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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. YARBOROUGH ". When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop (though it could have been a near stop). After what I took to be about three seconds, another shot boomed out, and after what I took to be one-half the time between the first and second shots (calculated now, this would have put the third shot about one and one-half seconds after the second shot--by my estimate--to me there seemed to be a long time between the first and second shots, a much shorter time between the second and third shots--these were my impressions that day), a third shot was fired. After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital." Really -> when did the motorcade stop, where was the VP vehicle when the motorcade stopped as claimed by YARBOROUGH ?
  2. SSA JOHNS " I jumped from the security car and started running for the Vice President's car. I felt that if there was danger due to the slow speed of the motorcade, I would be of more assistance and in a more proper location with the Vice President's car. Before I reached the Vice President's car a third shot had sounded and the entire motorcade then picked up speed and I was left on the street at this point. I obtained a ride with White House movie men and joined the Vice President and ASAIC Youngblood at the Parkland Hospital " Can you locate SSA JOHNS in the WEIGMAN or COUCH films? Because SSA JOHNS has not yet been left behind in these film clips, because JOHNS has not been left behind to this point in time. the motorcade is still halted. Anyone comprehending what this means?
  3. Another film frame that is not possible to explain; the motorcade has come to a halt. Is there any doubt the VP follow-up car would have come into BRONSON frames and then depict three secret service agents react by jumping out of the car?
  4. Anyone ever ask why the BRONSON film is cut at this point? Did BRONSON stop filming or was the film cut by 'them' so that we would not see the results of the first high powered rifle shot at Z-313 and witness the VP car come to a halt and YOUNGBLOOD react by jumping over the seat and on top of the VP? Or see the witnesses reacting to the sound of three high powered rifle shots?
  5. A problem with "researchers' is the failure to comprehend significant evidence that conflicts with the story that builds their personal assassination scenario. This animated gif should be an ah-ha moment. The VP vehicle is following behind the queen mary, it should be apparent that the VP vehicle has not slowed or stopped after the sound of supposedly two shots from a high powered rifle. Something is wrong with awareness that does not comprehend there is no evidence that witnesses or agents reacted to gunfire until after Z-313. Other evidence of this is every witness seen in this gif, IS unaware an assassination is underway or that any shots have been fired.
  6. Mark Knight, thank you for the response, can you point me to resources so I may study what Tom Purvis and or Robert West recorded? One imperative that was probably used was rationalizing three shots, what may not have been fully understood was that the first shot was different than the following three, so any scenario must have attempted to incorporate only the three shots when in reality it was four. Logically all a researcher must do is go to a firing range and determine if any shot fired there sounds like a 'firecracker' or is unrecognizable. The 'firecracker' sound was real and the result of which can be seen in all photographic evidence, in the lack of response by everyone until after Z-313.
  7. Robert, I need to end the conversation with this Forum for personal reasons. I will state my position for what it may be worth. From reading every testimony, Affidavit, FBI Report, Report, News Article and listening to taped interviews, it was reasonable to conclude that no credible evidence for shots coming from the rear of the limo existed. Four shots were fired, all of them coming from various locations on the West side of Elm. If CONNALLYS wounds as currently believed prohibit him from being wounded from a shot coming from the West side of Elm, then I would say to not trust the currently held beliefs. It also does not matter at this point why CONNALLY was wounded, until we fully understand the assassination scenario we can not know. Thanks for listening Bob Mady
  8. David, you have a really good suggestion, but I don't have the skill set to accomplish that task. Not even sure the postings made are clear enough to properly convey conjecture. Hopes were that evidence connecting testimony with media or the revelation that media does not support WC/R theory or Conspiracy theories would be sufficient to cause the 'ah ha' moment if put in the most basic form. If I can be of help to answer any questions, I will. But, and this is absolute, do not believe me. It is important that anyone interested KNOW the truth. Analyze the evidence yourself, my only intention is to point to the truth by providing evidence that is coherent and connected and corroborative.
  9. Gary "To my way of thinking, the appearance and positioning of the clothing holes were dictated by the position of the governor himself at his moment of wounding impact." This makes no sense. The governor's suit jacket was an appropriately custom tailored garment, and the shirt was an Arrow dress shirt again fitted to the governor's physique. Immaterial. I also do not feel that the FBI photographed the garments in the manner that they did in an effort to alter the "positioning" of the holes in either the shirt, suit jacket, or trousers. Then there is no rational explanation why the FBI documented important evidence in this haphazard manner other than gross incompetence. Did you take additional photographs of CONNALLYS shirt and back of his suit that you may share? I did not say the holes were moved, I said the appearance of the location of the hole had been intentionally adjusted to better conform to the WC/R fiction.
  10. Gary, in other words this photograph was taken with evidence displayed in this awkward manner because the FBI blatantly attempted to obfuscate evidence.
  11. Gary, then you also noticed FBI's display of the shirt in effect may have raised the location of the bullet hole. Is this significant in your analysis? In other words do you believe that the hole is where the WC claims or could it possibly be lower and to the side? I remember comments at the time, I have not been able to resurrect them, but it had to do with CONNALLY's entrance wound being 'on CONNALLYS side, under his armpit' I thought it had been a comment during a press conference from a doctor. But then I was 11 at the time.
  12. Why would the WC document and present vital information in a manner that is not definitive. This shirt has most likely been rolled at the top, biased on the right, in effect this raised the appearance of the hole in the shirt significantly higher. Why would the WC do this...so as to conform to a shot coming from the sixth floor. Because a hole too low would make the proposed SBT second shot impossible, as if it wasn't impossible already, it would also make any shot from the 6th floor to be impossible. It may be just my perception, but does this photograph appear to have also been taken from the left and not straight on? The shirt could have also been pulled inward, moving the hole more towards the back and away from the side.
  13. Gary Thank you for the reply. Where may I review your work, I am interested based on your post.
  14. "Researchers" desperately looking for any perceptible sign of a bullet striking CONNALLY are able to point to a frame that might indicate puffed cheeks or a frame where the lapel seems to move. FACT, CONNALLY absorbed the full impact from a high powered rifle, 100% of the energy was transferred to his body on impact, the impact would have driven him in the direction of the force, just the same as the man holding the rifle as firmly as possible was driven back by the force. Difference being the man holding the rifle is braced, CONNALLY was not. CONNALLY does not move in any frame before Z-325 that would be indicative of absorbing the force of a missile from a high powered rifle. CONNALLY in Z-325 is driven in the direction of his wounds, which are down and to his left. The wounds I might add are aligned in Z-325, is there another moment in the ZAPRUDER film where CONNALLY's body is aligned?
  15. Do you understand that the CONNALLYS are the only two people in Dealey Plaza to react to the first shot other than SSA READY, LANDIS, HICKEY and HILL looking toward the grassy knoll? Do you understand that the CONNALLYS are the only two people in Dealey Plaza to react to a second shot that was supposedly fired before Z-313? CLINT HILL did not react at the sound from the first shot, he reacted when CONNALLY laid down in the limo, just prior to the second shot at Z-313. Has this evidence been considered in your analysis or the 'pundit' Gary Murr's trilogy ?
  16. James Gordon, look at CONNALLY does he appear to be stunned after supposedly being shot, he has the presence of mind to turn his body 90 degrees, he peers into the back seat and is likely conversing with JACKIE, he turns his head then calmly, carefully and UNASSISTED, lays back on top of NELLIE CONNALLY, who surprisingly had repositioned herself which allowed CONNALLY to lay back, how did CONNALLY even know he had the space to lay back?
  17. You want to know the truth, here is the truth in CONNALLYS own words, CONNALLY looses consciousness when he is shot. CONNALLY: WC : At about that time, we began to pull out of the cavalcade, out of the line, and I lost consciousness and didn't regain consciousness until we got to the hospital. This is EXACTLY when CONNALLY is shot, this is exactly when he looses consciousness, after Z-325, after he is driven down and to his left in response to a missile passing through his body, wrist and into his leg. Read the testimony, you don't even have make to guess. Even their lies have bits of truth still clinging on.
  18. Gordon "What happens to John Connally and Nellie Connally after Z290 - 320? Nellie pulls John Connally overn onto her lap and places her body over him. See my Canterbury presentation linked already on this thread." Evidently you have never viewed the ZAPRUDER film, because, NEILLIE CONNALLY does not release the bouquet of yellow flowers clutched in her left fist, nor can she be detected to make any movement to pull or assist CONNALLY to lay back on top of her. NELLIE CONNALLY for the most part does not even pay any attention to CONNALLY until he is laying on top of her. If CONNALLY is stunned and laying on top of NELLIE how did she manage to move him to a crouched facing forward position by Z-325? Why is this not mentioned in testimony? For CONNALLY to say 'there're going to kill us all' is impossible as a man running with one leg. CONNALLYS lung had collapsed, he was fortunate if he could take a breath. You must be working with a delusion of what happened because what you claim is not observable in the ZAPRUDER film.
  19. The only reason the CONNALLYS are sticking to their story is that CONNALLY in his testimony to the Nation from his bed in Parkland Hospital, CONNALLY specifically made claims based on the initial story the government intended to use, three shots three hits, MRS CONNALLY stood by his side in agreement. After TAGUE became a real issue the story had to be altered, CONNALLYS were stuck, they already told the Nation the first official story, they had to stick with it with as many modifications as they felt they could get away with, such as both of them seeing the President wounded first, to CONNALLY absolutely not seeing the President and MRS CONNALLY sticking to her claim.
  20. Robert, please post images of CONNALLY displaying his wounds on this back and chest and put an end to this line of inquiry.
  21. James Gordon MRS CONNALLY:WC: ...Now, I did hear the Secret Service man say, "Pull out of the motorcade. Take us to the nearest hospital," and then we took out very rapidly to the hospital. Just before we got to Parkland, we made a right-hand turn, he must have been going very fast, because as he turned the weight of my husband's body almost toppled us both. Interesting that this 'toppling' occurs while the limo was on Elm street, specifically following frame Z-325. It appears James that you have assumed the CONNALLYS claims to actually be truthful.
  22. When it was discussed 'years ago' did they also consider a Four Shot Scenario Model with a different sequence of shots and a different timing? The time is now, to consider this evidence in light of its coherence with the other evidence presented.
  23. If CONNALLY was wounded where you believe he was wounded why is posted supporting evidence questionable? PHYLLIS HALL, Parkland Nurse claimed CONNALLY was in so much pain that he 'screamed' when taking a breath, how did CONNALLY cry out 'there're going to kill us all" ? Please explain why CONNALLY turned 90 degrees to his right after being severely wounded, that is an incredible amount of recoil. Please explain how CONNALLY and MRS CONNALLY spring from laying back in their seats to face forward in 1/2 of 1 second following Z-313. Please explain why CONNALLY and MRS CONNALLY fail to mention this in their testimony. If the WC moved the wounds on the President why would they not move the wounds on CONNALLY in order to support their lies?
  24. WILLIAM NEWMAN: ... I thought the shot had come from the garden directly behind me, that it was on an elevation from where I was as I was right on the curb.
  25. Mr. LIEBELER - Did you have any impression as to the direction from which these shots came? Mr. ZAPRUDER - No, I also thought it came from back of me.
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