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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I continue to be rather surprised.


    I just got the press report from our PR company.

    Shout Factory's DVD package of JFK Revisited had been reviewed by over ten sites, and it has been mentioned in passing as a new release by ten more.

    Again, in my experience, this is unprecedented for a JFK documentary.  They usually get tossed under the rug.

    It is STILL the number one documentary on Amazon and I am hearing nothing but praise for it. You are right: I cannot recall another documentary on the case that is receiving so much press and positive buzz.

  2. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    OK...but on the two Secret Service guys who were in the "The Beast," or another vehicle in which Trump did, or did not, attempt to wrest the wheel of the vehicle...why have they not been subpoenaed?

    We have heard and seen already the hearsay witness to that event (which did not strike me as important anyway), who appeared prominently on TV.

    But the actual participants in the The Beast event---the actual eyewitnesses---have not testified under oath before the 1/6 committee. 

    Cheney is suggesting the Secret Service is not cooperating, but without being specific. Perhaps she is dissembling. 

    I do not know how the Secret Service can "not" cooperate if the President is Biden. President Biden can order cooperation, no? His orders to the Secret Service not followed? Biden has authority to fire Director Murray. Biden has been President soon for 700 days. 

    Is Biden clued into the situation? Cognizant...but nothing happens? 

    This gets to the point---are US intel agencies effectively autonomous? 

    This is the sort of issue the JFKA community should excel of parsing....


    What is really disturbing are the reports that Trump's top agents were cheering on the insurrection. The destruction of the texts is troubling, as well. Reminds one of the destruction of motorcade records AFTER the ARRB requested them.

  3. 6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Vince Palamara:

    Well! The Secret Service is in the news again, and that is your bailiwick. 

    Recently, news reports have been floated out, based on commentary by Liz Cheney, that the Secret Service is not cooperating with the 1/6 committee. 

    From what I read, 

    The [Secret Service] director is appointed by, and serves at the pleasure of the president of the United States, and is not subject to Senate confirmation.[5] The director reports to the secretary of homeland security, and operates with the general directions thereof.--Wiki

    OK, so the present Director of the Secret Service, James M. Murray, serves at the pleasure of President Biden, could be fired in a minute, and also reports to Biden's Secy of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. 

    If the Secret Service is not cooperating with the 1/6 committee...what gives? Murray is not cooperating? 

    Is the Secret Service a renegade agency? Part of the Deep State, beyond real control by elected officials, meaning President Biden and Secy Mayorkas? Or is Biden complacent, or possibly unaware of circumstances? Does the Secret Service, with connection to the shadow state, have compromising information on Biden? 

    The 1/6 committee has shown its resolve; it is having Steve Bannon thrown behind bars for failing to comply with a subpoena. Fine by me.

    Are Secret Service agents somehow exempt from congressional subpoenas? I do not understand why the 1/6 committee does not subpoena those agents it wants to testify, under penalty of incarceration if they do not comply. And if perjury, then jail also. 

    Are Secret Service agents, by law or custom, considered above Congressional inquiry?

    Thanks for your insights.....

    Interesting story. Keep an open mind....



    Thanks! Oh, yes- much aware of this story.

  4. 42 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Oh I did not know that VInce.

    Because I did not get my copy yet.

    Maybe I should have gone to the post office today.

    Thanks again.

    My pleasure! Jim, JFK Revisited makes you want to watch it again and again! I have many "one and done" documentaries in my collection. Only a select few (very few) are in the upper echelon of repeated viewings like this one.

  5. 47 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Another man's opinion (just for the sake of "Equal Time")....

    The greatest JFK Assassination feature motion picture ever made (with no other film even coming close, IMO):




    The greatest JFK Assassination documentary programs ever made:







    I like all but the 2003 one with Peter Jennings.

    Dave, we are BOTH credited at the end of JFK: THE FINAL HOURS

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  6. 6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I just googled this last night.

    Take a look at how many pages come up for the newly released DVD.


    I think its six pages, and many are carrying it.

    Whew.  That is why its getting so much exposure, I guess everyone wants to sell it.

    Geez, many be and Rob should have set up that garage operation.  We would have had made some money.

    The JFK movie: the greatest assassination movie ever.

    JFK Revisited- The Complete Collection: the greatest assassination documentary ever.

    Full stop.

    (and, Jim--you are on the bonus material for the JFK movie DVD!)

  7. 2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Oh, that is neat.  Thanks again Vince.


    BTW, I have to say, we had to talk Shout Factory into doing the DVD release. 😃

    Rob Wilson was just going to duplicate the films on disc and set up office in his garage. Then me and him would do the packing and mailing at the post office.

    Maybe we should have.  We would have made more money by cutting out the middle man.

    This is the best documentary ever and probably will always stand as such (just as the "JFK" movie will always be the best assassination movie).

    It sounds like it is doing great business! There is a lot of buzz to it and the reaction I am seeing on my Facebook has been tremendous.


  8. 3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I will be talking about this in Dallas.

    After Rob Wilson paid 3000 dollars to bring one person into Oliver's office in West LA, he decided it would be cheaper for us to go to the interviewees.

    So that is when we set up shop in hotels in Dallas, Georgetown, New Orleans, and San Francisco. 

    We did do a final reshoot in Los Angeles.

    This is why I say there will likely never be a JFK documentary like this again.  Because no one will spend the money to shoot all those people actually talking about what was in the ARRB files and the new evidence.  It was a lot of money to do that.

    Wow--it has been #1 for a while! I just posted on my blog about it:


  9. (2-hour version last night. 4-hour version today. I am going to watch/listen to the audio commentary by Stone and DiEiugenio for the 2-hour version tomorrow)

    Fantastic, fabulous, essential, classic, etc. This series defies words. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was blown away by the sheer amount of diverse content as presented by the impressive list of speakers. I took copious notes that almost looks like a small paperback LOL! 

    Here is a great analogy [keeping in mind the "ET" controversy, which I equate to the Three Tramps in "JFK" in 1991]:

    If this was the Super Bowl, this team won 52-3 (would have been a shut out if not for the "ET"). Still a huge and impressive victory.

    I also highly recommend the book of the film- super impressive. The book almost acts as the unofficial "6-hour version."


    May be an image of book and text that says 'T J REVISITED THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS JAMES DIEUGENIO Introduction by Academy Award- Award-winning Director OLIVER STONE'

  10. 33 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    OK, upon re-reading the thread, it seems y'all are horrified that anyone would sign something that might be in bad taste.

    But there's a double-standard at work. Several JFK researchers have made small bundles selling images of the autopsy photos. Buell Frazier sold autographed paper bags. And Dr. McClelland sold crappy drawings supposedly showing the location of Kennedy's wounds, that were in total opposition to his previous statements. I'm unaware of anyone expressing outrage over this.

    Making money off tragedy is an American tradition. People go to Little Big Horn to see where fate caught up with Custer. People go to Jesse James' house in St. Joe MO to see the bullet hole in the wall from when he was killed. Only they don't get to see the bullet hole. They see a large hole made by numerous tourists over the years who cut the original hole and then numerous expanded holes, from the wall. I myself have (somewhere) a piece of the house Sharon Tate was slaughtered in. People are freakin' morbid. And other people enjoy making money off their morbidity. 


    "see where fate caught up with Custer"---Jerrol Custer? Ouch- ok, that was bad.

    I understand your counterpoints. That said, you would think the agents who are supposedly traumatized would politely refuse to sign something like that and just agree to sign blank papers, pictures of JFK and Jackie pre-assassination, etc.

  11. 1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Am I the only one nauseated by this stuff? You autograph your own work. To sign a photograph a man dying and another being shot full of holes is like you're taking credit for it, in my opinion.

    And the Pez dispenser is like a sick joke.

    I am, as well. Disgusting. I am an author and I would never sign anything like that, yet they are principal people (most of whom were there or, at the very least in Texas), involved with JFK and the case. I cannot fathom what would compel them to KEEP signing this crap- there is an epidemic of samples through the years on Ebay. I saved many of the JPEGS and put them in a Facebook album for posterity calling it "The tasteless autographed photos of the Kennedy detail."

  12. 19 minutes ago, John Deignan said:

    Holy cow! Shocked that Clint Hill would sign those photos. Does the pez come out the mouth or the back of the head?

    The back of the head... !

    I have a Facebook photo album filled with these photos from Hill and company. Many Z film, Muchmore film and Moorman photo autographs--horrible optics. 


    May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Jerry Blaine April24at8 Jerry Blaine TRAITOR, TRAITOR ? who says I'm a Gerald GeralBlaine Blaine AUTHOR/FORMERS SECRET SERVICE AGENT EVERYONE who SHARES this post does! IF THIS IS YOUR CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY, PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE!'


    Former Secret Service agent Gerald Blaine (author of The Kennedy Detail): his views on JFK, Obama and Trump...disturbing. "Kennedy the Egotist

    Blaine's book makes numerous references to JFK being a great person to work and be around. But it seems Blaine includes such anecdotes to balance out his claims about JFK being reckless. Blaine takes direct aim at JFK in a way that contradicts most other accounts of his personality:
    All that was left was a sense of futility. You could do only so much. But the one thing you couldn't do was protect the president from his own ego.

    [The Kennedy Detail, page 332]
    Blaine compares JFK to his predecessor, Eisenhower, whom Blaine appears to have seen as a president with fewer personal faults:
    President Eisenhower did not have a narcissistic bone in his body. He was a career military man and grew up with armed men around him. When he achieved commanding rank he had protection. .... He did not necessarily like crowds and did not feel that he had to run over and shake every person's hand. He rode in a closed-top car and did not like parade-type motorcades. ... with the agents, but he had confidence in his agent's ability and he understood unnecessary exposure.

    [The Kennedy Detail, page 398]
    Is it just me or did I read that last paragraph as a not-so-subtle suggestion that JFK was narcissistic, felt a need to shake everyone's hand, was "warm and fuzzy", but in an un-presidential way, and did not have confidence in the Secret Service's ability and no understanding of unnecessary risk?


  14. No photo description available.

    May be an image of text that says '1of3 Authenticity AD10884 PSADNA Certified Certificate ) Be Examined Hl and wn သx-p Clint Hill Signed JFK Pez Kennedy Secret Service PSAAD 10884 $199.99 $6.00 Shipping or Best Offer'


    Clint Hill Signed JFK Pez Kennedy Secret Service PSA AD 10884 | eBay


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    His buddy Gerald Blaine has some fun, too!

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    "WITH BEST WISHES"?! For only 200 dollars, you could have purchased this autographed photo of JFK's murdered body in the limo as it races to Parkland Hospital. Secret Service agent Paul Landis (the autograph is his here) + Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine and Win Lawson are/were [Lawson is now dead] signing too many of these photos for $$!

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    Awwwww--how sweet and tasteless of Hill to sign this assassination film image.

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