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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. I have no wagon to tie to Dan Rather's report. Note that he also said that "..Governor Connolly in the seat in front appeared to have heard it..at least sensed something was wrong. The Governor's coat was open. He reached back,in this fashion, exposing his white shirt front. The assassin's window,(?) reached back as if to offer aid or to ask the President something. At that moment a shot clearly hit the Governor in front and he fell back in his seat.” You trying to say that this news reporter didn't see that?
  2. Bill Miller, (In red) "Rather made a statement that was not possible" Really, Bill, How do you know that? Or are you just saying that because it suits you theory? Ray - when did you ever inspect the original Zapruder film? Groden did and he said the start-up frames were there. Gary Mack also confirmed this. When I asked Gary why they were not seen on the MPI version - Gary said, 'they are there, but it was decided to adjust them so all the frames color and lighting would be consistent.' I have never inspected the original film.Perhaps somebody can post it if it's available. And you believed Gary Mack?
  3. Bill Miller (in red) "Rather told a global audience that JFK's limo rounded the intersection of Houston & Elm Street & shortly afterwards, JFK was subsequently struck in his head, causing his head to move violently forward. Rather didn't lie - shortly afterward can be interpreted to mean within 2 to 10 seconds." ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Rather said he saw the limo turn the corner in the film version he saw. The extant film doesn't show that turn. Dan Rather "The film we saw,taken by an amateur photographer, who had a particularly good vantage point just past the building from which the fatal shot was fired. The film shows President Kennedy's open black limousine making a left turn off Houston Street onto Elm Street on the fringe of downtown Dallas, the left turn made just below the window in which the assassin was waiting..........Governor Connolly in the seat in front appeared to have heard it..at least sensed something was wrong. The Governor's coat was open. He reached back,in this fashion, exposing his white shirt front. The assassin's window,(?) reached back as if to offer aid or to ask the President something. At that moment a shot clearly hit the Governor in front and he fell back in his seat.” Bill Miller. (in red) "Zapruder told a global audience on Dallas TV he began filming the JFK entourage parade car 'coming in from Houston Street, making its turn' (from Houston St. & onto Elm St.). He was right - the lead cycles were filmed, but he obviously realized that the President's wasn't immediately behind them, so he took his finger off the button until he could actually see the President coming towards him." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nowhere did Zapruder say he stopped filming until the limo came down Elm Street. The extant film doesn't show a "Start up frame" (poor exposure) that cameras then made when they restarted filming, and should be there after the "splice".
  4. The shadow appears to move towards the doorway but it is because it has hit the raised curb.
  5. "Watch Bakers shadow as it nears the red line ... just as its about to make contact with it - it turns to the left and away from it in the last two steps. The shadow tells the careful observer that Patrolman Baker also changed his path so to head up the steps. There can be no argument about this for if Baker had not turned, then the shadow would have had no choice by to cross the red line had it stayed on course" No, it doesn't.
  6. No, Jim, I mean the drain opening in the curb of the sidewalk in front of the lamp-post to the west of the path and stairs up the grassy knoll. Interesting side note. Sam Pate- News reporter for KBOX radio station, Dallas. Sam Pate's car was moving at a speed of about 20 to 25mph, and was approximately 40 to 50 yards in front of the motorcade when the shots rang out. Startled, Pate stopped broadcasting but left his radio recorder running. Looking into his rear view mirror he saw the Presidential limousine slow down as it came to the curve in front of the grassy knoll. Then he observed a puff of smoke coming from the sewer and watched as the limo picked up speed and headed towards him.
  7. Try the drain outlet lower down on the North side of Elm Street
  8. Seems that you agree that there was tampering with the body after it left Parkland, but disagree with Lifton about the "mad scientists" (as you call them). If there was projectile in the throat and it wasn't done at Parkland or Bethesda, where do you think it was done?
  9. Michael, I wonder how you explain the throat gash and the massive head wound shown in the autopsy photos, neither of which were in existence when the body left Parkland.
  10. Cinque was a guy, who like you, thought that Altgens 6 was altered. He was shown to be totally wrong. People who misread photos have been tarred with the same brush.
  11. John, there was no "screen" or "shade" on Nellie's window in Altgens 6. The "screen or shade" you think you can see is the reflection of a building on the glass. And you can't see enough of her window in Atlgens 5 to say that there is "probably a screen or shade." Do you always misread images like this?
  12. He paid $220.25 for his ticket. Where did he get three or four weeks money from? (i see from Wiki that he is supposed to have saved $3000 dollars from his Army pay. Believe that if you will)
  13. I agree with Ron. It doesn't look right despite Andrej's explanation above. But if it is alterered, can't understand why.
  14. This the one, Alistair? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140&relPageId=232 Sorry just realised that it is County of Dallas statement.
  15. John, I don't understand what you are trying to say. Jean Hill and Mary Moorman don't appear in the Zapruder film until Frame 291, and they are standing where they told the W.C. they were standing. This tallies with their first day affidavit "Mary and I were wanting to take some pictures of the President so we purposely tried to find a place that was open where no people was around and we had been standing half way down toward the underpass on Elm Street on the south side. We were the only people in that area and we were standing right at the curb."
  16. In replying to This post "8-line affidavits typed up by someone else, one-page FBI reports, CBS interviews three years later, etc., etc. - such things just carry no weight. I am struck by how often the 8-line affidavit and one-page FBI report are magnified into vastly important "testimony" by Givens, as though he had said these very words and forever locked himself into a position." I confused the 8 line affidavit with the FBI report. This is the FBI report I meant. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10406#relPageId=334 These are not Givens "own" words but words typed up when interviewed. The bottom of the Report says that Givens saw Oswald in the domino room about 11.50 A.M.
  17. Please supply a link to the typed version you believe is identical to that written by Givens.
  18. This topic is not about whether Oswald shot anybody. It's about the Prayerman figure, which we are trying to identify.
  19. Precisely, Jim. Only the true believers think that Givens testimony at the warren Commission was the truth.
  20. How many lines are other in the written affidavit? (in his own hand) 15 How many lines are there in the typed affidavit (which are not his actual words but what he was reported to have said)? 8
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