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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 22 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    CTers always ignore the multiple witnesses who said the shots were pretty much "EVENLY SPACED" vs. being "bunched together". At my webpage below, I cite seven such "evenly spaced" examples (plus Nellie Connally, who thought the last two shots were spaced farther apart than shots 1 and 2):



    David- Hi! This video will make you a conspiracy theorist, my friend: 


  2. 50 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    As I recall, Kilduff studied at the Hugh Aynesworth school of cognitive dissonance. They both insisted the last two shots were bang-bang, right on top of each other. But they both insisted Oswald fired all the shots. 

    They didn't seem to grasp that if the shots were within a second or two, as implied by their statements, that it couldn't have been Oswald acting alone. And they didn't seem to grasp that 99% of all LN theorists have deluded themselves into thinking the last two shots were 5 seconds apart. Not bang-bang. 


  3. 4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:



    Be prepared to be bummed out, David- Kilduff told Harry Livingstone in High Treason 2 that he did not believe the single bullet theory. Likewise, Clint Hill and Paul Landis both came out in the same year (2016) to denounce the single bullet theory: for Hill's part, in his book Five Presidents; for Landis, the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Yes, you say Mark Oakes interviewed her on video, but I don't believe you say anywhere that the video you are showing is Mark Oakes' video. I think that should be in the title or at least before you mention your book. 

    Like I said, I know you're one of the good guys. But I still feel the disgust I had from about 15 years ago when some creep started a video channel of JFK related interviews, which largely consisted of interviews taken from Rush to Judgment. And said nothing about Rush to Judgment or even Mark Lane in the titles, or anywhere on the Channel.

    We both remember the music industry. I remember the horror when I realized that young people thought it was fine to share music via the internet, and that all music should be free. Well, some of these video channels are even worse, IMO. It's not only taking someone else's work and trying to make money off of it, but it's letting people assume you've created the content. Like, listen to this, it's this new song I wrote... it's called "Stairway to Heaven."


    You make some good points. I guess because I make no money and wasn't trying to take anybody else's work, it didn't cross my mind until you pointed it out that it can give the impression that I am trying to say this is my video, per se. I will try to add Mark's name to the video itself via an edit.

  5. 1 hour ago, Joseph Borelli said:

    Hi everyone! 

    New member here!! I have been reading this forum for a couple years now but finally joined recently when they started accepting new members. 

    I’m looking for rare dealey plaza video that I stumbled on very early on in my research where a Caucasian man in a suit was caught on video leaving the grassy knoll area walking back towards the street where jfk was shot after the assassination and A bunch of bystanders were walking up towards the tracks / fence area. There was a cop directing foot traffic on the steps I think and this guy in the suit was going the opposite direction and shadily looked back as he passed the cop expecting to be stopped but wasn’t. I have a couple ideas as to who this guy could have been but I wanted to find the video again to see if there is any resemblance before I presented any possible theory of mine. 


    I know some people here focus specifically on Dealey Plaza so they’ll probably know what video I am referring to. It’s probably only a few seconds long. I appreciate any help and am happy to be part of this msg board ! Cheers 🥂 


    Do you mean the Hughes film? Several people were leaving similar comments to yours on my You Tube channel: 


  6. On 7/15/2022 at 5:04 AM, Bill Fite said:

    I just watched the 'Death of the Magic Bullet Theory' video Vince Palamara posted on YouTube.  Thanks for that Mr Palamara.

    I'm interested in looking at experimental evidence in the murder of JFK.

    This could be either evidence for / against a conspiracy or LHO's guilt / innocence.  But... it would have to include the number of experiments run and the results - not anecdotal evidence such as the Carlos Hathcock quote that the Marines had tried to duplicate the lone gunman TSBD scenario and failed every time.  The number of tests is unknown.

    A good example from that video:

    • The test firings of the MC rifle into goat & human cadavers to experimentally simulate the Connally wounds to the rib and arm  -  100 trials with 100 bullets significantly deformed according to the ballistics expert who ran the tests & is quoted in the video.

    Any suggestions of other experiments that were run in addition to the above would be appreciated.




  7. On 7/16/2022 at 9:34 PM, Pat Speer said:

    Hey, Vince, if you're reading this. I started to watch the video Bill mentioned but grew irritated that there seemed to be no sourcing for the video. I know you're one of the good guys but I found this disappointing. (I mean, who is the interviewer? Mark Oakes?)  I've had footage from my videos used without permission by someone who wanted to take credit for discoveries I've made. This individual not only refused to re-word his video to acknowledge he was presenting one of my discoveries, he said that it was people like me who were the problem...that I was the reason the case hadn't been solved. 

    I have also had people ask if they could cut and paste all the witness quotes on my website, and put it out as a book, under their name. One of them even grew angry when I told him that while my list of witness quotes was 3-4 times the size of any other data base of quotes, that it was nevertheless incomplete, as there were witness statements provided William Manchester (and now housed at Wesleyan University), and The Sixth Floor Museum (as part of its oral history program) that would be costly to uncover. He asked me if I planned on buying all these documents, because he really wanted to claim "his" book held "all" the witness statements. 

    So I apologize for being sensitive about this. But I think any video posted on a YouTube channel comprising footage from other videos should give credit in the title of the video, or at the very least, list the videos used in its creation at the beginning of the video.  

    Hi, Pat! JUST seeing this now. I did indeed credit Mark Oakes for this (the original video, anyways). I suppose I could have made it more pronounced, but I DO have this in the video description AND pinned comment there:

    ***Feature Presentation: "The Death of the Magic Bullet" (JFK assassination)*** AN EXCERPT FROM MY SECOND BOOK ON THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE JFK: FROM PARKLAND TO BETHESDA: 21 H 193- 202: 12/11/63 report from Elizabeth L. Wright-Good---Director, Nursing Service to C.J. Price [Mrs. Wright-Good is the widow of O.P. Wright, Parkland Hospital security chief. Wallace Milam interviewed her on 6/23/93 and Mark Oakes did the same on video in Oct. 11, 1994---besides her belief, shared by her husband, that the shots had to have come from more than one direction, **she showed Oakes on camera an unfired .38 special, WCC revolver bullet which she said was THE bullet that her husband had attempted in vain to give to “an FBI agent”! She showed the bullet to Henry Wade, which is backed up by Oakes videotaped interview with Wade in May 1992 [although, as Oakes and Good acknowledge, Wade got her name wrong] and, to a lesser extent, Wright’s mention of Wade at 21 H 196.


    I make zero money on any of the videos on my channel and sometimes I am so caught up in compiling these things that I forget overt attribition (although, to be fair, in the vast majority of my videos it is plainly obvious- example: a video of Tink Thompson speaking at a specific conference) edit-I just added this to the video description:

    ***interviews of Henry Wade and Elizabeth Wright by Mark Oakes*** -JOSIAH THOMPSON 2003 -DR. ROBERT SHAW 1977 -DR. ROBERT SHAW 11/22/63 COMPILATION ABC/CBS -DR. ROBERT SHAW, DR. CYRIL WECHT, DR. JOSEPH DOLCE 1985 -NATHAN POOL 1/10/77

  8. 4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    "A committee that sort of replaced the Warren Commission if you will"?  What is she talking about?  What she describes sounds like the destruction of records you mention at the start of the ARRB, Vince.  It was not a committee.  The HSCA or Rockefeller Commission?  I don't recall reading about either one of them digging into the SS much.

    The exposure of the subject is great.  But if she never referenced anything from Survivor's Guilt I have to wonder how deep or thorough her book is. 

    Yes- she seems to have conflated the HSCA with the ARRB or something. I have her book (I am on one page)- it's pretty good except I am disappointed with the JFK chapter: she interviewed Gerald Blaine, Clint Hill and a couple others and buys the whole Kennedy-ordered-them-off-the-car crap.

  9. 1 minute ago, Pat Speer said:

    So Pool tells the HSCA that the only person who can confirm he was even there is Tomlinson, and there's no record that anyone--ever--asked Tomlinson about Pool? Am I getting this right? 

    You may be right on that, subject to verification. Sadly, this may indeed be the case. Keep in mind- the Pool interview didn't come out until around 1993 or so. I think this whole thing was (to use a modern slang) "slept" on.

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