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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/
  2. My shot from the hip? John Paul Vann of Vietnam fame. He looked like Ruby BTW.
  3. Quote from Clay Higgins Report: Well, that reminds me of something. Butler is Dallas.
  4. Here you go Chris Martenson, PhD @chrismartenson This incredible report by (FULL REPORT HERE)
  5. @Kirk Gallaway You are certainly no Sherlock, hm? Camouflage guy left the Bldg. No 6 first. Without a rifle. Camouflage guy left Bldg. No 6. and disappeared from the screen. 20 seconds later a police guy came out with a rifle. Which rifle? His? Camouflage guys rifle? Nobody knows. Then police guy is leaning the rifle to the railing by the stairs. Camouflage guy comes back. They are casually conversing, About theweather? And than, all of a sudden with a quick movement Camouflage guy took the rifle brought out of the the building by the other guy and walks away with it. Bldg. Nr 6, remember. Where sombody shot at a presidental candidate, 50 minutes prior, killing and injuring US citizens.
  6. A rifle was smuggled out of AGR-Bldg Nr. 6. at 19h/ on July 13th 2024. Two LEOs involved. Go to 16min25 sec of video.
  7. @ W. Niederhut. You are right. Harris events are such fun.
  8. "Butler is history. Let's muddy the waters about Dallas again." A liar in action: Why is Documentary channel (YouTube) promoting him again? 300,000 views in 16 hours. Operation Chaos in full swing.
  9. @Paul RigbyThis thrilling video raises more questions because the officer on the roof never saw Crooks, and Crooks didn't turn around, pointing his gun in the other direction. The time interval is too short. IMO, if a gun was pointed at this officer, it was likely from a sniper ready to take out this officer who was about to interrupt the imminent elimination of Donald Trump. The question remains: If a gun was pointed at this officer, whose gun was it?" Crooks never turned around the minute prior to the shooting, quote Gateway Pundit: Therefore the title of the video OFFICERS CONFRONT THOMAS CROOKS is wrong: Nobody confronted Crook's. The officer on the roof saw what his camera saw. No Crooks at all. Why he dropped back down without swinging his whole body unto the roof should be asked. When he dropped down, Officer TEDESKI who gave him the lift on the roof was gone!
  10. "They didn't know Crooks' identity for hours, so why, just 40 minutes after Crooks was shot, was a police officer from Allegheny County (where Crooks was from) on that roof searching his pockets? Did this officer speed all the way from Pittsburgh to Butler in just 30 minutes?" Was he brought by Helicopter? Or was he standby. They knew from the beginning who that dead guy on the roof was.
  11. First thing they did when they approached Crooks: They bound his hands on his back with flex cuffs. For that reason they where rolling him around, destroying a crime scene. Handcuffing a dead guy ... I mean ... or was Crooks still alive ... if so, they were in no hurry to conduct some first aid ... they let him bleed to dead ...
  12. Can a modern spy satellite see a man stretched out on a roof?
  13. No real forensics were carried out on the roof. My question: why they tied Crooks hands together behind his back with flex cuffs? Was he still alive, when they approached him?
  14. Quote from clip: "USSS missed the meeting with local law enforcement the day of the event. " Butler could become the final desaster of the US Parakratos ... the only options left for them is to kill ... we are in for a hot 90 days ...
  15. Local law enforcement offered drone surveillance, USSS denied it!
  16. Two moderators cooking up 17 year old threads with OT comments? Could anybody explain to me the deeper meaning of this? I ask Chat GPT, quote: Here are a few possible interpretations: Count me out.
  17. Police-radio heard: "We breached the building, there is blood in the bathroom, second shooter on the loose ..." at 22min24sec of clip ... Sh...t .. they knew there was a second gunman ... Oswald was not and Crooks was not a lone gunman. Jeff Morley should do his homework.
  18. Police-radio heard: "We breached the building, there is blood in the bathroom, second shooter on the loose ..." at 22min24sec ...
  19. What this running object is, I don't know, but I am sure that at the end of it a human figure is looking over the roof. To me that fast Objekt is to small to be a part of a human being. Have just the clip.
  20. This is a review of a movie GOVERNMENT GANSGTERS by Oliver Stone posted on X one day before Butler:
  21. The sniper guys on the roof lied, when they said they lost sight of Crooks while they were on the second floor behind the building of the "Crooks" building. Quote Gateway pundit, article by Benjamin Wetmore Jul 20. 2024 He() relates that the snipers in the 2nd floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out – and did nothing.
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