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Steve Thomas

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  1. A President can be impeached for high crimes, but he can't be prosecuted. How screwed up is that? Steve Thomas
  2. “ELIZABETH LYNNE CHENEY IS GUILTY OF TREASON,” one post created by another user that Trump amplified on his social media website Truth Social on Sunday reads. “RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS.” A separate post Trump amplified on Truth Social Sunday includes photos of 15 former and current elected officials and says, “THEY SHOULD BE GOING TO JAIL ON MONDAY NOT STEVE BANNON!” In addition to Biden and Harris, the post includes photos of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Vice President Mike Pence and members of the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Not just any old trial mind you, but military ones. Welcome to Argentina. Steve Thomas
  3. Day two of Donald Trump's dictatorship By Chauncey DeVega July 2. 2024 https://www.salon.com/2024/07/02/day-two-of-donald-dictatorship/ Without immediate action, DeVega warns, Americans can expect the following: Camps that can hold millions of people One lone national political party White Christianity as the nation’s official religion Mass deportations Military occupations of Democrat-leaning cities The United States military will be ordered to occupy Democrat-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country to combat "crime." There will be a national “patriotic” education program where dissent and intellectual freedom and otherwise challenging “conservative”/neo-fascist orthodoxy and dogma will not be allowed. High-quality public education will be ended and replaced with indoctrination programs to create compliant subjects who lack the intellectual training to be critical thinkers and responsible citizens in a real democracy. Universities and colleges will be targeted with censorship, lawsuits and other efforts to defund and close them down – as well as to threaten and intimidate faculty and administrators – if they do not sufficiently support the Trump regime and the larger right-wing reactionary and revolutionary project. The end of freedom of the press Executions of political rivals on accusations of treason Steve Thomas
  4. - former federal Judge J. Michael Luttig 07/01/24 - “America’s democracy and rule of law are this country’s heart and soul,” Judge Luttig said. “Our democracy and the rule of law are what had made America the envy of the world and the beacon of freedom to the world for almost 250 years now. Today, the Supreme Court cut that heart and soul out of America.” Steve Thomas
  5. This is my favorite part from the Supreme Court decision: "In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the President' motives." "I just killed someone." "Why did you kill him? "Well, it was part of my official duties." "Yeah, but why did you kill him?" "It was part of my official duties, and you're not allowed to ask me why. I'm immune." Steve Thomas
  6. Scathing Sotomayor dissent: "The President is now a king above the law" From CNN's Devan Cole July 1, 2024 https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-immunity-supreme-court-decision-07-01-24#h_970d5ce788355fc04d44ed8795e178fb Justice Sonia Sotomayor did not hold back in her dissent. “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.” The justice did not end the dissent with the traditional “respectfully” language. “With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” Sotomayor wrote. Read the Decision here: https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-immunity-supreme-court-decision-07-01-24#h_ef662a44ee1fb39182a3d46680a5718a Steve Thomas
  7. Reps. Hakeem Jeffries, Jamie Raskin Say Dems Are Discussing Biden’s Political Future https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-donald-trump-debate-live-updates_n_667c473ce4b05521a7f0538b “Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Raskin also said that there are “very honest and serious, rigorous conversations taking place at every level of our party.” The Maryland Democrat implied that it’s normal for a political party with diverse perspectives to have such conversations, as compared to the apparent lack of discussion in the Republican Party after Trump was convicted.” That’s the way I look at it. That’s what Democracy is all about. Let the Democrats show the world that they are not in a cult. Steve Thomas
  8. Jonathan, No. You're right. I probably shouldn't have included that. Steve Thomas
  9. Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump insisted that Donald Trump was "leading" the nation even though he is "not officially" president. While speaking to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, "The fact that you have Donald Trump leading the country right now when he is not officially yet back in the White House speaks volumes to the American people and, I think, to the rest of the world," she continued.” That’s funny. I thought America was a shithole country, a third-world country full of carnage and bloodshed… at least according to Donald Trump. Steve Thomas
  10. Greg, Oswald may have had limited opportunities for contact, but was that his intent? You have him interacting with Bringuer in New Orleans, possible sightings of him at a training camp at Lake Ponchatrain, the house on Harlandale, either him or an imposter trying to board a raiding party in Miami, a meeting with Veciana in September, sightings of him at an exile meeting and/or a picnic in late September or early in October. Was his intent to establish some kind of contact with the Alpha 66 guys in Fairhope? I don't know. Steve Thomas
  11. Joyce Vance just highlighted the horror that the Supreme Court has inflicted on all our lives. Scientists? We don't need no stinking scientists Ex-prosecutor flags non-Trump Supreme Court decision that will 'impact all of our lives' By David McAfee June 29, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/supreme-court-chevron-impact-vance/ How about injecting some Clorox to clean out that pesky Covid stuff? Let's give our babies some milk loaded with mercury. It's good stuff. Look what it does for thermometers and everything. Who needs air quality monitors on nuclear power plants anyway? Steve Thomas
  12. Greg, It's possible that Oswald's visit to the Jesuits had less to do with the Jesuits, and more to with Oswald's efforts to infiltrate Alpha 66 in Fairhope and Mobile, AL. See my posting on p. 3 of this Forum Thread: Bolton Ford -- What REALLY happened there in By Jim Hargrove https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27593-bolton-ford-what-really-happened-there-in-1961/page/3/#comment-453775 Steve Thomas
  13. Dumb as a box of rocks Trump: "All they know is electric, they want electric army tanks, they want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air? Well, sir, those, you know that I told you there'd be problems, sir. No, they want electric everything every day. They want electric boats. The problem, the boats, they, they don't float because the battery is so heavy. It sinks the boat. They say we don't care. We want em anyway." Steve Thomas
  14. - Donald Trump at a rally in Virginia 06/28/24 - “...worst thing that's happening to Black No. 1, Hispanic No. 2,…” "And they're taking the Black jobs. People that have had their jobs for a long time are losing their jobs. And Hispanic jobs, people that have had 'em for a long time are losing their jobs.” "Trump just repeated his 'Black jobs' and 'Hispanic jobs' garbage again at his Virginia rally today," wrote @ArtCandee. "Enough of this man!!!!!" “"Someone please ask Trump what a 'black job' is," said @JDCocchiarella.” “There is no such thing as a Black job. That misinformed characterization is a denial of the ubiquity of Black talent. We are doctors, lawyers, school teachers, police officers and firefighters. The list goes on,” said Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP. “A ‘Black job’ is an American job. “ Steve Thomas
  15. “They’re taking Black jobs now and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people,” Trump said. “They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet but you’re gonna see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.” There are black jobs, and then again there are white jobs, you see. What are black jobs? Picking cotton? Steve Thomas
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