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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. It is very hard to believe this Secret Service excuse for the indentation (made to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission in January 1964 [CD80]).
  2. Thanks! Regarding Bugliosi: yes- the obscene length of his book was his downfall.
  3. Thanks! Yes---refurbished or not, that is still the car President Kennedy was assassinated in.
  4. Hi, Pat! I will have to check out your (outstanding) website again; thanks. Wow---ok, I have never heard of this, much less having seen a photo of it. I agree with your assessment. See my other post from last night: RFK rides with LBJ in the actual refurbished death limo.
  5. 10/13/66 New York- LBJ in the JFK death seat, Bobby in the Connally jump seat; sad but true. Magic bullet keeper Secret Service agent Richard Johnsen in sunglasses in middle of photo (largely obscured by limo) Why the smiles?!
  6. Another myth debunked: "presidents never rode in an open car after Dallas." There are many photos of LBJ riding in an open limo in 1964 (and even, off and on, 1965-1966), not to mention Presidents Nixon-Bush Senior riding in a limo with a sun roof compartment. The agent who looks like Hoover is Stu Stout. The other agents are Bob Faison (African American), Hank Rybka (driving), Ham Brown, Ron Pontius, Lem Johns,and a couple hidden for identification. That is Governor Pat Brown of California and Pierre Salinger riding with LBJ. September 1964. NOTE: Abraham Bolden was the first African American on the White House Detail; Faison was the second.
  7. How is THIS for irony: Secret Service agent Tim McIntyre, riding in the follow-up car as he did on 11/22/63, this time with President Ford (of Warren Commission infamy) RIDING IN THE REFURBISHED JFK LIMO!
  8. Sounds great! You all better get this one or else Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. Kennedy: A New Look at the JFK Assassination: Palamara, Vincent Michael: 9781634243346: Amazon.com: Books
  9. I have more to say about this in my upcoming book. Yes- Warner was in the CIA for quite a while!
  10. See my Facebook Ireland photo album, my You Tube channel and my third book for other segments of the Ireland trip: agents rode on the limousine and the bubbletop was used at times, as well. Building rooftops were guarded, as well.
  11. From the video--a young Roy Kellerman protecting Truman
  12. You mean Behn, not Blaine (common mistake because they sound alike) See my presentation from last year for the audio/visuals: The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service - YouTube
  13. Thanks a lot, Ron. I am just seeing your comments now. I don't check in daily like I probably should.
  14. My pleasure, Pat. I agree---I found the program fairly "compelling" back in 1991. Now, I think it is crap. Those "shots" added to the Z-film MAY be for dramatic purposes (similar to the ones found on Groden's 1993 JFK: The Case for Conspiracy). Still, very misleading to the uninitiated.
  15. Larry, time for your trademark "grin" comment LOL: The Ferrie-as-assassin story originated from this 1988 documentary (I immediately recognized it when you guys mentioned it): The Day The Dream Died 1988 JFK Assassination Documentary - YouTube
  16. In the "hope springs eternal" category: There are a few (perhaps quite a few) individuals who were two-years-old at the time of the assassination who do remember it, so there are actually people "only" in their fifties (albeit 59) who were of age then. More importantly, I know several young people (late teens-mid twenties) who are very much into both President Kennedy and the study of his death. This past anniversary did see the reruns of several assassination programs. Newsmax TV is airing episodes 7 (my episode) and 8 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy on a fairly regular basis (since 2019). CNN has been airing First Ladies: Jacqueline Kennedy (2020). The internet (including Facebook forums) is hopping with interest and information on both JFK's life and death. JFK is our last assassinated President and "only" 10 Presidents ago. The 11th will be Joe Biden, the first Catholic President since...JFK. Biden and Trump were much aware of JFK in their youths, as they were young men when he served and was killed (even Obama was a toddler). Millions of people still remember President Kennedy. Caroline Kennedy is a living touchstone to those days. The aforementioned internet keeps JFK alive via the many audio-visuals...and MANY of the digitized images have only been available SINCE 2008 ONWARD!! Before 2008, it was very slim pickings online (I know for a fact: I have been scouring the net countless times since 1996). The vast majority of the very best books on the case are only from this century---the last 10-15 years. The silly Ted-Cruz's-dad-knew-Oswald 2016 story generated a ton of media coverage. The 2017-2018 JFK file releases generated a ton of media coverage. Silly assassination tabloid news stories still greet shoppers at check-out lines. 3/26/20--MURDER MOST FOUL by Bob Dylan becomes a #1 chart-topper. There are still two major conferences in Dallas every year. My virtual presentation drew about 70 live viewers and has 875 views in less than a week. 2021 sees both Josiah Thompson's book (January) and MY book (March) come out. Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. Kennedy: A New Look at the JFK Assassination: Palamara, Vincent Michael: 9781634243346: Amazon.com: Books
  17. Several other people said so, yes. Now his review has been deleted!
  18. YIKES! Bad (detailed) one-star review posted by someone on Amazon today with the initials LBP. It doesn't come across as the typical lone-nut "person" who didn't even buy it or read it, which is why I am troubled by it. I really like the author(s).
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