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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  1. *********************** Shirley's daughter, Teresa Smith.... was on the Forum, perhaps you can contact her?? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...=shirley+martin http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...%20martin&st=15 B.......
  2. Hi Robert: There is some information on Shirley Martin , in the beginning of Harold Weisberg's "Photographic Evidence"... She was the first researcher to begin gathering the photographs from and in relation to the Assassination ...I believe it was with her help he obtained the photos that he discusses in his book.... Some "housewives" those girls.... B..
  3. I hardly consider Jack's "axiom" as any kind of "standard," but rather as something that "just goes to show" how, when you're proven wrong, you're really right. It is perhaps understandable why Jack "has had more experience with disseminators of disinformation than anyone else in the JFK research community:" have you see his work to prove how Apollo 11 and 14's moon landings were hoaxes? Click here to view these wondrous analyses! Of course, Jack has also determined that I am a "disinformation agent" and implied that I work(ed) for the CIA. I gather that determination to be rooted in the fact that I have dared to not agree with every theory espoused in the JFK thing, and even managed to discredit one or two of them, as well as the fact that I said that "my company" was transferring me to Virginia some years back (equation: "company" + "Virginia" = "CIA"). If Jack had even the slightest clue about me, he'd know otherwise. If he believes what he says, he is a fool. Which must mean that he does not, otherwise "the more intense the attack, the closer you are to the truth," ergo "no attack" = "far from the truth." "Making" money and "keeping" money are two different things. It's like saying you don't "make" money at work because you spend it all on food, shelter and clothing. One spends an awful lot of time dealing with something one "couldn't" care less about. To make money to recycle it to support further research? Clearly, some people have doubts, whether or not you consider them reasonable. This amounts to nothing more than saying "we've proven it to our own satisfaction." If that was a "standard" of any sort, no defendant would ever be acquitted as long as the prosecutors believed he was guilty! Even the most painstaking research can reach incorrect conclusions. This response will, of course, "prove" that I am the "disinformation agent like [my] mentor David Perry," as Jack has charged (that "some people think") elsewhere on this forum. C'est la vie. ******************************** No ,it just proves that you have replied in a thread in which you have no interest, seeing that you have said nothing in reference to said subject.....your just xxxxe disturbing in otherwords... B...
  4. Yeah, that's the one. Now, does anyone have one with the line of where the face is supposed to be divided? ************************* Harvey & Lee.... Top photo on right: passport Second photo on right :Marine Third..right ..I believe taken in Russia.. B
  5. ***************************** http://www.jfkmontreal.com/power_brokers.htm Kennedy’s Oil Tax It’s interesting Sam Bronfman invested heavily in foreign subsidiaries of Texas Pacific in 1963. Kennedy had placed a heavy tax burden on foreign subsidiaries of US oil companies. Once Kennedy was removed from office, Bronfman’s oil investments began to increase. The following is researcher Jim Marrs’ description of Kennedy’s oil tax: When John F. Kennedy became President in 1961, the oil industry felt secure. But President Kennedy then began to assault the power of the oil giants directly, first with a law known as the Kennedy Act, and later by attacking the oil depletion allowance. The Kennedy Act, passed on October 16, 1962, removed the distinction between repatriated profits and profits reinvested abroad. Both were now subject to US taxation. The measure also was aimed at preventing taxable income from being hidden away in foreign subsidiaries and other tax havens. While this law applied to industry as a whole, it particularly affected the oil companies, which were greatly diversified with large overseas operations. By the end of 1962, oilmen estimated their earnings on foreign investment capital would fall to 15 percent, compared with 30 percent in 1955. One of the most sacred of provisions in the eyes of oilmen was the oil depletion allowance, which permitted oil producers to treat up to 27.5 percent of their income as tax exempt. In theory this was to compensate for the depletion of fixed oil reserves but, in effect, it gave the oil industry a lower tax rate. Under this allowance, an oilman with a good deal of venture capital could become rich with virtually no risk. For example, a speculator could drill ten wells. If nine were dry holes and only the tenth struck oil, he would still make money because of tax breaks and the depletion allowance. It was estimated that oilmen might lose nearly $300 million a year if the depletion allowance was diminished. Attempts to eliminate or reduce the depletion allowance were rebuffed year after year by congressmen, many of whom were happy recipients of oil-industry contributions. Speaking of his tax reform act of 1963, President Kennedy pointed the finger at the oil companies, saying: "… no one industry should be permitted to obtain an undue tax advantage over all others." Included in Kennedy’s tax package were provisions for closing a number of corporate tax loopholes, including the depletion allowance. Needless to say, oilmen both in Texas and elsewhere felt threatened by Kennedy and his policies. Kennedy’s use of his personal power against the steel manufacturers had shown them that the young President meant the enforce his will in these matters. (Jim Marrs, Crossfire, pp. 276-277) Was Sam Bronfman’s acquisition of Texas Pacific Oil truly a "shrewd move" as biographer Michael Marrus described, or was it a perk for participating in President Kennedy’s assassination? ******************** http://www.jfk-online.com/farewell10.html http://www.jfklibrary.org/fa_white_lee_wh.html http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbrightH.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKoildepletion.htm B..
  6. Lordy Ter...... Just dropped in and thought I'd check the thread out also.... Yepper, Lynnes still here I see, chewing the same wad she was days ago.....No further comment... ...Byeeeeeeeeee...B
  7. ************************************************************* Why was the media at his beckon call.? See for yourself.....the why.. "The Media, the CIA and the JFK Assassination" In the JFK case, we find many journalists were serving two masters - the press and the FBI or the CIA, depending on which journalist you are talking about. For example: Jack Anderson, famous for his 'breakthrough' investigative journalism, briefed the FBI after talking to Jim Garrison. He told the FBI Garrison had quite a case, and was quite serious in his efforts. [FBI document from 4-4-67, referenced in Unreliable Sources] But what did Anderson tell the American public? That it looked like the president had been killed in what might have been a Communist plot! During the Garrison investigation, worried about public opinion, the CIA sent out this operational memorandum instructing media assets how to respond to critics of the Warren Commission's lone assassin verdict. Instructions include trying to associate critics with Communists, and trying to insinuate that the critics are only in it for money (neither of which has any bearing on reality, if my own experiences are worth anything!) Leading the charge against Jim Garrison, District Attorney for New Orleans in Louisiana, when he attempted to prosecute Clay Shaw along with others on the charge of conspiracy to assassination President Kennedy, was Saturday Evening Post writer James Phel an. Like Priscilla, Phelan proved to be serving two masters. While ostensibly working as a journalist, Phelan was also informing to the FBI on Garrison's case, sending them copies of documents from Garrison's case files. Here are a couple of FBI documents on Jim Phelan: Jim Phelan FBI documents http://www.webcom.com/~lpease/media.htm#Wh...s%20the%20Truth "The CIA's Interest in Garrison's Case" Once Garrison started looking into the case, people affiliated with the CIA kept popping up over and over. Garrison came to believe the CIA had direct involvement in the assassination. Garrison's interest in the CIA was returned in kind. This file from the Assassination Archives in Washington demonstrates the CIA's keen interest not just in the defendent Clay Shaw, who had covert security clearance to operate with the CIA, but in a man solely called to testify about the impossibility of the "single bullet theory". That Counterintelligence Director for the CIA Jim Angleton would find it necessary not only to spy but to work with Hoover's FBI in an attempt to dig up dirt on this innocent man's background is key to understanding the nature of (and perhaps reason for) the CIA's intense interest in wrecking Garrison's case. Angleton Spying on Garrison's Witness http://www.webcom.com/~lpease/collections/...fk/garrison.htm "Media Distortions" When JFK was assassinated, Dan Rather was a small town TV newscaster in Texas. It was he who, immediately after viewing the Zapruder film, reported to all America that John Kennedy's head was "rocketed forward" by the head shot. The Zapruder film then vanished into TIME/Life's vaults, never to be publicly seen until the Jim Garrison trial subpoenaed it, and Dan Rather leapt to network status. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/LIE/lie.html "Mockingbird" ""An example of particularly shabby scholarship and unacceptable behavior is George Lardner Jr's contribution to the Post's campaign against the movie. Lardner wrote three articles, two before the movie was completed, and the third upon its release. In May, six months before the movie came out, Lardner obtained a copy of the first draft of the script and, contrary to accepted standards, revealed in the Post the contents of this copyrighted movie (*68). Also in this article, (*69). Lardner discredits Jim Garrison with hostile statements from a former Garrison associate Pershing Gervais. Lardner does not tell the reader that subsequent to the Clay Shaw trial, in a U.S. Government criminal action brought against Garrison, Government witness Gervais, who helped set up Garrison for prosecution, admitted under oath that in a May 1972 interview with a New Orleans television reporter, he, Gervais, had said that the U.S. Government's case against Garrison was a fraud (*70). The Post's 1973 account of the Garrison acquittal mentions this controversy, but when I recently asked Lardner about this, he was not clear as to whether he remembered it (*71)."" http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/P...ockingbird.html ""I only wish the press would allow our case to stand or fall on its merits in court. It appears that certain elements of the mass media have an active interest in preventing this case from ever coming to trial at all and find it necessary to employ against me every smear device in the book. ""...Jim Garrison Jim Garrison, whether we agree with all or not, was the only official within the Unites States to ever bring anyone, to trial for being involved in the Assassination of President John F.Kennedy.. The man named Clay Shaw, alias Clay Bertram, upon information found in documents that were later released, was also proven to have been a C.I.A. employee.... Had this information been allowed, as it should have been at the trial....Jim Garrison would have had a conviction, as it was the proof, that connected, Clay Bertram, to the assassination dealings....Clay Shaw was Clay Bertram.... B..
  8. ******************************************* Mark, that is a very good observation, and I believe this is another of those darn trees.... When LHO was sitting on the first floor having his lunch, Jarman according to his own testimony, along with Norman, went out the front entrance of the TSBD, I believe this was also noted by Shelley,perhaps others ? They then proceeded to the corner of Houston St, turned left and walked down the side of the TSBD building,and around to the back,and re-entered the building by the rear door... ..LHO noticed them and mentioned this fact. Jarman and Norman then went upstairs to the fifth floor..and joined Williams, to watch the motorcade. If LHO was on the sixth floor, preparing all for the assassination, he would not have seen the activity of Jarman and Norm and their re-entering by the back door...LHO never had the oppotunity to see anyof the statements either.. B..
  9. The questions of the difference between the Wiegman and the Altgens photos, frames, are not new....I posted this information and a good discussion followed over a year ago on jfkresearch.....I still question the differences.. I once read, years ago, and of course now I have no idea of where, that the Altgens had been doctored, and that ,that altering,when proven would prove that Lee Harvey Oswald, was where he said he was standing..out front with Bill Shelley as stated to Will Fritz..that bit of information I never forgot. I thought I had a bit more information saved, but at present this is all I could find..If I do I will post such..B.. David Wiegman: "We were in that straight-a-way heading down to what I now know as the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like every body that it was a good size firecracker---a cherry bomb .Then when I heard the second one, the adrenaline really started pumping because there was a reaction in the motorcade, I was sitting on the edge of the (car door) frame,which I sometimes did. I keenly remember right after the incident that my feet were on the ground during one of the reports. I don't think I was fast enough to react to the second, but I think on the third one I was running. The car had slowed down enough for me to jump out. I swung my leg over and jumped while the car was still moving, but it was very slow. I jumped and I remember running and I remember the third shot. When I got out I knew I better get around the corner. The car was stopping. I'd better run around there and see what was happening. I knew the reaction was to run forward. I'd done this before in other motorcades because a lot of times the President will stop and do something. He might just shake a hand. He might look at a sign. So your doing no good sitting in your car, and you can always retrieve your car as it goes by....It was a technique I've used and I've gotten some good pictures that way. That may have been built in to get out and run and get up there and see what the heck's happening . The motorcade has stopped, plus you heard a report I don't think I thought on the first or second ( shot ), but when the third one went off, I really thought I felt the compression on my face. ----I really thought I felt it. The I thought "Somebody is shooting". The idea of turning on the camera, I don't know where that came from. Iv'e turned in some real sloppy work over the years that went into editing because I believed that sometimes your not photographing what's happening as much as the moment. It's a slice of time. And something told me, "hey look, what have I got to lose. I've got a full spring and just turn it on." I can't stop and plant my feet, so I put it against my chest because you can't run with a Filmo up to your eyes. So I just slid i tdown under my chin and looked forward and ran as fast as I could and took in everything I could." Telephone interview Wiegman, 3/11/89..P.O.T.P...Trask.. pages 371-372. .......................... He was in the Press car 1."the reel car" the first with photographers aboard..A yellow 1964 Chev.Impala convertible. The President's Lincoln..The Queen Mary.SS...L.B.Js ... SS..The Bell Telephone press pool car ..then the Press #1 Car.. (Wiegman's). Along with Atkins,Craven,John Hoefen,( Wiegman's sound man..Front seat driving a Texas Ranger..then Cleve Ryan then Wiegman on the passenger seat in the sixth car behind the President.. He was carrying a Filmo movie camera,used no handle, shot with left eye finders on left side of camera.Wide angle lens, He thought he used a 10mm.that day.. Worked for NBC..TV cameraman..White House attachment every day for 8 years..37 years old.. ......................... "It would appear through careful analysis of this film, and aided in research done by Richard Sprague and Gary Mack ,on the timing of the sequence, that Wiegman began filming A LITTLE OVER THREE SECONDS:.... prior to the President BEING HIT IN THE HEAD". Gary Mack 's,"Coverups!"..9/1982..p.2-5...9/1985, p.1-2.. Letter Richard Sprague to Robert Cuttler, 10/31/1982. .......................... "Wiegman probably first pressed his camera trigger just after the second shot."..clip.."begins as Wiegman's car is approaching the TSDB, while the telephone car infront begins making the left hand turn.".." shows various spectators on the steps of the Book Depository as well as others on the sidewalk..Many are looking forwards towards the presidential vehicle while some are gazing back at the vehincles coming in their direction." .Trask..p373 ....... In the film we see, the film begins with a panning of the front entrance of the TSBD,swings to the left, then back to the right, he then was on his way to the knoll,and behind the fence...see. the film at below...click, Wiegman, then when page loads, click top right hand corner button....ta da.. http://www.jfk-online.com/films.html ................................. We have Wiegman capturing the TSBD entrance approximately "A little over three seconds" prior to the President being hit in head."..see above..Sprague..Mack.. ........................ From: "Murder In Dealey Plaza"..Dr.James Fetzer.. P.34...ALTGENS... "An Associated Press photographer ,James Altgens, has stationed himself at a vantage point on Elm Street across from the Texas School Book Depository Building to photograph the Presidential motorcade as it passes through Dealey Plaza and heads onto the Stemmons Freeway. Altgens captures the President on film in a now-famous shot taken WITHIN TWO SECONDS of the impact of the bullet that STRIKES J.F.K's HEAD."...... And the controversy begins about whom, L.H.O or Lovelady is pictured in his shot....in the entrance of the T.S.B.D... I am seeing niether..I see a dark complexioned with a white shirt on standing where Lovelady or Oswald were suppose to be standing...in Wiegman..?? ............................. Now how can this be??? If Wiegman's frame of the TSBD entrance...taken approximately THREE SECONDS before the President is hit in the head by a bullet.. And Altgen's photo shows the entrance of the TSBD...taken approx.TWO SECONDS before the President is hit in the head by the same shot......... Then is Altgens doctored..?????....as the people in the entrance way are not similar, not even close.. They could not move in that one second to such a degree. We have discussed before the possibility of Altgen's being altered, now please have a read, of all, and see the film clip and comparison below, of the TSBD Entrance Altgens...approx.TWO Seconds before the shot to the head... then Wiegmans..approx THREE Seconds before the shot to the head.??......Bernice Moore ................................. B
  10. Dear Gary Mack..... Thanks for the Love note.....expected, and always appreciated. So nice to hear from you, it has been a little while... But you must empty your Forum email. it is full. Therefore you cannot receive what I wrote in reply, nor email from any others ...will send privately..... Thankyou so very....here have one.. B....
  11. May I ask you gentlemen, a few questions, please? How many of you, have actually read Madeleine's book? How many of you have compared what Mr. Perry states in his article to the exact information given in said book...? And how many have done any actual research on Madeleine Brown's information....? I have and Madeleines Brown's basic story is very true, and through the years, more and more of what she gave us, has and is being backed by further research into all involved in her story... But carry on with all your guesses, and I think's, it does look very good on such a group of intelligent men.. Dave Perry is a contrarian.. and seeminging has enjoyed the twisting of her given information... BTW, she knew this would happen, and said as much. But she felt her information, perhaps would help researchers such as yourselves.. apparently it has not... Please do not ask for my information, it would be a complete waste of time ...to post such..on my part. Who would want to,when your attitude is thus.. and you apparently have already made up your minds.. What Jack White says is very true....so like it or lump it.. I fully agree.... Do your own research, and stop with the I thinks... when you do not know...and have not done your own...Baiting does not work... Mr. Carroll. B....
  12. ****************** Welcome Tom: I have also read your posts on the USNET.... Do not pay any attention to those who do not want to understand, and do not want to learn.... but who are very capable of easily jumping to conclusions with their suppositions....and in this case before any or even a part of your information has been presented......they are an old story....carry on... I also look forward to your upcoming posts..... B..
  13. ******* Hi There Ron: I failed to post 99% of that site.....much too long to post all on the F, as you are well aware... I do not throw any of the "Babies out."...nor ignore them ,as we never know what may be dug out in the future.. You seem to, well, that's your perogative.. It would be grand but we are never going to obtain all the documents ,evidence and such in this case ,too much has been deliberately destroyed...and lost ..IMO.. I hope you enjoy..Bill Kelly's researched article, which I believe I supplied to Robert, as he does seem to have an open mind and be interested in all.... Such a pleasure...to try to chat with you... B
  14. Well ,sheesh then Ron, burn all the books, and crash all the sites... and then we wouldn't have to discuss anything, we would all have the same opinion, Yours..... B.. More sensational is the claim, made in several books, that Osborne managed or was the contact man for a group of assassins in Mexico, some of whom were used in the murder of JFK. Penn Jones, the pioneer JFK researcher who did not always substantiate or document his statements, wrote in Forgive My Grief IV that “the old man” among the three “tramps” arrested in Dealey Plaza used the name Albert Alexander Osborne as well as Howard Bowen, and “was thought to be the ‘House Mother’ of a group of American assassins stabled in Mexico at that time.” 44 In their book High Treason, Groden and Livingstone quote this passage from Jones’s book, though there is no evidence to support Jones’s statement about the older tramp, whoever he might have been. In Kill Zone, Craig Roberts states that Osborne reportedly ran “the ZR/RIFLE facility in Oaxaca, where “according to one informant, 25-30 professional assassins were trained and housed” 45 He says that according to Marita Lorenz, “the CIA people” involved in the assassination (being, in Lorenz’s story, Frank Sturgis, Orlando Bosch, and other anti-Castro operatives) “left Dallas and traveled clandestinely to a ranch in Mexico” (“probably,” Craig states, the aforementioned assassins facility) “to hide out until after Christmas.” Craig’s cited source is “Statement made in a deposition by Marita Lorenz. Plausible Denial, by Mark Lane, pg 303.” But there is no reference on page 303 or on any other page in Lane’s book about Lorenz mentioning in her deposition or elsewhere any clandestine trip by the Dallas team to a ranch in Mexico. Nor does Lorenz refer to any such trip in her own book Marita. 46 Frank Sturgis told Gaeton Fonzi, investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), that he knew exactly where he was on the day after the assassination. He was in Miami: “I had FBI agents all over my house.” 47 Craig’s cited source on Osborne is the Bo Gritz book Called To Serve. According to Gritz, the older tramp arrested in Dealey Plaza “is thought to be Albert Osborne” (thought by whom?), “the leader of a CIA execution-action triangular-fire rifle team, based at the time near Oaxaca, Mexico.” 48 Gritz cites no source, but similar claims about Osborne are made in Dope, Inc., a book published by the research organization of Lyndon LaRouche. In 1941, according to this work, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Sir William Stephenson of Britain's wartime Special Operations Executive (SOE), and SOE officer Louis Mortimer Bloomfield created a secret assassination unit under the direction of Albert Osborne, a minister of the American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC) and Hoover’s “trusted agent of thirty years.” 49 (Craig also states that Osborne “posed as a missionary with the American Council of Churches” [sic]. 50 In fact Osborne was ostensibly a Baptist minister, his missionary work, as such, seems to have been associated with Baptist churches, and none of the Osborne-related FBI reports refer to the ACCC, a right-wing organization headed by Carl McIntire and Texas oilman H.L. Hunt and with which the Southern Baptist Convention was not affiliated.) 51 The book by the LaRouche group states that “it was Osborne and a team of seven expert riflemen from the Puebla ‘kill unit’ who carried out the (JFK) assassination.” 52 The book attributes this information to “the author ‘Torbitt.’” This brings us to the so-called Torbitt Document, and perhaps to the original source of the story of Osborne as the leader of a group of Mexico-based assassins. William Torbitt was a name used by the late David Copeland, a Texas attorney whose clients included JFK researcher Penn Jones. 53 Torbitt’s manuscript entitled Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (“The Torbitt Document”) began circulating in 1970, and is presently published as NASA, Nazis & JFK. This work boils the JFK assassination down (or should I say up?) to a bewildering conspiracy involving (in layered degrees of participation) almost everyone you’ve ever read about in the assassination literature, starting at the top with Johnson, Hoover, Bloomfield, and a secret U.S. government agency called the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC). 54 According to Torbitt, Osborne’s stable of professional assassins was kept at “Clint Murchison’s huge ranch” in Mexico. 55 Torbitt again associates Osborne with the “espionage cover group” ACCC, and says that working with Osborne, and also using the name John Howard Bowen, was DISC agent Fred Lee Chrismon (sic). Chrismon, says Torbitt, was “a Syrian immigrant” who had been “closely associated with Osborne since the 1920s,” and was the oldest of the three Dallas tramps. 56 (Fred Lee Crisman was born in Tacoma, Washington, in 1919. He was not Syrian and was only a child in the 1920s. The HSCA found that Crisman [misspelled Chrisman in the committee's report] bore a strong resemblance to the older tramp, but was teaching school in Rainier, Oregon, on the day of the assassination.] 57 According to Torbitt, Osborne was in Dallas with about ten of his professional assassins, including William Seymour (shooting from the Texas School Book Depository building), Emilio Santana (a shooter in the Dal-Tex Building), and Manuel Gonzales (sic) (firing from behind the Grassy Knoll fence). 58 http://www.hobrad.com/osborne.htm Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, was discovered to have another person working with him who also used the alias John Howard Bowen. The second person also traveling as Bowen was Fred Lee Crismon, another agent for the munitions makers police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. Crismon also posed as a missionary and also used other aliases. Among the cognomens for Crismon were Fred Lee, Jon Gould and Jon Gold. Osborne and Crismon also bore a marked resemblance and appeared to be about the same age. Crismon was a Syrian immigrant and had been closely associated with Osborne since the 1920's. Crismon, Osborne and their riflemen charges in Mexico were based at Clint Murchison's huge ranch when not posing as missionaries in other areas of Mexico. http://www.newsmakingnews.com/lmvoterfraudpart2.htm The Taking of America.... http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/ToA/ToAchp5.html B..
  15. Sorry, having trouble getting in, and more problems posting, it doubled.... B..
  16. The said Ranch in Mexico, situated southeast of Mexico city..could have been the ZR/Rifle facility in Oaxaca, that Marita Lorenz, spoke of, that the CIA people involved (Hunt, Sturgis and others ....had gone to after the assassination, until after Christmas.. At this site,according to one informant, 25 to 30 professional assassins were trained and housed...These men were,according to the source, issued with Mauser type bolt action rifles. The facility was reportedly run by a character named Albert Alexander Osborne, also known as John Howard Bowen . Osborn as a cover, posed as a missionary with the American Council of Churches .. After the assassination ,Osborne was said to have "disappeared" forever..... B..
  17. Hi Robin: I believe from shown below the motorcycle policemen had their helmut straps under their chins, secure.... As shown in Altgens, when they turned, the helmut went with the head....( also a lightened version).. B..
  18. Hi Robin: Yes it does appear to be his fist .. In Mrs. Kennedy's statement she relates the information, to the effect, not verbatum, that he was bringing or brought his hand up towards his forehead... and the expression on his face was like, questioning. The next moment she saw a piece of his head, come off, but no blood, and detach itself, it appeared white with jagged edges. It could be that motion that we are beginning to see...? B
  19. Hi Jim: I am rusty with the info in Evelyn's book, been awhile since I read it.. and some others pertaining to all this..But here goes....from memory.. She remained with Jackie at Bethesda till very early morning..and Robert asked her to get to JFK's office early...and I don't believe any slept that first night..from what many have stated. Evelyn was there in the office Sat, morning very early...LBJ told her he wanted everything out by noon, though later from what I have read, he apparently changed his mind, she had it out by that time..but LBJ did not take possession of the office till after the funeral.. Robert had sent some, of his men, as I recall over to the President's office not too long after, he received word of his brother's death...to secure all....as he remained in Washington...he said something to the effect he did not want LBJ's men .. going through them...but he did not state it that nicely. Robert also ran into LBJ that Sat, morning in the WH, near or in the office, and there were harsh words, ..I seem to recall that Evelyn called Robert and let him know what was going on... As They were moved out they were then taken to Robert's office, Evelyn remained there in charge of them..This info is also available in many other books, her look at LBJ, is very harsh at times, but she was there and she dealt with him, so.?? B..
  20. Lee:""One step further - Ferrie may have been working for the CIA."" But Lee he was.!! You will have to look into the Richard Helms, former head of the CIA...information.....who in the mid 70's admitted that Ferrie had ties to the CIA. ....this again was corroborated by CIA agent and author Victor Marchetti .. see "Coup D'Etat in America "..Weberman, Canfield..page 44.. B
  21. Jim: Evelyn Lincoln, his secretary secured his private papers and belongings for Robert...she saw to it, that all was moved out and secured.. I seem to recall Robert also had sent others there earlier to change the locks and such..to get there to protect them, he did not want LBJs men in those files.. It seems to me I have read this information.also ,in one of the books relating to Robert....Look into information in her book...there may be some on the web.. B..
  22. I have no idea, why this post above appears as it does....??? Perhaps it is Gillespie's bad vibes, that caused the post to shudder and make the repeated errors...in duplication..??? But I am glad it has, perhaps by the time, if and when he does read all, and perhaps repetitively, it just may sink in.. and he just may comprehend.....??? B..
  23. Gillespie, I am not as nice as Dixie Dea is, when riled..and do not take it lightly when you insult any woman, for no reason on this Forum in any thread...I call a spade a spade,you get back what you give out...... and an asshole is an asshole..and YOU are a one...I never mince words..and you have shown yourself to be a Big one... Gillespie: Quote: "Yesterday I saw perhaps the most outrageous and gratuitous speculation that I have yet encountered. It was on the Tippitt slaying sub-topic of the JFK assassination "debate", posted in January by something called Dixie Dea. Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book. They got just what they wanted (Earlene Roberts And The Amazing Honking Horn, among other things..incredible, simply beyond belief!)...after all, sometimes a great notion. Hey, progressives, listen up! An FBI report (I'll get you the specifics tomorrow) revealed that fibers from the discarded jacket matched fibers from LHO's shirt worn at the time of his arrest. Try this and be done with it: Oswald didn't kill JFK but he DID kill Tippitt. I would have, too, under the circumstances. It was the smart thing to do. Being unable or unwilling to accept that notion tells me there may be an agenda at work. Just a wild guess. Bernice Moore Today, 07:02 AM Post #14 Experienced Member Group: Members Posts: 166 Joined: 12-April 04 Member No.: 632 Gillespie, I am not as nice as Dixie Dea is, when riled..I call a spade a spade, and an asshole an asshole..I never mince words..and you have shown yourself to be a big one... Gillespie: Quote: "Yesterday I saw perhaps the most outrageous and gratuitous speculation that I have yet encountered. It was on the Tippitt slaying sub-topic of the JFK assassination "debate", posted in January by something called Dixie Dea. Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book. They got just what they wanted (Earlene Roberts And The Amazing Honking Horn, among other things..incredible, simply beyond belief!)...after all, sometimes a great notion. Hey, progressives, listen up! An FBI report (I'll get you the specifics tomorrow) revealed that fibers from the discarded jacket matched fibers from LHO's shirt worn at the time of his arrest. Try this and be done with it: Oswald didn't kill JFK but he DID kill Tippitt. I would have, too, under the circumstances. It was the smart thing to do. Being unable or unwilling to accept that notion tells me there may be an agenda at work. Just a wild guess. Check out the Dixie Dea thing, Evman. It is symptomatic of what one must scroll (what a euphemism, that) through: declarative statements absolutely shot from the hip for no other reason than the posters simply WANT to believe them and feel good in the process; those who think they have some sort of license to dispense garbage as if it were wisdom, a la Jack; wild theory put out for its own sake and a bizarre insistence by the practitioner that he or she somehow has a voice to be heard on serious matters. They're up past their bedtimes. " *************************************** " By something called Dixie Dea." Quote from your Bio:" My interest in this site lies in respect for those members whose names are known to me and appreciation of the mature approach on the part of the membership as a whole.."........ So, it is so obvious that you have no respect for others whose names are not known to you.. ????? Gillespie: Quote "Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." " That is Simply, YOUR opinion...One of a zillion around here...yours is nothing special..keep that in mind.. Gillespie:Quote "Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book".. How do you know that ,They have not read the book, ?? have you asked.them...Mr.Gillespie ?? Also from your Bio."Finally, I believe I have some opinions of substance as well as facts to share. My opinions and facts easily will be discernible in my correspondence.." If this is a prelude to your opinions,and postings of subtance ...whatever you call it, it is IMO not worth further pursuing any of your posts..as..It is also obvious that you have no respect for others opinions..by attacking such.. Bernice Moore Today, 07:02 AM Post #14 Experienced Member Group: Members Posts: 166 Joined: 12-April 04 Member No.: 632 Gillespie, I am not as nice as Dixie Dea is, when riled..I call a spade a spade, and an asshole an asshole..I never mince words..and you have shown yourself to be a big one... Gillespie: Quote: "Yesterday I saw perhaps the most outrageous and gratuitous speculation that I have yet encountered. It was on the Tippitt slaying sub-topic of the JFK assassination "debate", posted in January by something called Dixie Dea. Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book. They got just what they wanted (Earlene Roberts And The Amazing Honking Horn, among other things..incredible, simply beyond belief!)...after all, sometimes a great notion. Hey, progressives, listen up! An FBI report (I'll get you the specifics tomorrow) revealed that fibers from the discarded jacket matched fibers from LHO's shirt worn at the time of his arrest. Try this and be done with it: Oswald didn't kill JFK but he DID kill Tippitt. I would have, too, under the circumstances. It was the smart thing to do. Being unable or unwilling to accept that notion tells me there may be an agenda at work. Just a wild guess. Check out the Dixie Dea thing, Evman. It is symptomatic of what one must scroll (what a euphemism, that) through: declarative statements absolutely shot from the hip for no other reason than the posters simply WANT to believe them and feel good in the process; those who think they have some sort of license to dispense garbage as if it were wisdom, a la Jack; wild theory put out for its own sake and a bizarre insistence by the practitioner that he or she somehow has a voice to be heard on serious matters. They're up past their bedtimes. " *************************************** Gillespie: "" By something called Dixie Dea."" "" The Dixie Dea thing"" Quote from your Bio:" My interest in this site lies in respect for those members whose names are known to me and appreciation of the mature approach on the part of the membership as a whole.."........ So, it is so obvious that you have no respect for others whose names are not known to you.. ????? Gillespie: Quote "Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." " That is Simply, YOUR opinion...One of a zillion around here...yours is nothing special..keep that in mind.. Gillespie:Quote "Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book".. How do you know that ,They have not read the book, ?? have you asked.them...Mr.Gillespie ?? Also from your Bio."Finally, I believe I have some opinions of substance as well as facts to share. My opinions and facts easily will be discernible in my correspondence.." If this is a prelude to your opinions,and postings of subtance ...whatever you call it, it is IMO not worth further pursuing any of your posts..as..It is also obvious that you have no respect for others opinions..by attacking such.. Who are you ?, may I ask, to imply that according to your standards, they do not have that right.??? Perhaps the years you spent amongst the CIA, have corrupted your outlook of that given right, and why have you not given this opinion on that thread, to those that did..Mr.Gillespie?? instead if being hidden away on this one..??..Perhaps where you thought you were safe..?? For your small minded approach please read the following.....it just may enlighten you and also may I recommend, that at the first opportunity you obtain reading glasses, so that you see all of what you read, and also attend school so that you will also be taught to read and comprehend all of what is written, not just what you choose to..and also a course from in Manners, would certainly do you no harm. Ms.Dixie Dea, is not a SOMETHING, Mr. Gillespie. She is a better person, than you are that is so obvious,and she has the same feelings as perhaps on occasion that you may, though after your performance,I greatly doubt that.... I take great offense at the injustice of you calling HER, (and I am not the only one), or and any member of this Forum, a SOMETHING.....In plain language Gillespie, where the hell do you get off, in posting such and INSULT..just who the hell do you think you are...?? You are certainly not a Gentleman, Ha!! That is soooooo obvious , as you do not know the meaning of the word..... There is an old saying on the Forums, Gillespie.. Do NOT Piss Off The Women.......and that is PLURAL..... Read and try to comprehend the following, if your small mind will enable you... Goodbye Gillespie....you are an Asshole..and have proven so...by your posting..... You owe Ms. Dixie and apology.....a BIG ONE....and David is correct she has more than likely forgotten much more than you will ever know or be able to cram into that small mind of yours....Shame on you...your type disgust women on a forum ...You must learn not to ever talk down to them...EVER... This is you and these are being thrown at you, you insfufferable ass... ..and do not bother wiping the egg off your face along with them, on you it looks good.. Now pay attention and try ,Gillespie to comprehend... Bernice Moore... I am posting the following for Dixie, for all to read, as she has not be able to post messages to the Forum for some time now, she does not know the whys ?? ______________________________________ Mr Gillespie... Sneaky dude aren't you? I do not recall ever posting in this specific forum, so why would you attempt to malign me here, from a post I did way back in Jan, on another forum? The real biggie is that you don't even know what you are talking about. In fact, it appears that you are intent on descrediting me, because what I posted didn't go along with Dale Myers. I reread my Tippit post and do not see where I indicated that any of the info was my own theory. I also indicated at several points where the info was obtained. I am offended by your accusation as well as your apparent desire to bash me among my peers! Did you actually not see how I began the post and how I ended it? As a matter of fact, all the information I posted was new info to me too. Plus, I did not and do not know what part of the info is true or not. This was intended more in the order of a book review of Harry Livingstone's latest book. I began by saying: "According to the Dallas Underground, by several reserchers" and I ended it by saying: "Compiled from information in Harrison Livingstone's, The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy....(2004)" ------------------- Dixie Dea Who are you ?, may I ask, to imply that according to your standards, they do not have that right.??? Perhaps the years you spent amongst the CIA, have corrupted your outlook of that given right, and why have you not given this opinion on that thread, to those that did..Mr.Gillespie?? instead if being hidden away on this one..??..Perhaps where you thought you were safe..?? For your small minded approach please read the following.....it just may enlighten you and also may I recommend, that at the first opportunity you obtain reading glasses, so that you see all of what you read, and also attend school so that you will also be taught to read and comprehend all of what is written, not just what you choose to..and also a course from in Manners, would certainly do you no harm. Ms.Dixie Dea, is not a SOMETHING, Mr. Gillespie. She is a better person, than you are that is so obvious,and she has the same feelings as perhaps on occasion that you may, though after your performance,I greatly doubt that.... I take great offense at the injustice of you calling HER, (and I am not the only one), or and any member of this Forum, a SOMETHING.....In plain language Gillespie, where the hell do you get off, in posting such and INSULT..just who the hell do you think you are...?? You are certainly not a Gentleman, Ha!! That is soooooo obvious , as you do not know the meaning of the word..... There is an old saying on the Forums, Gillespie.. Do NOT Piss Off The Women.......and that is PLURAL..... Read and try to comprehend the following, if your small mind will enable you... Goodbye Gillespie....you are an Asshole..and have proven so...by your posting..... You owe Ms. Dixie and apology.....a BIG ONE....and David is correct she has more than likely forgotten much more than you will ever know or be able to cram into that small mind of yours....Shame on you...your type disgust women on a forum ...You must learn not to ever talk down to them...EVER... This is you and these are being thrown at you, you insfufferable ass... ..and do not bother wiping the egg off your face along with them, on you it looks good.. Now pay attention and try ,Gillespie to comprehend... Bernice Moore... I am posting the following for Dixie, for all to read, as she has not be able to post messages to the Forum for some time now, she does not know the whys ?? ______________________________________ Mr Gillespie... Sneaky dude aren't you? I do not recall ever posting in this specific forum, so why would you attempt to malign me here, from a post I did way back in Jan, on another forum? The real biggie is that you don't even know what you are talking about. In fact, it appears that you are intent on descrediting me, because what I posted didn't go along with Dale Myers. I reread my Tippit post and do not see where I indicated that any of the info was my own theory. I also indicated at several points where the info was obtained. I am offended by your accusation as well as your apparent desire to bash me among my peers! Did you actually not see how I began the post and how I ended it? As a matter of fact, all the information I posted was new info to me too. Plus, I did not and do not know what part of the info is true or not. This was intended more in the order of a book review of Harry Livingstone's latest book. I began by saying: "According to the Dallas Underground, by several reserchers" and I ended it by saying: "Compiled from information in Harrison Livingstone's, The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy....(2004)" ------------------- Dixie Dea *************************************** " By something called Dixie Dea." ??? How Dare you..... Quote from your Bio:" My interest in this site lies in respect for those members whose names are known to me and appreciation of the mature approach on the part of the membership as a whole.."........ So, it is so obvious that you have no respect for others whose names are not known to you.. ????? Gillespie: Quote "Mr. Dale Myers wrote a very admirable book on this subject - one of the best investigative works I have ever read - entitled "With Malice." " That is Simply, YOUR opinion...One of a zillion around here...yours is nothing special..keep that in mind.. Gillespie:Quote "Originally, I thought that those placing messages in the wake of the Dea posting would have cringed had they read that book. But then, obviously they WOULDN'T have read the book".. How do you know that ,They have not read the book, ?? have you asked.them...Mr.Gillespie ?? Also from your Bio."Finally, I believe I have some opinions of substance as well as facts to share. My opinions and facts easily will be discernible in my correspondence.." If this is a prelude to your opinions,and postings of subtance ...whatever you call it, it is IMO not worth further pursuing any of your posts..as..It is also obvious that you have no respect for others opinions..by attacking such.. Who are you ?, may I ask, to imply that according to your standards, they do not have that right.??? Perhaps the years you spent amongst the CIA, have corrupted your outlook of that given right, and why have you not given this opinion on that thread, to those that did..Mr.Gillespie?? instead if being hidden away on this one..??..Perhaps where you thought you were safe..?? For your small minded approach please read the following.....it just may enlighten you and also may I recommend, that at the first opportunity you obtain reading glasses, so that you see all of what you read, and also attend school so that you will also be taught to read and comprehend all of what is written, not just what you choose to..and also a course in Manners, would certainly do you no harm. Ms.Dixie Dea, is not a SOMETHING, Mr. Gillespie. She is a better person, than you are ,that is so obvious,and she has the same feelings as perhaps on occasion that you may, though after your performance,I greatly doubt that.... I take great offense at the injustice of you calling HER, (and I am not the only one), or and any member of this Forum, a SOMETHING.....In plain language Gillespie, where the hell do you get off, in posting such and INSULT..just who the hell do you think you are...?? You are certainly not a Gentleman, Ha!! That is soooooo obvious , as you do not know the meaning of the word..... There is an old saying on the Forums, Gillespie.. Do NOT Piss Off The Women.......and that is PLURAL..... Read and try to comprehend the following, if your small mind will enable you... Goodbye Gillespie....you are an Asshole..and have proven so...by your posting..... You owe Ms. Dixie and apology.....a BIG ONE....and David is correct she has more than likely forgotten much more than you will ever know or be able to cram into that small mind of yours....Shame on you...your type disgust women on a forum ...You must learn not to ever talk down to them...EVER... This is you and these are being thrown at you, you insfufferable ass... ..and do not bother wiping the egg off your face along with them, on you it looks good.. Now pay attention and try ,Gillespie to comprehend... Bernice Moore... I am posting the following for Dixie, for all to read, as she has not be able to post messages to the Forum for some time now, she does not know the whys ?? ______________________________________ Mr Gillespie... Sneaky dude aren't you? I do not recall ever posting in this specific forum, so why would you attempt to malign me here, from a post I did way back in Jan, on another forum? The real biggie is that you don't even know what you are talking about. In fact, it appears that you are intent on descrediting me, because what I posted didn't go along with Dale Myers. I reread my Tippit post and do not see where I indicated that any of the info was my own theory. I also indicated at several points where the info was obtained. I am offended by your accusation as well as your apparent desire to bash me among my peers! Did you actually not see how I began the post and how I ended it? As a matter of fact, all the information I posted was new info to me too. Plus, I did not and do not know what part of the info is true or not. This was intended more in the order of a book review of Harry Livingstone's latest book. I began by saying: "According to the Dallas Underground, by several reserchers" and I ended it by saying: "Compiled from information in Harrison Livingstone's, The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy....(2004)" ------------------- Dixie Dea
  24. Here in Dallas there are plans for 25,000 Louisiana refugees to stay here until things become more organized. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments being expresed on this thread. The mayor of New Orleans who has IMO understandably been in a practical rage over the (PAINFULLY) slow help coming was quoted as saying that maybe the CIA would be coming after him because of his comments so if anything happened to him American's would know what happened. What is most interesting is that the recently announced plan to send 20,000 troops to Iraq to help when the new constitution goes into effect, has been scrapped, because of hurricane Katrina and its tragic aftermath. If there can be a silver lining in this (besides getting these unfortunate people back on their feet and repairing the damage A.S.A.P) it is the possibility that this terrible tragedy may prevent us from invading Iran. I know it sounds ludicrous but I monitor an intelligence website here that talks about it all the time, and I believe that the Neo-Cons are chomping at the bit to "go in." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ************************* Hi Robert: The lastest is that only 10 thousand reserves will be leaving for Iraq.... Perhaps that shall put a dent in his plans..somewhat.....?? And they have allowed the Canucks to go in finally with all their offered help.. teams and whatevers..and they have left and are also on their way to help in any possible way they can...I am pleased to say.... Now,when you are in danger, and obviously need all the help you can possibley get, is it not natural to accept help from your neighbors...?? Or could this possibley be Presidential Pride that has gotten in the way ??? and we all know what happens when it does.........crash.... I do not know as yet about the other countrys..offers... ******************************************** Tim: At least they have finally arrived, after 6 days..Thank them, not him nor his,they are finally doing the job, that now they have been finally sent in to do, and they will do it...no thanks to he whose name is disgusting, and who held them back...who never gave the order.... I listened to Gen. Honare, who is finally in charge, and guess what, he will get the job done, but there was more "damage control" from him, they did get to him mighty quick, they did....wonder when he retires ?? It seems that all Mr. Bush has...are excuses, and trying to do damage control..big time Damage Control..and you shall see more and more of the same thing..put on a smiley face, and deny,deny deny,like What ?? and DUH !! those long blank stares you get back when a member of Government is asked a direct question from the press core....or the shuffle around, the old ,approach it and change it to a different subject, as quickly as possible,another way of denial......as the week-end and the next week progresses, this will get to the point where they hope within a month, people will be saying, slow effort to respond... What do you mean by Slow?? It is not going to work, the brain washing to dumb down the population, nor the rest of the world,not this time..... I have yet to see him stand up and be a man nor act like a President, never mind him saying ,it's was his lack of action, no, he has said it is Fema's fault..in all this,as he pointed his finger at them...as they and many are pointing now their fingers at each other, and they are.....and that it is all "unexceptaable"" ...and where was he? well he was strumming his guitar at the ranch with the Presidential seal upon it, the day they were drowning in N.O...and his photo was taken, and printed in the papers, and the news sites..instead of making a direct flight back to the WH and recalling all... What a sorry word, Unexceptable,?? now, after all that has happened, that is the most pathetic word he could have chosen, in a situation like this.....but never fear...the cavalry is here, and he is returning to show all he is still leading them there.... He is returning on Monday to the destruction...for more "damage control"....aw well that is expected, after all Laura also tried to do, the same yesterday, looking clean, starched, fresh and coiffed...and untouchedable....neither hungry nor thirsty, no, Academy Award for either of them two... She was way out of her league, at practicing any type of such "damage control"..but she did....use the wife when things are getting really bad...always a great plan of action, he is calling up HIS reserves. As the WH is shocked mind you, Shocked at the criticism they have received, via gov. newspapers,TV, and from the people.....amazing....they might actually feel something...?? Miss Laura stood there while all around her looked so horrendous, and dirty,well she looked so out of place, and in MO was, and is... Perhaps if they has used a little less hair spray, and allowed such to blow around a little.... This is not going to go away Tim, not for him nor for the rest of his crowd, not this time.....it simply doesn't matter what they nor their press have to say nor their followers...it is too damn late....He dropped the ball big time..and it has bounced all around the world..In charge Bush ?? God help the people..it is the People that are seeing this and the People who are complaining, stop reading just republican literature, and start listening to the People, whose country it is....you happen to be one of them..Do you hear them Do you Hear a Crash.?..I do..... IMO.... Barf.. B..
  25. Thankyou Houston Texas, and the other cities, and states who have and are taking in, survivors...all the way to Oklahoma..many have arrived...and are being well cared for... Saturday -- they predicted that Katrina was a category 5, Hurricane, the largest ever to be coming onto shore, somewhere along the coast....she landed late on Sunday at a category 4...The Government.. were also very aware that in 69, a point 3 Hurricane had hit the same general area, and what an enormous toll was paid...It was reported on Saturday as well that the storm surge would be over 20 feet and that N.O is on average around 9 feet below sea level. That makes approximately 30 feet of water. It hit at 29 feet..The levees, have needed work for many years, the governemt of Louisianna has been presenting bill after bill for years to have the Federal Gov, provide funds for the upkeep and rebuilding in some areas, as they when enforced some years ago, were built to with stand a Hurricane of a 3 level...The funds that were to be set aside, by the Federal Gov, for the levees,for the past three and a half years under the Bush Adm..has been used for anything but....and now towards the war in Iraq... Surely emergency procedures should have begun to be mobilized right there and then......on Saturday.. There should have been hundreds of helicopters taking in soldiers with supplies.Ready to start to move in by Tues.in Mss. and Lou..The military should have been in charge of this mobilization, as they are the masters of logistics.... Soldiers landing first to keep order.. and organize...then proceed after to land with supplies. Then search and rescue..hundreds,of Helicopters, with scores of Portapotties going in and out on a rotation basis, to try to deffer desease,Small boats ,inflatable, by the hundreds to get people from point A to dry land point B where tents should have been set up. If Mr.Bush and his government had been invading N.O in order to spread freedom, then he would have had the needed military, plus all equipment..immediately availble.. The helicopters and men were not readily available, because of personal being unavailable, as their being deployed over in Iraq, at a cost of 5 Billion dollars a week.. There could have been and should have been a deployment plan, ready and waiting, as they knew the size of Katrina, and no matter where she was going to hit.... Florida first then New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama, there could have been a huge effort to move the residents inland.....Now there is probably a million Louisianans and more than likely as many more from elsewhere, displaced, homeless , without food, water,or bathrooms, Bush again was on holidays, he has spent 20% of his Presidency at the Ranch..he did not cut them short till Wed, when he finally returned to the White House... New Orleans, is 67 % black.....50 % are the poor who live at and below the poverty level....subsisting on minimum wage and less.. Most of those did not and have not the monies, to afford a bus ,nor an air transportation ticket.....when the warning came to evacuate, by a Governor, who had not made any contingency plans, for neither the poor, nor the elderly nor the ailing, to be able to leave the city...they were forgotten....the rich and those that were able ,left...There were no arrangements made whatever for those left behind....When Katrina hit, there were only 4,000 reserves in all of Louisianna.. I have watched this tragedy since Mon. on the telly, here safe and dry ..many have cried for the peoples of New Orleans, our help offered all week, from every Province was at first accepted but then one by one the return calls were made, that no we and our teams , who have sat, some since Tues, hydro, telephone, search and rescue, supplies, our Red Cross,would not be allowed in,not till the Federal Gov, and Fema,had made that decision....Our Prime Minister finally got through to Mr. Bush yesterday, he has been told, thanks for the offer, we will probably take you up on some.....today the some has finally been called upon, three frigates, loaded to the gills with supplies, and specialists that will sail to the Gulf, off shore, to help.....I do not know about any of the rest, except that the Red Cross, I heard is on it's way.....There are also many other countries who have offered their help all week, even Shri Lanka ,none were accepted as of this morning...5 days later..perhaps next week..? Our impression is and has been, that until Fema and Mr. Bush.....finally moved their "arses" as the Mayor of New Orleans, told them last night,on a radio show,and arrived, no one else, was going to make that first impression, no one but he was going to arrive first, for his tour to-day that was all co-ordinated to be at the same time as the "cavalry" finally started to arrive..they have moved out many survivors today since arrival....it has begun.. To-night they still wait, at the Convention Centre, the Dome,on the roads, the overpasses, the streets,and hide from the killers, rapists, and thieves, the "cavalry" have left the streets for the night of darkness, as it is unsafe....they have road blocks so that anyone, who has been walking down the highway to reach where they are camped, at the airfield, cannot get through and have been turned back..there they sit and wait...Geraldo cried on Fox News tonight, at the Convention Centre, where it is packed, filthy,reeking, no supplies,but some water,no washrooms functioning,and one meal today, their first in 5 days.....they are next on the list apparently, is the latest.. The Lou.Coast Guard, did and have done a tremendous job, there were there,and stayed, they have pulled so many from roofs, attics..and saved so many lives.....during the daylight hours.....The Doctors and nurses in the Tulane and Charity Hospitals, and another unamed, who stayed and cared for the very ill, who could not be released, to the streets and the weeks hell, and who kept each other going by administering each intraveinous....as well as to patients, as they also had no water nor food, and were also subjected to break ins at the Hospital's drug supply areas,as the armed drug addicts, raided for anything... Half the NOPD have deserted, this past week..as they faced unbeatable and unbearable odds, as they have also lost all, and their families as well.....a sign has been made that hangs over the entrance to the Police Station, it reads," Fort Apache"....the rest are still there, trying, being shot at by snipers, and looters, which continues this evening....and the fires still burn also...the gangs this evening in their pickups, loaded for bear, still roam the streets.. The dead are piled in different areas,around the city, hospital stairways, convention unoperating freezers, and on the streets, and overpasses..and floating in the waters....disease had been and is a immediate great concern...the Doctors have been preaching this great possibility all week....the people who were and are trapped in their attics,surrounded by water and have not had the wherewithall, nor strength to have broken out, are still there, alive or dead.....after five full days...and black out nights...in weather that is up to 105 degrees during the day, and the humidity is overwhelming....what is it in an attic....? While Condi Rice, the Secretary of State , remained on holidays in New York, where she shopped for new shoes in one of the most expensive stores the other day, and was confronted by one brave woiman, who yelled at her, that she aught to be ashamed of herself,for shopping for shoes, while people were dying in N.O., she was grabbed and taken away by the SS.. She then took in the theatre, she was first seen on the TV, this morning, at a news conference, she finally arrived back in Washington from her Holidays....I hope her new expensive shoes rub, and she has blisters from hell.... God,and the powers that be,help the people of New Orleans, who are saying they were abandoned,and still are.... a God Bless for the people for their ingenuity,stamina, bravery,caring,and perseverence amidst all the horrendous tortures of the past week....most have survived and they are and should be such a great example to us all....as none of us know what tomorrow may bring....they must get them all out ,it has to be over soon...it just has to be... B..
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