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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 15 hours ago, Don Roberdeau said:

        Good Day.... On John McAdams newsgroup a thread was fairly recently started wondering about if Bostonian researcher Anthony Marsh was still alive (since his normal "tonnage" of his actively responding ((hardly ever post-initiating)) had suddenly ceased). 

    FYI.... Since McAdams newsgroup has not, yet, been updated after he passed-on, for anyone here that was following that newsgroup thread, and/or, may be interested, the day before McAdams passed-on 041521, i had made a nighttime hours post response (that has yet to be posted) with respect to the fact that I have a phone # for Marsh from discussing some 112263 thoughts with him, one time, a couple decades ago.

    I phoned that same # on 041421, and there was a male voiced recording that answered saying that he was  "William Marsh,"  and, i provided a short message and one of my #'s that has not, yet, been responded to.

    I have an equally decades-old memory that Marsh's other birth-given name is//was  "William,"  and IIRC, somewhere, buried in one of my old computers, there is a picture of Marsh.

    Best  Regards  in  Research,

    Donald Roberdeau
    United States Navy
    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly

    For your key considerations + independent determinations....

    Homepages Website:  "Men of Courage:  President Kennedy-elimination":  Evidence, 
    Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in
    One Convenient Resource....

    the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map:  Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations +
    Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories,
    Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One
    Convenient Resource....
    ( updated map, + new information )

    Discovery:  Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS
    Zapruder Film Documented  2nd  Head Snap: 
    West, Ultrafast,  and  Directly
    Towards  the  Grassy  Knoll ....

    Visual Report:  The  First  Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK
    was  Still  Hidden  Under  the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....

    Visual Report:  Reality  Versus C.A.D. : the  Real  World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out....

    T  ogether
    E  veryone
    A  chieves
    M  ore

    Current  Terrorism  Alerts  for  the  United  States:  advisory7regional.gif

    Tony Marsh June 1991 1:00:15 mark:

    JFK Assassination Fredonia Conference June 28 30 1991 2 - YouTube


  2. 15 hours ago, Don Roberdeau said:

        Good Day.... On John McAdams newsgroup a thread was fairly recently started wondering about if Bostonian researcher Anthony Marsh was still alive (since his normal "tonnage" of his actively responding ((hardly ever post-initiating)) had suddenly ceased). 

    FYI.... Since McAdams newsgroup has not, yet, been updated after he passed-on, for anyone here that was following that newsgroup thread, and/or, may be interested, the day before McAdams passed-on 041521, i had made a nighttime hours post response (that has yet to be posted) with respect to the fact that I have a phone # for Marsh from discussing some 112263 thoughts with him, one time, a couple decades ago.

    I phoned that same # on 041421, and there was a male voiced recording that answered saying that he was  "William Marsh,"  and, i provided a short message and one of my #'s that has not, yet, been responded to.

    I have an equally decades-old memory that Marsh's other birth-given name is//was  "William,"  and IIRC, somewhere, buried in one of my old computers, there is a picture of Marsh.

    Best  Regards  in  Research,

    Donald Roberdeau
    United States Navy
    U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
    Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly

    For your key considerations + independent determinations....

    Homepages Website:  "Men of Courage:  President Kennedy-elimination":  Evidence, 
    Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Important, Key Considerations, in
    One Convenient Resource....

    the Dealey Plaza Detailed Map:  Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations +
    Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses + Photographers locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories,
    Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One
    Convenient Resource....
    ( updated map, + new information )

    Discovery:  Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS
    Zapruder Film Documented  2nd  Head Snap: 
    West, Ultrafast,  and  Directly
    Towards  the  Grassy  Knoll ....

    Visual Report:  The  First  Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK
    was  Still  Hidden  Under  the warrenatti-apologist "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....

    Visual Report:  Reality  Versus C.A.D. : the  Real  World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out....

    T  ogether
    E  veryone
    A  chieves
    M  ore

    Current  Terrorism  Alerts  for  the  United  States:  advisory7regional.gif

    I presented along with Tony Marsh at both Fredonia June 1991 and COPA October 1995. Here he is at COPA 1995 (1:09:50 MARK ONWARD)

    COPA 1995 Program 7 Investigative Leads in the JFK Assassination - YouTube


  3. 7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Yes, agree.

    It seemed almost everyone in Dealey Plaza and employees of the TXSBD were so emotionally upset at what happened with the shooting and fearing the worst regards JFK himself that they were sick with worry and grief.

    Plus having armed police running to and fro must have just added to the fear, anxiety and angst.

    All in all a real appetite killer imo.

    It would be hard to imagine any of the eye witnesses in Dealey Plaza going off for a lunch break just minutes after the worst in a lifetime traumatic scene they were just thrust into seconds and minutes earlier.

    Sick to their stomach worrying that the President of the United States, who was just shot feet from them, may be seriously wounded or even dead!

    I'm thinking not just those in the lower incline Plaza area who actually saw JFK's head explode but everyone else farther back who were hearing that JFK had just been shot.

    If I saw a non-police looking man throwing a rifle into a car trunk 20 feet in front of me in that frantic scene and was so shook up at not just seeing this but then having such a sinister looking man glare at me with a look so threatening and scary I felt compelled to say to the man..."I didn't see anything", getting a bite to eat just minutes later doesn't seem likely to me.

    Heck, myself and everyone else in my junior high school in California ( teachers crying ) were just sick with shock and sadness when we were told the news.

    We were all sent to our home rooms, told the news and within one hour sent home. All before our lunch time. No lunch that day for anyone.

    I remember walking the one and 1/2 miles to my home and feeling the shock and horror energy as I walked through our downtown area. Hardly any moving cars. Several parked with people listening to their radios. People standing on the sidewalks and in open doorways talking to each other somberly.

    When I got home my mom was glued to the TV and didn't say anything to me upon my arrival. I also immediately went upstairs to turn on the junky old TV my brother and I got in our bedroom after our step dad bought a new color TV for the living room. I stayed glued to that it seemed like days, up until I watched Jack Ruby whack Oswald in the Dallas Police station building live on Sunday morning.

    The point is, I don't think I even thought about eating my bag lunch that day.

    And I was 1500 miles from Dealey Plaza!

    Ah, but the intrepid JFK high alert security minded and whacko list informed "Assignment Oswald", Inspector Jacques Clouseau look-a-like FBI agent James P. Hosty was having lunch in a downtown Dallas diner during the motorcade and shooting.

    Lets have lunch my friend!

    But inspector...do you not think it may be wise to wait until the dangerous motorcade is over and the President is safely arrived to the Trade Mart?

    Ah, no need to worry my friend...zee appetite cannot wait ... you know?

    That old Alfred E. Newman saying comes to mind as well regarding "Assignment Oswald" Hosty's ill timed lunch break...."What - Me Worry?"


    Good points. I always remember newsman Eddie Barker telling of his astonishment that some fella at the Trade Mart sat there quietly eating his steak dinner when everyone else was crying and not eating, worrying about the president who never came to speak, then hearing that he died. How that guy could eat a meal at that time is actually disturbing (and, no-he was never identified).


  4. 17 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Hey Vince.  Just wanted to say your on deck, up next.  25 pages to go in JFK vs Allen Dulles, Battleground Indonesia by Dr. Greg Poulgrain (plus the 15 page afterword by Jim DiEugenio).  I really want to read Larry Hancock's Tipping Point after reading the serialization on MF for the greater detail.  But, your book came out first, I bought it first (Larry's is on the way) and I have faith from your prior work and posts that it will be not only well worth my time but compelling.

    thanks :)

  5. 20 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    Frazier says;

    When he walked up and I saw him with the rifle, my heart jumped into my throat. I knew the president had been shot, and I was now face-to-face with someone not in police clothing carrying a weapon.

      I was terrified.

    He bored a hole right through me with his brown eyes, and I said, "Don't worry, I didn't see anything". 

    But his appetite was not affected. He went straight to the basement and ate his lunch ...

    Well put! Good point.

  6. 8 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    But this is also the strength of this book in the sense of deterring the assassination researchers to ask questions and seek answers from Mr. Frazier. It is just an autobiography after all.

    As I understand from the silence on his Facebook page, Mr. Frazier has no intention to answer questions. And there are so many.

    On page 52, Mr. Frazier writes about being invited by his coworkers in the Depository to go for a beer together to the Carousel Club. Who were these coworkers? No answer, unfortunately.

    As I mentioned before, Buell Wesley Frazier was interviewed for the House Select Committee on Assassination in 1977. However, there is just no mention of this 4-hour long interview. Why?

    How it is possible not to mention sighting of Lee Oswald just minutes after the shooting,while testifying for the Warren Commission that he had not seen him any longer that day because he went down to basement to have lunch? 

    Why could he not say to any law enforcement officer about seeing a man with a rifle in an area between Depository and railroad tracks within a minute of shooting? He could have said this to any ranking officers in the Depository and instead of the inaccurate bulletin about a man of 30 years age, Police could have issued a quite an accurate description of the man and his car. Why instead assuring that suspicious person about not seeing anything?  

    Did he really know Charles Harrelson and members of Dixie mafia at the time when he was about to leave for Dallas in 1963? Could there be a plan to place Mr. Frazier into Texas School Book Depository in summer 1963? Could it be that Mr. Frazier associated that unknown man whom he encountered after the shooting with those people? Could it be that it was the moment when he decided to steer truth to oblivion?

    Did he ever had any suspicion about the content of the elongated package? The package clearly could not contain any curtain rods - the room at North Beckley only required three rods (or one very long which obviously was not a rod carried by Lee Oswald) and the rods would be lightweight - they would certainly not provide for a bulky package  described by his sister.  One does not need a package 5-6 inches wide to carry three rods each of a diameter of a finger.

    What is the reason of not having any memory recollections of people standing near him during or immediately after the shooting (except mentioning a heavy set lady names Sara as standing to the left of him). How could he not recall Officer Baker and Roy Truly storming into the building and shuffling people on steps away? These memory lapses are not due to the long period of time elapsing since the event; Mr. Frazier never described in detail who was with him in the doorway. 

    Why would Mr. Frazier describe Lee's hair as blonde?


    One lone-nutter, Todd Vaughan, is livid at Buell for his 57-year old revelation about the gunman he allegedly saw.

  7. 8 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    But this is also the strength of this book in the sense of deterring the assassination researchers to ask questions and seek answers from Mr. Frazier. It is just an autobiography after all.

    As I understand from the silence on his Facebook page, Mr. Frazier has no intention to answer questions. And there are so many.

    On page 52, Mr. Frazier writes about being invited by his coworkers in the Depository to go for a beer together to the Carousel Club. Who were these coworkers? No answer, unfortunately.

    As I mentioned before, Buell Wesley Frazier was interviewed for the House Select Committee on Assassination in 1977. However, there is just no mention of this 4-hour long interview. Why?

    How it is possible not to mention sighting of Lee Oswald just minutes after the shooting,while testifying for the Warren Commission that he had not seen him any longer that day because he went down to basement to have lunch? 

    Why could he not say to any law enforcement officer about seeing a man with a rifle in an area between Depository and railroad tracks within a minute of shooting? He could have said this to any ranking officers in the Depository and instead of the inaccurate bulletin about a man of 30 years age, Police could have issued a quite an accurate description of the man and his car. Why instead assuring that suspicious person about not seeing anything?  

    Did he really know Charles Harrelson and members of Dixie mafia at the time when he was about to leave for Dallas in 1963? Could there be a plan to place Mr. Frazier into Texas School Book Depository in summer 1963? Could it be that Mr. Frazier associated that unknown man whom he encountered after the shooting with those people? Could it be that it was the moment when he decided to steer truth to oblivion?

    Did he ever had any suspicion about the content of the elongated package? The package clearly could not contain any curtain rods - the room at North Beckley only required three rods (or one very long which obviously was not a rod carried by Lee Oswald) and the rods would be lightweight - they would certainly not provide for a bulky package  described by his sister.  One does not need a package 5-6 inches wide to carry three rods each of a diameter of a finger.

    What is the reason of not having any memory recollections of people standing near him during or immediately after the shooting (except mentioning a heavy set lady names Sara as standing to the left of him). How could he not recall Officer Baker and Roy Truly storming into the building and shuffling people on steps away? These memory lapses are not due to the long period of time elapsing since the event; Mr. Frazier never described in detail who was with him in the doorway. 

    Why would Mr. Frazier describe Lee's hair as blonde?


    I agree with your assessment.

  8. 15 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    ommunity would issue a public retraction and apology to Ruth, while she is still living, for all the unjust vilification which should never have happened.

    Give it a rest, "friend" (I don't even know you LOL). That error in a very long book is insignificant to both the book as a whole and to my suspicions about the Paines. It makes 0.0 difference either way and played no part whatsoever in my assessment of the Paines, pro or con. Those two bums Nixon and Trump both visited CIA headquarters...many honorable people also served in the CIA...some visited CIA headquarters, some never did (just as many FBI informants never visited headquarters; many police informants never visited police headquarters...get it?). Whether Ruth or her sister visited the actual main CIA headquarters is irrelevant to the big-picture question(s) about the Paines. 

    I know this game, as I have seen it played over and over again online for literally decades now (since the mid-1990's): someone points out an error (usually not a game-changer or significant to the overall article/book/program) and then smells "blood in the water", attempting to make a huge issue out of it and call into question other matters. I won't play that game with you, so any further pontifications or questions about this will go unanswered.

    As the saying goes from the movie Frozen: "Let it go."

  9. 1 hour ago, Tony Krome said:

    If Frazier did not witness the event, it was a clever addition. There are vague references to Bowers seeing someone placing a rifle into the trunk of a car. 

    Re: Debra Conway interview with Olan Degaugh.

    The sad reality is this: even IF true, any lone-nutter (or lawyer) worth a lick will dismiss it as a over-57-year-old revelation that is impossible to prove. It is footnote material at best.

  10. I will say this: if Frazier added that bit to boost sales, epic fail- my own new book has enjoyed much better daily Amazon rankings than his (although Tink Thompson's new book is blowing BOTH of our books away. Tink is a super star, I am "known" but not a super star, while Frazier's book was released very low key and does not, at first glance, look like a JFK assassination book).

    I am surprised that Dave Perry, Gus Russo and Hugh Aynesworth allowed that bit to appear in his book, as it is (obviously) very pro-conspiracy and such a late-date revelation.

    I think Buell made a mistake allowing his book to become too much of an autobiography. Let's face it: no one gives a rat's behind that he loves baseball and coached a little league team! Details, details, details...about Oswald and the assassination are what we want to read about. Then again, if he did not include his Warren Commission and Clay Shaw testimony at the end, without the biographical detail, there may not have been enough for an actual book, per se; more like a magazine article. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Mark Tyler said:

    Sadly I can't find it anywhere either.  However, back in 2004 David Wimp did give a presentation, at about 40 minutes into this video:


    I found this presentation to be very persuasive, and LSID chapter 14 "The Blur Illusion" is a very important correction to Thompson's 1967 book.  The forward movement of JFK's head during Z313-Z314 is no more than an illusion, and JFK's exact head movements during that time can never be known due to the blurring and the explosion debris in the film (which both make any proper measurement impossible).

    JFK assassination conference: "The Lone Assassin Theory - Photographic Evidence" 2004 - YouTube

  12. 1 hour ago, Richard Booth said:

    But Jim, Ruth Paine was just a benevolent Quaker volunteering out of the goodness of her heart.

    In seriousness though, has anyone actually examined Ruth Paine's excuse for why she inserted herself into Oswald's life, being that she claims that poor pregnant Marina needed someone to translate for her? Has anyone ever brought up how absurd that excuse is given that Marina Oswald was married to a man who spoke English and Russian who was perfectly capable of translating for her? Or that Marina didn't need anyone to translate because she spoke English?

    Ruth's excuses and lies (under oath) tell us a great deal. 

    Weird Ruth Paine interview - I guess it's funny to her - YouTube


  13. 9 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Vince responded promptly and acknowledged and posted the correction honorably.

    Thanks for that. Keep in mind, my book is roughly 480 pages and is massively footnoted and documented and, out of necessity, relies on MANY sources from others (see, for example, the massive bibliography). Nothing is knowingly false. I have an errata page on both my major blogs (since March and I haven't posted anything above them, so they remain the newest entry) for the world to see (both my blogs have over 250K views. In fact, one is at over 880K views). The specific line about Ruth herself visiting CIA headquarters will be removed in future printings- the rest will remain. 


  14. 18 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

    @Vince Palamara -- reading here about the harassment you faced in 2013 -- appalling. The fact that this guy wrote to the CEO of your company to get you fired is one of the dirtiest, shittiest things imaginable.  His accusations of "un-American activity" are laughable and ironically are the only un-American thing here, this notion that your constitutionally-protected speech is somehow in and of itself not American. HIS actions were the un-American actions here.

    In addition, it shows that your work evidently was hitting some kind of nerve if you've got people trying to interfere with your life.



  15. 20 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Thank you Vince for obtaining this clarification that there is no truth or basis to the claim of knowledge, as quoted and footnoted to Deb Galantine in your book, that Ruth Paine visited CIA headquarters in Washington, D.C.

    Here is the full passage with the claim that appears two times in your book without qualification:

    "As researcher Deb Galantine wrote to the author:

    'Oswald apparently arrived in Mexico City on 9/27/63. But this report [document of Floyd Boring claim of sighting of Oswald in d.c. on 9/27/63] has him in Washington, D.C. on that date. Ruth Paine had recently returned to New Orleans shortly before this date from the Washington D.C. area. She had incorporated a visit to CIA headquarters while in the D.C. area in order to 'see her sister'. I have doubts about Ruth traveling alone on her road trip with two small children. I suspect she took her husband along. So it may be possible that Michael Paine stayed behind in the area. Someone in the D.C./PA/Baltimore area was impersonating Oswald in several places during that time frame." (Honest Answers, p. 236; also pp. 162-163)

    I checked Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable, and Douglass says nothing of any visit of Ruth to CIA headquarters. The point matters in that Ruth testified to the New Orleans grand jury under penalty of perjury, under questioning from Garrison, that she visited her sister in the D.C. area, but did not know at the time of her visit (not until that moment when informed by Garrison) that her sister was employed by CIA. she did not work, directly or indirectly, for the CIA. From the grand jury transcript (ellipses are in the transcript).

    Q. Did you or your husband at any time directly or indirectly work for any Federal Law Enforcement Agency?

    A. Not I, and I doubt Michael would have without my knowing it.

    Q. How about the Central Intelligence Agency?

    A. No.

    Q. To your knowledge, have you met anyone who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency?

    A. I just don't know. Conceivably, but in other words he didn't just come up to me and say here I am . . .

    Q. That's what I say, to your knowledge.

    A. No.

    Q. No one has ever identified himself as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency?

    A. No, not to my knowledge.

    This The claim appearing in your book, to the extent that your readers read it and believe it to be true, will become one more case of Ruth Paine being unjustly smeared, with this claim perceived to be evidence that Ruth Paine has been untruthful.

    So this raises the question: what can be done to remedy this, so that this new "false fact" does not get quoted and requoted and go viral, when it is a fabrication you put into print? (I do not mean intentionally Vince.)

    Your prompt obtaining and reporting of Deb Galantine's statement that nothing supports that claim, posted on this forum, is at least something, and honorable and to your credit. Whether this will be sufficient to avoid damage done unjustly by this to this person's reputation is another matter (I doubt it). I would be interested in what other researchers here advise concerning the question of how false and damaging factual claims concerning persons, once recognized, should be handled. 

    Read Jim DiEugenio's response- it is brilliant.

  16. On 4/11/2021 at 9:46 PM, Greg Doudna said:

    Thanks Vince. 

    Deb responds:

    "I believe info about Ruth’s trip is in Douglass’ “JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.” The road-trip Ruth took to visit her sister in 9/1963 is common knowledge; I believe it’s a part of Ruth’s WC testimony or HSCA testimony because it pertained to her dropping off Marina, et al, at LHO’s place in LA. Ruth’s sister’s name was Sylvia Hoke & her employment with CIA is a matter of record. I do not recall saying that Ruth visited her sister at CIA headquarters. She may have. But Ruth stayed with her sister in VA, according to Ruth. IOW, Ruth visited her sister who worked at CIA headquarters. Whether or not Ruth traipsed across the seal on the floor of CIA headquarters is unknown. Here is documentation of Ruth’s sisters’ CIA employment.




    Ruth’s sisters’ full name was “Sylvia Hyde Hoke.” I don’t know if she is still living. Ruth’s father also had intelligence connections.


    Ruth still admits to visiting her sister in Sept. 1963. This is from a Village Voice article July 29, 2020. Seems Ruth is still pumping her cover story.



  17. 22 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I think that Greer-shot-the-president theory is disinformation, just like mortal errors ridiculous story (still highly rated on amazon, unfortunately) of SSA Hickey accidentally shooting JFK.  They're both pure horseshit.  A CIA Mockingbird wet dream.  Meant to distract from real research on the subject as well as distill public opinion with sensationalism.   

    I agree, Ron.

  18. 49 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Hi Vince--I ordered your book as soon as it was available and what a wealth of resources is in it, especially the obtaining of so many valuable interviews with Secret Service persons over the years. Here I will ask two questions from my reading if I may, followed by an anecdote which may or may not be of interest.

    Question #1 

    On p. 119 of your book appears this stunner (below), of interest in light of the discussion on a different thread right now concerning Benjamin Cole's paper proposing an original govt-sponsored plot involving Oswald of a nonviolent false-flag fake assassination attempt to be blamed on Castro, secondarily hijacked into a real assassination. (Cole makes no mention of the below.)

    "[Christopher] Fulton interviewed [Secret Service agent] Robert Bouck on the phone and in person in August 1997. Bouck shockingly told Fulton: 'Dallas's Mayor, Earle Cabell, and Sheriff Bill Decker were both CIA assets. They told the police to stand down from their protection of President Kennedy by order of the Secret Service. At the same time, several key men in the president's Secret Service detail were told that there would be a test of the president's security in Dallas, and that there would be a test of the president's security in Dallas, and that there would be a staged event that would lead to the door of the pro-Castro Cubans, and to stand down. The men following that order thought they were doing the right thing for the country. It's how the loyal Secret Service men were made part of the plan and played a role in the assassination. I remember debriefing a CIA man who had been sent to Dallas to abort the false flag assassination attempt; he was shocked and horrified when he saw the president shot in the head ..." (Honest Answers, 119)

    You have a footnote for this citing page numbers in Christopher Fulton, The Inheritance (2018). William Kelly, however, quotes the book's publisher as saying Fulton's book is "written in a novelized fashion" with "contrived conversations and fictionalized style". Kelly wishes Fulton "instead of novelizing this story" had written "a true to life non-fictional account, and it would have served us all better". Kelly refers again to "contrived conversations" throughout Fulton's book, and says, "Fulton's long and convoluted conversation with former Secret Service Agent Robert Bouck at JFK's graveside is total BS. I don't believe a word of it was spoken by Bouck" (https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-inheritance-what-became-of-mrs.html). 

    So my question to you is: do you personally believe the account in your book of Robert Bouck telling of a Secret Service planned test of presidential security by standing down in Dallas, was said by Bouck? 

    And (distinct question), in view of your other interviews and research concerning the Secret Service, what is your assessment of the claim itself--the claim attributed to an interview of Bouck in your book--concerning whether it is true or corroborated? 

    Question #2

    On p. 163, and again on p. 236, you quote a statement attributed to a researcher Deb Galantine in correspondence with you, that "[Ruth Paine] had incorporated a visit to CIA headquarters while in the D.C. area in order to 'see her sister'", stated as fact. No footnote or documentation is given. Do you believe that claim that Ruth Paine visited CIA headquarters to be true? Did you fact-check that or know where Deb Galantine got that, in terms of evidence? 


    Sometime in 1977 I had an apartment in Goleta, California and had built a window cleaning route after dropping out of a Bible college. I read an interesting feature article in a Santa Barbara newspaper concerning a theory on the JFK assassination, in which a local author argued JFK had been assassinated by the Secret Service under the direction of Johnson and Connally. An agent in a car to the rear had fired a pistol in the air distracting the crowd's attention to the rear, and then the driver of the presidential limousine, Greer, had turned around and shot JFK point-blank with a pistol while everyone's attention was diverted. I was intrigued and looked up the author in the phone book--one of two coauthors actually--called and asked if it would be possible to read the manuscript. As you may realize by now, this was Perry Adams, coauthor with Fed Newcomb of the belatedly and posthumously published Murder Within (2011).

    To my disappointment Adams said no, he could not lend out the manuscript. But then he said I could come over to his apartment and read it in his living room if I wanted. Great! I went over, and spent an afternoon reading the mss and talking with Adams about it. At the time I thought he was some kind of professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, but in checking recently I see he was actually employed in the university library, not faculty. Adams explained the thesis: the assassination was a coup; it was an inside job; it was done when the government was out of the country (the cabinet on a plane flying over the Pacific); the crime scene was mobile (the presidential limousine). I asked how could the driver of the limousine shoot JFK with hundreds watching. He said that was the genius of it, hard for anyone to imagine something like that could occur in broad daylight and no one saw it because of sound distraction to the rear. I read the manuscript pages through completely--of how LBJ was slated to be dumped as VP and headed for prison; of how JFK was planning to withdraw from Vietnam; how the press car had been moved way to the back and one reporter hogged the mike after the shooting meaning journalists could not see or report in the crucial moments after; how the parade route was set involving Connally; how the JFK head shot bloody spray hit motorcycle cops to the rear meaning shot from the front; how many witnesses smelled gunpowder in the vicinity of the limousine indicating the shot originated very close at hand, etc. (so the argument). I asked how could Connally be party to the assassination when he himself was shot. He said Connally was double-crossed ("they're going to kill us all!").

    I asked if he and his partner (Newcomb) had called and told their argument to Greer and how did Greer react? He said they had called Greer and Greer was not enamored with their argument (that Greer killed JFK), telling them that they should read William Manchester's book (I think it was) for the correct story. He said something about Greer and the other Secret Service from those days got together annually socially.

    Perry Adams told me they had been contacted by an aide to Alabama Governor George Wallace asking for a copy. The aide said Wallace believed the JFK assassination was a conspiracy and that Wallace intended to make the JFK assassination an issue in his presidential campaign, though that did not happen. 

    Either Perry Adams showed me, or it was in the manuscript, one or the other, a photograph of a published photo of the presidential limousine drivers in a magazine or glossy book of some kind. The caption identifying the two Secret Service in the front seats had a typo: instead of William Greer and Roy Kellerman, the published photo caption read "Roy Killerman". "Killer-man", get it? Adams said Jacqueline Kennedy had been involved in that publication and he mused that she or someone in her circle might have had that caption that way on purpose. However I cannot find any reference to that in the published Murder Within, and I am not certain it was in the manuscript then; it is possible Adams showed that to me and commented about it just as something interesting "extra" not in the manuscript. But I saw the photo and caption with that reading (unfortunately do not remember the name of the book or magazine). 

    That was my only contact with Perry Adams (in mid-1977 I moved away from Santa Barbara). Anyway reading your book brought to mind that long-ago encounter. 

    Hello! Thanks a lot.

    As for your questions:

    I spoke to Bouck on 9/27/92 and he believed there was a conspiracy, so I got that straight from the horse’s mouth. As it turns out, Bouck also said the same thing to the ARRB (although he added that Oswald was the assassin). I admittedly added that bit from Fulton because it was enticing and directly related to Bouck (of course). As for the merits of the book itself, whether there is any additional novelizations added, highly respected author Dick Russell stuck his neck out and contributed to the book, so that, coupled with what Bouck told me (and the ARRB) and the actual photos and documentation at the end of the book concerning other matters (correspondence with Secret Service agents, photos of him with several important persons, etc.), was enough for me to duly note what Fulton reported about Bouck. The bottom line: since Bouck said what he said to me AND the suspicion about the Cabell brothers is a valid one, I “took a chance” with Fulton and noted what he alleges in his book.


    Deb’s father both worked on security for JFK’s trips to Billings, Montana in 1960 and 1963 (there are photos of the two together) AND was a CIA agent (I have seen the documentation- Deb is working on a book about her late father so I am not at liberty to share anything as of yet or you know I sure would: I am very open with sharing much documentation, photos and videos galore through the years/decades). So, with that in mind, I trust Deb, as she is a meticulous researcher who has helped me on other matters. That said, I will ask her where she specifically got that (if not from her father).

    As for Newcomb and Adams (and Murder From Within): much aware of them and their book. I corresponded with Fred Newcomb and I am Facebook friends with his son Tyler (who came out with the 2011 version of the book). That Greer-shot-the-president theory is pure crap.



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