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Tom Hume

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Everything posted by Tom Hume

  1. David, obviously you've seen this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Del_Bjork
  2. Thanks David L, I'm still interested to know if the "V V" came before or after the shooting. I understand that the police radio frequencies used to be in the “AM” band above 1600 kHz, but that is not necessarily the case today. It would be interesting to know what frequencies Dallas Police channels #1 and #2 were set to on November 22nd. “IGOR VLADIMIRS VAGANOV” anagrams to: (1) “IGOR V AM RADIO SIGNAL: VV” (2) "MR IV, A 'GO' RADIO SIGNAL: 'VV'" (3) "MR IVV, A GOV RADIO SIGNAL" (It's my view that the name "Igor Vladimirs Vaganov" was created by Richard Case Nagell for puzzle purposes) Tom
  3. David Lifton wrote: “Also, on that general subject, and in the spirit of "further study," let me add this fact: if one listens to the audio of the DPD channels (I believe its DPD Channel 1, but possibly Ch. 2), within 30 seconds of the actual shooting of JFK, one of the cycle cops used the transmitter key on his radio to clearly broadcast the following, easily identifiable signal to anyone who (like myself) knows Morse code (which I did, and still do, as a ham radio operator). The signal went: "Di Di Di Daah. . . Di Di Di Daah." That's "dot-dot-dot-dash," Morse code for the letter "V" (for "Victory"), which marks the opening of Beethoven'w Fifth Symphony…” David, you said “…within 30 seconds of the actual shooting”…. Was the Morse Code “V V” before or after the shooting? Also, how does a motorcycle radio key transmit dots and dashes? Was it short and long periods of static from the key, or a tone of some sort? As an aside, Igor Vladimirs Vaganov was supposedly a radio genius, brought a bunch of gear with him to Dallas, and some have suggested that he was a communications guy that day. Thank you, Tom
  4. My attempt to patch up David’s earlier post: David Lifton Advanced Member Members 873 posts Gender:Male Posted 53 minutes ago 5 hours ago, Gene Kelly said: “David I find your systems engineering analogy to be compelling. Viewing Dallas not as isolated, but rather as part of a system or process (with redundancy, diversity, and failure considerations). A five-city series of motorcades in just two days. One wonders who the teams were in San Antonio, Houston and Ft. Worth, and why those "events" did not transpire or go forward. Ironically, Jacqueline Kennedy rarely traveled with her husband on political trips but decided to fly with him to Texas (her first public appearance since the loss of son Patrick). Extending this thinking, were there plans prior to Texas, such as when JFK traveled west, at the end of September, speaking in nine different states in less than a week? Gene” Gene: No, I don't think so. And here's why: To execute a plot of this nature, one has to have the cooperation of local law enforcement. They certainly don't "all" have to be corrupt, but there has to be "an element" that is (i.e., that is "recruitable"). So the places that would be most amenable to "recruitment" in such a scheme, would be locations where civil rights was a hot button (and where JFK (and RFK, as AG) were deeply resented). So the Deep South would be the preferred location. For anyone who wants to educate themselves on how "plot recruitment" (and the "political environment") works, I highly recommend Luttwak's "Coup d'Etat," first published in 1969, still in print, and which has become a classic in the field. From the Amazon writeup, QUOTE: Editorial Reviews This short book is…wicked, truthful, and entertaining. The author, after outlining a step-by-step procedure for bringing about a coup, analyzes modern (post–Second World War) coups, and points out why some succeeded and others failed. (New Yorker) An extraordinarily competent and well-written work, displaying very wide knowledge of the ways in which coups, both successful and unsuccessful, have actually been organized. (Times Literary Supplement) Coup d'État demonstrates that scholarly analysis can be good social science and at the same time fun to read. It is nontechnical in approach and informal in style… Moreover, Edward Luttwak's familiarity with the basic concepts and problems of political science is evident throughout. He is seldom superficial and never trivial in his treatment of his subject. The result is a book of value to everyone interested in the sudden changes of government that occur so frequently in many parts of the world and also curious as to why they so often seem to result in more of the same… We can all have the satisfaction of understanding the strategies and techniques employed, and we can enjoy learning them from this lucid and witty book. (Virginia Quarterly Review) UNQUOTE I read this book--indeed, studied it--back in 1969, when it was first published, and it was a real "eye-opening" experience. A must read. Bottom line: the plot that took Kennedy's life could not have been synthesized in an "ordinary" political environment. There had to be an undercurrent of prejudice and hostility. This was plainly apparent when I first started reading the Dallas Morning News on microfilm, and happened to order films from the summer of 1960, because I wanted to explore how the "locals" reacted to LBJ getting on the 1960 ticket. To my considerable surprise, (when I first read these microfilms) the entire tone was as if the Civil War had ended "yesterday." Anyway, that was Dallas politics, and I'm sure the same was true in other cities in the deep south. However: you could not tell JFK "Oh Mr. President, you absolutely must make this trip to Okeephenokee, Mississippi," whereas one could (and did) make that sort of argument about going to Texas, and visiting the major cities there (which is exactly how the Dallas trip was sold--not by itself, and in isolation, but by a broader "pitch.". And so it was under the guise of "political necessity" (my phrase) that JFK was "lured" (Jackie's phrase) to make the Texas trip. The final result: Five cities, 10 motorcades. Dallas was the seventh motorcade, in a two day trip. If JFK was more prudent, I don't think he would ever have made the trip, but --as RFK himself later admitted--if he (RFK) had tried to veto the trip, JFK would simply have laughed and gone ahead with it, anyway. As is well known, JFK had this thing about "courage," and he also had a thing about fate. And, I'm sorry to say this, he was a bit of a gambler. So this was a situation in which, IMHO, he gambled and lost. Also, and I'm sorry to put it so bluntly, he never realized (or even suspected) that elements of the Secret Service were disloyal, and that was a key factor. There were people connected with his security that were a part of this plot, and from the time they were recruited, JFK was a "dead man walking." Also note: JFK's (and RFK's concerns) centered around a General Walker type "screwball,: and not around the more "establishment type" plot that was (more or less) an "inside job" and was the plot that actually took his life. But that's another story. Again: read Luttwak. DSL 6/4/2018 - 10 AM PDT South Orange County, California
  5. Just for fun, of course, "DR. A. J. HIDEEL" anagrams to: "A J.E.H. RIDDLE"
  6. Sorry, I forgot to post this link to "Oswald and the Helsinki Hotel", by Ian Grigs in the post above: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4270#relPageId=10&tab=page Only two pages long and quite interesting.
  7. Thanks Jim, and there's this too: "Oswald and the Helsinki Hotel", by Ian Griggs.
  8. Jim, was Ian or anyone else able to come up with a ballpark price for those hotel rooms?
  9. Yo David, I feel rejected. Clicking on your link above yields: 403 Forbidden The access to the resource has been denied.
  10. "16 Questions on the Assassination", by Bertrand Russell: http://22november1963.org.uk/bertrand-russell-16-questions-on-the-assassination
  11. Mervyn Hagger wrote: “It is my understanding, David, that the moderators only wade in when attacks on members of this Forum [sic] become personal.” Alas, I’ll confess a yearning to make a few personal attacks since around the middle of January. I’ve been told there are folks that are intentionally antagonistic. Ignoring the chronically disagreeable is probably a better strategy, at least for me.
  12. That’s very strange, Mervyn. I have trouble reading the date on the envelope, but it’s not a matter of the 1960 date on the letter being a mistake, because the letter makes reference to the first lecture taking place on Tuesday, April 19, which is consistent with 1960, but not 1959 (April 19 was a Sunday in 1959). Puzzling.
  13. No again, David. Here’s the best I can do: “SCHWEITZER” anagrams to “Re: EZ SWITCH”. Grin.
  14. Hi David, No, I didn’t mean to “tease”. I had posted a link to some interesting things Greg Parker had written several years ago in an article entitled “Oswald and the Albert Schweitzer College”. But then I noticed that Jason Ward had recently provided a link to the same article on the “What is known about Oswald’s time in England?” thread. Jason wrote: “Mervyn, found rhis [sic] great link about Oswald and the Albert Schweitzer college: http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2005/07/oswald-and-albert-schweitzer-college.html This is an amazing point from Greg Parker's article. Oswald needed an educational purpose in order to legally leave the US while still under military service obligation: As an inactive Reservist, Oswald could be called up in a mobilisation any time during the balance of his enlistment (3 months) and therefore could not leave US shores without a legitimate reason. One reason recognized as legitimate by the authorities was “education". End quote. More by Ed Ledoux and Greg Parker here: http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1167-albert-schweitzer-college-intuition
  15. Many of us are following closely and appreciating the path you have chosen, Andrej.
  16. I don’t think I’m disagreeing with either Andrej or David by pointing out that “Lee Harvey Oswald” anagrams to: “A SHADY 11/22 OVER LEE” A bit of a double entendre as well. (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  17. Thanks Jim, and during that period at Ft. Monmouth, a young Lt. Walker’s path might have crossed with the mysterious genius Cryptographer, John Hurt. As you discovered, John Hurt was an original member of William Friedman’s group of Cryptologists at Ft. Monmouth that eventually evolved into the NSA.
  18. Fascinating, Jim. Please tell us about the Walker/John Hurt association.
  19. While looking into this fascinating batch of Colonels, I ran into a couple of slightly interesting things. Below is a link to the U.S. Army Center of Military History, and there is a search engine that might turn up some interesting stuff. There might even be people answering email questions. https://history.army.mil/index.html And I had not seen this before: Below is a link to a Civil Defense website where you can take a virtual tour of the Old Dallas Civil Defense Emergency Command Post that was officially opened on April 1st, 1962. http://www.civildefensemuseum.com/fallout/dallaseoc.html And once again, Steve, at the General Richard G. Stilwell United States Army Reserve Center at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, there are three Army Reserve Historians (The 90th Military History Detachment) that I feel sure are sitting by their phones waiting to answer your questions about the 488th. Have you found out if Colonel M.H. Truly was related to Roy? Tom
  20. Hi Steve, My guess is that you're not going find information about the 488th, an Army Reserve outfit, by searching Texas National Guard records. Have you tried the 90th Military History Detachment (GEN Richard G. Stilwell United States Army Reserve Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas)? The unit has a “B” in its name (90th MHD-B), which supposedly means that there are three people (Military Historians) to hopefully help you: a Major (0-4), and two NCOs (Normally an E-7 and an E-6). New Topic: Even though I thought it was a good read, there’s a lack of documentation in the series of posts linked below about Lt Col John Alston “Jack” Crichton. The author, “nonsqtr”, claims that Crichton reported directly to the President. http://thepoliticsforums.com/threads/40077-here-are-the-people-who-killed-Kennedy Tom
  21. Hi Steve, According to the Spartacus article on Jack Crichton, “In an interview Crichton claimed that there were ‘about a hundred men in that [488th Military Intelligence] unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department.'” It might be instructive to know who those forty or fifty policemen were. Do you know if such a list has ever been compiled?
  22. It might be an interesting list, Paz. "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." President John F. Kennedy Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City April 27, 1961
  23. Hi David, You could be right, but I don’t think so. Please try this: In Photoshop or Affinity, overlay the two photos under discussion. I think you’ll find that they align perfectly. They’re not sort-of the same, they’re exactly the same. Exactly the same, except for, of course, the odd “cigarette butt” looking feature in CE512. I’ve convinced myself of this, but I lack the skills to demonstrate it to you. If anyone thinks this is at all important, do what Michael Walton did a few posts back. Put together one of those impressive back-and-forth photo-comparison video demonstrations. My bet is that the two photos under discussion will turn out to be the exact same release of the camera’s shutter. There are other possibilities, but they strain credibility.
  24. It's neither one. It's a completely different picture altogether. Edit Hi David, This may be a trivial matter, but I beg to differ. Below is your high-quality photo from the Dallas Municipal Archives and CE512. They are different crops of exactly the same picture - two versions of exactly the same click of the shutter. High-quality photo from the Dallas Municipal Archives CE512 Again, it may be a trivial matter, but why are there two otherwise identical pictures where one important feature differs, vis-a-vis shell casing “A”? High-quality photo from the Dallas Municipal Archives CE512 Jim DiEugenio wrote: “Armstrong writes in his book, on page 837, that the thinks that CE 512 has been altered. He thinks that a crude image of a case has been added right below mark A on CE 510.”
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