dallas?

    Why didn't the DPD or FBI or SS immediately track down the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting fliers and newspaper ads?

    The interviewer commends Cabell and his city's police force for their efforts right after the most important security fail in their history. And Cabell promotes this perception shamelessly.

    Wonder if that same TV interviewer would have been so praising of the DPD after Oswald was blown away by an unchecked strip joint owner press crowd infiltrator right in their own DPD building basement while handcuffed to two police escorts just hours after this interview of Cabell? And what Cabell's defense of the DPD would have been?





    good comments as usual, Joe! :)

  3. 2 hours ago, Richard Price said:

    It's just my opinion, but I think a lot of people "went along" not to "get along" but to to stay alive.  From what I've read the tension over revealing what was seen/heard that did not tie in to the "official version" in Dallas was palpable and onerus.  The fear was powerful because no one seemed to know if it was coming from an unspecified group behind the assassination or from the actual officials in charge of the investigation (& if "they" were the people behind the assassination as well).  People who gave dissenting views or offered different views of what happened, whether it be to newsmen, police, FBI, etc. soon found themselves badgered into changing their testimony, followed, threatened or killed in "coincidental accidents" or murders.  No one in Dallas knew who to trust or which way to turn.  In other coincidental happenings, some who left Dallas for safety also were attacked or killed or had accidents.

    True. The book Hit List is a compelling book on the subject of untimely deaths and "accidents."

  4. 7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    One newsman's observation comments to Henry Wade... "It looked like you two knew each other quite well" referring to this newsman watching Ruby and Wade talking to each other late Friday night.

    Wade looked like a boy caught red handed in a cookie jar theft lie by this newsman's observation comment. He (Wade ) got this super embarrassed and sappy smile look on his face and could not even mutter one word in response.

    Because he DID know Jack Ruby well! Despite pretending he didn't in his press conference.

    "The man's name is a ... Jack Rubenstein I believe." Oh please!


  5. Very rare: Dealey Plaza before and after 11/22/63 - 1955, 1960, 1973, 1975 - YouTube


    1955; 3/17/60; 5/22/60; 11/21/73; 9/19/75 Traffic flowed in both directions until the late 1950's in Dealey Plaza; Main Street was the main parade route from at least the 1930's (FDR visited in 1936) thru/including the early 1960's (as can be seen in this St. Patrick's Day parade from 1960). Also included: news clips from the early-mid 1970's when the depository had a different name.

  6. 9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    The video link above is a warm anecdotal sharing by Clint Hill regarding his career as a presidential detail Secret Service agent and many of his interactions with Mrs. Kennedy and JFK.

    The talk event format is Hill being asked questions by a seperated stage sharing Lisa McCubbin who was Hill's co-writer and relationship partner.

    Many touching and funny stories.

    The one about the 50 mile hike ( starting at midnight ) in Florida and Hill's exhausting security participation in this including his personally hand made award reward from JFK and Jackie is especially humorous.

    The talk is presented as a feel good Clint Hill - JFK/Jackie SS detail memory sharing event. No negative expose stuff.

    However, being a forever WC official finding doubting Thomas with a never ending questioning JFK truth sleuth mind-set, I noticed a few aspects to this presentation that seemed curiously peculiar in this being more than just a feel good memoir sharing.

    I sensed that another intention of this talking tour event was to present a defense of serious questions about JFK's security in Dallas on 11,22,1963 and the SS role in this failure.

    At about the 15 minute point of the video,  pictures of other JFK motorcades are shown. Ireland, Costa Rica, Mexico City and one of JFK's "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" speech in Germany and the huge crowd in attendance there.

    Hill gives a brief commentary of each motorcade event pictured and specifically mentions "many people hanging out of open windows" in the Ireland and Germany JFK visits. Also many ( "thousands" ) on rooftops in the Berlin event as well.

    I didn't catch these "people hanging out of open windows" JFK motorcade observation statements by Hill as odd at first, but then you see and hear Lisa McCubbin volunteering this "same specific observation" just past the 25 minute point of the talk on her own as a lead-in to Hill's Dallas motorcade and Dealey Plaza event sharing.

    "There were many people hanging out of open windows" in the Dallas motorcade she states before deferring to Hill's account of the Dallas parade.

    Why mention this very specific Dallas motorcade observation ( too specific imo ) on her own like that?

    I then also caught that this was the "third time" Hill and McCubbin had brought up the subject of many people hanging out of higher building open windows during past JFK motorcades and in just the first 25 minutes of their presentation without any prompting or questions from the audience asking about this.

    Maybe it's just my hard wired conspiratorial believing mindset that sensed this repeated insertion of this high building open windows subject by both Hill and McCubbin seemed purposefully contrived even as subtly introduced as they were.

    And that the entire presentation talk and it's format seemed highly scripted, edited and practiced with more than just a warm reminiscence sharing by Hill agenda.

    I sensed this was as much a deflecting defense of serious questions that had been proposed to Hill over the years about the failed SS JFK security in Dallas on 11,22,1963 as anything else.

    McCubbin asked obviously leading questions of Hill that set up his defense of such well known suspicion points of why the motorcade was planned to leave Main Street at all and take that turn onto Houston and then Elm which required a another protocol violation of slowing down through two more extreme angle turns?

    And coincidentally right under the TXSBD building and along the unguarded long tree canopy hiding picket fence area?

    Hill once again deferred to the inability to get on the Stemmons Freeway to the Trade Mart if they stayed on Main.

    Also, when describing the JFK limo itself and everyone's seating in this for Dallas motorcade, I noticed Hill mentioned the high open bar between the front seat with Greer and Kellerman and the Connally's and Kennedy's seats in back.

    Hill adds a comment that this metal bar would prevent Kellerman from being able to jump into the back seat area. In case of emergency one presumes. Why even mention this observation? Another unneeded defense of Kellerman not jumping in back to protect anyone during the shooting?

    Hill mentions his reaction to the first shot where in the photo we see his fellow agents turned around to where they thought the sound originated from.

    Hill describes hearing this first shot, but he doesn't react until the second shot when seeing JFK slump toward Jackie Kennedy as his first cue that something was wrong. He then reacts by running to the limo and climbing aboard.

    He also states that just as he is running and right behind the limo, he sees JFK's head explode. He sees this, but he doesn't hear this shot.

    The sound of all the car and motorcycle engines running blocks this out. Which makes sense.

    He said that he and Jackie "were both sprayed with JFK's blood and brain matter" when JFK's head explodes. He mentions "bone matter" being expelled as well.

    ( note: 20 foot away eyewitness Charles Brehm also recounted seeing a piece of JFK's skull bone flying back to the left rear of the limo and landing in the curb area near him and his son Joe.)

    Hill states that in his up close observation when finally right above JFK that JFK's eyes were fixed and that there was a large hole in the back of JFK's head with no brain visible inside. 

    This is contradictory to the JFK autopsy testimony by Bethesada Naval hospital Commander James Humes and his supposed removal of JFK's brain. Yet, it bolsters Bethesda Naval medical corpsman Paul O'Conners sworn testimony describing JFK's skull with no brain inside.

    Hill's account of the shot sequence is somewhat confusing to me and I am sure others.

    He says he heard the first explosion/shot like his fellow SS agents did. That shot apparently didn't hit anyone. It was the second shot that has been reported to be the one which hit JFK in the back.Hill heard this shot as well?

    Back to the general talk event.

    Obviously, this scripted, soft ball, feel good questioning of Hill by McCubbin format doesn't allow any opportunity for discussion of other harder and darker edged areas of JFK security fail questions.

    No mention of SS agents violating important protocols such as visiting topless night clubs, drinking alcohol and staying up too late the night before the motorcade.

    And certainly not the failure to place any security on high rise building roofs or making building owners and managers not have anyone opening upper floor wuindows in their buildings while JFK passed underneath.

    Hill and McCubbin made sure this well known and often asked security failure concern question and other uncomfortable ones would be derailed before hand in the very first part of their talk imo.

    Just one week before Dallas, JFK's Florida motorcade was cancelled. Due in part to the security fear of a high rise shooting attempt on JFK. Chicago security had the same concerns.

    But, in perhaps the most rabid JFK hating city in the U.S. at that time with attacks on Democrat party affiliated Adlai Stevenson and Henry Gonzales not long before 11,22,1963 and "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" newspaper ads and flyers published and distributed the day before JFK's visit...

    we have no one watching downtown Dallas's open windows above JFK's driving underneath, no one on the roofs of these buildings, no one watching the area above the grassy knoll and with "Assignment Oswald" suspicious presidential visit kook threat list checking FBI agent James Hosty having lunch in a downtown Dallas diner in the middle of one of the highest security alert times in his career - JFK's motorcade ride into the capital city of the most powerful extreme right wing areas of JBS, Minute Men, KKK JFK hating nut country.  

    Clint Hill did risk his life in his speeding JFK limo jumping actions. Never disputing that fact.

    Yet, it always seems to me that he purposely leaves out of his sentimental JFK/Jackie SS detail speaking tour remembrances any mention or answering to known other facts that shine a darker truth light on 11,22,1963.

    Or deflects or downplays their importance or blame.

    Regards the open windows security fail in Dallas, well, we had many open window motorcades before...and/or we just didn't have the manpower to have them all shut.

    I just can't accept those security fail excuses myself.

    These Hill/McCubbin speaking tour events are not a bad thing in light of Hill's interesting career and honoring his life risking efforts on 11,22,1963.

    But I do find them disconcerting when they are used as a wide public audience platform to dissipate, deflect or downplay serious questions about darker truths we know to be true about JFK's security situation leading up to his tragic security failure murder.





    The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service - YouTube



  7. Take anything Hill and especially McCubbin convey about the assassination with a huge grain of salt when it comes to security matters (when it comes to the wounds or pre-11/22/63 warm and fuzzy Jackie stories, those are solid and more credible).

    THESE videos are all you need to know regarding those security matters (and an affirmation on the head wound):

    Secret Service Agent Clint Hill demonstrates JFK head wound - YouTube


    The Confession of Secret Service Agent Clint Hill - YouTube


    Lisa McCubbin - YouTube


    Building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63 - YouTube


    Secret Service agents told me that JFK did NOT order them off his limo!! - YouTube

  8. 3 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

    Agreed and good find. Would there have been a performance at noon or 1 on a Friday in 1963?

    Thanks. Yes-I even had someone reach out to me a couple years ago who was there. She said it was even more shocking than 9/11 (a comment I hear a lot from people of that era. My mom and dad--still doing great---say much the same thing).

  9. 8 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Did he witness the type of casket that JFK's body was in?

    In David Lifton's 'Best Evidence' Sibert's report states:-"When the body was removed from the coffin and the wrapping taken off".

    Did he ever describe the Dallas coffin or a shipping casket?

    good question-I will have to check. My first thought is that he was one of the official casket witnesses.

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