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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. On 12/13/2021 at 1:29 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Thanks Vince for posting this.

    Watching Chief Curry here reinforces my general view that he was probably not a conspirator. He comes across as sincere and a bit worried, but not cognizant of what was about to happen. I read his "The JFK Assassination File" years ago, and although he publicly blamed our man "Oswald" in 1963, it was clear that by 1969, he had plenty of doubts about the case.

    Here's Peter Dale Scott's interview with Chief Curry on the grassy knoll in the 1977 in which Curry admits flat out that a shooter was on the knoll: 




    Yes--that is my video compilation from my channel.

  2. I concur--fantastic documentary. One thing that does bother me (that Tink duly notes in his book) is the fact that ABC's Bill Lord interviewed DPD James Chaney and said that "his uniform was splattered with blood." Tink says that he can't see any blood, so it can't be true...I am not convinced. In any event, Chaney having blood on his uniform is even more evidence of a frontal shot (in addition to Chaney's comment that JFK was "struck in the face" by a bullet):


  3. 4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Damn Vince that gets heavy in a hurry.

    E. G.  later on # 15.  A private investigator establishes George De Mohrenschildt's wife (Jeanne ?) had two brothers.  One who worked for Howard Hughes, the other for the CIA.  A little suspicious given George said he never would have befriended Oswald without the suggestion to do so from the head of the Dallas CIA office, I forget his name at the moment.  

    Jim Moore-the local Dallas CIA agent, not the same as the lone-nut author (relation? Who knows...)

  4. On 12/9/2021 at 6:11 PM, Larry Hancock said:

    I've written a great deal about Vallee, about Bolden and about Chicago so I won't repeat that here.  However it was sometime before I bacame awere of the extent to which the Echeverria incident had indeed been investigated rather than covered up.  Among my blog posts on Chicago this one focuses strictly on the follow up incidents so someone may be interested in that: 


    Also, Vince could you pleas provide the source for the following statement by Vallee?

    Thomas Arthur Vallee himself brought up: “Soldiers Field. The plot against John F. Kennedy.” Mr. Vallee claimed he was framed by someone with special knowledge about him, such as his “CIA assignment to train exiles to assassinate Castro.”--!  

    Was that from Black's article or elsewhere, I would be interesting in the primary document where Vallee made that remark and I wasn't quite sure from you post...

    see the docs I just added above

  5. AVvXsEgrJSAznLbVQ0fW4XXFrOzjsYcaGEbGHBI2UAOFo1vFxLM--dbGmLBV7ThkuKd9hXrQZGBOwnmmsuP7WVIBchyT-v_c523LFFW-_DSCcKWufvdCmUmoUrGUYZjdACx3AZlCnbw38KIsyx1vPwb6jVzoCtUmDsuy6wat6lnT72cecnKPAH9qD8JNU8I=s960






    This vindicates Abe- he thought of Harvey Henderson as his boss on the detail. Former agent Gerald Blaine ridiculed him, even going so far as to say that HE (Blaine) was on Bolden's temporary shift...Blaine lied again:



    Blaine lies about "no racist" agents: see my third book. Harvey WAS on Bolden's shift- Coughlin even said Bolden was right about this. O'Rourke made a powerful case for conspiracy, debunking Blaine's LHO-did-it theory.AVvXsEjcBE6oI1El43s8VrRBDLfHmQ6Xupw7VBIFYl563FjzAo6jXh9yhT0ALry-ZLeWAyb1xf1U6AQv4BUnGbK31kb3r2yrHlczbM3lTZaQdW181I9wfiNZ1ZJfodvKqXFfn3RLRr6thF9G2swvMNbmi2g6ZreWG47YA1tg9E_D8kFtJHVuM0DA5_0QYY4=s720






  6. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    I've written a great deal about Vallee, about Bolden and about Chicago so I won't repeat that here.  However it was sometime before I bacame awere of the extent to which the Echeverria incident had indeed been investigated rather than covered up.  Among my blog posts on Chicago this one focuses strictly on the follow up incidents so someone may be interested in that: 


    Also, Vince could you pleas provide the source for the following statement by Vallee?

    Thomas Arthur Vallee himself brought up: “Soldiers Field. The plot against John F. Kennedy.” Mr. Vallee claimed he was framed by someone with special knowledge about him, such as his “CIA assignment to train exiles to assassinate Castro.”--!  

    Was that from Black's article or elsewhere, I would be interesting in the primary document where Vallee made that remark and I wasn't quite sure from you post...

    Hi, Larry. That is from the Black article:

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/V Disk/Vallee Thomas Arthur/Item 05.pdf

  7.   [Click on all images to enlarge]

    I.                    EARLIER 1963 CHICAGO TRIP THREATS (PRIOR CHICAGO TRIP OF 3/23/63):

    Col. George J. McNally, Head of WH Signal Corps and former Secret Service agent; on Texas trip and countless other ones FDR-LBJ: “But during the Chicago visit [3/23/63], the motorcade was slowed to the pace of a mounted Black Horse Troop, and the police got a warning of Puerto Rican snipers. Helicopters searched the roofs along the way, and no incidents occurred.” A Million Miles of Presidents by Col. George J. McNally, p. 204 (1982 manuscript released by his widow; McNally died in 1970)---sounds amazingly like the one for 11/2/63!


  8. https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/1969525315933/the-assassination-of-jfk

    Video coming later (if no copyright concerns kick it out haha)! The major UK documentary (now seen in Australia and elsewhere and soon to be worldwide) contains 15 major segments from yours truly! Dr. Wecht was filmed the same day (we live in the same hometown!), but separate from me (Covid concerns + timing). Ken O'Donnell's daughter/author Helen O'Donnell makes a nice appearance, while Phillip Shennon does the "Oswald did it but ya never know-could be more to the story" trip. I have mixed feelings (but mostly positive) about the documentary: they did a sensational job including so much of my security/Secret Service concerns and information that it rivals or is actually BETTER than my short TMWKK appearance and my A COUP IN CAMELOT 15 minutes or so! On the other hand, while they allude to a plot and more to the story, they clearly go with Oswald as the (a) shooter, although they duly note his "I'm just a patsy" and other statements. Wecht receives short time but is able to criticize both the rifle and the single bullet theory. From MY perspective, sensational; from a pro-conspiracy standpoint, not so hot BUT I have seen much worse--at least dissent and other points of view are presented. In this day and age (2021 and the MSM), it is great!







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