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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. That "debunking" was by Dave Perry. Sandy. Have a look at this critique of his report. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/deeper-into-dave-perry
  2. At least we agree on something,Paul. I don't guess and present my guesses as facts. Paul Trejo "Here is how I believe LHO's rifle came to be in Ruth Paine's garage. 1. LHO held his rifle back when he loaded up Ruth Paine's station wagon in New Orleans on September 23, 1963, and Ruth and Marina and all their kids drove back to Irving, Texas. 2. LHO took his rifle with him to Mexico City, where he traveled in an automobile with two accomplices: "Leopoldo" and "Angelo." It was in the trunk. 3. LHO took rifle with him to Dallas from Mexico City after he failed miserably to get his instant visa into Cuba. "Leopoldo"and "Angelo" drove LHO to Dallas. 4. LHO kept it in a duffel bag when he roomed in Dallas in various places. 5. Without Ruth Paine's knowledge, LHO brought it to her garage one day in October, and placed it among the wide variety of junk that Ruth had in her garage from Marina Oswald's move from New Orleans. 6. Viola{sic] 7. As a loyal member of Guy Banister's team to Kill Fidel Castro, including "Leopoldo" and "Angelo" (who were members of Interpen), LHO was clueless when he was instructed to bring his rifle to the TSBD on 11/22/1964, that he was soon to become their Patsy. Regards, --Paul Trejo There fixed your post in red, Paul.
  3. In the absence of any confirmations from Paul Trejo, of the following "Vicki and Sandra hung around the fourth floor gabbing with the girls and looking out of the many windows at the Grassy Knoll for 5-8 minutes, as Sandra seems to recall (not Vickie)." (Lovelady and Shelley) then returned "to the TSBD[sic] side entrance where they saw Vickie and Sandra. " I believe we can safely say that the above statements were just conjectures, by the author.
  4. You're playing even dumber, David. Please tell me how the "rifle" got into the Paine's garage?
  5. This any good,Jeff? http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/
  6. Looks like Paul T can't answer the questions asked.
  7. Really, David. You "know" that a rifle was in the effects brought from New Orleans. Please tell us how you "know" this nugget of information.
  8. Glad to see that you confirm that you are mainly guessing. "At least "I" know it" LOL Please show us how you know it Please Dave, just not another guess.
  9. You still haven't answered how the "few little boxes" got from New Orleans. Seems you really think they were Oswalds, Dave, or is just another of your famous guesses.?
  10. Lots and lots of guesses, again. But Ruth Paine gave complete details of what she transported for the Oswalds from New Orleans, and few little file boxes were never mentioned. p.s. who said they were little file boxes, and since when has six or seven equalled a few?
  11. DVP "and at least one letter in one of the "cabinets" was likely Oswald's letter---not Ruth's.This fact becomes quite clear when reading Walthers' testimony." "Mr. LIEBELER. What was in these file cabinets? Mr. WALTHERS. We didn't go through them at the scene. I do remember a letterhead--I can't describe it--I know we opened one of them and we seen what it was, that it was a lot of personal letters and stuff and a letterhead that this Paine fellow had told us about, and he said, "That's from the people he writes to in Russia"; he was talking about this letterhead we had pulled out and so I just pushed it all back down and shut it and took the whole works. Nowhere does it say it was one of Oswald's. When did Oswald get his six or seven filing cabinets delivered from New Orleans?
  12. And I suppose in your world, Bill, when witnesses do look at their watches and the times doesn't agree with the official version, it is be ignored?
  13. Paul, please give the citations for your statements. "Vicki and Sandra hung around the fourth floor gabbing with the girls and looking out of the many windows at the Grassy Knoll for 5-8 minutes, as Sandra seems to recall (not Vickie)." (Lovelady and Shelley) then returned "to the TSBD[sic] side entrance where they saw Vickie and Sandra.
  14. So it's your guess that "certainly.... SOME of it" belonged to Oswald is only that a guess. Glad you cleared that up.
  15. Simple question, dear Thomas, how many people can you see in the frame you posted above? (You shouldn't need a ouija board to answer)
  16. How can anybody judge the girth (circumference of a solid object) of somebody from a 2d photo. Do you mean width?
  17. Thomas, You haven't confused me at all. You have mis-understood me. How many people are standing to the left of the woman with the blue scarf in the above frame?
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