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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Nathaniel, Thanks for that....it was better than any of the wine or J's here......I wish I'd known you when I lived at 93rd and Amsterdam. There are 'articles' and 'articles', and this falls into the first CLASS! Happy somethingorother.... ...Control...is an FINE 'ART' form....and this article exposes part of that 'pallette'...most can NOT (or refuse to) see. Not for a second do I think all in Pacifica [or even most!], for example, have 'sold-out', or been 'turned' (..even most of the way)....however, NPR and others on the chart have been long 'gone' to Mockingbirdland...and the Machine marches on.....unless we are aware and resist! Peter, on this one we have to just agree to disagree. Regarding The Nation and William vanden Heuvel, I have to trust my instincts and that of Jimmy Carter, Andrew Young, Bobby Kennedy, Victor Navasky, Bill Donovan and Paul Newman over you and Nathaniel. Whoever believes that The Nation is still some sort of CIA front long after William Casey's influence on predecessor Foundations is long gone is just not dealing with reality. As for me I plan to renew my subscription next year. Have either of you read the magazine lately?
  2. William vanden Heuvel worked for both William Donovan and Bobby Kennedy and was very close to Jimmy Carter, Andrew Young, Victor Navasky and Paul Newman. This hardly qualifies him as some sort of William Casey CIA clandestine type just because he headed the same foundation as Casey but at a much different time. And yes worked for Averill Harriman when he was Governor of New York State, but he also advanced the cause of Brown vs. Board of Education in the State of Virginia and was much opposed by the racist, radical right for that effort and others like it. He was also active in investigating conditions in the State of New York penal system. He worked closely with my uncle Charles W. Yost when they both were affiliated with The United Nations and vanden Heuvel actually wrote a chapter in the new book about Yost recounting his recollections of their work at the UN both together and separately. vanden Heuvel was a close friend of both JFK and RFK and he is still alive today. His daughter Katrina is Editor of The Nation magazine and she is following in her father's liberal footsteps. He would in fact support every effort to find out who killed his close personal friends JFK and RFK in my honest opinion and so would his daughter. Willial Jacobus vanden Heuvel (born April 14, 1930) is an attorney, former diplomat, businessman and author. He is the father of Katrina vanden Heuvel, longtime editor of The Nation magazine. Education Vanden Heuvel was born in Rochester, New York and attended public schools in New York. He is a graduate of Deep Springs College and Cornell University. At Cornell Law School, he was editor-in-chief of Cornell's law review. He was admitted to the New York Bar in 1952. He joined Donovan, Leisure, Newton and Irvine as an Associate in 1952, his first law firm.[1] Career background As an early protégé of Office of Strategic Services founder Wild Bill Donovan, vanden Heuvel served at the U.S. embassy (1953-1954) in Bangkok, Thailand as Donovan's Executive Assistant. Afterward, in 1958, vanden Heuvel served as Counsel to New York State Governor Averell Harriman. He became U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy's assistant in 1962 and was involved in Kennedy's 1964 and 1968 political campaigns. As special assistant to Attorney General Kennedy, vanden Heuvel played the key role in court orchestrating the desegregation of the Prince Edward County school system in Virginia. This action expanded the scope of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.[2] In 1965 he joined Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, as Senior Partner, where he practiced international and corporate law. He is currently Senior Counsel to the firm. In the 1970s, vanden Heuvel, as Chairman of the New York City Board of Corrections led a campaign to investigate conditions in the city’s prison system. He has had a lifelong involvement in the reform of the criminal justice system. He served as United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations and as Ambassador to the European office of the United Nations in Geneva during the Jimmy Carter Administration.[3] Vanden Heuvel has held directorships in a number of public companies. They include: the U.S. Banknote Corporation, Time Warner, Inc., and the North Aegean Petroleum company, and others. Since 1984 he has been a Senior Advisor to the investment banking firm Allen & Company.[4] Currently he is a director of the American Austrian Foundation and Co-chairman of the Council of American Ambassadors. Since 1984 vanden Heuvel has been Chairman of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a Governor and former Chairman of the United Nations Association, and has written extensively on the United Nations and American foreign policy.[5] Books vanden Heuvel, William, editor. The Future of Freedom in Russia, Templeton Foundation Press (2000), ISBN 1890151432. vanden Heuvel, William. On his own: Robert F. Kennedy, 1964-1968, Doubleday (1970), ASIN B0006DXOGI. [edit] References NNDB/Soylent Communications web page. Elenor Roosevelt Papers web site. John F. Kennedy Library National Archives web site. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (FERI) web page. American Austrian Foundation web site. External links Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute. History News Network, debating FDR and World War II. FERI, "America, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Holocaust," speech (1996). Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_vanden_Heuvel" Categories: 1930 births | Ambassadors of the United States | Cornell Law School alumni | Living people | New York lawyers
  3. That list of people in The Nation article includes such bona fide progressives as Jimmy Carter, Andrew Young, and even William vanden Heuvel who actually worked for Bobby Kennedy. Later The Nation was owned by Paul Newman and Victor Navasky who don't rank very high on my list of Right Wing Extremists either. Sure, when that Hamilton Fish III crowd owned it for a period you could question their bona fides, because Ham Fish's Grandfather was once accused of being an America First, pro-Nazi congressman of the first magnitude. But Carter, Young, Newman and Navasky being accused of non-liberal, non-progressive views is a bit over the top don't you think? And yes, vanden Heuvel was a Bill Donovan original OSS member but if you recall there was a period when even the OSS was 70% liberal and only 30% right wing and that coincides exactly with vanden Heuvel's experience there. Why would Bobby Kennedy trust this guy if he was not all right? Certainly the IRC under William Casey was used for his and the CIA's own purposes but does that mean that the IRC under vanden Heuvel marched to the same drummer? I think The Nation has returned to its original roots myself. We should look at The American Mercury and how its ownership changed to match the editorial policies of its owners for an example of how a magazine/newspaper can morph over time. Did you know that Clendenin J. Ryan who funded both YAF and Ulius Amoss' ISIF which was little more than a Murder, Inc. once owned the American Mercury even before The Jayhawk Nazi, Rev. Gerald B. Winrod? Now there is a sinister magazine which was once strongly influenced by Wickliffe P. Draper when it was published on one end of 57th St in NYC while Draper lived on the other end.-
  4. When Buckley states his opinions in writing or on the air, he never prefaces remarks or articles by providing facts about his CIA days with E. Howard Hunt. Few people know that Buckley's family fortune came from Pantipec Oil Company. E. Howard Hunt and George DeMohrenschildt, Oswald's CIA baby-sitter, both worked under Warren Smith. Smith was President of Buckley's Pantipec Oil. Buckley not only worked with E. Howard Hunt in the CIA, but formed the notorious YAF with Douglass Caddy, co-worker in the CIA office of Mullen and Co. of Watergate fame. Members of the YAF were brought from U.S. Military Intelligence in Germany to the Dallas-Ft. Worth area in the fall of 1962. Their object was to infiltrate and take over this conveniently formed new organization. Orders went from Larry Schmidt, first to arrive, that all members had to be in Dallas before JFK arrived ... for their briefings and roles to be played. There is more to the Buckley-CIA-YAF-Caddy connections than time allows here. Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society accumulate interesting facts. The extract above essentially summarizes the entire hierarchy of the actual JFK Assassination Cabal after you consider the newly disclosed fact that Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. was Doug Caddy's Georgetown roommate and Clendenin J. Ryan along with Charles Edison, the son of Thomas Alva Edison provided most if not all of the funding for YAF, started by William F. Buckley, Jr. and Doug Caddy himself. Since I have covered most of these topics earlier on this forum, I will just cite some references which trace the history of what might be called "Private Funding of International Vendettas". 1) William F. Buckley, Sr. in an attempt to rescue his Pantapec Oil holdings in Mexico obtained funding from Thomas Fortune Ryan, the father of Clendenin J. Ryan to chase down Pancho Villa with the assistance of George Draper, Charles Willoughby and James Hugh Angleton all of whom rode under General John J. Pershing with his cavalry. Draper was the uncle of Wickliffe Draper, founder of the Pioneer Fund and financial sponsor of the JFK murder plot according to one of Mary Ferrell's best informants who was a little known member of Nellie's Boys and Interpen in Miami. 2) E. Howard Hunt worked for William F. Buckley, Jr. in the Mexico City office of the CIA and attended Brown University with George Lincoln Rockwell and Anastase Vonsiatsky, The Manchurian Candidate from Richard Condon's novel. Hunt was also observed by me personally at a Cuban exile CIA safehouse in Miami, during the same year that both Frank Sturgis and Jack Ruby were also seen there. In 1963 whoever was renting that house via Bernard Barker's Keyes Realty of Watergate Fame was overheard plotting the death of JFK in Dallas after missing their chance in Miami. Buckley was godfather to Hunt's children one of whom stated that his father admitted a role in the JFK murder plot allegedly as a "backup". St. John Hunt was his name I believe. 3) Anastase Vonsiatsky was George deMohrenschildt's handler since "Annie", who was also present at The Winnipeg Airport Incident headed up North American spy operations for all White Russian agents stationed there, deMohrenschildt among them. The Winnipeg Airport Incident also had 2 members of the Canadian Liberty Lobby contingent present or close by: Patrick J. Walsh and Ron Gostick. George's favorite pseudonym was Philip Harbin, because his wife Jeanne was born in Harbin while her parents were living out their diaspora in Harbin, Manchuoko, Manchuria where Vonsiatsky had his foreign headquarters according to John J. Stephan in The Russian Fascists. Vonsiatsky was also mentioned in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon in 1958 and so was "...that fascinating young man from Yale who wrote about man and God." Can you guess who that was? He is still alive today. 4) Clendenin J. Ryan sponsored Col. Ulius Pete Amoss and his ISI Forum which was a private Murder for Hire, Inc. front active in many major incidents of foreign intervention funded by private investors. Amoss ran a Soldier of Fortune named Emmett Johnson who has been identified as a shooter in both the JFK and MLK murders and the Carribbean intrigues involving Duvalier, Trujillo and Castro at one time or another. This operation was later taken over by Ray S. Cline and Cline ran Robert Emmett Johnson from that point forward. Cline was also in The Manchurian Candidate and Johnson was trained in Tsingtao, Manchuria near both Harbin and Mukden where Cline was stationed with the OSS during World War II. 5) And of course, Larry Schmidt, and his Dallas YAF cohorts like Robert J. Morris, the 1964 YAF Man of the Year, and Charles Willoughby were identified by Bill Turner and Mae Brussell and later, independently, by myself as 2 of the Gang of Five involved with the JFK plot. The others were Ray S. Cline, James Angleton and Annie Vonsiatsky. Dick Russell's informant, who was NOT ME, also identified Willoughby as one of the major plotmasters. Merry Christmas. End of argument. Case Closed. Petition your congresspersons to make it a felony to use private funding and private armies to intervene in the politics, the government or the elections of foreign countries. The Drapers, the Grays, the Buckleys, the Angletons, the Robertsons and the Ryans and the Edisons of the world have been doing this for generations. It should be stopped and they should all be exposed accordingly and prosecuted if they violated any existing statutes.
  5. The rest of the world should take heed from the lessons learned as a result of the actions of one Wickliffe P. Draper, of The Pioneer Fund, who persecuted and prosecuted both Sacco and Vanzetti to their deaths. He and his close fiends at the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies sponsored the anti-Immigration Act of 1924 because he knew that this was the best way to prevent the upcoming flood of refugees from Nazi Germany from ever reaching safe haven from the upcoming pogroms. When he formed the Immigration Committee at HUAC under Rep. Francis Walter, he and Richard G. Arens used the anti-Immigration campaign to promote their brand of Xenophobia that eventually culminated in Proposition 187 long after their deaths. FAIR sponsored most of Proposition 187 and received their funding from The Pioneer Fund itself. Draper was one of the staunchest opponents of Unions in America because most of his 500 Textile Mill clients relied on cheap labor and the presence of Company Towns (Hopedale, MA was the FIRST one) to keep their Cotton Spinners in a state of indentured servitude forever. Draper's ancestors were Cotton Plantation and Cotton Gin owners and they knew how to keep their "Cotton Pickers" picking as either slaves or for slave wages. When Lincoln put an end to this little monopolistic tyranny he was murdered by these plantation owners who tried to reverse the tide of the Abolition Movement or to punish Lincoln for bringing it to reality. The same thing happened to JFK when he essentially bankrupted The Draper Corp. and the entire Textile Industry by refusing to put up tighter barriers to textile imports and to reduce the power of Unions. The few remaining Textile Mills moved to the safe haven of North and South Carolina where Helms and Thurmond created an anti-Union atmosphere which encouraged Textile Mill owners to move there. There was even a murder of a striker at J. P. Stevens as recently as the 1970's as I recall. Both Lincoln and JFK were murdered after they went against the Draper and Company Textile interests. Then Draper turned his Butter into Guns (according to Samuelson) and was bought out by Rockwell Intl in 1967 even though the Draper Corp. was nearly insolvent and bankrupt at the time. Can you guess why?
  6. I for one would like to hear your personal insights into persons like Revilo Oliver, Edwin A. Walker, Robert J. Morris, Robert Welch (part of the N.C. Unitarian connection) and even one Wickliffe P. Draper who was allegedly a financial sponsor of the California Minutemen in addition to MKULTRA, The Pioneer Fund, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, The John Birch Society, Human Events, The Liberty Lobby, the First World Eugenics Conference, the persecution of Alger Hiss and Sacco and Vanzetti, HUAC, The Draper Committees on Eugenics and Immigration, etc. ad nauseum. Ever hear of Wickliffe Draper or Ulius Amoss or Carleton Coon in your travels? John Among those listed above that I did know, along with others that I did not, I can say most were of the same mind, the same fear, of the Kennedy administration giving the US. over to Communism, or of blending the two systems. The main fear was that our so-called Conservative/free enterprise ideals would be forever lost/destroyed under that international socializing threat. Therefore the deadly serious life-or-death struggle was in the works by a vast number of 'convinced' patriotic people via the 'hypnotic definitions' spread mainly by the umbrella organization of the Robert Welch John Birch Society et al. This reached as well to many powerful influencial, and political persons in place, and some patriotic fringe radical followers. Such were comforted in knowing that whoever killed the internal enemy Kennedy would never be exposed or detected as the powerful 'New Americanist' system quickly taking power would and did, protect their unsung patriots. H. Dean Very true, Harry, but the part sometimes overlooked is that anti-Communist and anti-Integrationist sentiments came from the very SAME sources within the Radical Right. Closely followed by anti-Semitism and anti-Immigrationism if there is such a term, all the other Xenophobic tendencies. And the Kennedys were seen as supporters of ALL of these enemies of the Radical Reich. Communist-like Union activity in the USA was the number one domestic issue raised by those of the Radical Right and they were somewhat successful in killing the Union movement after over-linking them with Italian Mobsters and Communist infiltrators. But internationally the main fears were the appropriation of capitalist properties behind the Iron Curtain and most of all... most of all... the loss of the franchises of The Catholic Church to Godless Communism behind the Iron Curtain. Anyone who overlooks the roles of the defenders of the Catholic Church including those like Robert J. Morris, William F. Buckley, Jr., L. Brent Bozell, Ray Cline, Otto F. Otepka, Clendenin J. Ryan, Ulius Amoss, Charles Willoughby and those from The Military Committees of The Shickshinny Knights of Malta has totally missed the boat in my honest opinion. Certainly the Pope and the Cardinals and the Bishops of the Church made it known that Communism had to be stopped, but they never said HOW it had to be stopped. It was just easier to raise money to defeat Communism than it was to defeat Integrationism. Much easier. But it made their roles as Knightly Crusaders seem just so much more important if they avoided the tarnish of anti-Semitism, anti-Integrationism and all those other socially unacceptable causes. Reverend Gerald L K Smith said it best... "The Kennedy brothers are nothing more than whisky swigging, whore mongering fake Catholics who want to take away the country from the God fearing White Americans like you and me and hand it over on a silver platter to the Commies, the N***ers, the K***s and the Sp***." (Racial, National and Religious epithets removed.) THAT is why they were killed and why Gerald L K Smith was NAMED in The Manchurian Candidate and why Smith was present at the assassination of Sen. Huey Long and why he was chosen to be in the lead of the JFK plot, too. And THAT is why he came into over $1,000,000 in the Spring of 1964. Simple, no? And both Joseph A. Milteer and Dick Russell's informant blamed The Patriots for the Murder of JFK... or as you call them The New Americanists. Or as I call it the Far Reich Wing in America. The Conservative, Christian Coalitions and The Council for Nazional Policy contain the real beneficiaries and the real perpatrators of JFK's assassination. How can people have missed these obvious clues for so many years... contained in these quotes...? Paraphrasing Milteer: "The Patriots are in the clear on this. Oswald knows nothing. It will be blamed on the Communist groups." And he was right, too. Paraphrasing Russell's informant: "JUST LIKE IN THE MANCHURIAN CANDIADATE EVEN PATRIOTS CAN NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO THEIR OWN HANDS." But they did and they continue to do so. And they continue to scapegoat the Commies, the Jews, the Italian Mobsters, and anyone else they can come up with to lump into the plot.
  7. The FIRST and most obvious winner in the Manna from Heaven contest goes to Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith who was at the Winnipeg Airport Incident when he went from a $4,687.84 ending balance as of 12/31/1963 according to his biographer, Glenn Jeansonne, to building Christ of the Ozarks near Eureka Springs, Arkansas in the Spring of 1964, when he also bought a $100,000 antebellum mansion as well near that $1,000,000 tourist trap. How do you figure he pulled that off? The NEXT winner was Anastase Vonsiatsky whose millionaire wife had just died after cutting him off from the family fortune. He retired a millionaire as well. The BIGGEST winner was Wickliffe P. Draper who fronted the cash to Smith and Vonsiatsky then cashed in after Rockwell got all the Viet Nam contracts after JFK's death. The actual cash flow within the MIC went from Rockwell International to the Draper Company on 3/22/67 when Rockwell bought an essentially bankrupt Draper Corp. for $100 million dollars. Ray S. Cline and Harold Chait also became millionaires shortly after the JFK hit and Cline took over the Murder, Inc. started by Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon called ISI in Baltimore, MD and Chait rose to VP of a Baltimore Metals Processing Company later active in Iran Contra money laundering through Maryland National Bank. As to the largesse you describe for Israel and the Mossad, well... The Yankees went on a World Series tear after 1963 but they had nothing to do with the JFK hit either and Bill Gates sowed the seeds of Microsoft when he bought a pocket calculator with his newspaper route money, but he was too young to even vote. Why do people insist that Israel and the Mossad had something to do with the JFK hit, anyway? You must be a big fan of Fletcher Prouty and Michael Piper and those of their ilk, right? The other gains of the Radical Right which have somehow evaded scrutiny include the fact that they got away with the murders of Medgar Evers, Jr. and Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman and the choir members of the 16th Street Baptist Church because no one wanted to confront them after the JFK hit. Plus, did you forget, they got the courage and the funding to kill MLK and RFK, too? That was in ALL the papers. Then they got Richard Nixon and later Ronald Reagan elected because there were no more Kennedys left who wanted to run and they got to go after the Commies full bore to bring down the Iron Curtain. Remember that? Then they started the World Anti Communist League and went after the Commies in Latin America and South America and in Europe, too. And they used Human Events, Right Magazine and The Spotlight of The Liberty Lobby to go after the Jews, the Mossad and the money lenders. Surely, you did not miss that effect, right? You might have jumped on that bandwagon at that time as well, am I right? Or are you right? You see these Right Wing fanatics had lots of enemies and ALL of them were used as JFK scapegoats or pillory victims at one or another right after JFK died... The Jews, the Mob, the Commies, the Gays, the Civil Rights activitists, the Blacks, the Chicanos, you name it they were either pilloried or scapegoated by the Right, right after the JFK murder go check it out it was even on TV, in the papers and in the literature from that day forward. No one could possibly have missed it unless they just wanted to ignore it on purpose. time or another
  8. The FIRST and most obvious winner in the Manna from Heaven contest goes to Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith who was at the Winnipeg Airport Incident when he went from a $4,687.84 ending balance as of 12/31/1963 according to his biographer, Glenn Jeansonne, to building Christ of the Ozarks near Eureka Springs, Arkansas in the Spring of 1964, when he also bought a $100,000 antebellum mansion as well near that $1,000,000 tourist trap. How do you figure he pulled that off? The NEXT winner was Anastase Vonsiatsky whose millionaire wife had just died after cutting him off from the family fortune. He retired a millionaire as well. The BIGGEST winner was Wickliffe P. Draper who fronted the cash to Smith and Vonsiatsky then cashed in after Rockwell got all the Viet Nam contracts after JFK's death. The actual cash flow within the MIC went from Rockwell International to the Draper Company on 3/22/67 when Rockwell bought an essentially bankrupt Draper Corp. for $100 million dollars. Ray S. Cline and Harold Chait also became millionaires shortly after the JFK hit and Cline took over the Murder, Inc. started by Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon called ISI in Baltimore, MD and Chait rose to VP of a Baltimore Metals Processing Company later active in Iran Contra money laundering throught Maryland National Bank. As to the largesse you describe for Israel and the Mossad, well... The Yankees went on a World Series tear after 1963 but they had nothing to do with the JFK hit either and Bill Gates sowed the seeds of Microsoft when he bought a pocket calculator with his newspaper route money, but he was too young to even vote. Why do people insist that Israel and the Mossad had something to do with the JFK
  9. I for one would like to hear your personal insights into persons like Revilo Oliver, Edwin A. Walker, Robert J. Morris, Robert Welch (part of the N.C. Unitarian connection) and even one Wickliffe P. Draper who was allegedly a financial sponsor of the California Minutemen in addition to MKULTRA, The Pioneer Fund, The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, The John Birch Society, Human Events, The Liberty Lobby, the First World Eugenics Conference, the persecution of Alger Hiss and Sacco and Vanzetti, HUAC, The Draper Committees on Eugenics and Immigration, etc. ad nauseum. Ever hear of Wickliffe Draper or Ulius Amoss or Carleton Coon in your travels?
  10. David Duke and Col. L. Fletcher Prouty were active together on various Populist Action Committees when Duke was running for various public offices. This was through the auspices of both The Liberty Lobby and The Sons of Liberty from Louisiana. Just Google for Duke Prouty or Duke Prouty Liberty Lobby and see what you will get back. It is a shame that almost everyone continues to regard Prouty as some sort of truth seeker when in fact he was all along a classic fact deflector and an impediment to the truth after all is said and done. Prouty knew the roles played by The Liberty Lobby and the IHR in the JFK conundrum and the cover-up and he was part and parcel of the entire operation. It was Vicky Wertz from California who first turned me on to The Liberty Lobby and the IHR in the very early 1990s. Does anyone know the identity of the person at the COPA conference who looked just like a dead ringer for someone who could have been Barry Goldwater's son? He even wore a pair of Goldwater eyeglasses to the conference. He was the same person who said: "You know the Holocaust was not a German thing. Most of it happened in Poland. Like Auschwitz and everywhere else." He is the one who said: "The Colonel is just like us on all the n****er issues." And I would also assume The Colonel is just like David Duke on all the Jewish issues, too. Here is an example... Prouty was once Duke's National Treasurer in 1988 for an election campaign. Birds of a Feather flock together. <H2 class=r>Willis Carto & The IHR</H2>Pauline Mackey is another veteran of the David Duke campaign. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty has maintained a strong relationship with the Liberty Lobby for years. ... www.nizkor.org/faqs/ihr/ihr-faq-04.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>Fletcher Prouty, Mark Lane, JFK Assassination Theories, & the ...</H2>Prouty assured the audience it was an "enormous privilege" to have his book .... national treasurer for the 1988 David Duke Populist Party Presidential ... mcadams.posc.mu.edu/prouty3.txt - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>HOLOCAUST FAQ: Willis Carto & The Institute for Historical Review ...</H2>(Ibid, 153) Pauline Mackey is another veteran of the David Duke campaign. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty has maintained a strong relationship with the Liberty ... www.faqs.org/faqs/holocaust/ihr/part02/ - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>Fletcher Prouty, Mark Lane, JFK Assassination Theories, + the ...</H2>While in the military, Prouty was assigned to provide Air Force support for .... briefly ran as David Duke's running mate, later ran for president with ... www.skepticfiles.org/new/prouty3.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Interview with Eustis Mullins</H2>I thought Jeff Rense's interview with David Duke was pretty good. .... including Eustace Mullins and Fletcher Prouty, scour the world for evidence of ... www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?p=1372 - 207k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>Shofar FTP Archives: people/g//gritz.bo/gritz-grodin-garbage</H2>A photograph of Gritz shaking hands with David Duke at the nominating convention was .... At the Liberty Loby conference Fletcher Prouty released the new ... www.nizkor.vex.net/ftp.cgi/people/g/ftp.py?people/g//gritz.bo/gritz-grodin-garbage - 16k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>lgf: The David Duke/Radical Islam Convergence</H2>... #701 | Wednesday Evening Open, #38 | Emerson on the Nada Prouty Case ... an open letter supposedly from an American soldier in Iraq, to David Duke. ... littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/index.php?entry=19758_The_David_Duke-Radical_Islam_Convergence&only - 57k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>Progeny of JFK's YAF/KKK/TPF Killers Storm MSU Campus - The ...</H2>Finally the mention of David Duke his Populist Action Committees brings to mind his IHR and/or KKK supporters and friends like L. Fletcher Prouty, Robert ... educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=11487&mode=threaded&pid=126052 - 98k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS NOT MY FRIEND:</H2>Fletcher Prouty, who wrote in 1973 The Secret Team: The CIA and its allies in .... is immigration by non-European peoples, like David Duke or Pat Buchanan? ... www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/left-n-fascism.html - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this<H2 class=r>PublicEye.org - Big Stories, Spooky Sources</H2>... national treasurer for the 1988 David Duke Populist party presidential campaign. Prouty's "Secret Team" was recently republished by Noontide Press, ... www.publiceye.org/media/spooky.html - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
  11. In answer to the question posed in your second paragraph above, I am at loss to offer an explanation as to the circumstances that led to YAF presenting an award to Robert Morris in 1974. At that time I was attending New York University Law School and working in the New York City office of Governor Nelson Rockefeller, for Lt.-Gov. Malcolm Wilson. Between hitting the law books and working I had no time for YAF in those days. Actually it was in 1964 as posted above and not 1974. Were you involved with YAF in 1964 at all and were you ever invited to these YAF Man of the Year presentations? Could you speculate for us at least based on what you know about Dr. Robert J. Morris and his roles in The John Birch Society, his YAF work with Larrie Schmidt and his part in the Wanted For Treason Poster? Did you ever meet this man in person? What do you know about him? Can you ask Bill Buckley any of these questions as well?
  12. This article reminds me yet again that there was a reason why Richard Condon in ManCand included a reference to the Forrestal class of Aircraft Carrier linked to a 25cent jar of F. W. Woolworth's vanishing cream, a most unlikely combination as anyone would admit. Ryan's commanding officer was James Forrestal and Ryan worked closely with Allan Kirby, among others, whose family owned the entire F. W. Woolworth's chain to take over ITT from Sosthenes Behn. Can anyone link Forrestal to either Manchurian Candidate programming or MKULTRA or any other similar type of activity? I know he is mentioned as being part of the MJ-12 group but other than that? By the way, the american intelligence officer mentioned herein is none other than Ulius L. Amoss... from Baltimore. In Dubious Battle from Time Magazine Monday, Nov. 27, 1950 When Clendenin J. Ryan, millionaire, amateur political reformer and onetime assistant to New York's Mayor La Guardia, decided last summer to write a book on politics, he got together with Author & Lecturer William Bradford Huie. Turned by a self-described "yarn spinner," Huie's sensational stories, such as his highly exaggerated account of the missing uranium at Chicago's Argonne Laboratory (TIME, May 30, 1949), made lively, if occasionally misleading, reading. But they dropped the book for something much bigger. Huie and Ryan decided to buy the faltering American Mercury. Since the Mercury's circulation was down to 45,000 and it was losing $50,000 a year, Ryan was able to buy it for only $27,500. He became publisher and made Huie editor. Related Articles This week Publisher Ryan and Editor Huie brought out the first issue of the New American Mercury. Its avowed purpose: "To re-create the magazine in the Mencken tradition" and joust with bureaucrats, commissars and pressure groups as Mencken had tangled with boobs, censors and yahoos. But the first issue showed that Huie was no Mencken. Presumably intended to fall into the Mencken tradition was Editor Huie's own lead article, "Untold Facts in the Forrestal Case." Based on word-of-mouth reports about the contents of Forrestal's private papers, it belabored the backbiters and columnists responsible, as Writer Huie put it, for the "destruction" of the late Defense Secretary. Huie, whose book, The Case Against the Admirals, was an air-power fanatic's assault against Forrestal's program for a balanced defense force, now lauded Forrestal as the only Administration leader who had fully realized the threat of Russia and knew how to fight the Reds. Wrote Huie: "In December, 1947, when France was paralyzed by a general transportation strike, Forrestal summoned his most trusted friends to Washington. His friends produced $50,000 immediately; the money was carried that night to Paris by an American intelligence officer and paid next day to a prominent Communist leader. The strike ended within twelve hours." In all, wrote Huie, Forrestal spent $150,000 of his own and his friends' money on such payoffs in France and Italy. When Forrestal was finally "driven from office" and suffered a nervous collapse, Huie implied, the Navy turned Forrestal's suite in a Navy hospital into a kind of prison and barred him from people he wanted to see, notably Msgr. Maurice S. Sheehy of Catholic University, Washington, a Navy chaplain. Predicted Huie: "Unless the Administration can prevent it, there will be a Congressional investigation."
  13. Background on Gary North... who incorrectly predicted Global Chaos during Y2K but has since apoligized for his over reactionary rants. Methinks this may be yet another case of "Chicken Little" claiming that the Sky is Falling yet again, but that is just me. "In the late 1990's, North predicted that Y2K would be a global catastrophe,[2] and promoted his theories in the media and in his Remnant Review newsletter and website. In December 1999 he retracted his position, and in a January 2000 ICE newsletter, he publicly apologized for his mistaken view of Y2K, saying he was baffled as to why the transition didn't bring global chaos." Oh well... never mind. Gary North From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Gary North For the bisexual rights activist, see Gary North (journalist) Gary Kilgore North (born 1942) is a writer and publisher from the Christian Reconstruction movement. [edit] Biography North received a PhD in economic history (The concept of property in Puritan New England, 1630-1720) from the University of California, Riverside in 1972. He gained some wider notoriety for his inaccurate prediction of Y2K catastrophe before 2000. Starting in 1967, North became a frequent contributor to the libertarian journal The Freeman. His writings also appear on LewRockwell.com. North is the son-in-law of R.J. Rushdoony, one of the founders of Christian Reconstructionism. [edit] Theological beliefs See also: List of people and organizations associated with Dominionism Most Christian Reconstructionists hold to a type of Postmillennialism that holds that Jesus will return to earth only after Trinitarian Christianity has become the religion of the majority of the planet, with God's moral law as the civil standard for society. They believe that Old Testament moral and civil laws, such as those against adultery and sodomy and murder, should be presumed binding unless the New Testament says otherwise; this belief they call theonomy. Critics argue that what North is describing would be a theocracy, and that North and other Postmillennial proponents of Dominion Theology have influenced the growth of the Dominionist tendency among the much larger (and largely Premillennialist) Christian Right.[citation needed] Theologically, Gary North is a Calvinist. He is president of the Institute for Christian Economics[1] which publishes many Christian Reconstructionist books online. Christian Reconstructionists are also presuppositionalists in their approach to Christian apologetics as taught by the Calvinist philosopher, Cornelius Van Til and oppose any natural law theory as a basis for civil law order. North is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America. [edit] Predictions of catastrophes In 1986, North co-authored with Arthur Robinson Fighting Chance: Ten Feet to Survival, a book urging the construction of backyard underground fallout shelters and stockpiling of gold and silver in anticipation of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. In 1987, North predicted in Remnant Review that an AIDS epidemic would overwhelm the world's hospitals by 1992. In the late 1990's, North predicted that Y2K would be a global catastrophe,[2] and promoted his theories in the media and in his Remnant Review newsletter and website. In December 1999 he retracted his position,[citation needed] and in a January 2000 ICE newsletter, he publicly apologized for his mistaken view of Y2K, saying he was baffled as to why the transition didn't bring global chaos. [edit] Political beliefs North argues for the abolition of the fractional reserve banking system, and a return to the gold standard. He also opposes the US Department of Education and Council on Higher Education Accreditation claiming it is a "cartel" and the group has, in part, caused higher education to "become uniformly secular, liberal, and mediocre: raising the cost of entry."[1] Furthermore, North believes that education and course work can be compacted on videos and DVDs and he sees the USDE and CHEA as preventing people from being educated through these media. North's economic views are libertarian, and he is a believer in the Austrian School of economics. However, socially, he is an advocate of theonomic rule ("the rule of God's law") and proposes a strict legal system based on Biblical laws, which might execute people for violations of those laws (such as sodomy, adultery, witchcraft) that are not capital offenses under current U.S. laws. [edit] Quotes This section is a candidate to be copied to Wikiquote using the Transwiki process. If the content can be changed to be more encyclopedic rather than just a list of quotes, please do so and remove this message. Otherwise, you can help by formatting it per the Wikiquote guidelines in preparation for the duplication. "There is no doubt that Christianity teaches pluralism, but a very special kind of pluralism: plural institutions under God's single comprehensive law system. It does not teach a pluralism of law structures, or a pluralism of moralities, for this sort of hypothetical legal pluralism (as distinguished from institutional pluralism) is always either polytheistic or humanistic. ..." "In this structure of plural governments, the institutional churches serve as advisors to the other institutions (the Levitical function), but the churches can only pressure individual leaders through the threat of excommunication. As a restraining factor on unwarranted Church authority, an excommunicaton by one local church or denomination is always subject to review by another, if and when the excommunicated person seeks membership elsewhere. Thus, each of the three covenantal institutions is to be run under God, as interpreted by its lawfully elected or ordained leaders, with the advice of the churches, not their compulsion." Gary North, Political Polytheism, pp. 576-577. "The Bible does not allow the imposition of some sort of top-down bureaucratic tyranny in the name of Christ. The kingdom of God requires a bottom-up society. The bottom-up Christian society rests ultimately on the doctrine of self-government under God, with God's law as the publicly revealed standard of performance. It is the humanists' view of society that promotes top-down bureaucratic power. ..." "Let's get this straight: Christian reconstruction depends on majority rule. More than this; it depends on overwhelming acceptance of the biblical covenant, perhaps as high as the 80% range of adult acceptance. In the initial stages of the Constitutional reform movement, such as today, Christians are under the civil rule of the majority. We must work within a covenantally alien system, and we must do so peacefully." Gary North, Political Polytheism, p. 586. "It is not possible to ramrod God's blessings from the top down, unless you are God.... Only humanists believe that man is God. They do indeed believe in social salvation through ramrodding by the state. Christians are simply trying to get the ramrod away from them and melt it down." Gary North, Political Polytheism, p. 590. "In winning a nation to the gospel, the sword as well as the pen must be used" (Gary North, Christian Reconstructionism, p. 198). [edit] See also Christian Reconstructionism Christian Right Dominion Theology Theonomy [edit] References ^ www.reformed-theology.org/ice ^ Y2K Alarmist: Wha' Happened?, Wired News, 1/5/2000 [edit] External links North's official site Articles by North Mises on Money by Gary North Gary North writings available free to read online NNDB Profile "Invitation to a Stoning: Getting cozy with theocrats" by Walter Olson, Reason (magazine), November 1998 A critical 1998 commentary on Gary North's apocalyptic Year 2000 views "Super-Cheap Accredited Colleges" video by North Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_North"
  14. Recall that both Edwin A. Walker and Otto F. Otepka retained Dr. Robert J. Morris, from the Dallas John Birch Society and YAF, as their lawyers during a time of national crisis as well. Walker, after the Ole Miss Riots and Otepka after being fired by Dean Rusk, Dean Acheson and John F. Kennedy for leaking classified documents, to SISS, I believe it was, related to the confirmation hearings for Walt Whitman Rostow. Otepka, for all intents and purposes, along with Ms. Florence(?) Knight of the passport office, known as the "Dragon Lady" would have had to rule on each and every one of Lee Harvey Oswald's passport applications and on his readmission into the USA after declaring himself to be a defector. Otepka even admitted that he had the Oswald portfolio on his desk even before he reapplied for admission to the USA. Any comments here? And in early 1964, William F. Buckley, Jr. presented the YAF Man of the Year award to Robert J. Morris. I wonder if Doug could share with us exactly WHY Robert J. Morris was chosen for this award. I can see NOTHING that Morris did, absent his obvious role in the JFK conundrum and assassination, which would have warranted such a prestigious award from Mr. Buckley. Also, the Senior William F. Buckley, shortly after World War I became the first person to utilize private funding to intervene in the Foreign Affairs of a sovereign nation, Mexico, using the assistance of relatives of the former U. S. Treasury Secretary under Reagan and Bush one Nicholas F. Brady, Jr. the college classmate of George W. Bush at The Yale Skull and Bones Society. Does anyone have any insights to offer in regards to this little factoid? This was during the Buckley attempts to stave off nationalization of Pantapec Oil by Mexico, which apparently failed as I recollect. And lastly, it now appears that Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. the father of Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. Caddy's roommate at Georgetown, who had inherited a fortune of about $100,000,000 from his father just like Charles Edison did from his father, Thomas Alva Edison, were both involved with the formation and/or funding of Young Americans for Freedom in the early 1960's. Ryan, Sr. was also the primary financial sponsor of the antics and campaigns of OSS Colonel Ulius "Pete" Amoss, from Baltimore, who ran the ISI Foundation there. And finally, it was also Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. who led the takeover attempts launched against ITT shortly before it became a dedicated CIA proprietary in South America and Latin America. Any insights into these events? Is this why Richard Condon, in The Manchurian Candidate, chose to mention most of the persons involved with this original sojourn into Mexico under General John J. Pershing including George A. Draper, Wick Draper's uncle, James Hugh Angleton, Jim Angleton's father who gave birth to Jim in Mexico to a Mexican mother, William F. Buckley, Jr. mentioned as "...that fascinating young man who wrote about man and God at Yale." and Charles A. Willoughby himself who is almost everyone's favorite candidate along with Robert J. Morris as 2 of the Gang of Five involved with plotting JFK's demise?
  15. Two generations of Buckleys, 3 generations of Ryans and Bradys. Two generations of Nazi Angletons. Three generations of Nazi Drapers and STILL you guys don't seem to get it. Three generations of Grays... Bowmans, Boydens, etc. What more do you need?
  16. You have to learn about the saga of Electric Utility and Railroad baron Anthony N. Brady, the original business partner of Thomas Alva Edison and Thomas Fortune Ryan who was the father of Clendenin J. Ryan before you can understand how private money was used to spread American Imperialism around the globe in order to protect private investments and the franchises of both the U.S. Military and the Catholic Church across the Globe. Brady and Ryan were arch Conservative Catholics who linked up with some of the ancestors of those involved with the JFK hit, including William F. Buckley, Sr., George A. Draper, James Hugh Angleton and Charles A. Willoughby shortly after World War I in Mexico and New Mexico to track down the Mexican bandit Pancho Villa using the help of General John J. Pershing's cavalry. This group was so successful that these alliances would be recreated whenever the WASP or arch-Catholic establishment was threatened. This pattern would be repeated by friends and relatives of these four self appointed saviors of the human race and the Mother Church for almost 100 years. The offspring of this original alliance also declared war on Saddam Hussein and Iraq using a tried and true pattern to safeguard private oil investment interests using the U.S. Military while defeating the Infidels and Heathens of the Muslim Empire. Former Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady is the grandson of Anthony N. Brady and George H. W. Bush and family were very friendly with both the Tobacco Grays and the Textile Drapers who added their own unified quest for Master Race Eugenics based on tried and proved Yale University Skull and Bones connections. The leadership of any country or any rogue banditos who got in their way were swiftly eliminated. From Pancho Villa to Geronimo to Sacco and Vanzetti to Alger Hiss to Jacobo Arbenz to Trujillo to John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King to Archbishop Oscar Romero to Benigno Aquino. And the first ones to form selective private assassination squads were OSS agents like Ulius L. "Pete" Amoss and Draper Eugenicist Carleton "Indiana Jones" Coon who were directly funded by Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. Ryan's son, Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. was the college roomate of Douglas Caddy when Charles Edison the son of Thomas Alva Edison helped to fund William F. Buckley, Jr.'s Young Americans for Freedom organization (according to Caddy) and other organizations like the Committee of Citizens to Aid the Katanga Freedom Fighters. And the original Nicholas Frederic Brady, Sr. was called upon by William F. Buckley, Sr. to help him fight off attempts by the Mexican government to nationalize Pantapec Oil and to chase down Pancho Villa. They failed in the first attempt but succeeded in the second venture. The pattern was set for the balance of the 20th Century and into the 21st Century. This link from the people who hunted down Pancho Villa to those who hunted down John F. Kennedy almost 50 years later is just a phenomenal piece of information. Buckleys, Angletons, Ryans, Drapers and Bradys, generation after generation of intrigue, intervention and apprehension and no one is any the wiser. Guess that is why they call it intelligent covert operations. Too bad, I tried to get you all to listen and act on this new evidence but mostly for naught. Clendenin J. Ryan was so rich and so Catholic that he donated the massive stained glass window at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. One of the Brady's received the highest laymen's distinction within the Church. And all this after they wreaked havoc on everyone who stood in their way.
  17. And who is the son of the Nicholas F. Brady who tried to help William F. Buckley, Sr. retain his Mexican oil holdings... Why the person who signed your money for years as Secretary of the Treasury. Nicholar Frederic Brady, Jr. a friend of George H. W. Bush himself. Nicholas F. Brady, Jr. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Nicholas F. Brady Brady's signature, as used on American currencyNicholas Frederick Brady (born April 11, 1930, in New York City) was United States Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, and is also known for articulating the Brady Plan in March 1989. He was educated at Yale University (B.A., 1952) and Harvard University (M.B.A., 1954). He and his wife, Katherine, have four children. Brady's political career began when he was appointed as a Republican Senator from New Jersey to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harrison A. Williams, Jr. He served from April 20, 1982 through December 27, 1982 and did not seek re-election. During his time in the Senate he was a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. In 1984 President Reagan appointed Brady to be Chairman of the President's Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries. He also served on the President's Commission on Strategic Forces (1983), the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America (1983), the Commission on Security and Economic Assistance (1983), and the Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management (1985). He also chaired the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms in 1987. Brady became the 68th Secretary of the Treasury on September 15, 1988. In 1989, after a period of years in which a number of developing countries, including Mexico, defaulted on their international debt, he developed the Brady Plan to help them sell dollar-denominated bonds. These became known as Brady Bonds. Secretary Brady's career in the banking industry spanned 34 years. He joined Dillon, Read and Company, Inc. in New York City in 1954, rising to Chairman of the Board. He has been a Director of the NCR Corporation, the MITRE Corporation, and the H.J. Heinz Company, among others. He has also served as a trustee of Rockefeller University and a member of the Board of the Economic Club of New York. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. He is a former trustee of the Boys' Club of Newark.
  18. And just who was this Nicholas F. Brady who was used by William F. Buckley, Jr.'s father in an attempt to restore his oil interests in Mexico? Why the son of Anthony Nicholas Brady, a millionaire 100 times over who was Thomas Alva Edison's business partner at New York Edison and Con Edison is all. It was Charles Edison, Thomas Alva Edison's son who later funded the younger Buckley's ventures into YAF via Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. who was the roommate of Doug Caddy at Georgetown University in the late 1950's. Clendenin's father, used to fund the anti-Communist ventures of OSS and CIA agent, Ulius L. Amoss which included several different assassinations, the kidnap attempts against Lenin's son, the theft of a Soviet MiG using a Polish pilot, inquiries into the status of Lavrenti Beria, and a few other ventures all of which made headlines during the 1950's. Read more about The Brady Bunch... Obituary of Nicholas F. Brady... Catholic arch Conservative... As it must to all men, Death came last week to Nicholas Frederic Brady, chairman of New York Edison Co., director of 50 other companies (mostly utilities), 'greatest lay Catholic." Probably closer to and more respected by the Vatican than any other U. S. citizen, Nicholas Brady was first in the U. S. to receive the title Ordine Supremo del Christo, a Catholic honor far more distinguished than the Laetare Medal, awarded last year to Alfred Emanuel Smith, and this year (last week) to Frederick P. Kenkel, St. Louis editor (see p. 40). The Brady donations to the Vatican were many, large, discreet. A constant visitor to his last bedside was Patrick Cardinal Hayes, who conducted the funeral service. But though his Church was dear to him Nicholas Frederic also carefully tended the business which his father left him and which made possible all the Brady donations to that Church. It was Anthony Nicholas Brady, father of Nicholas Frederic, who founded the Brady fortune, at one time among the greatest in the U. S. Anthony, born in Lille, France, went to Troy, N. Y., in 1857, worked first in the barber shop at Albany's old Delavan House. At 19 he started a tea store, soon opened branches. His first utility interest was acquiring stock in Albany Gas Light Co. A genius for consolidation, in comparatively short time he acquired control of Manhattan utility and traction companies. In 1887 he reorganized Manhattan's elevated railway and subway systems and held until his death a majority of the stock of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., now Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Co. He died in 1913 of indigestion, in London, while traveling with Restaurateur Louis Sherry. He left an estate estimated at $85,000,000. To his sons, James Cox Brady [on the Board of Amoss' ISIF in Baltimore] and Nicholas Frederic Brady, came the job of managing the estate. No one business did Anthony leave his heirs, but stock in half a hundred companies. In No. 70 Broadway are located the offices of the A. N. Brady Estate. Here instead of Mr. Brady an entire business organization devotes itself to doing with Mr. Brady's money what he himself might have done with it were he still alive. Sufficiently vast was Mr. Brady's fortune to make his estate, like Thomas Fortune Ryan's [father of Clendenin J. Ryan], a business in itself. Affiliated with so many mobile companies it cannot remain dormant. Anthony's two sons managed the estate until the death in 1927 of James Cox Brady. Thereafter and until last week Nicholas Frederic managed it virtually alone. The size and importance of the Brady estate can perhaps best be apprehended by a cursory list of the companies of which Nicholas was director. Important among these was Consolidated Gas Co. of New York (Anthony, long interested in Con. Gas, was largely responsible for the installation there of his friend George Bruce Cortelyou as president) and Chrysler Corp. (When Walter P. Chrysler was founding his since famed company it was Brady estate money which practically financed his project.) Other companies of which Nicholas was a director were Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Chile Copper Co., Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., Mohawk-Hudson Power Corp. and dozens of power and light companies mostly in New York State and in Japan. Anthony had two sons to whom he could leave the management of his estate. But last week when Nicholas Frederic died there was left only one male Brady, James Cox Jr., Nicholas himself had no children. James Cox Jr. was the only son of James Cox's five children. Facing him, last week and facing the husbands of his four sisters, and others who have worked in the A. N. Brady estate was the same job which Anthony left his two sons in 1913. Though only one male Brady is left the family estate is as large and exacting as it was when there were three. The death of Nicholas did not mean less activity at No. 70 Broadway. Not without difficulties did the management of the Brady estate by the Brady sons progress. In 1923 the Brady sisters, Mrs Francis Patrick Garvan, wife of onetime Alien Property Custodian Garvan, famed Watchdog of U. S. Chemical industry, Mrs James C. Farrell, and Mrs. Carl Tuck sued the two sons charging mismanagement and converting of funds to their own instead of the estate's use. The suit was finally dismissed in 1924.
  19. And just who was this Nicholas F. Brady who was used by William F. Buckley, Jr.'s father in an attempt to restore his oil interests in Mexico? Why the son of Anthony Nicholas Brady, a millionaire 100 times over who was Thomas Alva Edison's business partner at New York Edison and Con Edison is all. It was Charles Edison, Thomas Alva Edison's son who later funded the younger Buckley's ventures into YAF via Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. who was the roommate of Doug Caddy at Georgetown University in the late 1950's. Clendenin's father, used to fund the anti-Communist ventures of OSS and CIA agent, Ulius L. Amoss which included several different assassinations, the kidnap attempts against Lenin's son, the theft of a Soviet MiG using a Polish pilot, inquiries into the status of Lavrenti Beria, and a few other ventures all of which made headlines during the 1950's. Read more about The Brady Bunch... Obituary of Nicholas F. Brady... Catholic arch Conservative... As it must to all men, Death came last week to Nicholas Frederic Brady, chairman of New York Edison Co., director of 50 other companies (mostly utilities), 'greatest lay Catholic." Probably closer to and more respected by the Vatican than any other U. S. citizen, Nicholas Brady was first in the U. S. to receive the title Ordine Supremo del Christo, a Catholic honor far more distinguished than the Laetare Medal, awarded last year to Alfred Emanuel Smith, and this year (last week) to Frederick P. Kenkel, St. Louis editor (see p. 40). The Brady donations to the Vatican were many, large, discreet. A constant visitor to his last bedside was Patrick Cardinal Hayes, who conducted the funeral service. But though his Church was dear to him Nicholas Frederic also carefully tended the business which his father left him and which made possible all the Brady donations to that Church. It was Anthony Nicholas Brady, father of Nicholas Frederic, who founded the Brady fortune, at one time among the greatest in the U. S. Anthony, born in Lille, France, went to Troy, N. Y., in 1857, worked first in the barber shop at Albany's old Delavan House. At 19 he started a tea store, soon opened branches. His first utility interest was acquiring stock in Albany Gas Light Co. A genius for consolidation, in comparatively short time he acquired control of Manhattan utility and traction companies. In 1887 he reorganized Manhattan's elevated railway and subway systems and held until his death a majority of the stock of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., now Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Co. He died in 1913 of indigestion, in London, while traveling with Restaurateur Louis Sherry. He left an estate estimated at $85,000,000. To his sons, James Cox Brady [on the Board of Amoss' ISIF in Baltimore] and Nicholas Frederic Brady, came the job of managing the estate. No one business did Anthony leave his heirs, but stock in half a hundred companies. In No. 70 Broadway are located the offices of the A. N. Brady Estate. Here instead of Mr. Brady an entire business organization devotes itself to doing with Mr. Brady's money what he himself might have done with it were he still alive. Sufficiently vast was Mr. Brady's fortune to make his estate, like Thomas Fortune Ryan's [father of Clendenin J. Ryan], a business in itself. Affiliated with so many mobile companies it cannot remain dormant. Anthony's two sons managed the estate until the death in 1927 of James Cox Brady. Thereafter and until last week Nicholas Frederic managed it virtually alone. The size and importance of the Brady estate can perhaps best be apprehended by a cursory list of the companies of which Nicholas was director. Important among these was Consolidated Gas Co. of New York (Anthony, long interested in Con. Gas, was largely responsible for the installation there of his friend George Bruce Cortelyou as president) and Chrysler Corp. (When Walter P. Chrysler was founding his since famed company it was Brady estate money which practically financed his project.) Other companies of which Nicholas was a director were Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Chile Copper Co., Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., Mohawk-Hudson Power Corp. and dozens of power and light companies mostly in New York State and in Japan. Anthony had two sons to whom he could leave the management of his estate. But last week when Nicholas Frederic died there was left only one male Brady, James Cox Jr., Nicholas himself had no children. James Cox Jr. was the only son of James Cox's five children. Facing him, last week and facing the husbands of his four sisters, and others who have worked in the A. N. Brady estate was the same job which Anthony left his two sons in 1913. Though only one male Brady is left the family estate is as large and exacting as it was when there were three. The death of Nicholas did not mean less activity at No. 70 Broadway. Not without difficulties did the management of the Brady estate by the Brady sons progress. In 1923 the Brady sisters, Mrs Francis Patrick Garvan, wife of onetime Alien Property Custodian Garvan, famed Watchdog of U. S. Chemical industry, Mrs James C. Farrell, and Mrs. Carl Tuck sued the two sons charging mismanagement and converting of funds to their own instead of the estate's use. The suit was finally dismissed in 1924.
  20. Now back to the Clendenin J. Ryan postings and the American Tobacco and Bank of Maryland links via Baltimore, MD which is a much hotter topic for me. Turns out now that multi millionaires like Thomas F. Ryan and Nicholas Brady of the Thomas Brady family, were deeply involved with William F. Buckley Jr.'s father with Pantapec Oil to protect American oil interests in Mexico in the 1920's. Both Ryan and Brady were part and parcel of this "Irish Lace" nouveau riche arch Catholic group of Holy Roman Empire inspired Crusaders. This means that this was perhaps the earliest known recorded event where private money from arch Catholic multi millionaires on a mission, flowed into the hands of soldiers of fortune and even used the U.S. Army for 3 distinct self serving and world changing purposes. 1) Prevent appropriation of American investors foreign interests and holdings by a hostile government 2) Prevent an entire country from allowing a dictator or rebel leader, like a Pancho Villa, from getting control of the country and running it for his own ends. 3) Install a falangist or fascist influenced governmental power to protect Catholicism while you are at it. Sounds a bit like the Latin American and South American intrigues, plus a dash of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, no? Foreign oil interests of American millionaires, hostile banditos running hostile governments plus the need to punish anti-Catholics like the Muslims who need a taste of the Power of the Crusaders on a White Horse, too. Scary stuff here. Buckley's father was also involved with the search for Pancho Villa along with the previously discovered trio who were chartered with that campaign: George A. Draper, James Hugh Angleton and Charles A. Willoughby. You see the business of protecting family fortunes using John J. Pershing's cavalry and chasing down international banditos while preventing the Church from being persecuted or closed down has a long and storied, perpetual legacy in this country. And now it looks like the scions of that Pancho Villa legacy like William F. Buckley, Jr., Wickliffe and Wm. H. Draper, James Jesus Angleton and Charles A. Willoughby all considered JFK to be a bandito who needed to be taught a lesson.
  21. STUHLMAN, ...four brothers-Frank Patterson, editor of. the Baltimore Sun; Rufus L. Patterson and Edmund. V. Patterson, of New York, and John L. Patterson, ... www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/68/1765/396-a.pdf - Similar pages - Note this Rufus L. Patterson was the father of Morehead Patterson from Yale Skull and Bones, whose company AMF, Inc. was the inventor of both the "Patterson Packer" which automated the rolling and packing of cigarettes around 1900 and the Garland M-1 Rifle 7.62mm 8-round semi-automatic clip used by the Navy and the Marine Corps by 1963-64. These Baltimore roots go right through Frank Patterson, Rufus' brother, who was the Editor of the Baltimore Sun around the turn of the previous century. These Baltimore links which included Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. the son of "Tobacco Financier" Thomas F. Ryan and Ulius L. Amoss who once controlled the man who allegedly shot JFK, R. Emmett Johnson, loom so large in the JFK conundrum, you just can not imagine. You just can not imagine. Clendenin J. Ryan, Sr. reported to Admiral James Forrestal and Ulius L. Amoss reported to Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg of the 9th Air Force in North Africa and both were later involved with the OSS, the CIA, MKULTRA and the Majestic 12 or the Twelve Majesties. The 2 Ryans and James Forrestal eventually committed suicide. Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr. reported to William F. Buckley, Jr. via Doug Caddy, his Georgetown University college roommante and one of the other co-founders of YAF. Anthony N. Brady mentioned in the American Tobacco article above was a business partner of Thomas Alva Edison in their electric empires and left an estate of almost $100,000,000 and was once considered one of America's 50 richest men. Thomas Alva Edison's son, Charles Edison was the ex-Governor of New Jersey and was the primary funder of YAF according to Douglas Caddy, who should know a thing or two about YAF. Yet another brick drop bombshell has just emerged. "Only two bank Directorships were held by Mr. Brady, one in the Maryland National Bank and the other in the National Commercial Bank of Albany. His miscellaneous investments carried Directorhips in the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, the British-Columbia Copper Company, Consolidated Car Heating Company, Consolidated Telegraph and Electric Subway Company, Durham Coal and Iron Company, Electric Storage Battery Company, Helderberg Cement Company, National Surety Company, New Niquero Sugar Company, New York Air Brake Company, Transit Development Company, Union Bleaching and Finishing Company, Union Carbide Company, and the United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company." (Brady's Fortune May Be $100,000,000. New York Times, Aug. 6, 1913.) Remember that it was Robert Maxwell, the Trust Officer from Maryland National Bank, who was the Iron Contra whistle blower after identifying 2 Trust Accounts at Maryland National Bank that laundered money for obvious CIA cutouts. One was a Baltimore based Metals Processing Company where a contact and slush fund money provider for Nellie's Boys was married to a Vice President at the Baltimore Metals Processing Company with a link back to Boston. Those who appear in Condon's ManCand novel now apparently included Ryan, Buckley, Amoss, Fellers, Willoughby, MacArthur, Ray S. Cline, and Robert J. Morris, recipient of the YAF Man of the Year Award in the Spring of 1964 directly from William F. Buckley, Jr. Wick Draper was in ManCand as well. This website link implicates Nicholas Brady and William F. Buckley, Sr. (father of William F. Buckley Jr., Skull & Bones 1950, and grandfather of Christopher Taylor Buckley, S&B 1975) in helping to incite the Cristeros Rebellion in Mexico. (Synarchism, the Spanish Falange, and the Nazis, by William F. Wertz, Jr. Executive Intelligence Review, July 25, 2003.) Wertz, 2003 / Executive Intelligence Review Not only did William F. Buckley, Sr. promote Nelson Rockefeller as head of the Office of Coordination of Inter-American Affairs; but his son, William F. Buckley, Jr. was assigned in 1952 by James Jesus Angleton, director of counter intelligence for the CIA under Allen Dulles, to set up the first CIA office in Mexico City, where he worked with E. Howard Hunt. Get the picture? Yes, we see.
  22. The American Tobacco Company The anti-smokers' fixation on James Buchanan Duke as the ruthless builder of the Tobacco Trust is just a smokescreen for the corrupt municipal railway and electricity barons, of whom William Collins Whitney (Skull & Bones 1863), was one. The whole gang of them was at ATC, and Whitney, with his main partner, Thomas F. Ryan, and his brother-in-law, Oliver H. Payne, played a central role. The Whitney's Northern Finance Corp. was a major stockholder at least until 1929. The Whitney Family "In 1884 James B. Duke moved to New York and opened a cigarette factory, intending to develop a tobacco market in the North. Shortly thereafter, he met Oliver Payne, who suggested that instead of fighting his North Carolina competitors, he buy them out. American Tobacco was the result." (Oliver Hazard Payne's business activities. Marist College Center for E-Business.) Payne himself had been the second largest refiner in Cleveland when Rockefeller bought him out, and he subsequently became one of the major partners of Standard Oil. In 1884, the partners began looking for ways to invest their money. Oliver Hazard Payne's Business Activities / Marist College Center for E-Business The company attributes American Tobacco's pricing to its use of the Bonsack machine, which other manufacturers declined to adopt. And: "J.B. Duke was then a handler of men, a professional executive rather than a financier. He owned far less than a controlling share in American Tobacco common. In 1897 Colonel Oliver Payne of Standard Oil cornered a working majority of the stock, and Duke told Payne he would sell his shares and start a new company if Payne's group desired it. Payne backed down and gave Duke a free hand from that point onward. Not that Duke was 'agin' the men who furnished capital. In fact, his principle motive was top bring into the American camp such well-connected men as Thomas Fortune Ryan, William C. Whitney, Anthony N. Brady and P.A.B. Widener." (Sold American! - The First Fifty Years. American Tobacco Company, 1954.) Sold American!, 1954 / tobacco document As for these "well-connected men:" Between about 1880 and 1905, "A single group of six men -- Yerkes, Widener, Elkins, Dolan, Whitney, and Ryan -- combined the street railways, and in many cases the lighting companies, of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and at least a hundred towns and cities in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, New Hampshire, and Maine. Either jointly or separately, they controlled the gas and electric lighting companies of Philadelphia, Reading, Harrisburg, Atlanta, Vicksburg, St. Augustine, Minneapolis, Omaha, Des Moines, Kansas City, Sioux City, Syracuse, and about seventy other communities. A single corporation developed nearly all the trolley lines and lighting companies of New Jersey, another controlled similar utilities in San Francisco and other cities on the Pacific Coast.... In New York, Thomas F. Ryan and William C. Whitney were the powerful, though invisible, powers in Tammany Hall... In Philadelphia, Widener and Elkins dominated the City Hall and also became part of the Quay machine of Pennsylvania." They made their fortunes in these fields through construction overcharges and stock market bubbles. (The Age of Big Business, A Chronicle of the Captains of Industry, by Burton J. Hendrick. Globusz Publishing. Chapter V, The Development of Public Utilities. Originally published in 1919 by Yale University Press.) Hendrick / Globusz Publishing (America's Sixty Families - The Public-Utility Background of Wilson's Backers. By Ferdinand Lundberg. Vanguard Press 1937 & 1938.) Other exploits of Brady, William L. Elkins, Rockefeller, Ryan, Whitney, and Widener, plus Charles Evans Hughes. Lundberg / Conspiracy Theory Research Links Archive "Thus in setting up the American Tobacco Company the artful allies Whitney and Ryan had begun by issuing to the public an initial capital of $10,000,000, which was increased in 1898 to $70,000,000; then finally, when they changed the company into a New Jersey corporation in 1909, they celebrated with a rousing capitalization of $180,000,000! According to one of the fantastic legends of Wall Street, Whitney and Ryan together had used little more than $50,000 in promoting the Tobacco Trust, and capturing its stock." (Chapter Sixteen, Concentration: The Great Trusts. In: The Robber Barons, by Matthew Josephson. Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1934.) The Robber Barons, Ch. 16 / Yamaguchy Richard Kluger in "Ashes to Ashes" (Alfred A. Knopf, 1996) strives to portray the Tobacco Trust as a one-man show of James Buchanan Duke. He claims that, in the 1890s, "everal of American Tobacco's ranking directors, Lewis Ginter among them, argued that Duke was acting rashly and squandering company capital in reaching for control of the entire tobacco universe. These rebels approached the Standard Oil multimillionaire Oliver H. Payne, by then a prominent Wall Street investor, and sought his aid to wrest control of American Tobacco. Payne had an audience with Duke, who persuaded him of the necessity of these slashing tactics that, in various forms, Standard Oil itself had pioneered. Payne came on board as an ally of Duke, not to check him." Kluger also implied that Union Tobacco, headed by Thomas Fortune Ryan with Payne's brother-in-law Whitney as a director, was a potential competitor of American Tobacco. While "Vowing his hatred of predatory trusts in general and Duke in particular," Ryan actually tricked Liggett & Myers, which had refused to sell out to American, into selling out to him instead. Then, Union promptly turned around and "came into the fold." This was no doubt the plan in the first place. American Tobacco Co., 1892-97 Directors elected were William H. Butler, John Pope and George W. Watts for two years, Benjamin N. Duke and George Arents for one year, and George W. Gale and William A. Marburg additional directors for one year. (Millions rolling around. New York Times, Jan. 28, 1892.) Arents, Duke, Gail, and Josiah Brown were elected for one year, and Pope, Watts and Butler for two years. (American Tobacco Company; and: Stock Quote 4. New York Times, Feb. 15, 1894.) Arents, Duke, Gail and Brown were re-elected. (American Tobacco Company's Meeting. New York Times, Apr. 16, 1895.) A grand jury indicted President James B. Duke and directors Butler, Marburg, Louis Ginter, Arents, Gail, Benjamin N. Duke, Watts, Brown, and Charles G. Emery, alleging that in April 1889, the Allen & Ginter, Duke, Sons & Co., McKinney & Co., William S. Kimball & Co., and Goodwin & Co. combined as the American Tobacco Co., and obliged retail customers not to buy from other manufacturers. The evidence was presented by the National Cigarette Company, which manufactured Admiral cigarettes. (Tobacco men under indictment. New York Times, May 8, 1896.) Joseph H. Choate and W.W. Fuller were attorneys for American Tobacco, while Assistant District Attorney John D. Lindsay represented the state. New York's anti-trust law amending the 1893 law was signed by Gov. Morton that May. Cases were pending in Illinois and New Jersey as well. (Tobacco trust rights. New York Times, Nov. 18, 1896.) Their demurrer was dismissed. (Tobacco men to be tried. New York Times, Jan. 23, 1897.) The defendants were represented by Daniel G. Rollins, W.W. Fuller and Lucien Oudin. District Attorney Olcott and his assistants Carpenter and Hardwicke represented the prosecution. (American Tobacco Company. New York Times, June 8, 1897.) Josiah Brown, the Secretary of American Tobacco, was the only defendant in attendance. In all forty ballots, ten jurors voted for conviction and two for acquittal. Those two had asked whether American sold more cigarettes than its constituent companies had before the combination. The case was discharged. (Tobacco jurors disagree. New York Times, June 30, 1897.) Benjamin N. Duke Mrs. Benjamin N. Duke, Mrs. W.W. Fuller, Mrs. Walter H. Page, Mrs. Rufus L. Patterson and Mrs. T.B. Yuille were patronesses of the Noirth Carolina Society. (North Carolina Society Gives Dance. New York Times, Apr. 20, 1912.) Benjamin N. Duke was a brother of James B. Duke. His daughter, Mary L. Duke, married Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle less than two months after her brother, Angier Buchanan Duke, married Cordelia Drexel Biddle, the bridegroom's sister. "The bridesmaids were the misses Ellen Yuille, Florence Gilbert, and Caroline Fuller of this city; Yvonne Townsend of Washington, D.C., and Lucy Stokes and Anna Branson of Durham, S.C. [sic]... The ushers included Maurice Burke Roche, Evans Russell Tucker Jr., Henry Nichols Tucker, William Sturgis and Edwin Kane of New York; Pierpont Schreiber of Short Hills, N.J.; De Benneville Bell, Reginald Hutchinson, and Alfred Putnam of Philadelphia; and Lawrence Villas of Chicago." The New York guests included Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dula, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Harriman, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Percival S. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Taft and Walbridge S. Taft, and Mr. and Mrs. T.B.Yuille. The Philadelphia guests included Mrs. George Widener and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Widener, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Berwind. Other guests were Judge R.T.W. Duke, William Eskridge Duke and Miss Mary Duke of Charlottesville, Va., Mrs. A.H. Stokes of Durham, N.C.; and Perry Belmont of Washington, D.C. ($500,000 in Gifts At Biddle Wedding. New York Times, Jun. 17, 1915.) $500,000 in Gifts At Biddle Wedding, 1915 / New York Times Benjamin Duke's son, Angier Biddle Duke, drowned in 1923. He had established a trust fund for his wife and their two children in 1919. The securties included: 5,000 United Drug Company, $250,000; 1,000 United States Steel preferred, $116,137; 1,000 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco preferred, $113,500; 1,000 Weyman-Bruton Company preferred, $106,045; 320 George W. Helme Company preferred, $33,965; 700 American Snuff preferred, $66,895; and additional stocks worth $63,343. The Guaranty Trust Company was the trustee. (Accounting Filed in A.B. Duke Trust. New York Times, Oct. 5, 1924.) Albert D. Lasker] was chairman of the United States Shipping Board. He was graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and in 1933 from Yale University. Following his graduation from Yale he was associated with J. Wix, London, the English branch of the American Tobacco Company, and now is connected with the New York office of Lord & Thomas." (Troth Announced of Caral Gimbel. New York Times, Nov. 29, 1934, pg. 36.) In the Tobacco Documents Online, there is correspondence between ATC and J. Wix in 1932 and after 1935, but none during 1933 and 1934. Edward Lasker became a director of Philip Morris in 1960. Directors of ATC, 1936: Richard J. Boylan (Sec.), James R. Coon (Aud.), John A. Crowe, C. Huntley Gibson, Patrick H. Gorman, Paul M. Hahn (VP), Tullis T. Harkrader, Edmund A. Harvey (Treas.), George W. Hill (Pres.), George W. Hill Jr., James E. Lipscomb Jr., Charles F. Neiley (VP), William H. Ogsbury, Fred B. Reuter, Rowland W. Richards, and Frank V. Riggio (VP). In 1938, Hiram R. Hanmer, and in 1940, Orpheus D. Baxalys joined the board, while Richards left. ATC Fiscal Statement, 1936 / tobacco document American Tobacco Company cash on deposit with banks, Dec. 31, 1937: $6.5 million at the Guaranty Trust Company of New York; $3.9 million at the Chase National Bank; $3.2 million at the National City Bank; $2.4 million at the Bankers Trust Company; $1.9 million at the Central Hanover Bank and Trust; $1.2 million at the Manufacturers Trust Company, and lesser amounts at other institutions. (ATC Fiscal Statement, Dec. 31, 1937.) ATC 1937 Fiscal Statement / tobacco document ATC 1938 Annual Report & Proxy / tobacco document John R. Latham "John R. Latham, former president of American Cigarette and Cigar Co. and creator of American Tobacco's 'Sold American!' radio jingle in the 1930s, died February 21 at his home in White Creek, N.Y. He was 72. Latham began his career at Young & Rubicam advertising agency in the late 1920s. upon graduation from Lehigh University. He became known as the Father of the Radio Jingle after he sold the idea of a tobacco auctioneer's voice in a commercial to American Tobacco's flamboyant chief executive, George Washington Hill. At one point in the 1930s, Lucky Strike was the nation's best-selling cigarette, achieving the honor by outselling R.J. Reynolds' Camel and Liggett & Myers' Chesterfield. Latham became president of American Cigarette and Cigar, an American Tobacco subsidiary, in 1938 and introduced Pall Mall, the first king size cigarette to be marketed nationally. During the Second World War, Latham was a Marine Corps major, assigned to the Office of War Information. After the war, he joined Curtis Publishing Co. as a sales executive and then returned to the tobacco business as advertising manager of Philip Morris. During the 1950s, he created the Philip Morris country music radio show, which toured the South and Middle West. He left the tobacco business for good in 1960, when he became senior vice president of a Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical Co. subsidiary. In later years, he was a securities broker in New York and at the time of his death was affiliated with the financial firm, R..L. Day Co." (Obituaries. Tobacco International, Apr. 4, 1980, p. 79.) His wife, Louise, worked in the creative department of J. Walter Thompson for 21 years. (Latham, Louise Stunkard. New York Times, Jan. 6, 2002.) Tobacco International, Apr. 4, 1980 / tobacco document Latham, Louise Stunkard, Jan. 6, 2002 / New York Times On Aug. 8, 1942, the radio program "Your Hit Parade" did "a command performance at the request of the U.S. Government through the Office of War Information." (Radio Continuity. Lucky Strike, Your Hit Parade, July-Dec. 1942.) Also serving in the OWI were Clifton R. Read, who was the first publicity director for the American Society for the Control of Cancer and later the media and information director of the American Cancer Society; and William B. Lewis, Chief of the OWI Domestic Radio Bureau who became chairman of the ACS. Your Hit Parade, July-Dec. 1942 / tobacco document American Tobacco Company, 1940s ATC Proxy, 1940 / tobacco document Directors of the American Tobacco Company, 1942: Orpheus D. Baxalys, Richard J. Boylan (Sec), James R. Coon (Aud), John A. Crowe, Preston L. Fowler, C. Huntley Gibson, Patrick H. Gorman, Paul M. Hahn (VP), Hiram R. Hanmer, Tullis T. Harkrader, Edmund A. Harvey (Treas), George W. Hill (Pres.), George W. Hill Jr. (VP), James E. Lipscomb Jr., William H. Ogsbury, Fred B. Reuter (Asst Treas). Transfer Agent: Guaranty Trust Company of New York; Registrar: City Bank Farmers Trust Co. American Tobacco Company, 1942 Annual Report / tobacco document Harry L. Hilyard, a former vice president of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, was elected a director, replacing Tullis T. Harkrader, who died. (American Tobacco Earns $22,534,201. New York Times, Mar. 1, 1944.) American Tobacco Company 1946 Annual Report & Proxy / tobacco document American Tobacco Company 1947 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document American Tobacco Company 1948 Annual Report & Proxy / tobacco document American Tobacco Company 1949 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document American Tobacco Company, 1950s ATC 1950 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1951 Proxy & Annual Report (clearer) / tobacco document ATC 1951 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document Amendment No. 1 to Form S-1, Prospectus of American Tobacco Company, 1,075,685 Shares of Common Stock, (par value $25), $50,000,000 Twenty-Five Year __ Percent Debentures, Dated Feb. 1, 1952, Due Feb. 1, 1977. Morgan Stanley was the largest underwriter at 4.00%, with about 15 others over 2%. Amendment No. 1 to Form S-1, ATC / tobacco document ATC 1952 Annual Report & Proxy / tobacco document Prospectus, the American Tobacco Company, 1,075,685 Shares Common Stock (Par Value $25), $50,000,000 Twenty-Five Year % Debentures, by Morgan Stanley, March 5, 1952. Directors, p. 23-24. 1952 Stock Offering / tobacco document Notice of Special Meeting of stockholders to vote on the merger of American Cigarette and Cigar Co. with American Tobacco Co., Oct. 26, 1953. ATC Special Meeting, 1953 / tobacco document Merger of American Cigarette and Cigar Company into American Tobacco Company ATC 1953 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1954 Proxy / tobacco document ATC 1955 Proxy / tobacco document ATC 1956 Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1956 Proxy / tobacco document Six new vice presidents: Virgil D. Hager, vice president of manufacturing; John A. Crowe, senior vicepresident, manufacture and leaf; A. LeRoy Jansen, continuing as controller; Harry L. Hilyard, continuing as treasurer; Robert B. Walker, director of sales; Alfred F. Bowden, former assistant to the president, to be director of public relations. All were directors of the company. (One of 6 New Officers Of American Tobacco. New York Times, Apr. 8, 1957.) ATC 1957 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1958 Proxy & Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1959 Proxy / tobacco document ATC 1959 Annual Report / tobacco document American Tobacco Company, 1960s ATC 1960 Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1961 Annual Report / tobacco document 1962 Tobacco Industry Research Council Scientific Advisory Board Meeting "1. The Scientific Advisory Board meeting this Friday was attended by Carl Thompson. They made more grants and analized what has been accomplished. "2. Ogden White, Chairman of the Finance Committee of Sloan Kettering and Memorial Hospital reported that the R. J. Reynolds Company had agreed to grant a $100 thousand to Sloan Kettering. It could indicate that Reynolds feels here's a little protection or TIRC hasn't done too much. Reynolds wanted a raw products center for the industry, claiming that TIRC should be interested in agriculture as well as health (They control 35 - 40% of the TIRC funds). American Tobacco vetoed this because they couldn't be connected with any leaf industry. Reynolds then bought a farm and formed their own raw products research center. Sloan Kettering will be the logical one to investigate cancer claims. P. Lorillard has been giving $25,000 for years without any fanfare. They are going to approach other tobacco companies, automotive companies, milk companies, and anyone else with an interest in the cancer controversy. Right now we are committed to the TIRC concept. Reynolds by working with Sloan Kettering might see developments as they come about. They might get a new dimension to their research. Mr. Wynder will be out in April with a paper which says there is something in filters which is selective and safe. The agency was alerted that this paper might come out and asked to think of anything which might be exploitable. The marketing department has been alerted to play on the selectrate trademark of Marlboro. There is talk that the FCC might lift the ban on health claims in ads." (From James Bowling Area, Philip Morris, Mar. 13, 1962.) Ogden White joined the board of directors of Liggett & Myers in 1968. TIRC Meeting, 1962 / tobacco document ATC 1963 Annual Report / tobacco document Summary of ATC Annual Meeting, April 1, 1964 / tobacco document ATC 1964 Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1965 Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1967 Annual Report / tobacco document ATC 1968 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1969 Annual Report / tobacco document American Tobacco Company, 1970s American Brands 1970 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1971 Annual Meeting / tobacco document American Brands 1971 Annual Report / tobacco document American Tobacco Company 1972 Financial Statement. Their largest deposit of cash in banks was at the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, $1,567,209.36. They also had large deposits of cash at the Northern Trust Company, Chicago, the Chase Manhattan Bank, the First National City Bank, and Republic National Bank of Dallas. American Brands Fiscal Statement 1972 / tobacco documents American Brands Fiscal Statement 1972 (proxy statement) / tobacco documents American Brands 1973 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1974 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1975 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1976 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1977 proxy / tobacco document American Brands Proxy and Annual Report, Dec. 31, 1978. Dividends receivable from investments in stocks of other companies, p. 55. American Brands Annual Report, 1978 / tobacco document Fiscal Binder Index, 1978 / tobacco document 1979 merger of American Tobacco and FDS Holding Company, of Springfield, Illinois. FDS was created in 1970 by the Franklin Insurance Company, several Wisconsin residents were large holders of American $6.00 Convertible Preferred Stock: the First Wisconsin Trust Company of Milwaukee, as trustee of various trusts for Clarise F. Turer, 29.14%; Ida Soref of Milwaukee, 24.28%; Ruth S. Coleman of Milwaukee, 24.28%; Ruth S. Gorenstein of Whitefish Bay, 17.32%. Mark Sumner, of Herz, Levin, Teper, Chernof & Sumner, S.C., 9.16%; and Ralph Gorenstein of Whitefish Bay, 8.16%. The Harris Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago and Roberta S. Gorenstein were co-trustees of 10.88%, and Mark Sklar of Phoenix, Ariz. held 11.88%. All directors and officers of American as a group held 0.48% of Common Stock. (Milton Soref was the president of Master Lock Company, a division of American Brands. He died in 1973.) The First National Bank of Chicago was the transfer agent for $2.67 and $2.75 Preferred Stocks only. 1979 American Brands - Franklin Insurance Joint Proxy (ATC directors) / tobacco document 1979 American Brands - Franklin Insurance Joint Proxy (stockholders) / tobacco document Robert K. Heimann, the president since 1969 and CEO since 1973, retired at the end of 1980. Virginius B. Lougee III was elected president and CEO of American Brands, and continued as president and CEO of American Tobacco. Edward W. Whittemore was elected chairman and CEO of American Brands. American Brands 1980 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1981 Annual Report / tobacco document In 1982, the Chubb Corporation owned 7.8% of voting stock. American Brands 1982 Annual Report / tobacco document In 1983, the Chubb Corporation owned 5.4% of voting stock. American Brands 1983 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1984 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1986 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1987 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1988 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1989 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1990 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1991 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1992 Annual Report pp 69-72 / tobacco document American Brands 1992 Annual Report pp 109-115 / tobacco document American Brands 1993 Annual Report / tobacco document American Brands 1994 Annual Report / tobacco document Anthony N. Brady "The Anthony N. Brady here mentioned was a traction magnate, who, beginning as a clerk in Albany, had by means of legislative manipulation giving richly valuable railway and other franchises, accumulated an estate of $90,000,000." (Chapter 36, Governor Sulzer's Impeachment and Tammany's Defeat 1913-1914. In: The History of Tammany Hall, by Gustavus Myers. New York, 1901, with additions, 1917.) Ch. 36, The History of Tammany Hall / Yamaguchy "...Anthony Brady was one of Thomas Edison's business partners, and left at his death one of the largest personal fortunes that had ever been accumulated." (Profiles: Westchester County. New Yorker, Nov. 13, 1978.) Westchester County / Dispatches From the Vanishing World "...A man who for years fulfilled the functions of one of Mr. Brady's financial advisors said that the minimum value of his estate was $75,000,000, and that a maximum estimate would be considerably in excess of $100,000. This amounts to putting Mr. Brady's wealth almost on a par with that of the late J.P. Morgan." His largest holdings were in the American Tobacco Company. After its dismemberment in 1911, he and the other defendants were forbidden to increase their holdings; however, Brady was believed to have not sold any of it, either. Their value was estimated at $31 million. In addition, he held stock in Brooklyn Rapid Transit, power properties in Tennessee and Georgia, and Japanese lighting plants, "especially in Tokio." "The investments so far enumerated, concerning which definite information is available, foot up at least $54,000,000, and they take no accouint of several companies with which Mr. Brady's name was especially connected as a large, and in some cases, almost the sole owner. Among those in which his interest was very large were the Consolidated Gas Company and its subsidiary, the New York Edison Company, and the Commonwealth-Edison Company of Chicago and the People's Gas, Light and Coke Company of that city. In Albany, Troy, and Utica, the gas and electric companies are understood to have been practically owned by him. "As indicating the extent of his holdings in corporations of this class, he was not only a Director but President of the following: New York Edison Company, Electric Illuminating Company of Brooklyn, Kings County Electric Light and Power Company, Memphis Consolidated Gas and Electric Company, Municipal Gas Company of Albany, and Utica Gas and Electric Company. He was Vice President of the People's Gas Company in Chicago and a director in the Indiana Lighting Company, New Amsterdam Gas Company, New York Mutual Gas Light Company, Troy Gas Company, United Electric Light and Power Company of Baltimore, and Westchester Lighting Company. "In the transportation field in and around Brooklyn Mr. Brady was Chairman of the board of each of these: Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Brooklyn Heights Railroad, Brooklyn, Queens County & Suburban, Brooklyn Union Elevated, and Nassau Electric. He was also a Director in the Canarsie Railroad, Coney Island & Gravesend, Sea Beach Railway, and South Brooklyn Railway. Most of these, of course, are subsidiaries of the B.R.T. Mr. Brady was also a Director, however, in the Hudson & Manhattan Company and the Hudson Companies. In the automobile field his interest in the General Motors Company was large enough to entitle him to a Directorship. "Mr. Brady's rubber interests were represented by Directorships in the United States Rubber Company, the General Rubber Company, and the Rubber Goods Manufacturing Company. On the European trip on which he died Mr. Brady was planning to expand his interests to the oil fields of Mexico. "Only two bank Directorships were held by Mr. Brady, one in the Maryland National Bank and the other in the National Commercial Bank of Albany. His miscellaneous investments carried Directorhips in the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company, the British-Columbia Copper Company, Consolidated Car Heating Company, Consolidated Telegraph and Electric Subway Company, Durham Coal and Iron Company, Electric Storage Battery Company, Helderberg Cement Company, National Surety Company, New Niquero Sugar Company, New York Air Brake Company, Transit Development Company, Union Bleaching and Finishing Company, Union Carbide Company, and the United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company." (Brady's Fortune May Be $100,000,000. New York Times, Aug. 6, 1913.) The Anthony Brady Memorial Laboratory at Yale was funded from Brady's estate. It opened in 1917. Medical School Dean George Blumer recruited Milton Winternitz as Anthony N. Brady Professor of Pathology. (1911-1921. Medicine at Yale, 1901-1951.) 1911-1921 / Yale University James Cox Brady (~1882-1927) Brady inherited 1/6th of Anthony Brady's wealth; he was a director of American Tobacco in 1917 and 1919. He was a Yale graduate (1904), and a member of its Scroll & Key Society. [Lansing P. Reed, Skull & Bones 1904, partner of Davis Polk Wardwell et al., was his classmate at Yale.] In 1917, he sold 20 of his racehorses for $22,365, and donated the proceeds to the Red Cross. "He was a large benefactor of the Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, of which he was a Director at the time of his death." He was also a trustee and director of the Central Union Trust Company of New York [~1918-1927], vice president of the Brooklyn Edison Company and a director of several other utility companies, and a director of the Chrysler Corporation. He and other members of his family established the Anthony N. Brady Memorial building at the Yale medical school. Matthew S. Sloan, President of the Brooklyn Edison Company, and G.W. Davison, President of Central Union Trust Company, expressed their regrets. (James Cox Brady, Financier, Dead. New York Times, Nov. 11, 1927; Bulletin of Yale University. Obituary Record of Graduates of the Undergraduate Schools Deceased During the Year 1927-28, pages 169-171.) He left a quarter of his fortune to his widow and third wife, Helen McMahon Brady, and the rest to his four daughters and one son. His brother Nicholas F. Brady, Walter P. Chrysler, and William G. [sic] Griffin were executors of his estate. (James C. Brady Left $55,000,000 To Family. New York Times, Nov. 29, 1927.) His widow later married Charles Suydam Cutting, whose brother, R. Fulton Cutting, was a major benefactor of the American Society for the Control of Cancer. (Mrs. James Brady To Be Bride Today. New York Times, Jul. 2, 1932.) Obituary Record 1927-28 / Yale University Library (pdf, 366 pp) James C. Brady formed the Brady Security and Realty Corporation in 1923, with William V. Griffin as his business manager. The corporation comprised the financial interests of his widow, his brother, and his children. (Appeal Brady Estate Tax. New York Times, Nov. 24, 1929; State Keeps Up Fight For Brady Estate Tax. New York Times, June 14, 1930.) Griffin was one of the original financiers of Time, Inc., in 1923. Brady was a horse-related buddy of pharmaceutical magnate Charles Pfizer, and purchased 180 acres adjoining Pfizer's estate in 1911. Story of Hamilton Farm. About U.S. Equestrian Team Foundation.) The farm was named for his first wife, Elizabeth Jane Hamilton, who was killed in a railroad wreck in 1912. Guglielmo Marconi and his transmitting station were also neighbors. (Somerset County History. D.T. McBride Website.) Story of Hamilton Farm / USET Somerset County History / D.T. McBride Nicholas Frederic Brady (1878-1930) "In his story of his father's activities and business relationships, Mr. Brady said: 'The President of the Central Trust Company was James M. [sic] Wallace, my father's close personal and business friend, intimately acquainted with my father's business activities. He was my father's confidant and advisor. The preceding President had been Frederick P. Olcott of Albany, who had given my father his first real financial backing. My father had always felt that he had a great deal to do with the building up of the trust company. He had his office there. He kept his securities there for years without so much as a receipt to show for them." (Brady Says Father Trained Him In Job. New York Times, Jan. 18, 1924.) Nicholas Brady graduated from Yale University in 1899, and became associated with his father's interests. His first position was at Edison Electric Illuminating Company, later merged with the New Gas, Electric Light, Heat and Power Company to form the New York Edison Company. He succeeded his father as its president on his death in 1913. At his death he was a director of numerous gas and electric companies, and also the Chrysler Corporation, National City Bank of New York and affiliates, and Farmers Loan - City Bank and Trust Company. He was a member of the national advisory committee of the Yale Human Welfare Group, which created the Institute of Human Relations. At his death, he had suffered from arthritis complicated by a heart condition. (N.F. Brady Dies At 51 After Long Illness. New York Times, May 28, 1930; Bulletin of Yale University. Obituary Record of Graduates of the Undergraduate Schools Deceased During the Year 1929-30, pages 161-166.) His widow, Genevieve Brady, who later married William J. Babington Macaulay, the Irish Free State Minister to the Vatican, left a bequest of $68,824 to Pope Pius XII, "who was a close friend of Mrs. Macaulay and who was entertained at her home on his visit to this country when he was Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State." She left shares valued at $172,061 to Archbishop John G. Murray of St. Paul, Minn., and $137,500 each to the Sisters of Mercy of the Diocese of Hartford, the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues at Wernersville, Penn., and the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of the Catholic University of Washington, DC, got $68,824. Mr. Macauley got an even $1,000,000. Her sister and James Cox Brady Jr. received $480,000. The greater part of the estate was in securities valued at $5,477,569; with cash of $198,489 including an account of $170,035 in the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. ($6,299,000 Net Left By Mrs. Macaulay. New York Times, Jan. 29, 1941.) Obituary Record 1929-30 / Yale University Library (pdf, 398 pp) The Lyndon Larouche website implicates Nicholas Brady and William F. Buckley, Sr. (father of William F. Buckley Jr., Skull & Bones 1950, and grandfather of Christopher Taylor Buckley, S&B 1975) in helping to incite the Cristeros Rebellion in Mexico. (Synarchism, the Spanish Falange, and the Nazis, by William F. Wertz, Jr. Executive Intelligence Review, July 25, 2003.) Wertz, 2003 / Executive Intelligence Review James Cox Brady Jr. (1907-1971) He was the only son of James Cox Brady (~1882-1927). He married Eliot Chace, daughter of Malcolm G. Chace, a director of the Chase National Bank. His sister Jane (Mrs. F.S. Moseley Jr.) was matron of honor; and the ushers included her husband, Reeve Schley, and Paul Mellon of Washington. (Eliot Chace Weds J. Cox Brady Jr. New York Times, Jul. 7, 1929.) Her grandfather was Arnold Buffum Chace, Chancellor of Brown University. (Dr. Arnold B. Chace of Providence Dead. New York Times, Feb. 29, 1932.) Brady was head of the New York Racing Association from 1961 to 1969. "From an uncle, Nicholas F. Brady, he inherited the directorship of 50 companies. And when his father died at the age of 45, he left an estate valued at more than $25-million. It included a company he had founded, Purolator Products, the maker of oil filters." He graduated from Yale in 1929, and served in the South Pacific during World War II. (James Cox Brady Dead At 63. New York Times, May 25, 1971.) His daughter, Elizabeth Hamilton Brady, married Reuben Francis Richards, the son of Tobacco and Allied Stocks director Junius A. Richards. (Elizabeth Brady Bride in Peapack. New York Times, Dec. 13, 1953.) He was a director of the Bankers Trust Company from 1951 until approximately 1964. Nicholas Frederick Brady (1930- present) Nicholas Frederick Brady was the son of Nicholas Frederic Brady. He graduated from Yale in 1952. He was chairman of the Board of Dillon, Read & Co., and a director of NCR Corp., the MITRE Corp., and the H.J. Heinz Company. He was in the US Senate (R-NJ) from April to December, 1982, and Secretary of the Treasury from 1988 to 1993. His successor in the US Senate in 1982 was anti-smoker Sen. Frank Lautenberg. Nicholas F. Brady bio / US Treasury Nicholas F. Brady bio / US Congress Nicholas F. Brady was best man for his brother, James Cox Brady (Scroll & Keys 1957), who married Joan Babcock, a great-great-granddaughter of Samuel D. Babcock, the founder of the Guaranty Trust. Allen Wardwell 2d and Reeve Schley 3d were his ushers. (Wedding June 27 For Joan Babcock. New York Times, Jun. 2, 1957; L.I. Nuptials Held for Joan Babcock. New York Times, Jun. 28, 1957.) Nicholas Frederick Brady Jr. married Leigh Topping, the great-granddaughter of tobacco financier Daniel G. Reid. He was a regional vice president in Atlanta of the Purolator Courier Corporation. She graduated from Emory University, and was until recently a financial analyst in the Atlanta office of the Bankers Trust Company. (Leigh Topping Is the Bride Of N. F. Brady Jr. in Atlanta. New York Times, May 31, 1987.) Leigh Topping Is the Bride Of N. F. Brady Jr., 1987 / New York Times In 1993, during the ABC network's hysterical campaign of lies about secondhand smoke and the tobacco industry, Brady was a director of that despicable company. Thomas F. Ryan Thomas Fortune Ryan (1851-1928) was born in Virginia, and worked in a Baltimore dry goods commission firm until his employer and father-in-law, John J. Barry, retired. In 1870, he came to New York and was employed as a clerk in a Wall Street brokerage firm. In 1874, he became a member of the Stock Exchange. "Early in that decade he formed the partnership which was to play so great a part in his life and in the financial history of the next thirty years. He became acquainted with William Collins Whitney, then a power in Wall Street, and the older man early realized the genius of young Ryan, gradually entrusting him with more and more important work, and finally forming an equal partnership which lasted until Whitney's death. Two other figures played a prominent part in the career of Mr. Ryan. They are Elihu Root and Paul D. Cravath, the lawyers who handled the intricte legal affairs which his many transactions involved." In 1885, he gave up his brokerage business and began the reoganization of street railways with Whitney, Anthony N. Brady, and John Dolan. In 1886, this group united with the Philadelphia syndicate of P.A.B. Widener and William L. Elkins. In the early 1890s he formed the Union Tobacco Company, which acquired the Blackwell-Bull Durham Company and later Liggett & Myers. "Gradually the syndicate absorbed other competing concerns, and by 1901 represent 80 percent of the United States trade. In that year Mr. Ryan, who had been the dominant power throughout, formed a syndicate under the New Jersey laws known as the Consolidated Tobacco Company, which controlled practically all the common stock of the American Tobacco Company, the name of the syndicate into which all the earlier companies had merged." In 1902, the group obtained control of a British firm, Ogden's Ltd., and attempted to expand into England. A British firm, the Imperial Tobacco Company, headed by Sir Charles Willis, attempted to expand into the U.S. They negotiated an agreement that gave American an unrestricted field in the U.S. and its possessions, plus Cuba and Canada, and a two-thirds interest in the British-American Company, which handled markets outside the U.S. and British interests.In 1905, he settled the feuding at the Equitable Life Insurance Co. by purchasing the controlling interest from James Hazen Hyde. The transaction took place in the offices of the Morton Trust, which Ryan controlled, with lawyers Elihu Root and Samuel Untermyer participating. The Equitable's stock was placed in the hands of three trustees, who were former President Grover Cleveland, Justice Morgan J. O'Brien, and George Westinghouse; and former Navy Secretary Paul Morton [whose sons-in-law, Charles H. Sabin and William C. Potter, were subsequently presidents of the Guaranty Trust after its merger with the Morton Trust], was made president. (How Ryan Rose In Wall Street. New York Times, Nov. 24, 1928.) In 1929, the Union Tobacco Company, which had leased the right to manufacture several brands from the American Tobacco Company, voted to surrender the lease and continue as strictly a stock holding company. It held 98 shares of Philip Morris Consolidated Class A, $1,775; 1,895 shares of Philip Morris Consolidated common, $9,742; 32,300 shares of Philip Morris & Co. Ltd., $628,832; 61,100 shares of Tobacco Products Corporation Class A stock, $1,381,341; 372,200 shares of Tobacco Products Corporation common, $7,568,247; 75,000 shares of Union Cigar Co., $382,275; and 300 shares of United Cigar Stores common, $8,338, along with stock in North American Match Co. and Lion Match Co. Jesse R. Taylor was the president. (Union Tobacco Quits Commodity Trade. New York Times, Dec. 29, 1929.) Robert Livingston Cutting Jr., an uncle of ASCC benefactor R. Fulton Cutting, was another of Ryan's early business partners. (Copartnership Notices. New-York Times, Apr. 4, 1882 p. 7.) Thomas F. Ryan was a founder of the Société Internationale Forestière et Minière du Congo (International Forestry and Mining Company of the Congo, aka "Forminière"), created to develop the mining fields. Economic writer Isaac F. Marcosson said that the King had made the deal with them because he wanted the process for extracting rubber from the guayule shrub, which was held by the International Rubber Company, a Ryan-Guggenheim-Rockefeller concern. The Crown of Belgium received half the shares of Forminière; the other half was divided between the King and the Société Générale, a semi-governmental bank of Belgium; and Thomas F. Ryan. "Later Mr. Ryan admitted Daniel Guggenheim, Harry Payne Whitney, John Hays Hammond, and Senator [Nelson W.] Aldrich as associates in the enterprise." The directors of the American Congo Company were William H. Page of Page, Crawford & Tuska, attorneys for the Continental Rubber Co.; A. Chester Beatty a of the Guggenheim staff of mining engineers; and J.G. Whitley, Consul General of the Congo Free State to the U.S. The Independence Belge named Thomas F. Ryan, Edward B. Aldrich, the two Guggenheims, Harry Payne Whitney, John D. Rockefeller Jr., and Bernard M. Baruch as chief stockholders. (Details of the Ryan Congo Concesions. New York Times, Dec. 14, 1906; Ryan Was A Partner of King Leopold II. New York Times, Nov. 24, 1928.) The 1916 Tobacco Summit In 1916, Ryan gave a dinner at his Fifth Avenue home: "His guests included United States Senator Oscar W. Underwood [D-Ala.], Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Francis L. Stetson, Henry Clay Frick, Frank S. Witherbee, Charles Schwab, James B. Duke, Morgan J. O'Brien, Alexander J. Hemphill, C.C. Dula, John B. Dennis, Justice Francis K. Pendleton, John D. Archbold, Theodore P. Shonts, John D. Ryan, Daniel Guggenheim. J. Sargeant Cram, R.A.C. Smith, Francis L. Hine, Bernard M. Baruch, Charles B. Alexander, Henry Clews, Fairfax Landstreet, W.W. Fuller, Paul D. Cravath, Daniel G. Reid, James S. Alexander, Junius Parker, Percival S. Hill, De Lancey Nicoll, August D. Juilliard, William C. Potter, John D. Prince, Hugo Cunliffe-Owen, and Valentine P. Snyder." (Thomas F. Ryan Is Host. New York Times, Feb. 18, 1916.) Cravath was T.F. Ryan's attorney, Duke and Cunliffe-Owen were executives of British-American Tobacco, and Hill was president of the American Tobacco Company , for which Nicoll was an attorney and Parker was a large stockholder. Frick, Hine, J.D. Ryan, and Reid were associated with the Tobacco Products Corporation, a predecessor of Philip Morris; J.D. Ryan, Reid, Stetson, Hemphill, Guggenheim, Juilliard, Potter and Snyder with the Guaranty Trust, and Dula was President of Liggett & Myers Tobacco and a director of the Guaranty Trust. Butler was the President of Columbia University, where Prince was a professor. In 1909, the school received $2,250,000, from the will of John Stewart Kennedy, and members of Butler's family got bequests as well. (How They'll Spend Kennedy Millions. New York Times, Nov. 7, 1909.) Frank S. Witherbee, Skull & Bones 1874, was the president of Witherbee, Sherman & Co., mining iron ore and manufacturing pig iron. He was also a director of the Cubitas Iron Ore Co. of Cuba, the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the Fulton Trust Co. and Chatham & Phenix National Bank of New York City. (Frank Spencer Witherbee, B.A. 1874. Bulletin of Yale University, Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1916-1917, pp 99-101.) Obituary Record 1916-1917 / Yale University Library (pdf, 284 pp) Ryan's first wife, Ida, was a major benefector of Catholic charities and was made a Countess of the Holy Roman Empire in 1907. The $200,000 she left to be divided among her sons was held at the Central Union Trust until their 30th birthdays. (Final Accounting on Ryan Estate. New York Times, Dec. 23, 1920.) His second wife was the sister of DeLancey Nicoll, attorney for the American Tobacco Company in 1910, and her second husband, the late Cornelius C. Cuyler, was T. DeWitt Cuyler's brother. (Thos. Fortune Ryan Weds Mrs. Cuyler. New York Times, Oct. 30, 1917.) Ryan's son, Allan, was indignant that his father had remarried only twelve days after his mother died, and they were still not on speaking terms when his father died. In 1920, Allan A. Ryan obtained a corner on Stutz Motors, was expelled from the Stock Exchange, and went bankrupt. In 1943, an investigation by the O.S.S. determined that the Forminiere mines were the primary source of industrial diamonds which were being smuggled to the Third Reich. The investigator discovered "'that a full year's supply of diamonds had reached Germany from Forminiere through Red Cross parcels.' The shipment of several million carats of diamonds through the parcels that were regularly sent from the Congo to Nazi-occupied Belgium required considerable organization and support in the intervening areas.... With the end of the war in 1945, the OSS was dissolved, and the question of 'dealing with the enemy' was never resolved." (Chapter 9, Diamonds For Hitler. In: The Diamond Invention, by Edward Jay Epstein.) The author blames the De Beers cartel and its "Jewish Connection." Ch. 9, Diamonds for Hitler / Edward Jay Epstein.com Allan A. Ryan Jr. Allan Aloysius Ryan, Thomas F. Ryan's grandson, declined election to Scroll & Keys (Yale Tap Day Brings Honors To Juniors. New York Times, May 18, 1923.) Ushers at his wedding included Charles Dewey Hilles Jr., Thomas Frederick David Haines, Clifton Samuel Thompson, and Edwin Foster Blair, all Skull & Bones 1924; James T. Babb, Elihu Club '24; and Charles H. Sabin Jr. (Janet Newbold Weds A.A. Ryan Jr. New York Times, Feb. 6, 1929.) During World War II, Hilles was a vice president of International Telephone & Telegraph, which helped Hitler during the war, as well as a director of the American Cancer Society. In 1952, Hilles was elected a director of the Royal Typewriter Company, of which Allan A. Ryan was chairman. (Executive Changes. New York Times, Jan. 16, 1952.) Allan A. Ryan was the chairman of Forminière when it halted production in Kasai Province in 1962, blaming lack of law and order. "A group of Americans of the Ryan and Guggenheim families own one of the largest share blocks in the $10,000,000 company." Ryan was also chairman of the Royal McBee Corporation, formed from the merger of the McBee Company, a leading producer of punch cards and data processing equipment, with Royal Typewriter. (Forminiere Ceases Production in Congo. New York Times, Jul. 14, 1902.) Ryan's obituary says that he graduated from Princeton University in 1924. He started on Wall Street immediately after graduating, and got a seat on the New York Stock Exchange in 1930. He was a director of the Royal Typewriter Company from 1932 to 1954 and its chairman, and the chairman of Royal McBee until 1965, when it merged with Litton Industries. (Allan Ryan, Ex-State Senator. By Alfred E. Clark. New York Times, Oct. 16, 1981.) Kingsley Kunhardt, a vice president of the Guaranty Trust, was a director of Royal Typewriter and Royal McBee. Allan A. Ryan Jr. was a member of the Federal Broadcasting Corporation, which acquired the commercial and program presentation rights of New York City radio station WMCA. The group included John T. Adams; Howard G. Cushing; Major Talbot O. Freeman; Walter S. Mack Jr., later the president of Pepsi-Cola; A. Newbold Morris; Paul Nitze; James K. Norris, Clendenin J. Ryan Jr.; Robert Thayer; Bethuel M. Webster., who was later counsel to Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.; and John Hay Whitney, with former N.Y. Governor Alfred E. Smith as chairman. (Smith Heads Board of New WMCA Group. New York Times, Aug. 28, 1933.) Ryan's first wife, Janet Newbold, divorced him in 1936 and married William Rhinelander Stewart; who died. She then married James S. Bush, Skull & Bones 1922. (Mrs. Stewart's Wedding to Jim Bush of St. Louis. By Mary Van Rensselaer Thayer. Washington Post, Aug. 4, 1948.) Janet Newbold's father, Fleming Newbold, was President of The Evening Star Company in Washington, DC. (Mrs. Stewart Wed To James S. Bush. New York Times, Aug. 15, 1948.) Bush was the brother of Prescott S. Bush, S&B 1917. Allan A. Ryan III, Skull & Bones 1953 Janet Newbold Ryan Stewart Bush was the mother of Allan A. Ryan III, Skull & Bones 1953, who was with the investment banking firm of Smith, Barney & Co. (Miss B.A. Redmond Becomes Fiance. New York Times, Jun. 7, 1957.) Ushers at his wedding included Russell W. Meyer, Thruston Ballard Morton Jr., and Tilghman B. Evans [T. Boyd Evans], all Skull & Bones 1954, and Jonathan J. Bush, Skull & Bones 1953. (Barbara Ann Redmond Is Bride of Allen Ryan 3d, Yale Alumnus. New York Times, Nov. 3, 1957.) Morton was Executive in Residence at the College of Business & Public Administration of the University of Louisville, and a director of the Kroger Company from 1968 to 2001. He was the son of the US Representative (1947-53) and Senator (1957-68) from Kentucky, Thruston Ballard Morton, Yale 1929. Jonathan James Bush is the brother of former President George Herbert Walker Bush. Morton, Thruston Ballard (1907-1982) US Congress Kroger Company 1994 DEF-14A / Securities and Exchange Commission Kroger Company 2001 DEF-14A / Securities and Exchange Commission Jonathan J. Bush / Demopedia - Democratic Underground.com The Bush Crime Family Tree / Project for the Old American Century Fortune P. Ryan Fortune Peter Ryan, Allan A. Ryan's brother, went directly from Yale University to the New York Curb Exchange. He joined Royal Typewriter Company in 1934 in the New York Service Department, and eventually became assistant to the president. He was appointed Vice President in charge of advertising in 1948, and president in 1951. He was elected president of the $100-million a year Royal McBee Corporation in 1960. He was also a trustee of Lenox Hill Hospital. (Royal McBee Corp. Promotes Fortune P. Ryan to Presidency. New York Times, Jun. 25, 1960.) George F. Baker, a director of American Express who was President of the First National Bank, he became a clerk in the First National. In 1879, he married Baker's sister, Elizabeth. After six years there, he resigned to go into the brokerage business with Ernest Groesbeck, as Groesbeck & Schley. In 1885, he became a partner of John G. Moore, who entered the brokerage business "at the suggestion of a number of capitalists who were associated with him in the Mutual Telegraph Company." Schley was a director of the American Smelting and Refining Company, the Chihuahua Mining Company, the Coal Creek Mining and Manufacturing Company, the Electric Storage Battery Company, the Elliott-Fisher Company, the Northern Pacific Railway, the Pittsburgh Coal Company, and the Republic Iron and Steel Company. (Grant B. Schley, Financier, Dead. New York Times, Nov. 23, 1917.) Grant B. Schley and Oliver H. Payne were directors of the Manhattan Trust Company (Display Ad 15. New York Times, Jan. 21, 1901 p. WF8.) Schley and Payne were also directors of the Chase National Bank (Annual Bank Elections. New York Times, Jan. 13, 1904.) Reeve Schley Reeve Schley was the son of Grant Schley's brother, William T. Schley (1840-1912), an attorney for the New York Central Railroad. Reeve Schley graduated from Yale in 1903 and was a Fellow of the Yale Corporation in 1942. Reeve Schley practiced law with Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett for twelve years, until resigning to become a vice president of the Chase National Bank. He was vice president until 1946 and a director from 1920 to 1933. He was Eastern treasurer of the Republican National Committee from 1918 to 1920, and president of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1929, of which Allen Wardwell, Yale 1895, was president. He was chairman of the Howe Sound Company, and a director of General Dynamics Corporation, the Atlas Corporation, the United States Guarantee Company, the Chihuahua Mining Company, and Potosi Mining Company. In 1956, he was elected chairman of the Underwood Corporation, and he was chairman and a director of the Somerville Trust Company until his death. (Reeve Schley, 79, Retired Banker. New York Times, Jun. 27, 1960.) Reeve Schley's daughter, Eleanor Prentice Schley, married Webster B. Todd, and they were the parents of anti-smoker New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman. Nicholas Brady was a ribbon bearer at the wedding. (Miss Schley Bride of Webster B. Todd. New York Times, Oct. 11, 1933.) SCHLECHT - SCHUTT / Robert Ronald Hanley Sr. Yale Daily News - Spring Vacation 1942 / Yale University The Schley family developed the Township of Far Hills, which had a deed covenant prohibiting the sale or use of alcoholic beverages on the property. Reeve Schley was mayor from 1924 to 1937. (History of the Borough of Far Hills, by Anne O'Brien.) History of the Borough of Far Hills / Welcome to Far Hills Borough Reeve Schley 3d and Allen Wardwell 2d were ushers for James Cox Brady (Scroll & Keys 1957), who married Joan Babcock, a great-great-granddaughter of Samuel D. Babcock. Nicholas F. Brady was best man for his brother. (Wedding June 27 For Joan Babcock. New York Times, Jun. 2, 1957; L.I. Nuptials Held for Joan Babcock. New York Times, Jun. 28, 1957.) Paul M. Hahn Paul M. Hahn (1895-1963) joined the law firm of Stanchfield & Levy in 1918 and became a partner in 1926. He first worked on their American Tobacco account in 1929; he joined the firm as a director and assistant to President George Washington Hill in 1931, and was President of American Tobacco from 1950 to 1963. (Paul M. Hahn, by Neil Loynachan. The Tobacco Leaf, Jan. 5, 1963.) <A href="http://tobaccodocuments.org/atc/60342163.html">The Tobacco Leaf, 1963 / tobacco document Hahn CV, no date / tobacco document George Washington Hill George W. Hill, Vice President, American Tobacco Co., was a director of the Seaboard National Bank in 1923. Elliott Averett, Vice President of United Cigar Stores, was a fellow director. (Display Ad 44. New York Times, Apr. 8, 1923 p. E14.) <= Back to The Power Elite Controls Both Sides cast 10-27-07
  23. The JFK Assassination Conspiracy began and ended right here... and so did the Assassination of Medgar Evers, Jr. and the Freedom Riders, too. http://themiddleoftheinternet.com/OnlineBooks/Rebels/13.pdf Read all the links about Wickliffe P. Draper, Eastland, Thurmond and The Pioneer Fund... http://themiddleoftheinternet.com/OnlineBooks/Rebels/ Where Rebels Roost... Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited CONTENTS Cover Page & Intro Foreword by Benjamin T. Greenberg vii Prologue xiv Book One History to Learn From Chapter 1 From the Delta 30 Chapter 2 On Becoming Mississippi 37 Chapter 3 Hands that Picked the Cotton 55 Chapter 4 War of Aggression 64 Chapter 5 Freedom’s Taste 85 Chapter 6 Power of Terrorism 119 Chapter 7 Integration ‘Impossible’ 135 Chapter 8 Under the Microscope 157 Book Two Still Time To Learn Chapter 9 Mississippi Stories 178 Chapter 10 Veterans Challenge the System 186 Chapter 11 War Rumors Hang Around 195 Chapter 12 Post War Civil Rights 207 Chapter 13 Brown & White Citizens Councils 217 Chapter 14 Bloody Belzoni 240 Chapter 15 Emmett Till 249 Chapter 16 The Meltons of Glendora 280 Chapter 17 Surviving Mississippi 295 Chapter 18 Registering Voters 306 Chapter 19 Mission Implausible 337 Chapter 20 Pushing the System 350 Chapter 21 Cleve McDowell 381 Chapter 22 Medgar Evers 394 Chapter 23 De’ Lay 399 Chapter 24 Follow the Money 419 Chapter 25 Chaney, Goodman & Schwerner 433 Chapter 26 Let the Summer Begin 461 Chapter 27 Klandestine 469 Chapter 28 Freedom Democrats 483 Chapter 29 Not Afraid 493 Chapter 30 For Freedom’s Sake 509 Chapter 31 Self Preservation 524 Chapter 32 Advocacy Building 542 Chapter 33 More Violence to Reconcile 561 Chapter 34 A Place in Time 591 Epilogue 612 Appendix Lists of the Dead 615 People of Emmett Till 636 WeBlog: Mack Charles Parker 652 Selected Bibliography 654 About the Authors 663
  24. Regarding, Dr. Anthony Kubek from the DRE membership list above...he provided a ubiquitous and prolific presence in organizations of the far right wing associated with the JFK conundrum. He was also involved with both of the ultimately controversial Drapers. William H. Draper with Iran Contra and Wickliffe P. Draper at The Pioneer Fund. The Richard Giesbrecht attendees departed on a World Airways DC-8 plane which was the freight transport airline run by Chennault and Company. Doing a Google on Kubek and even Tim LaHaye for that matter will prove very beneficial... Tim LaHaye was one of the first Presidents of the Council for National Policy along with Nelson Bunker Hunt, Pat Robertson who is now supporting Rudolph Guliani for President, Thomas F. Ellis from the Board of The Pioneer Fund of Wick Draper, Edwin Meese, III and several others. See the postings here on The Council for Nazional Policy which is a more appropriate monniker. Kubek was later active in The World Anti Communist League, Iran Contra and also served as the curator for the Claire Chennault Flying Tiger museum at Troy State in Alabama I think it was. Kubek was a very important member of the Radical Reich in America. Kubek started out with The China Lobby crew including Robert Morris and Gen. Clare Chennault as well along with Marvin Liebmann, who was later closely associated with the YAF of Doug Caddy and William F. Buckley, Jr. who was featured in Condon's Manchurian Candidate. And of course, there was Dr. Robert Morris who will ultimately be seen as one of the Gang of Five at the highest level of the JFK conspiracy, was from The Dallas John Birch Society and The American Security Council Board which included Jim Angleton, Ray S. Cline, and Maj Gen Charles A. Willoughby. The only question I have is the one regarding the usage of a detailed low level analysis from this thread in order to ultimately reach the highest levels of the JFK plot, when IMHO, that has already been accomplished. If this thread corroborates the ASC, WACL, Pioneer Fund, the Dallas JBS, and the CNP as the source of the participants in the JFK conspiracy, fine, but if this thread is attempting to define another even higher level conspiracy with another list of conspirators then I wonder how that can ever produce an ultimately more successful, more accurate list of conspirators. Just curious. I have spent 10 years part time defining and validating the roles of the ASC, WACL, Pioneer Fund, the Dallas JBS, and the CNP and the links back to The Manchurian Candidate and the Giesbrecht Incident and would just hate to see others waste 10 more years to get right back to these Roots of the JFK Conundrum. A further drill down into the assassination mills covered by the ISIF orgs of Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon and Clendenin J. Ryan plus a foray into the influence of the customers of AMF, Inc. and some of those involved with the takeover attempts against ITT should prove beneficial, but going back to Dallas and the DRE and those operations seems to me to be just a bit overdone IMHO. TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESSCHENNAULT ANNA CHAN (81) CHERNE LEO (213) CHUN DOO HWAN (82) CHURCH COMMITTEE (193 206) .... KUBEK ANTHONY (67) LAROUCHE LYNDON HERMYLE (64 66-8) ... ncoic.com/poindexter.html - 54k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987... DOZIER JAMES LEE (166, 192); DRAPER WILLIAM H JR (65) ... KOCH NOEL C (8, 189, 199, 219, 222); KUBEK ANTHONY (67); LAROUCHE LYNDON HERMYLE (64, 66-8) ... www.namebase.org/sources/KH.html - Similar pages - Note this Growth of Reagan's Contra Commitment excerpted from the book The ...Singlaub and another leader of his U.S. WACL chapter (Anthony Kubek) ..... In the 1968 case, Mrs. Chennault's activities had aroused the suspicions of the ... www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Ronald_Reagan/ReaganContraCommit_TICC.html - 83k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Institute for the Study of Violent Groups339, 341, 354, 362-81 Lichter, S. Robert, 127-28 Marine, Gene,114 Michigan Ku Klux Klan, 237 Kubek. Anthony B., 218 Life Line, 223 Mark, Karl, 383 Michigan ... www.isvg.org/index.php?option=com_bibliography&mode&func=display&page=1&catid=67&lett... - 220k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this THE USUAL SUSPECTSDRAPER WILLIAM H (65) DULLES ALLEN WELSH (126) DUPUY WILLIAM G (34) DUTTON ROBERT C (166 197) ... KUBEK ANTHONY (67) LAROUCHE LYNDON HERMYLE (64 66-8) ... forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=337.0;wap2 - 48k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Formosa beachhead. by Geraldine Townsend Fitch (Used, New, Out-of ...Draper, TN, USA Reliability: Very Good .... Chennault. see all from $75.00! new only from $81.01! ... by Anthony Kubek. see all from $1.99! ... www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/2413933/used/Formosa%20beachhead. - 165k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this epsilon 0 *bos* 1 The 2 Fulton 3 County 4 Grand 5 Jury 6 said 7 ...... physician 5068 Tony 5069 Kubek 5070 eleventh 5071 donated 5072 unearned ...... 18160 Steuben 18161 Escadrille 18162 Chennault 18163 Flying 18164 Tigers ... www.cs.jhu.edu/~jason/405/hw3files/words.lab - 776k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this A 34647 A- 9 A-BOMBS 1 A-COMING 2 A-CROWING 1 A-DRINKING 1 A ...... CHEN 3 CHENG 1 CHENNAULT 1 CHENOWETH 3 CHERISH 5 CHERISHED 16 CHERISHING ...... 5 KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE 4 KRZYWY-ROG 1 KSAN 1 KSU 1 KTH 1 KU 3 KUBEK 1 KUHN 1 ... www.lextutor.ca/lists_download/brown_freq.txt - 526k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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