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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Jerrys Word haha...I rather prefer the following statement. With no emotion in his voice, but with his hand trembling, Angleton replied: “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. These people attracted and promoted each other. Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and I loved being in it... Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie, and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton slowly sipped his tea and then said, “I guess I will see them there soon.” KK
  2. Those wallets, guns, bullets, pistols, IDs, and last but not least Oswalds ( four at last)...its a bit like the multiplication of the loaves...isn't it? One can keep a thing secret by duplicating the evidence and persons involved... I am satisfied to see that pattern, implemented by a well hidden hand. KK
  3. According to Dulles calendar(Dulles papers online) he met Barrett 3 days prior to the assassination: (Dulles is misspelling Barrett "Barett", as I did in the headline...sorry) Who is Ed Barrett? Here he is talking about himself And here is his NY Times obituary The key word above is HILL AND KNOWLTON, the PR firm responsible for the 1990 baby incubator lie... KK
  4. I can just repeat: Acc. to Kai Birds book, THE COLOR OF TRUTH, JFK thought that Bundy was a freshman, and, despite the fact that he was a Georgtown-Set-guy, not directly involved in creating the tar-baby, known as BOP. Note: Bundy was NOT active in the Eisenhower administration, and not involved in what was first called Operation TRINIDAD and then ZAPATA. Dulles, Bissell and Cabell were... (Maybe JFK thought Bundy was fooled like himself in that particular instance...BUT: it is clear that Bundy was a double dealing character, and at last his loyalty was not to Kennedy but to his murderers...) Kennedy was not satisfied with Bundy squishy performance at the time of the cuban missiles cirisis and asks him in the aftermath, out of a sudden, why he withheld the U-2 pics of the SU-rocket-facilitys in Cuba to him for several hours. (Kennedy slept...) Bundy (over) reacted with a full memo to that question. KK KK
  5. . There are two themes at work in Judyth's statements -- one is the love affair, the other the bioweapon. I would not call it a bioweapon. It is to big a word for a biological device to put someone to dead. It is a kind of poison, like botulinus toxin, or digitalis: the only difference is, that back in the 60ties it was not known that deadly cancer could be put in someone in an artificial way. Maybe the cancer bioweapon project was a kind of deception operation to discredit the kid JVB and youngster Oswald to make them more dirigible. BTW: JVB and Oswald started to work at the same day THREE TIMES. At Standart Coffee, at Reilys AND on October the 16th 1963. Ossi at the SBDB, JVB at Pen Chem. KK
  6. My two cents: Yes. The Cubans were told: If you can't make it, we(US-marines) ll come and help you. Cabell said that, W King Harvey said that. But without the knowledge of Kennedy. Miro, therefore was convinced, there was a "plan" behind the Zapata-plan...(acc. to Schlesinger. A THOUSAND DAYS). The key figures of the BOP-plan took US-Help for granted, because they (Dulles/Bisell/Cabell) thought by creating a tar-baby for Kennedy by putting the brigade in a hopeless situation, the new man in the White House would sent US-planes...and troops...but Jack said Njet. He stood by the NSD 5412...This was the beginning of the end of the Kennedy administration. Since the BOP there were two administrations in the US: the Camelot Adm. and the IC-Adm. There was a intra-administration war, and Dallas told us who won. KK
  7. IMO Kennedy gave Bundy a second chance because he believed that the failure not really belonged on his ledger... But freshman Bundy was a traitor in the Kennedy administration, if not the traitor... KK
  8. Thanks so much. I actually have that video, but thought I'd looked through it awhile back, and saw no fresh eyewitness accounts. It turns out they discuss the shooting twice, once in the beginning, with archival footage of William Newman, and once near the end, with a fresh interview of Powers. Thanks again. It is odd, that Powers describes the forward movement of JFK after the first hit /throat) very accurate, but fails to describe the movement of the head after he saw him shot in the head... Both, Powers and O'Donnell, during a lunch with Tip O'Neill in 1968 (According to his Autobiography MAN OF THE HOUSE), claimed they are convinced, that one shot came from the front... KK
  9. Huisman did a bad job, or should I say: this innocent German researcher was fooled by some "professionals"...jfk- reasearch is a tricky business...there are researchers, there a cons and moles...Huismen was stumbling from one trap to the other...his doku about Marita Lorenz(2000: Beloved Fidel/Geliebter Fidel) is much better...funny thing apart: Gerry Hemming at one point in that doku claims, Marita was working for the Mossad at the time of the assassination...lol...when confronted by Husiman with this claim, Lorenz threatened to cancel her assistance... KK
  10. There is version around. But it is rather a compilation with very small cuts....all in all 20 sec. If I remember correctly---
  11. Hi. Mods. I made a mistake. Can you change the title of this threat in: Richard Bartholomew, G.G Wing and the TWO Ramblers - thank you.
  12. Therefore Georg Gordon Wing rode one of two gateway Ramblers during the second half of his lifetime: the Huston-Street Rambler, or the Record Street Rambler. (Note: both cars are documented on film/pic). It is odd that when Researcher Bartholomew was on his heels, Wing died: exact on the day when Oliver Stones JFK was first shown in the US. KK Don't take this personally, but considering the title of your thread, could you provide some type of verification instead of an, at this point, factually unsupported claim. It's not like you are dealing with a triviality. Robert BTW Richard was treated like dirt when he, apparently made the mistake of assuming he was in the company of researchers interested in his article when he appeared here on the Forum, from what I could see at the time, it looked like he ran into a few hotheads, that couldn't bear the fact that he had produced an article that was more than relevant to the assassination, than anything they had done. I should know I was one of the persons who invited him to appear on the forum....and I was embarrassed at the way he was treated, in fact I have never invited anyone else to appear on the Forum since then, although I am glad I invited Bill Kelly to come While awaiting a response, Richard was the first researcher to produce additional relevant factual information not generally known into areas such as LBJ attorney J Waddy Bullion, Collins Radio, Jack Crichton, in which the main previous researcher who had explored these areas was Peter Dale Scott in his unpublished manuscript The Dallas Conspiracy. Questioning, or pointing out mistakes of researchers, is a popular pastime here on the Forum,I understand why that is in a contentious debate where facts are in question, but professionalism or a modicum of decency, would seem to dictate backing up ones assertions with factual references, although more often than not the end result is no good deed goes unpunished. Robert, I agree. Richard wasn't wrong, and if Karl has info of photos to back up the assertion there were two Ramblers at DP then I'd like to see them. BK Sorry Bartholomew mentioned the TWO Ramblers in an 1997 UPDATE. ( I forget that piece.) The Rec Street Rambler can be seen on the Paschall film: Bartholomew admits, that he ve not seen that film by that time. Quote: Barth. 1997 Researcher Greg Jaynes discovered that there is a Rambler station wagon visible in the Paschall film. He does not know if it is the one that Roger Craig described seeing. But he is convinced that it is the one that Richard Carr described to Gary Shaw. Greg reported that in 1963, Record Street ran on the east side of the Dallas County Criminal Courts/Records Building grounds, as well as the east side of the courthouse. Today, Record Street on the east side of the courthouse has been blocked off and is part of the plaza that is the John F. Kennedy memorial. Record Street, where it ran on the east side of the DCCC/RB grounds is now part of the Dallas County Historical plaza. () The following excerpt from his report explains this segment of the film, which is three and three fifteenths of a second in length: "From tower, a shot to her right, aimed at the corner of Record and Main streets. (Record street is now blocked off and has been made into a plaza both on the east side of the Records building and east side of the old red courthouse. Also the buildings that were on the east side of Record street directly east of the two mentioned buildings have been torn down and the land they were built on is part of the plaza. The plaza on the east side of the old red courthouse is where the John F. Kennedy memorial is located today. And the plaza on the east side of the Records building is now called Dallas County Historical plaza.) "A dark car is in the shadow of the old red courthouse on Main street. A police motorcycle is following at it's right rear. "Parked at the near corner of Record and Main, on Record street facing south (the motorcade is passing directly in front of it) is a light colored Rambler station wagon. To the rear of the Rambler station wagon and parked bumper to bumper, a dark colored sedan the model is unrecognizable on video. Perhaps an examination of the film itself could reveal more. () Greg Jaynes' discovery appears to be an important find. I have not yet seen this film segment myself. Greg and I met briefly after Patsy's presentation at the 1995 COPA meeting in Dallas. I asked him about whether Patsy's film showed anything relating to Craig's sighting. My question and his answer were both focused on the 12:40 incident on Elm Street, however. He said he didn't see anything. That was understandable since she was filming intermittently at that moment. () As for whether the Rambler Patsy filmed on Record Street is the one Craig saw, I do not know either. But I think the question is answerable. Greg's sighting has already answered some questions. We can now be sure enough that this is one of the Ramblers Richard Carr described. That alone makes it suspicious. close quote All I say is this: we still don't know, which Rambler the Oswald Gateway car was. (Seen by Craig) Thus: Bartholomew is not wrong, but he did not solved the question, which Rambler was owned and used by Wing: the rec Street, or the Huston Street Rambler... There is one person who saw both Ramblers: Richard Randolph Carr. KK
  13. What, you don't like what I write? Too bad, You are welcome NOT to read it if you choose. I make no apologies for my posts nor the tone of them. I do truly enjoy bursting CT bubbles about the photographic evidence. And it's a pleasure to see it scare the bull crap out of you Lee. Oh, and thanks again, for yet another "explosion". Made my day. I think it’s you that needs to learn to read, as well as spell. I said all of this “destruction” you think you cause. All of these “explosions” you think you are responsible for. All of these “meltdowns” you think you create. They are “PERCEIVED”. In other words – they exist ONLY IN YOUR MIND. You see, Craig, you create your own context. You imagine all of this stuff happening. You’re one step away from an out and out nut-case. The only thing "scary" about you... ...is your mental-health. Lamson suffers from solipsism. There is no salvation in this man In other words: what do you got, if you hang a camera around van Peins neck? - Lamson... KK
  14. Therefore Georg Gordon Wing rode one of two gateway Ramblers during the second half of his lifetime: the Huston-Street Rambler, or the Record Street Rambler. (Note: both cars are documented on film/pic). It is odd that when Researcher Bartholomew was on his heels, Wing died: exact on the day when Oliver Stones JFK was first shown in the US. KK
  15. Quote: Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used In the JFK Conspiracy Copyright © 1993 by Richard Bartholomew "On May 29, 1989, a Rambler station wagon was noticed on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin (UT) which fit the description of the getaway car reportedly seen by Craig, Robinson, Forrest, and Carr on November 22, 1963.8 A cursory examination of the car..." Close quote There were TWO Ramblers waiting at the vicinity of the murder: one at the Eastside of the SBDB, the other on Record Street, not far away.
  16. Steven Ward died the same day. Link to JFK? After the Second World War Ward worked for the Osteopathic Association Clinic in Dorset Square. His first private patient was Averell Harriman... I would add Alex Rorke ( a pro Kennedy man )and trusted friend of Oswald, and chosen by him to fly JVB to mexico... Oh, I forgot: Quote R Bartholomew: In early April, 1963, the date for Kennedy's trip to Texas was set for November 21st. The occasion was an appreciation dinner in Houston for Kennedy's friend, Texas Congressman Albert Thomas. On April 23rd, Lyndon Johnson made a cryptic statement at a press conference in Dallas that included a phrase about reporters figuratively shooting Kennedy during his Texas trip. (...) The senior Smith's mentor, Texas historian Walter Prescott Webb, was an intimate friend of those planning Albert Thomas' dinner. Webb died suddenly in late April, 1963, in a one-car accident near Austin.
  17. Oswald also could have been playing dumb, not hard for Oswald to do, a lot like Len Colby. :lol:
  18. Ja. I think some Mafia Types where in the secret, and got foreknowledge, like, I would say Marcello, Licovolo, Rosselli, Nicoletti. Some of them where invited to Dallas, to "see and believe". Besides that the Mafia was completely out of the loop. IMO the only Mafia related person that played a central part in that bloody play, was Jack Ruby. But he was an DPD Darling andf FBI Informant too. And he knew the person he was sent out to kill "ever since he was a little child." (Quote frim ME AND LEE). It is my understanding, that the mafia did it thing, was a hoax created at the time of the HSCA, and later promoted by Blackey and Sheim, to sedate CTers punish Garrison and to confuse future researchers by putting away their attention frim the US Government and it's handlers. (IMO the US Government is nothing but an Instrument into the hands of a handful of mighty private citizens to fulfill their worldwide interests. KK shooters: I think Prouty was right, when he said, they were flown in from black sides, and pronto flown out after the job. Killers trained at blacksites, without face, track or identity. Prouty saw such a kliller-camp near athens. Those professionals had nothing in common with the mafia, cubans, dallas oilmen etc. (James Files, however never belonged to that sort of killers.) Maybe these professionals are well and alive. But I fear, with Prouty, they were expandable items, and killed shortly after they killed Kennedy. (By killers which don't know whom they killed. Brutish? But you have to be brutish, when you shoot the king...) KK
  19. According to Judy Baker(Author of ME AND LEE) Rorke knew Oswald and was the pilot chosen by Oswald to fly Baker to Mexico after Oswald successful delivery of a bioweapon to an agent there. (Created to kill Castro by cancer). The bio-weapon deal failed, Rorke disappeared, and Ossi was sent back to Dallas, where the tragedy reached its final stage. IMO Rorke is one of the suspicious deaths PRIOR to the assassination. Like Stephen Ward or Bill Graham (both men died on August 3th 1963), Rorke knew to much... The murder of Rose Cheramie failed...there where suicides, nervous breakdowns and wet jobs to do prior... KK
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