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Jonathan Cohen

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  1. The flaw is the entire premise! As Pat very capably explained to you, "there is no scientific or historical basis for selecting statements and then claiming these statements 'prove' what you claim to be true. A scientist or an historian might take from this that these statements suggest a certain scenario, but there is no such thing as 'proof.'"
  2. Thank you, Tom. Once again, Sandy Larsen is completely wrong with his "statistical proofs" above.
  3. Sandy Larsen has proved absolutely nothing with his "statistics," and his insistence on repeating this from thread to thread hardly makes his argument more convincing.
  4. Unfortunately, I don't believe it, and hardly any veteran researcher I know does either.
  5. Couldn't it have been a simple mistake in the midst of covering a breaking news story? This happened routinely even back during the weekend of Nov. 22, 1963 -- with no huge conspiracy necessary to explain it.
  6. Stu, doesn't it seem like Veciana's entire account involving "Bishop" and allegedly meeting Oswald has fallen apart under closer, modern scrutiny?
  7. Are we really giving these JFK Jr. plane crash conspiracy theories oxygen here? Seriously?
  8. And you keep ignoring another MASSIVE problem, which is that if the Z film showed "that discrepancy," so would many other films and photos taken during the assassination. Did the plotters expect to magically be able to round up every single piece of contradictory evidence so they could alter them too?
  9. Why after eight years are you reviving a random thread to call out another member for your own purely self aggrandizing reasons? Why do you keep bragging about your "proofs" all over this forum, when in fact they are absolutely not "proofs" in any way, shape or form?
  10. Anything Tosh Plumlee has said about his activities in and around 11/22/1963 needs to be taken with a gigantic grain of salt...
  11. And once again I ask, how could "they" possibly be sure that further film and photo evidence wouldn't emerge in the days following the assassination, which would naturally invalidate and expose the entire alteration of the Zapruder film in the first place?
  12. What "people in higher positions" did he know?
  13. Why? A person who admired President Kennedy still assassinated him in broad daylight in 1963.
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