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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Someone just commented on my You Tube channel "Vince!! Check it out: all the videos that featured Doug Horne---at least 18 at last count---are all gone; wiped out. What makes this especially troubling is the fact that they were on different channels. Is he alright?"

    I know Doug was on A COUP IN CAMELOT (as was I, David Mantik and Barry Ernest, among others; DVD, Blu ray and Amazon streaming still available) and, of course, is on the Oliver Stone documentary JFK REVISITED. Does anyone have any info? As a side note, I do know that he was wounded by criticism of his lengthy part in A COUP IN CAMELOT and disappeared for a while, deleted his Facebook and turning to FDR instead. Did something happen this time around to make him (or someone) delete his videos?

    Douglas Horne - IMDb


    A Coup in Camelot (2015) - IMDb



  2. 23 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    If anyone missed this it is historical.  Seeing the sixth floor stripped, nothing like it is today.  The reporter carrying the tripod up the stairs "oh boy, this is a walk up".  Seeing through the freight elevator gate the open floors as they pass them.  Then at about 35 seconds in you hear the chain on the gate raising it as they get to the sixth floor.  Stalling it there until the gate is lowered again.

    I chuckled at the pigeon flying around when they opened the gate.  Half a million for the building in the early 80's, then renovation.  Now city offices with the museum bringing in lines of people at $20 a pop.  A revenue producing city owned building.  I wonder what it's worth today.

    I'm trying to remember the name of the "retired" CIA agent who advised the developers of the museum.

    I thought the first time I went, in the mid early 90's the "sniper's nest" was accessible.  You could look out the window they said LHO did the deed from.  Not blocked off with plexiglass and the boxes stacked as today.  I guess the modern version is more tasteful, less morbid.

    I've been told the guy I saw the weekend before the 50th anniversary prancing through Dealy Plaza with a bull horn leading a congo line chanting "no more lies" was probably Alex Jones.  Maybe practicing for this on the 22nd?

    Watch Alex Jones Scream About Official JFK 'Lies' Until He Coughs. Update: Then He Got Punched - The Atlantic

    Charles Briggs:



  3. 6 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Great clip.

    Dr. Shaw, a most impressive individual, had operated on hundreds of bullet and shrapnel wounds himself, during WWII.

    He believed Gov. Connally had been struck by a separate shot from the two bullets that struck JFK. 

    Shaw even held open the possibility that Connally's "dorsal" wrist wound had been delivered by yet another projectile, as it is difficult to explain how a bullet passed through Connally's chest and then entered the dorsal (wristwatch) side of Connally's wrist. 

    Connally and his wife, of course, insisted there had been three separate strikes on JFK, then JBC, then JFK. 

    Connally told the HSCA:

    Connally: I was knocked over, just doubled over by the force of the bullet. It went in my back and came out my chest about 2 inches below and the left of my right nipple. The force of the bullet drove my body over almost double and when I looked, immediately I could see I was just drenched with blood. 

    If you watch the Z film, this pushing forward of JBC happens around Z-295, or about one second before Z-313. 

    Obviously, a long gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle could not have fired so quickly. 

    To me, this is conclusive. 






    Thanks! Good comment.

  4. ***BREAKING NEWS*** Singer Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday) at Parkland Hospital 11/22/63 Kennedy assassination JFK- PHOTOS and possible video discovered [video may---may--include his friends; at the very least, they were there and nearby] + BONUS: Bill Paxton in Fort Worth 11/22/63 and actual Beverly Oliver photos 11/22/63 ***special thanks to DENIS MORISSETTE and SEAN COLEMAN***



  5. 8 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    This is gold Vince.  Before the renovation into the Oswald did it all by himself museum.  A brief shot of the stairs doesn't do them justice but does show how narrow and steep they were. 

    Maybe more importantly it shows the freight elevator gates.  Up, the elevator won't move from that floor.

    Boom, Boom.  Run for the elevator while most are still stunned.  Down, out the back door right by them, gone.

    Yes! I am stunned that others on the different floors could see someone easily going up or down!!


  6. 31 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    Thanks, Vince. Your work on the Secret Service is seminal

    and opened up new vistas of understanding of the case. I am

    glad you keep at it. You exemplify the advice Penn Jones gave

    me and other researchers: "Pick one aspect of the case, one

    that hasn't been studied enough, and research the hell out of it."

    That's one reason I gravitated to the Tippit murder, which

    is the Rosetta Stone of the case, but not for the reasons David

    Belin called it that.

    Thanks so much!  Joe, please check out the video I just posted- to my knowledge, the elevator view from the TSBD was never shown before. I did not know that someone riding the elevator WOULD HAVE BEEN SEEN ON EVERY FLOOR!

  7. 7 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

    When I interviewed Henry Wade, he indicated he didn't think

    there was sufficient evidence to pin the Kennedy murder

    on Oswald. Jim Leavelle gave me the same

    indications and told me that's why Will Fritz told

    him to try to pin the Tippit murder on Oswald. I discuss

    what Wade and Leavelle told me in INTO THE NIGHTMARE.

    I also wrote about Wade in an article on the KennedysandKing

    website dealing with the Dale Myers book, which I consider

    the Warren Report of the Tippit case.

    Yes---outstanding on your part!! :)

  8. 5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Vince's immediate and humble willingness to stand corrected as soon as more solid evidence is presented that disproves his initial speculation in this matter is an appreciated sign of integrity imo.

    Still, "gun shop owner/gun buff" Constable Seymore Weisman's firm IDing of the rifle as a "Mauser" just minutes after it's discovery will always be a strongly suspicious alternate truth thorn in the side of the official rifle discovery story.

    Thanks! Much appreciated.

    I agree- apart from the mistake about the film, the Mauser issue is still alive.

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