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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 7 hours ago, Ian Lloyd said:

    Notwithstanding the YouTube comment, I thought this had been previously addressed and explained as being a cop's shotgun? Maybe a clearer image will help...

    Hello all:


    I deleted the video. It has been called out to my satisfaction that the second rifle is a policeman's Browning shotgun. I saw Lisa Pease talking about it on Twitter and just ran with it. Sorry about that.

  2. 4 hours ago, Ian Lloyd said:

    Certainly does Chris - nice work again!!!

    I wonder if any film of the search shows any cops with guns of any sort? Plenty outside carrying shotguns...I'd be surprised if the cops were going in for a search for an alleged armed shooter but were told to leave their weapons outside in case they contaminated the search area???

    There's a big difference between detectives and "cops with shotguns." The detectives didn't carry shotguns--only pistols on their belts. They investigated crimes-the police officers were the ones enforcing the law on the front lines. BY the time this film was taken, POLICE OFFICER Marion Baker and company had already determined there was no one hiding on the floor. The crime scene detectives were going over the scene.

    That Tom Alyea film is often shown very dark and it is no wonder that the extra weapon was missed:


  3. 3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    I'm certainly no expert in firearms of ANY sort, (I have a fairly decent grasp on the rifles and muskets of the Napoleonic era, but after that I'm pretty much a complete Muggle) but what I learned from reading War Comics in the 1970s was that a "Carbine" was originally a shortened version of a standard rifle, with the the occasional  tailor made carbines all being fairly short. 

    The rifle presented by DPD to the public was over 40" in length. I've never understood, unless my understanding of the word is completely wrong, why they referred to the CE139 rifle as a "Carbine" .


    Oh, and brilliant find Vince!!!

    I'll never tire of that "How are we only seeing that now?" feeling in association with this crime.


    There is a news report that day calling the rifle "a Browning automatic" (matching that GIF above).

  4. OUTSTANDING comment left on the You Tube comment section of the video:


    I just asked a police officer friend of mine (in an attempt to think of a lone-nutter's possible retort) if it is possible that the other rifle was a police officer's rifle. He laughed and said, quote, "for one thing, the detectives didn't carry rifles and, two, they wouldn't contaminate the crime scene by having a rifle, police issued or otherwise, within spitting distance of a filmed and dissected area like that."

  5. NOTHING TO SEE HERE...just film of a second rifle (along with the so-called Oswald rifle) together on the sixth floor:


    Hello all:


    I deleted the video. It has been called out to my satisfaction that the second rifle is a policeman's Browning shotgun. I saw Lisa Pease talking about it on Twitter and just ran with it. Sorry about that.


  6. 14 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

    One thing I am confused/suspicious about: Warren Commission Volume 19 lists all the Dallas police officers (even 19 H 148:
    "R.A. WHITE"), but no Orvis Wesley Aday.


    Orvis Aday (1910s-1970s) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

    No one finds it alarming that Meatloaf's dad is not listed as a police officer in the lengthy and detailed roll calls in Volume 19? They even list clerical staff and trainees (including Roscoe White), yet no one with the last name Aday.

  7. A classic from the greatly missed John Judge (The Searchers, COPA, etc.). This program ("JFK: Cinema as History"; about the JFK movie) aired on C-SPAN back on 1/26/1992 but was video-taped 1/22/1992, exactly 30 years ago tomorrow. John is at his eloquent best here (although he was always amazing). The program was good but he was, by far, the very best. Enjoy! [Note: I had an average-quality bootleg of this on my channel here since 6/17/2008 and it garnered 13, 804 views, hundreds of likes and many positive comments before I decided to delete it for this far superior-in-quality version] Classic John Judge at his very best 1/22/1992 (JFK the movie) #jfkassassination #oliverstone #jfk

  8. 37 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

    Was there a lot of highway-speed mileage between Love Field and urban Dallas?

    No...and, even if there were, that lame excuse from Hill has been debunked: agents rode on the limo at speeds of 50 mph or more, as confirmed by fellow White House Detail agent Bob Lilley- he and Roy Kellerman rode on the limo at this fast speed in Puerto Rico and in other parts of South America. There is also footage of the Berlin trip where the agents ride the rear of the limo at fast speeds on the highway. JFK never ordered the agents off his limo and these other after-the-fact excuses (from Hill, not even a JFK agent but a First Lady Detail agent) are not credible...but people buy them.

  9. 19 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    "Just reminding all Texans with a pistol that the president's vulnerable in a crowd..."

    As far as the Love Field clip, is it possible that Hill and the other agent are recalled because no crowds are anticipated between the airport and urban Dallas?

    Why do we not see the Kennedys look at the Lambchop doll during Zapruder?

    Thanks. As far as the Love Field recall is concerned, when the cavalcade left Lopez Field four days before in Tampa, agents were on the back of the car despite sparse crowds; same thing with the start of the Rome (7/2/63) and Germany (6/25/63) trips.

  10. 1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

    I enjoyed it quite a bit, thanks, Vince.

    The reportage of the rifle as being a Mauser had one moment around 27:20 where the reporter says it was a Mauser and that it had one bullet in the chamber.

    It's so difficult for me to believe that the rifle was handled and examined to such a point where they could find a bullet inside of it but somehow still not be able to correctly report in what country it was made nor the correct caliber.

    Thanks! Yes--I agree.



    To wrap up the year on 12/31/2021 in what will probably be my final video (at least for a while), I present a master compilation [going thru all 755 of my videos!] of all the eerie premonitions, warnings, failings and anomalies that go against official history. The vast majority of these clips come from ABC\NBC\CBS on 11/22/1963, although there is one from 11/21/63, a couple from 11/24/63, one from 1967, and perhaps a couple others to round out the set. Some amazing stuff!

  12. 21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I think this will come out in late February with the release of the long version of the documentary.

    It will have both annotated scripts the 2 hour and 4 hour versions-- in it.

    Plus excerpts from interviews that did not make it into the film.  And man this was a lot of interesting material. We ended up with I think 29 interviews.

    We could have easily gone six hours.



    I will definitely be buying this!

  13. No photo description available.

    PRS (desk office threat monitor agent) Glen Bennett joins the White House Detail in time to ride in the follow-up car on the NY, FL and TX trips...he later became the SAIC of the Intelligence Division in charge of the JFK files!


    No photo description available.


    SAIC of the Intelligence Division in charge of the JFK files Glen Bennett---the agent who rode in the follow-up car on 11/22/63---involved in the official case file transfer a few months AFTER the HSCA final report.


    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'window Asahද from warehouse eyewitnesses didn't vindow T RAISES chief S”cret cussed points about ing President Kennedy. KENNEDY'S GUARD BRINGS QUESTIONS CLIPPING FROM THE Vime ary JATE 12/2/63 PAGE Ex-Chief of Secret Service Raises Queries Slaying WASHINGTON. Dec, Baughman, for- today lives FORWARDED BY NY DIVISION him about NOT FORWARDED BY NY DIVISION mo Ken- why School Book, Presidential route INDEXED.... ..FILED... DEC 1363 FBI-NEW YORK'

    Former Chief U.E. Baughman had some questions.


    May be an image of text that says 'FBI ransmit the following Date: Via 11/21/63 AIRTEL (Type in plain AIRMAIL code) (Priority Method Mailing) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (63-4296-12) FROM:Y SAC, DALLAS (94-188) SUBJECT: CRIMDEL Re Dallas airtel to Bureau, 11/13/63. PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO DALLAS, TEXAS, NOVEMBER 22, Item FORREST SORRELS Secret Service, Ambassador advised 11/20/63 that due some dissentient groups ADLAI STEVENSON others -bubble Lincoln Air Force automobile being Lown would use same Transport plane and that using automobile He stated that during the President's ither Worth this week In those Texas cities. REG- BO: 1250i1 Bureau ?nብમርር'



    No photo description available.




    No photo description available.

    James Powell, Army Intelligence: joined a group of Sheriff's Deputies toward the rear of the TSBD "on the basis of information that the assassin had shot from the railroad yards."


    No photo description available.


    A.J. Hidell



  14. Secret Service agents on/near rear of limousine (hanging on handrails; walking, jogging, running with car); press photographers flatbed truck(s) in front of limo, often with a live television feed; motorcycles in a diamond formation surround limo; SAIC Behn or his direct assistant ASAIC Boring riding in front passenger seat; military aide Ted Clifton or Godfrey McHugh riding in front seat between SAIC and driver (either Shipman or Greer); building rooftops guarded by police and/or sheriff's department and/or agents, sometimes with a police helicopter patrolling route [Nashville, Duluth, Berlin, Caracas, San Antonio, etc.]; police and/or military lining street and facing the crowd; police undercover detectives intermingled in crowds themselves; good protective intelligence to thwart potential threat subjects; bubble top, either partial or full, used in approximately one third of all of JFK's motorcades, often in great (no rain) weather; fast speed of car(s) [Not ALL of these situations on every trip, but quite a few of them. In 1961-1963, years before terrorism was a real threat and in the age of pistols and rifles, there are reasons why presidents from FDR-JFK (pre-11/22/63) survived motorcades and it was assuredly NOT luck! ALSO: THE SECRET SERVICE WAS THE ONLY BOSS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA HAD (as acknowledged by Presidents Truman, LBJ and Clinton). The agents had the final say when it came to his security and could overrule him...and JFK did NOT ORDER the agents to do anything-that is all crap!
    The vast majority of these motorcade films and still photos are from 1963, with a few from 1961 and 1962 duly noted. IN ORDER: Florida, Hawaii, Costa Rica, China Lake CA, Washington D.C. (1961), Germany, England, Italy, Ireland, Caracas Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Bogota Columbia, Mexico (1962), Chicago IL, Los Angeles CA, Washington D.C., MANY STILL PHOTOS 1961-1963 + San Diego CA dissected (some have tried to say that Kennedy was a sitting duck- this is so far from the truth as to be ridiculous. As the television host narrator states and as the video depicts, armed Marines lined the streets and faced the crowds five feet apart + live television feed + two flatbed trucks of still and motion photographers + police line streets + police undercover detectives intermingle with crowds + rooftops guarded + SAIC Behn in front passenger seat.
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