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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Trump should be careful. The Secret Team is not used to losing. There is a new plot against his life building up. Now it is no "lone nut" now it is "the Mullahs, the Mullahs." You can read it everywhere. Whether it is "Mullahs" or another "lone nut": It is the Secret Team sent out to kill by the same forces who killed the Kennedys and King. IMO (and not only IMO) They will try to push the "magic button" again before Nov. 5th. Huff Post, quote:
  2. Two Oswalds, two Crooks. Oswald in two places at once. Crooks in two places at once. Oswald and Thornley. Crooks and Yearick. Fake timelines in Dallas, fake timelines in Butler. They operate with the same old tricks. And like Dallas, they will never be able to bury Butler.
  3. Yep. 100%. All other discussion is moot until that is addressed. Ear or not ear. To do proper metrics to determine where the shots came from and if they came from two sources you need the autopsy reports of Crooks and Compaeratore, as well as the medical files of the two injured bystanders. But wait a minute: Crooks' body was cremated after the Senate and House requested to see the body with their own eyes. The autopsy of Comperatore is not available. (If made at all.)The medical files of the two other victims are not available. Do determine if different types of bullets where fired or the same type but with different guns you need the shells and bullets. The are not availiable. Butler is within a big information vacuum -- The biggest one since Dallas '63 regarding bullets fired at a high-profile politician, autopsys and medical files. Your "ear discussion" is ridiculous. What you are trying to say? That nobody fired at Trump in Butler? LOL.
  4. Lotta emergency landings all of a sudden .., Quote EPOCHE times:
  5. At this point - (five weeks after the shooting) we can not even be sure if the guy on the roof was Crooks or Yearick. Crooks' body was cremated and Yearick dissapeared. Five shells were counted near the the dead body and 20 minutes later they LEOs were talking about eight shells. A week after the shooting former USSS chief Cheatle did not know the number of the shells on the roof. Wray did not know the differnce between shells and catridges. There was a gun sneaked out of the Bldg. No 6 and the roof was sterilized like the Kennedy limo. There is the anunanswered question of blood in the bathroom of Bldg. No 2. Nobody told us what police radio ment with: " second shooter on the loose ..." And contrary to Oswalds kin Crooks kin love the sound of silence. Citizen journalism will open this can of worms slowly. https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/
  6. https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/
  7. My shot from the hip? John Paul Vann of Vietnam fame. He looked like Ruby BTW.
  8. Quote from Clay Higgins Report: Well, that reminds me of something. Butler is Dallas.
  9. Here you go Chris Martenson, PhD @chrismartenson This incredible report by (FULL REPORT HERE)
  10. @Kirk Gallaway You are certainly no Sherlock, hm? Camouflage guy left the Bldg. No 6 first. Without a rifle. Camouflage guy left Bldg. No 6. and disappeared from the screen. 20 seconds later a police guy came out with a rifle. Which rifle? His? Camouflage guys rifle? Nobody knows. Then police guy is leaning the rifle to the railing by the stairs. Camouflage guy comes back. They are casually conversing, About theweather? And than, all of a sudden with a quick movement Camouflage guy took the rifle brought out of the the building by the other guy and walks away with it. Bldg. Nr 6, remember. Where sombody shot at a presidental candidate, 50 minutes prior, killing and injuring US citizens.
  11. A rifle was smuggled out of AGR-Bldg Nr. 6. at 19h/ on July 13th 2024. Two LEOs involved. Go to 16min25 sec of video.
  12. "Butler is history. Let's muddy the waters about Dallas again." A liar in action: Why is Documentary channel (YouTube) promoting him again? 300,000 views in 16 hours. Operation Chaos in full swing.
  13. @Paul RigbyThis thrilling video raises more questions because the officer on the roof never saw Crooks, and Crooks didn't turn around, pointing his gun in the other direction. The time interval is too short. IMO, if a gun was pointed at this officer, it was likely from a sniper ready to take out this officer who was about to interrupt the imminent elimination of Donald Trump. The question remains: If a gun was pointed at this officer, whose gun was it?" Crooks never turned around the minute prior to the shooting, quote Gateway Pundit: Therefore the title of the video OFFICERS CONFRONT THOMAS CROOKS is wrong: Nobody confronted Crook's. The officer on the roof saw what his camera saw. No Crooks at all. Why he dropped back down without swinging his whole body unto the roof should be asked. When he dropped down, Officer TEDESKI who gave him the lift on the roof was gone!
  14. "They didn't know Crooks' identity for hours, so why, just 40 minutes after Crooks was shot, was a police officer from Allegheny County (where Crooks was from) on that roof searching his pockets? Did this officer speed all the way from Pittsburgh to Butler in just 30 minutes?" Was he brought by Helicopter? Or was he standby. They knew from the beginning who that dead guy on the roof was.
  15. First thing they did when they approached Crooks: They bound his hands on his back with flex cuffs. For that reason they where rolling him around, destroying a crime scene. Handcuffing a dead guy ... I mean ... or was Crooks still alive ... if so, they were in no hurry to conduct some first aid ... they let him bleed to dead ...
  16. Can a modern spy satellite see a man stretched out on a roof?
  17. No real forensics were carried out on the roof. My question: why they tied Crooks hands together behind his back with flex cuffs? Was he still alive, when they approached him?
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