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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 17 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

    My mother, Marian McBride, was in that Milwaukee motorcade on May 12, 1962. She was vice chairman of the Wisconsin

    Democratic Party and was riding several cars behind the president along with Evelyn

    Lincoln and Admiral Burkley. Earlier she had been among

    the group greeting JFK as he deplaned at General Mitchell Field. My mother helped set up some of the events along

    the long motorcade route from the airport to downtown, including having school bands playing as the president passed. She later

    complained that the Secret Service was difficult to deal with. I wish she were

    around now so I could ask her what she meant by that. I kick myself for not watching

    that motorcade. That night I was part of the "honor guard" for the president

    at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner at the downtown Milwaukee Auditorium and Arena and had a brief

    exchange of greetings with JFK afterward as he passed backstage five feet away before he turned to walk down a ramp

    into the limousine in which he would be killed the following year. At the VIP

    reception beforehand, my father, Ray McBride of the Milwaukee Journal, was

    introduced to the president and had time for one question. So he asked Kennedy

    if he ever worried about being assassinated. JFK said he recognized that possibility

    but couldn't think about it or he would not be able to do his job.

    thanks for sharing!

  2. "This book achieves several things. It provides a point-by-point refutation of Vincent Bugliosi's book Reclaiming History; it demonstrates, once and for all, that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent of the crimes of which he was accused; it provides the most detailed and comprehensive list yet of all the points that, taken together and with irrefutable logic, prove that a conspiracy was involved in the events of November 22, 1963 in Dallas; and it demonstrates the deep involvement of various levels of government in the conspiracy, and the nature of such involvement. In the course of the above, the Warren Report is also refuted."

  3. Dr. Adolph Giesecke, Dr. Charles Baxter, Dr. Ronald Jones and Dr. Robert Grossman + Gary Mack, Bob Schieffer, and Dr. Charles Petty (HSCA). Dr. Grossman just passed away on Oct. 8, 2021. He was 88. RIP Dr. Charles Baxter passed in 2005, Dr. Charles Petty in 2007, Dr. Giesecke in 2011, Gary Mack in 2015, and Larry King died January 2021. That leaves only Dr. Jones and Bob Schieffer, who is still alive as of October 2021.

    HIGHLIGHTS REGARDING THE WOUNDS: 7:11 , 9:45 , 11:07 , 12:07 , 12:48 , 14:25 , 17:55 , 20:15 , 36:38


  4. 2 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    Sharon Litwin passed away in 2016.


    There can't be that many Litwin's in the world involved in studying the JFK case, but Fred Litwin wrote I WAS A TEENAGE JFK CONSPIRACY FREAK.  If Fred Litwin is writing a book debunking JFK assassination theories, and Sharon Litwin is collecting papers on Clay Shaw that end up being used in another debunker's book on the same topic, you wouldn't really be going out on a limb by wondering if Fred and Sharon Litwin were related.

    Regarding Alecia Long, the author of CRUISING FOR CONSPIRATORS, I wrote this back in May.


    Thanks for your feedback on this. Yes- Sharon and Fred have to be related (one would think).

  5. On 9/1/2021 at 4:30 PM, Pat Speer said:

    Thanks to all for the kind words and support. I'm back home and doing much better. Still locked up at home essentially for the next 2 1/2 months due to my ongoing diet of immuno-suppressants, which are designed to prevent my rejecting my sister's stem cells. This is particularly annoying in that I spent much of my time in the hospital watching restaurant commercials, craving the food, and the doctors now insist I abstain from eating ANY restaurant food for 2 1/2 months, and only eat food that has been scrubbed and cooked at specific temperatures... So no sushi for me, or even In-N-Out burger...

    Some fun facts...

    When fully-engrafted, my sister's stem cells will change my blood type to her blood type...

    I'm part of a study trying to determine if I will become vaccinated against COVID-19 via my sister's stem cells...

    As bad as I had it--terrible gut issues for weeks on end--there were a number of patients on the sixth floor who have had numerous relapses--and have been confined there for YEARS, including the year leading up to this March, in which NO visitors were allowed. To me, the hospital felt like prison, but to these poor souls it really is a prison.

    Early on in my treatment, one of my doctors told me he felt confident my getting leukemia was not simply bad luck, and that he felt confident I'd had a long-time exposure to a toxic chemical. This led me to remember that a record warehouse I'd worked in for 7 years had had a toxic spill five years before we moved in, that had supposedly been cleaned up. I then contacted the EPA, and a water district, which confirmed that toxic chemicals linked to various cancers and specifically leukemia have been found on-site from 2002 to last year. The problem is that the spill/chlorine gas leak was in 1989, and my company was in the building from 94 to 01. I am currently in touch with a family friend/lawyer who is looking into this, and trying to determine if the site was tested between 1989 and 2001, and, if not, why not. So, geez Louise, I could very well be sucked into investigating a conspiracy related to my own death, and, if not, a number of my former co-workers. This feels both ironic and somehow not surprising.

    Pat, you are a treasure to the research community. I hope you get better very soon!

  6. 3 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

    As one of the current owners of this site, I can attest that there are ZERO profits involved with running and maintaining this site. So the Education Forum is not profiting in any way, shape, or form from the material posted here. The ownership team are ALL unpaid volunteers who are part-time moderators/administrators of the forum. To varying degrees, we all have put some out-of-pocket cash into the continued operation of the forum and received nothing of monetary value in return.

    As long as we continue to have others who have invested years into researching the JFK assassination on the forum, such as Larry Hancock, Vince Palamara among the many, contributing the fruits of their research to the forum, we will continue to perform an educational service. And that is our purpose here.


  7. 1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

    I'm not sure about the other sites, but if you see one of your pictures on Pinterest and you don't want it there, you can report it and Pinterest will take it down while also sending an alert to whomever had it on their boards explaining why it was removed. They certainly don't shut down Pinterest permanently, they just remove the unauthorized picture.

    Thanks. That has happened to me just a couple of times. Then again, over a span of 11-plus years and over 15K photos, that is a drop in the ocean. No penalty occurred: like you said, they merely remove the photo. 

  8. One thing I would really like to know--HAVE copyright laws loosened in the last 5-10 years? On Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you can post many (many!) copyrighted photos and face 0.0 penalties. Back in 2009-2010ish, Facebook would ONLY allow photos YOU yourself took and even had a disclaimer...heck, they even only allowed a small amount of photos to be posted back then. Now, the sky is the limit.

    As an important JFK-related side note:

    Researchers DO realize that the vast majority of the amazing photos of President Kennedy (including assassination-related photos [not necessarily the actual assassination films/photos on Elm Street]) have largely only become available post-2008-2012? I vividly remember the period from 1998-2007 when the online JFK Library site, quite frankly, sucked: only a handful of boring photos of JFK we have all seen a million times. Then, soon after, thousands became both digitized AND public domain, as White House photographer Cecil Stoughton passed away (Robert Knudsen was already deceased by this time).

    People are always so amazed at my JFK (in life) and 11-22-63 related photos, yet many do not realize how "new" they are, so to speak: they were buried, undigitized and unpublished for decades/ generations until recently. In addition to the ARRB file releases, this is an amazing thing.



  9. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Owen G did one of the worst things a critic can do.  He was arguing with the film in an uninformed way.

    Just to indicate two things:

    1.) He says that to avoid Adams, Oswald could have waited ten seconds before descending the stairs. He is not aware that if such was the case that would have guaranteed that Garner would have seen him.

    2.) I fail to see how direct eyewitness testimony at Parkland and Bethesda qualifies as hearsay. 

    He then wanted us to do the whole triangular firing sequence?  That is the kind of stuff we avoided. In favor of factual stuff.  So he badly distorts what is factual and asks us to do something we can only speculate about. Whew.


    Jim, PLEASE tell me that the Secret Service is brought up in the documentary. The documentary sounds like it is going to be great!

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