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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 3 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Many papers on interviews William Manchester did with autopsy witnesses like George Burkley and the Gawler's funeral home team. Some papers have been sealed until 2067, but many are available now to anybody who shows up, and they can be copied by anyone. Valuable stuff.



    What is truly troubling is the fact that Secret Service agent Gerald Blaine (years later, author of THE KENNEDY DETAIL, a book I have a lot of trouble with, as I have noted many times) was interviewed by William Manchester for THE DEATH OF A PRESIDENT on 5/12/1965, as the source notes of the book confirm. Blaine confirmed to me that he was indeed interviewed by Manchester when I spoke to him in 2005. Yet, the index does not list anything he said in the actual book, as Blaine does not exist in either the actual text or the index; his comments are invisible to the reader, unlike the other agents who were interviewed and sourced accordingly. More importantly, Blaine NOW denies that he ever spoke to Manchester. Why? Because I realized a famous quote attributed to fellow Secret Service agent Floyd Boring that allegedly originated from JFK on 11/18/63 ("Keep those Ivy League charlatans off the back of the car") was not true. Boring was not interviewed for the book, as there is no interviewed sourced AND Boring was adamant to me that he never spoke to Manchester and that THIS WAS NOT TRUE. Also, on video, Blaine confirms that Boring was not interviewed for the book! In fact, during the 28-mile motorcade (far longer than the 11-mile Dallas motorcade), JFK's longest domestic motorcade, agents Don Lawton and Chuck Zboril were on the back of the limo for the grand majority of the trip and were only not on the back of the car during the final stretch of the motorcade when they were heading back to the airport at high speeds. This had 0.0 to do with any alleged order.

    I strongly believe Blaine was THE SOURCE for this fairy tale and a) the lack of a transcript and b) his later-day denials are troubling, to put it mildly:


  2. 24 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    I was just reminding Vince that when Bugliosi put out Reclaiming History, he (Vince) was so impressed with Vincent Bugliosi's lawyerly arguments that he briefly said he'd been swayed. 

    It's easy to understand, really. At the time, the most prominent alternative to Bugliosi was probably Fetzer. And Fetzer had a throw-it-at-the-wall-and-see-if-it-sticks attitude towards the truth...that turned a lot of people off, and made someone like Bugliosi sound like the voice of reason. 

    Pat, you nailed it!

  3. 29 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    The version I heard was three CT's went to heaven. They are told one of the perks of entering the Pearly Gates is they get to ask one question of the Almighty. The big moment arrives and they ask the bearded, aged Creator of the Universe, Who killed JFK? A pause, then the answer, "Well I've got a theory about that..."

    THAT version I have in my latest book :) Greg, I am actually waiting for you to have a post "Can we really be sure God would say something like that???"

  4. 4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    I like your latest collages Vince, but honestly I've seen all the clips before except in this one where I don't recall Robert Mac Neal quite so graphically explaining JFK's head wounds. Obviously there is expected to be a lot of confusion at the beginning.

    Much has been speculated about O'Neill backing off on his conspiracy notions. But in this clip a few years back he accounts the events of the day as a young reporter very descriptively and there's a little apertif   for the prayer man people in the end. The guy does quite a job of recounting a lot of detail.


    In this video you shared, MacNeil doesn't talk about the head wound, Do you mean DAN RATHER in ***my***video collage? Or do you mean when MacNeil is describing the wounds to a puzzled Frank McGee?

  5. 3 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    OK, Vince, you know I like you, but I don't think you can just write people off for being swayed by the same WC/Bugliosi arguments you quite publicly embraced, if only for a brief period. 

    Unfortunately, I think the CT/LNT divide is mostly tribal, where many LNTs will continue to believe Oswald acted alone (no matter what the evidence) and many CTs will continue to believe JFK was killed by a widespread conspiracy (no matter what the evidence). I mean. let's face it, IF a noted mobster produced a file showing that he had contracted with Giancana or Trafficante or whomever, to kill JFK, and he had a contemporaneous diary and receipts proving his presence in Dallas, and even had photos of his hit team preparing for the assassination, and photos of them afterwards smiling while holding up a newspaper proclaiming Kennedy had been killed on a Dallas street, and could point out several members of this hit team in photos taken in the aftermath of the shooting, and even had a print matching the one incorrectly ID'ed as belonging to Malcolm Wallace, well, you know and I know that a large segment of the CT population would immediately conclude this was all part of a plan to let the CIA off the hook--"a limited hangout". 

    It reminds me of that old joke. Upon entry into heaven a long-time CT asks God who killed JFK. God then looks him straight in the eye and says it was Oswald acting alone. The CT then says to himself "Huh, the conspiracy goes higher than I thought!"

    Hi, Pat! I must admit: your comment put me in my place. You make some valid points, indeed! I like the old joke at the end, too!

  6. 9 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

    I don’t understand “lone nutters” unless they are being paid to argue that side, or they have such a trust in government, they just won’t look or consider any evidence that shatters their view. It can be that they just started to argue it at one time and have a character flaw where they can’t concede they are wrong, you have to have a huge ego to be like that, these people do exist. It can be that they think with the emotional part of the brain (which is older in our evolution and the default), and not the rational/logical part. 🤷‍♂️ 

     Well said!

  7. 25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Oliver Stone's JFK documentary films, JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, are coming out after the Quebec City event, about the time as the book.

    But man this price is a steal: you get 6 hours, both versions of the film, plus Oliver and me on a commentary track.  

    For a bit over 30 bucks?  😇

    Shout Factory does good work in this field also.


    This sounds fantastic! Cannot wait!

  8. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    I contacted the archives about its videotapes of the HSCA testimony some time ago. I mentioned this earlier but they told me the only way they would provide copies of these tapes (or any tapes in their possession) was if I were to pay an authorized company to do so. This would have been something like 50 bucks per tape as I recall. I then shopped around and found Jack White's VHS copies at the Poage Library. They made me copies of two of the videos for I think it was 10 bucks apiece.

    As far as Lifton, I believe he thought he was being transparent in providing his tapes to the archives. Like a lot of us, he's moved around, and he didn't want to lose his copies over time. But the reality is that in sending his materials to the archives, he placed them behind a very expensive and for the most part prohibitive paywall.

    He is not alone in this. Warren Commission attorney Howard Willens put a ton of internal WC documents online to help promote his 2013 book on the Warren Commission. Many of these were not in the archives. I combed through this stuff and found some juicy tidbits questioning the "official" story Willens was defending. One of these was reported on Jeff Morley's site. Willens then removed these documents from the internet, and claimed he'd sent the original copies to the archives. The problem was that this once again put these documents behind a very expensive paywall. And it's worse than that. A few years after Willens "disappeared" these documents, I asked Malcolm Blunt if they had in fact been sent to the archives. He said they had been and that he'd seen them. As I recall he saw some boxes waiting to be processed and asked what they were when someone told him they were the Willens documents. As I recall this was something he'd noticed only recently. IOW, the Willens documents were not only "disappeared" by Willens, the archives was taking its sweet time making them available to the public. (It wouldn't surprise me, moreover, if there had been an agreement they would drag their feet on this until after Willens had passed. Stranger things have happened. In fact, one of the tidbits I'd uncovered while browsing Willens' website was that Warren had asked the archives to withhold the release of troublesome documents for a period after the end of the WC, so that the WC's story could become accepted before any questions could arise.)

    The Jack White videos (all 3) :)



  9. 3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Anyone who does not think there is a battle going on for both history and American culture, please read this. 

    And here is the rub, Updegrove is neither an historian or an archivist. So why was he running the LBJ Library?  

    And as you can see from this article, he is not in any way an historian.  Wow, what howlers in only an article at Time. And I left something out: no one really knows why Khrushchev installed those missiles.  But JFK thought it was supposed to be his bargaining chip over Berlin.  But first CNN and an elevation of LBJ, now this jab at JFK.  Coincidence? No way. The battle for next year has already started.



    And, Jim---you are so right: it continues with these four books, one of which you know about already.


    Amazon.com: Countdown to Dallas: The Incredible Coincidences, Routines, and Blind "Luck" that Brought John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald Together on November 22, 1963: 9781637581940: Brandus, Paul: Books

    "John F. Kennedy’s fascination with death—particularly his own—and Lee Harvey Oswald’s love of violence and desire for fame made November 22, 1963 practically inevitable.

    With new details from the very latest documents declassified by the CIA and FBI!

    The so-called “crime of the century”—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—was almost preordained to happen. Like all presidents from decades before him, JFK played it loose with security—open cars, Secret Service agents at a distance, and a desire to be seen. Yet conspiracy buffs are certain the security setup on November 22, 1963 was unusual and suspicious. It wasn’t.

    And what of Lee Harvey Oswald, the drifter, the vicious wife-beating, fame-seeking narcissist? Everything in his background—dating back to his violent, disturbing grade school years, including his stated desire to murder President Dwight Eisenhower—defines the real Lee Oswald. The Oswald that conspiracists rarely talk about—the Oswald who was perched in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository as JFK drove by—was headed for this moment of infamy years before he pulled the trigger.

    Countdown to Dallas, author Paul Brandus tracks the backgrounds of both Kennedy and Oswald, the very different era in which they lived, and the incredible string of circumstances that brought them together for a few fateful moments in Dallas."

    My Travels with Mrs. Kennedy: Hill, Clint, McCubbin Hill, Lisa: 9781982181116: Amazon.com: Books


    Amazon.com: The Kennedy Assassinations: JFK and Bobby Kennedy - Debunking The Conspiracy Theories: 9781399081375: Ayton, Mel: Books


    Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination (Conspiracy Theories): Gagné, Michel Jacques: 9781032114477: Books (amazon.com)

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