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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Well that's a relief, what a strange day - thanks Vince, I don't think Rex ever got a reply from customer support, looks like you got their attention!

    Glad you got started on Tipping Point Ron, hope you enjoy it...  Larry


    You're a fantastic author, Larry. I am an ok hack who is a decent researcher, but you put me to shame in the writer category. :)

  2. 3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Well that wouldn't cover me....how about Josiah?

    ESPECIALLY JOSIAH (with all due respect to you, Larry, as well as any and all other renowned authors). HIS book has been selling amazingly since late last year- he has rankings to be envious of. I told Matt Douthit (who knows Tink) to have Tink contact Amazon to restore his book to his author page/search engine (his name/ jfk assassination/book title/kennedy assassination searches).

  3. 3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    My autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to history, also no longer appears on Amazon.

    I wonder if all of TrineDay's books have been hacked and removed.

    I would most definitely contact Amazon and forcefully ask for your book to come back to your author page. I was lucky- I had all five of my books bookmarked, so the specific url was easy to find. The next best place to try to find your books urls is to go to Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed of other prominent related titles.

  4. 3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Thanks Vince I will share that with Rex, he has had no response from Amazon yet.  That reply does make it sound like more of a hack of some sort?


    I DEFINITELY think it was a hack---several prominent PRO conspiracy author's books taken out of the mix (search engines). Like someone said, Amazon wouldn't kill their own, so to speak: they want traffic and sales. I think it was definitely a malicious hack with a purpose.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    I've been having problems with book searches and also with just the listings on my authors page.  Tipping Point disappeared for awhile earlier while Creating Chaos eBook version disappeared, and this morning the print version has been off and on at various times.  Amazon also removed the print version of Unidentified...and all this is happening with no notification to publishers so I have no clue. 


    Update: Hello Vince
    I'm sorry for the trouble you had with your book not showing on your page. Our technical teams are aware of this problem and are working hard to fix it as soon as possible.
    Thanks for your patience while we fix this problem.
  6. 2 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    I've been having problems with book searches and also with just the listings on my authors page.  Tipping Point disappeared for awhile earlier while Creating Chaos eBook version disappeared, and this morning the print version has been off and on at various times.  Amazon also removed the print version of Unidentified...and all this is happening with no notification to publishers so I have no clue. 

    I cannot help but think that this is a sophisticated hack. Amazon wants money/sales-they wouldn't kill their own. When I came after Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill a few years ago (criticism), a friend of theirs started harassing me at work in direct conjunction with blogs disappearing, Amazon reviews disappearing, and even the kindle version of my book disappearing; all at the same time. I can't help but think someone saw Josiah's book (especially), plus mine, yours (etc.-Steve Cameron, too), and decided to make them unsearchable.

  7. 1 minute ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Its not just you Vince,  I found that both Tipping Point and Creating Chaos had disappeared off Amazon this morning.  Don't know if its a hack or some new Amazon policy but its pretty frustrating and I don't know when others might disappear as well.


    Wow--you, too? What policy could it be? From 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018 and from 2020, my books were all available there. They are no longer visible via searches of my name, book title, JFK assassinaiton, or Kennedy assassination...yet many others, including lone-nut authors, are still there; I checked their author pages, too.

  8. Not only were they removed from our author pages, they are no longer searchable, either by author name or title. My books (especially the new one HONEST ANSWERS) and Josiah's new one LAST SECOND were at the top of both JFK Assassination and Kennedy assassination searches. No longer. I have contacted both Amazon and Trine Day. How come this stuff never happens to Posner or Bugliosi?

    Note: ALL the books are still there via their individual URL...but, without being able to locate them via a search of the title or author name OR via the author's book page, they are essentially invisible...get it?

  9. 53 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

    I swear, it was filmed in the Pgh suburbs.  I remember people writing about it on the Forum.

    EDIT: Here it is, The Umbrella Man, 2014.  The makers are from New York State, but the article relates Pittsburgh connections.


    "Set in 1983 Pittsburgh, PA, Peter and Annie Brennan face the tragic death of their young son. The boy's death and the subsequent acquittal of his killer, kindles a conspiratorial paranoia in Peter that threatens his sanity, and marriage. While trying to discover more about the killer of his son, Brennan becomes fixated on the story of The Umbrella Man, a suspected shooter in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. His descent into the underworld of conspiracy theorist sub-culture provides a place of emotional refuge for Peter, yet also contributes to his psychological undoing. From a Moose Lodge in Swissvale PA, to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, The Umbrella Man is one couple's story of love, loss, and the 'against all odds' survival of their relationship."



    Ohhh--I know OF that one, but I have never seen it.

  10. 7 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    Vince, off-topic: Do you remember the name of that JFK-related independent film that was shot in the Pittsburgh area, probably before 2010?  If I recall the plot, a veteran becomes a committed CT-er, while his family and his pals at the VFW (or wherever) try to convince him he's deluded.  Meanwhile, sinister forces...

    Hahaha---no; I never heard that one.

    She is starting with the failure of the Secret Service on 11/22/63. Well, I have three books written between 2013-2018 on this subject (Survivor's Guilt, The Not-So-Secret Service, and Who's Who in the Secret Service [not including two other books in 2015 and 2021]), not to mention three prominent television/DVD/Blu Ray appearances: The Men Who Killed Kennedy (2003, on You Tube ever since, and on Newsmax TV 2019-2020), A Coup in Camelot (2016 and available on Amazon Prime ever since), and the DVD about renowned agent Robert DeProspero called  The Man Behind The Suit (Associate Producer; also on You Tube) [not including the credits to the DVD JFK: The Final Hours]. I am also on a 2021 Channel 5 UK documentary.
    In addition, I am mentioned in books by former Secret Service agents Tom Sloan (Guardians of Democracy), Gary Byrne (Secrets of the Secret Service), Gerald Blaine (The Kennedy Detail and the documentary, albeit unnamed) and Dan Emmett (original edition of Within Arm's Length), not to mention Professor Philip Melanson's major book on the Secret Service called The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency (2003; updated 2005). I am also mentioned in the Assassination Records Review Board's Final Report from 1998 (regarding my Secret Service interviews), not to mention renowned author Mark Lane's book Last Word (Secret Service chapters), as well as over 150 other author's books (including two whole chapters in Murder in Dealey Plaza, a mention in Larry Sabato's 2013 work The Kennedy Half-Century [regarding Blaine] and being mentioned on 16 pages of  Jesse Ventura's 2013 book entitled They Killed Our President).
    I also appeared alongside former agents Gerald Blaine and Clint Hill [via video] on C-SPAN in 2010 (also a DVD and on You Tube ever since) and Clint Hill himself further mentioned me in another C-SPAN appearance in 2012 (also a DVD and on You Tube ever since).
    Last but certainly not least, I am mentioned a couple times in a prominent 10/17/2014 Vanity Fair article entitled Could The Secret Service Have Saved J.F.K.? which has been online ever since, as well as a directly related Irish Central article from 11/18/18 that has been online ever since. In fact, I am even in the bibliography of the book written by the author of the article, Susan Cheever, entitled Drinking in America-Our Secret History. Finally, I was mentioned several times in a major February 2010 COINage Magazine article about the Secret Service which included input from Secret Service officials.
    Oh, and another thing: my work is very prominently featured all over the internet (multiple blogs, You Tube, etc.), including mentions in five Wikipedia Secret Service related entries.
    I interviewed and corresponded with approximately 80 former agents + family members, not to mention many other principal people of importance.
  12. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:


    I think you misunderstood my first comment.

    I have read Pat Speer.  What Tink, and Mili are talking about is a shot past 313.  Does Pat deal with that issue? 

    As per you link, I mean Micah, that guy wrote a book.  

    Jim--why did ALL the Paine experts (Steven Jones, Barbara LaMonica, and Carol Hewett) all seemingly retire? Kathleen Cunningham (guru on the medical evidence) donated her whole archive to some Florida university and retired about 20 years ago, while once prominent researcher Bill Adams from California likewise disappeared about 20 years ago.

  13. 11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    In my opinion, Mili Cranor is one of the best we have on the autopsy and the ballistics evidence.  She does not have a lot of letters behind her name.  But she knows the evidence as well as anyone I know.


    I agree, Jim! It is a very pleasant surprise to see her active again. She was very active in the mid-to-late 1990's, then vanished.

  14. 7 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

    This post comes from genuine curiosity and is not meant to devolve into any sort of argument. My question is:

    Why do LN'ers stay up on the case and participate in discussion of "conspiracy" theories on the case? From your point of view, if you believe LHO committed the crime on his own and believe the WC as gospel, what more is there for you to learn by staying up on current case events? Isn't the science settled in your view? As another example, I am a firm believer that the earth is round. There are those who think it is flat and argue that point. I don't feel the need to go to flat earth message boards and tell them how they are wrong or refute the latest flat earth theory. The science on that is settled in my opinion.

    This is exactly the point I make in a section of my new book.

  15. 15 hours ago, Don Roberdeau said:

        Good Day.... On John McAdams newsgroup a thread was fairly recently started wondering about if Bostonian researcher Anthony Marsh was still alive (since his normal "tonnage" of his actively responding ((hardly ever post-initiating)) had suddenly ceased). 

    FYI.... Since McAdams newsgroup has not, yet, been updated after he passed-on, for anyone here that was following that newsgroup thread, and/or, may be interested, the day before McAdams passed-on 041521, i had made a nighttime hours post response (that has yet to be posted) with respect to the fact that I have a phone # for Marsh from discussing some 112263 thoughts with him, one time, a couple decades ago.

    I phoned that same # on 041421, and there was a male voiced recording that answered saying that he was  "William Marsh,"  and, i provided a short message and one of my #'s that has not, yet, been responded to.

    I have an equally decades-old memory that Marsh's other birth-given name is//was  "William,"  and IIRC, somewhere, buried in one of my old computers, there is a picture of Marsh.

    Best  Regards  in  Research,

    Donald Roberdeau
    United States Navy
    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly

    For your key considerations + independent determinations....

    Homepages Website:  "Men of Courage:  President Kennedy-elimination":  Evidence, 
    Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in
    One Convenient Resource....

    the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map:  Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations +
    Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories,
    Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One
    Convenient Resource....
    ( updated map, + new information )

    Discovery:  Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS
    Zapruder Film Documented  2nd  Head Snap: 
    West, Ultrafast,  and  Directly
    Towards  the  Grassy  Knoll ....

    Visual Report:  The  First  Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK
    was  Still  Hidden  Under  the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....

    Visual Report:  Reality  Versus C.A.D. : the  Real  World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out....

    T  ogether
    E  veryone
    A  chieves
    M  ore

    Current  Terrorism  Alerts  for  the  United  States:  advisory7regional.gif

    W. Anthony Marsh of Somerville, MA

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