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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 53 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Yes, that is what I think Paul and I appreciate that you understand that.

    That is why I do not deal with them directly. Its sheer provocation.

    The book is really good.  And, in fact, I personally think the best part is the slightly longer part.  That is the excerpts from the interviews. Wait until you read that.  Full of really neat insights, knowledge and deductions: Chesser, Lee, Newman, Horne.  Just to name four.

    It is outstanding. The book is very well written and put together. Many books are tough to read- not this one. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Easy; he would not have changed the names unless she threatened to sue.

    Jim, please see my brand new post Wallace Milam (and Mark Oakes) mine gold regarding CE399 and the interesting connections of O.P. Wright

  3. JFK Assassination: The Single Bullet...but WHICH bullet? Henry Wade, O.P. Wright widow [Please be sure to read the excerpts below the video]



    21 H 193- 202: 12/11/63 report from Elizabeth L. Wright-Good---Director, Nursing Service to C.J. Price [Mrs. Wright-Good is the widow of O.P. Wright, Parkland Hospital security chief. Wallace Milam interviewed her on 6/23/93 and Mark Oakes did the same on video in Oct. 11, 1994---besides her belief, shared by her husband, that the shots had to have come from more than one direction, **she showed Oakes on camera an unfired .38 special, WCC revolver bullet which she said was THE bullet that her husband had attempted in vain to give to “an FBI agent”! She showed the bullet to Henry Wade, which is backed up by Oakes videotaped interview with Wade in May 1992 [although, as Oakes and Good acknowledge, Wade got her name wrong] and, to a lesser extent, Wright’s mention of Wade at 21 H 196.

    Also, at 21 H 198: “Mr. Wright had somewhere down the line asked me if I could ascertain the path of the bullet-or bullets-determine the path and find out where the instrument of injury actually was” (emphasis added).

    If this weren’t enough, DPD Patrick Dean was married to the daughter of O.P. Wright by a previous marriage (thanks to Wallace Milam for this information).


    ** THIS VIDEO: A) Oakes videotaped interview with Wade in May 1992; Oakes videotaped interview with Mrs. Elizabeth Wright-Good, the widow of O.P. Wright; C) Wade on the single bullet theory in 1988 See especially start of video + 10:22 mark + 12:15 mark


    Governor Connally stated in his autobiography called In History’s Shadow: “But the most curious discovery of all took place when they rolled me off the stretcher, and onto the examining table. A metal object fell onto the floor, with a click no louder than a wedding band. The nurse picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. It was the bullet from my body, the one that passed through my back, chest, and wrist, and worked itself loose from my thigh” (emphasis added-p. 18; The Investigator journal Feb-May 1994).

    Corroborating Connally’s memory, from the 11/21/93 Dallas Morning News interview with Henry Wade:” I also went out to see Connally, but he was in the operating room (note the time frame). Some nurse had a bullet in her hand and said this was on the gurney that Connally was on...I told her to give it to the police, which she said she would. I assume that’s the pristine bullet” (The Investigator Feb-May 1994). [Both John and Nellie Connally did not believe that the same bullet which hit JFK hit the Governor: See 4 H 136,147-149, and 20 H 355].

    Finally, Gary Shaw (in the 11/22/93 “Dateline: Dallas” issue) came across this passage from the Warren Commission testimony of Parkland nurse Jeanette Standridge: Specter: “Did you notice any object in Governor Connally’s clothing?” Standridge: “Not unusual” Specter:” Did you notice a bullet, specifically?” Standridge: “No” Specter:” Did you hear the sound of anything fall?” Standridge: “I didn’t”

    Is THIS “CE399”? What’s going on here?





  4. 15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Ha.  Not hardly, might have said the RW John Wayne?  The one, one star review they actually post says "Not A Book!", "This is not a book at all, it's a screenplay (Two actually) for Stone's sequel(s) to "JFK".

    No dooky dumbass.

    Just got my wife to order it as a belated Fathers Day present.  I didn't realize it was out yet until a few days ago.

    JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass: DiEugenio, James, Stone, Oliver: 9781510772878: Amazon.com: Books

    It's excellent!!!

  5. 12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Thanks VInce.

    And that guy has to be a xxxxx.

    They are not scripts.  They are ANNOTATED SCRIPTS.  All the difference in the world. So the scripts read like books.

    Also, the major part of the book is the 200 pages of interviews that were left on the cutting room floor. Where are you going to get a list of experts like this all in one book, talking about their specialities in the JFK case?

    You won't.


    WELL SAID, Jim! EXACTLY--they are not merely word-for-word transcripts of the documentaries; far from it. Excellent!!!

  6. 21 hours ago, David Lifton said:

    I've known Paul Hoch since about July 1966.  For many years, Hoch has written a newsletter. ("Echoes of conspiracy."  No strict publishing schedule.  Approx once/month.  Sometimes has  useful info).    Paul has filed several FOIA's.  Also, he was the first to obtain the ONI file on LHO).  Hoch has always been a lone nutter, but he hides behind the position that he's simply a neutral researcher, and an agnostic.   In terms of changing his views, that will never happen. Should you go down that path, rest assured it would a waste of your time).  DSL

    "Hoch has always been a lone nutter"---THAT is what I and several other people I know have always believed. 

  7. On 7/2/2022 at 2:18 AM, Vince Palamara said:

    In other words, neither was a deal breaker; just an "aw shucks." In the big picture, no big deal (although I am SURE some lone-nutters will disagree).

    Stone even admitted on the audio commentary and (I think) the annotated screenplay for JFK that the 3 tramps...well...turned out to just be 3 tramps and were identified. Like the Lovelady/man in the doorway Altgens photo issue, some researchers (still?) refused to acknowledge the error, but it is what it is.

    Likewise, I feel the "ET"/Elmer Todd initial issue regarding CE399 is of the same caliber (no pun intended)- it doesn't put a dent (no pun intended) in the 2 or 4 hour documentaries as a whole; just something to duly note (borrowing a phrase from Humes) as an error. Like the 3 tramps issue, the "ET" issue WAS alive and well right before release of the Stone productions. It was just that new information came to light.

    There are still many issues regarding the SBT: chain of possession, condition, trajectory, disbelief of many (including Clint Hill, Paul Landis, the Connallys, Dr. Robert Shaw, etc.) and so forth. In addition, there are many who feel that OF COURSE CE399 would match up to Oswald's rifle---like the rifle itself, the whole goal was to frame Oswald, so it had to match. For one, I subscribe to the Barry Ernest/Flip de Mey school of thought- Oswald's alleged rifle was involved but OSWALD did not fire it, as he was not on the 6th floor at the time. He was in the building, but on a lower floor. I believe he had to have been involved in some capacity, but as a lone wolf shooter acting totally on his own with no conspiracy, I do not believe this [although I once thought that, while there were undoubtably multiple conspiracies to kill Kennedy, Oswald beat them to the punch. This was circa several months in 2007 when I was briefly swayed by the other Vince not named Palamara, DiMaio, Drain, or Salandria: ole Bugliosi. I added that so DVP doesn't reply "oh, Vince, I remember when you" etc.] But I digress.

    Also- Dr. Guinn's NAA has been totally debunked as junk science, so much so that even the FBI has dismissed it of any value. There was a time when THIS was always used by lone-nutters (Paul Hoch and Ken Rahn especially) as "proof" of Oswald's guilt. So much for that...and the debunking of Guinn's NAA is of far greater consequence than a set of initials will ever be.


  8. 11 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

    Can you point to anything Paul Hoch has written on the subject? Thank you in advance.
    Btw, when did he "come out" as a lone-nutter?

    I gleaned this from his old late 1980's-early-1990's print newsletters that I no longer have. His "famous" line he said over and over was "It could very well be that Oswald did it all by himself, but the way the FBI and CIA acted and had numerous things to cover up themselves, it just appeared there was a conspiracy when there wasn't."

    I think we can rule out Hoch as a CT.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    I said it was safe to say he either actually was told such a thing by Kinney, or was pretending he did after reading what's been written online.

    As far as motive...yikes... To me it's clear as day.

    The SS agents in Kennedy's detail were horrified by the assassination, and were horrified by the looky-loos who'd been trying to get a peak at the brain and blood in the limo. So Kinney started cleaning it up. He quickly realized his actions were inappropriate, however--seeing as the limo was a crime scene--and stopped mid-wash.  

    He'd already picked up the bullet, however. What was he to do with it? It belonged to the Dallas authorities, who had jurisdiction over the case. If he brought it back to Washington, for what's worse, he'd have to admit he cleaned up the limo, and risk termination.  So he went Inside and placed it on the stretcher he thought had been used to bring Kennedy inside, and high-tailed it out of there. It's perfectly understandable to me, and not remotely surprising. 

    We know, moreover, that Kinney was uncomfortable with his clean-up of the limo, as he never mentioned it any report. We know further that he wasn't the only one made uncomfortable by this. While the clean-up was widely reported in the press by newsmen who'd witnessed it firsthand, it went unreported in all the SS reports on the assassination, and was even rejected by William Manchester, who'd personally interviewed a number of those in Kennedy's detail. 

    That no such clean-up occurred was part of LN lore, for that matter, until writers such as myself began compiling all the eyewitness accounts by newsmen, and the Disco channel admitted there was a clean-up in one of their Oswald-did-it specials. 



    Limo Clean-Up/ Secret Service actions re: limo at Parkland Hospital:

    1) "The Way We Were-1963: The Year Kennedy Was Shot" by Robert MacNeil (1988, Carrol & Graf), p. 197:"The president's car was there [Parkland Hospital], still at the point where it had pulled up, and they had taken the president out into that emergency entrance...I remember that the Secret Service men were then STARTING TO MOP UP THE BACK SEAT OF THE BIG LINCOLN THE PRESIDENT WAS PUT IN, and a few minutes later they started putting the fabric top on it. And when I went over to look at it a little closer, one of the agents waved me aside and said, 'You can't look.' Later, of course, it seemed ironic that this wall of protection went up when it of course could do no good..."


    2) 21 H 226: Parkland Hospital Orderly Joe L. Richards: asked to get a bucket of water; he complied.




    3) 21 H 217: Nurse Shirley Randall: was asked if she "would get someone to come and wash the blood out of the car." She said that she would, but was so nervous and excited she forgot about it.




    4) "Time" Magazine, 11/29/63, p. 24---reporter Hugh Sidey: "A guard was set up around the Lincoln as Secret Service men got a pail of water and tried to wash the blood from the car."




    5) ABC, 11/22/63---reporter Don Gardner:"Outside the hospital, blood had to be wiped from the limousine";




    6) "New York Times", 11/23/63, p. 2---reporter Tom Wicker:"...the police were guarding the Presidential car closely. A bucket of water stood by the car, suggesting that the back seat had been scrubbed out."




    7) "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" by Jim Bishop, p. 352 [1992 edition]: "...the Secret Service detail was sorry that hospital orderlies had sponged it [the limousine] out."




    😎 "The Death of a President" by William Manchester, p. 180n [1988 edition]: "An inaccurate [?] story reported that they washed out the back seat with a bucket of water. Actually, this was contemplated."




    9) "That Day In Dallas" by Richard Trask (1998), page 35 [based off a 7/10/85 interview with Stoughton; same as page 42 of Trask's "Pictures of the Pain"]---"[Cecil] Stoughton recalls that a man was washing the seat "with a cloth, and he had a bucket. There was blood all over the seat, and flower petals and stuff on the floor." On page 37 there is a Stoughton photo with the caption "A bucket at his feet, an agent [Kinney] is seen leaning into the back seat of the Lincoln cleaning up some of the gore." [Same photo, without this caption, appears on page 41 of "Pictures Of The Pain"];




    10) "Pictures of The Pain" by Richard Trask (1994), pages 377 and 383 [based off a 5/23/85 interview with Thomas Craven, Jr.]---"The Secret Service cleaning the blood out of the car---the flowers still lying in the back seat---and just chaos until the police figured out what was happening, and then they started to push us off."




    11)-12) 18 H 731-732---SS Agent Sam Kinney; 18 H 763-764---SS Agent George Hickey:
    The two agents who put on the bubbletop---with the assistance of a DPD motorcycle officer---at Parkland: they are pictured in the infamous photos/films of the bucket beside the limousine: "JFK Assassination File" by DPD Chief Jesse Curry, p. 36 (see also p. 34: same photo, different angle in UPI's "Four Days", p. 25); Texas News newsreel ("Kennedy In Texas" video); WFAA/ ABC video 11/22/63; Cooper/ Sturges film; "Reasonable Doubt" by Henry Hurt (1985), p. 84;




    13) 10/14/98 letter to Vince Palamara from Henry Burroughs--- “The limousines that had carried the Presidential party and the Vice-Presidential party were askew. An agent with a stainless steel hospital bucket was cleaning up the rear seat of the President's limousine. Flowers were strewn over rear seats of both limos.”




    14) DPD Bobby Joe Dale---"No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), pp. 135-136"…the President was on the gurney beside the car, and they were wheeling him in. At that time, it was obvious that nobody could have survived a wound like that…Blood and matter was everywhere inside the car including a bone fragment which was oblong shaped, probably an inch to an inch and a half long by three-quarters of an inch wide. As I turned it over and looked at it, I determined that it came from some part of the forehead because there was hair on it which appeared to be near the hairline. There were other fragments around, but that was the largest piece that grabbed my attention. What stood out in my mind was that there was makeup up to the hairline. Apparently he had used makeup for the cameras to knock down the glare. It was fairly distinct where it stopped and the wrap of skin took up. Other than that, nobody messed with anything inside the car in any manner, shape, or form. Nobody said, "Clean this up!" We then put the top up and secured it."




    15) 2/26/78 HSCA interview of Kinney—“someone wanted to wash the (Presidential) car [at Parkland]. I said no one touch.”




    16) 18 H 801: Hurchel Jacks, Texas Highway Patrolman assigned to drive LBJ’s car in Dallas motorcade---“ We were assigned by the [Secret Service] to prevent any pictures of any kind to be taken of the President’s car or the inside.” 8/31/98 letter to author from Mrs. H.D. (Bobbie) Jacks, widow of Hurchel Jacks (Jacks passed away 12/19/95): “…he guarded Kennedy’s car to make sure that no photos were taken.” (See also “Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination,” page 121)




    17) CD 3 Exhibits: Milton Wright, Texas Highway Patrolman assigned to drive Mayor Cabell’s car in the Dallas motorcade---“…we were instructed to keep the news media away from the car.”

    18) DPD James W. Courson & DPD Stavis Ellis---told author Larry Sneed about an incident whereupon a Secret Service agent destroyed the film of a young boy who took pictures of the limousine at Parkland [“No More Silence”, pages 130 & 148].
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