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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. On April 24, 1964 SS Chief Rowley wrote a Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission. The subject of Rowley's letter was, “Manuel Rodriguez”. This memo is CD 853

    This memo was in response to a letter from Rankin to Rowley dated April 22, 1964. In describing the overall investigation of Rodriguez, Rowley wrote,

    The basic document in this investigation is a Memorandum from the CIA to the “Federal Bureau of Investigation – Special Agent in Charge” (Miami Office), dated November 25, 1963, a copy (of) which was furnished to this Service at Miami. The FBI file number is 105-112098.

    With his letter, Rowley includes a January 14-17, 1964 Protective Research Report from Dallas Secret Service Field Agent, Roger Warner. The topic of Warner's memo was: “Reaction by Cuban Exile Community to President Kennedy's Death”


    In the Synopsis to Warner's Report, it says that he description of Manuel Rodriguez as being “violently anti-President Kennedy” was contained in this original November 25, 1963 CIA memo.


    Here is a copy of the CIA's memo to the FBI of November 25, 1963.


    This copy is not signed, nor is the memo written up on CIA letterhead. The name “Heitman” is handwritten on the first page. Wallace Heitman was an FBI Dallas Field Office Agent. Is this a copy done up by Heitman on his own typewriter of the information he got from the CIA?

    It is cc'd to the Secret Service.


    Steve Thomas

  2. If you go the main Mary Ferrell Foundation web page


    and you type in 105-112098, you pick up a whole lot of FBI files on Alpha 66. There's over 1,000 page hits.

    I'm not sure if that record series is just the FBI HSCA subject files for the Church Committee, or if it was designed to include other things as well.


    Steve Thomas


  3. 44 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Thanks again.  I did not know this (obviously?).



    That's why it's important to research a Cuban person like, say, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro under both Rodriguez, as well as Orcarberro.

    If you go to the Mary Ferrell Foundation web site, and you do a search for Manuel Orcarberro, you get 8 document hits.

    If you do a search for Manuel Rodriguez, you get 18 document hits.

    If you look for Manuel Rodriguez, you pick up CD 853


    as well as this (CIA?) memo



    Steve Thomas


  4. 24 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

    Arcacha. I assume that Smith was his mother's maiden name.





    You're right. I forgot that Cuba is a matronymic culture.

    There's even more entries in the DPD Archives under Arcacho, Sergio.


    Steve Thomas

  5. 4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I didn't find a thread on the forum about him although he has been mentioned a few times.




    There's some stuff on Smith in the DPD Archives:



    I like the line on page 4 of his affidavit where he says, "I am now sufficiently aware that Mr. Garrison is a dangerous man who would stop at nothing to achieve his ends, including the possibility of turning me over to pro-Castro agents, or directly, or indirectly, bringing about my death."


    Steve Thomas

  6. 37 minutes ago, Tom Hume said:

    Hi Steve,

    Maybe you already know this, but Col. Samuel G Kail was in the 4th Army, at least for a few years. Below are links to three service medals presented to Samuel G. Kail:

    (1) Silver Star, Korean War.   https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/106885

    (2) Legion of Merit, Vietnam war.  https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/106885

    (3) Legion of Merit, (4th Army) Vietnam War.  https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/106885




    Thank you. The Silver Star award goes along with something else I read. I wasn't sure it was the same Sam Kail, so I didn't say anything, but, see:

    The 7th Infantry Regiment: Combat in an Age of Terror: The Korean War ...

    By John C. McManus pp 20-21



    Steve Thomas

  7. 9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Sam Kail:

    From Our Man in Acapulco, p. 141:


    When Frank Branstetter was looking for work on his return from Havana in 1959, he wrote to Colonel William Rose in the ACSI (Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence) office.

    "Rose suggested that Brandy contact Colonel Sam Kail, the U.S. Army military attaché at the American embassy in Havana"

    I have read (and I can't remember where, that it was Kail who steered Brandstetter to Crichton and his 488th).


    Steve Thomas

    I'm picking up references that Sam Kail was from Dallas:

    Posted by Jerry Shinley in the alt.conspiracy.jfk newsgroup 8/28/01



    New Orleans Times-Picayune August 11, 1960

    Remoulade by Howard Jacobs
    Havana "Fugitives' Get Royal Welcome

    “Two young "refugees" from Cuba found their path unexpectedly smoothed by thoughtful New Orleanians a few days ago. The first inkling that 12- and 14-year-old Samuel and Robin Kail were en route from Havana to New Orleans came with a long distance call to Mrs. Jesse Core from her cousin, U. S. Army Col. Samuel Kail, who is stationed in the Cuban capital.

    Col. Kail said the boys were en route to visit their grandparents in Dallas, and that they needed to be met and convoyed through customs and placed aboard the Dallas flight. In the emergency Mrs. Core called upon O. L. Sands, Moisant [airport] director, and Lewis Hopkins, travel consultant at International Trade Mart. Hopkins arranged for the Dallas flight, and Sands met the plane, escorted the boys through customs and placed them aboard the Dallas flight.”

    The Last Investigation. By Gaeton Fonzi p. 312


    “I spent a few days in Dallas helpng Jim McDonald with witness depositions, most of which had to do with Jack Ruby. I did, however, get to talk with a few people I had wanted to meet, including the retired Colonel Sam Kail, the military attaché at the American Embassy in Havana in 1960, and the man to whom Maurice Bishop had referred Veciana.”


    This sort of lends credence to the idea that if Brandstetter called Rose at ASCI, Rose (or more than likely, Mrs. Dorothe K. Matlack) had Kail get in touch with him and steered him to Crichton.


    Lester Logue, Robert Castorr, David Atlee Phillips, Frank Brandstetter, Jack Crichton... that Dallas/Fort Worth area was a real hopping place wasn't it?


    Steve Thomas


  8. Sam Kail:



    Posted by James Richards on July 11, 2007 (edited) in the Education Forum


    - Quote -

    Also, I am re-reading "The Last Investigation". Has anyone here ever interviewed Col. Sam Kail? I would like to know more about him and his connection to David Phillips. Thanks (John Bockmon)

    So not to divert the 'What's It Going To Take' thread, I thought I would start a new one.

    Sam Kail is one of the more interesting characters.

    Born in Huntington, West Virginia, he graduated from the Huntington High School. He received a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. Kail was also a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School, Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College. He also attended the Southern Methodist University.

    Kail retired in 1969.

    From 1970 until 1972, he served as the Republican Party Precinct 159 Chairman. In 1972, he campaigned for the Republican nomination to state House District 33-E.

    Kail was the president of the West Point Society of North Texas, a vice president in the Dallas chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, and a member of the Retired Officers Association.

    In 1960, he was stationed in Havana and according to Antonio Veciana, Maurice Bishop sent Veciana to meet with Kail regarding official support. Kail said they would speak in more detail in Dallas later. I'm not sure if that meeting ever took place but Veciana felt that Kail and Bishop were well acquainted.

    In 1959, an arrest order in Havana was issued for David Morales (aka Stanley Zamka). Kail was the one who handled the Cubans as Morales obviously got out.

    Sam Kail was rarely photographed but this is him below. (photo not included)

    Kail's son, Samuel Kail Jr. is an army man and probably worth tracking down.



    Edited July 11, 2007 by James Richards


    - End Quote -


    Cryptonym: JMFIG

    JMFIG is defined as the "Opa-locka Naval Base. Opa-locka CAC (note: Caribbean Admissions Center)




    Background on the use of the Opa-locka facility. "The Caribbean Admission Center was established in March 1962 as a joint DOD/CIA operation under CIA operational control and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) cover..." See https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=19773#relPageId=10&tab=page - it shows that "CIA's Domestic Contact Division (DCD) had primary responsibility for obtaining positive intelligence interest from refugees." DCD officers conducted interviews with refugees at the CAC.


    124-90019-10155: No Title

    Deputy Chief of the CAC is Colonel Sam Kail.

    198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

    Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Trudencio Ulibarri are described as "the two top men" at CAC.


    See this document for further details on Kail and Ulibarri and the relationship between CIA and DOD.

    198-10004-10153: TRIP REPORT

    6/30/63 from Lt. Col. James Patchell to Joseph Califano: Describes visit to CAC, operations led by Colonel Sam Kail and Lt. Col. Ulibarri. Julian Gleichauf, CIA chief of field office, is also the Director of CAC. "It is a military operation under CIA management."


    From The Road to Dallas

    By David E Kaiser,


    (The “process” being spoken of below involves the overthrow of Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti)




    From Our Man in Acapulco, p. 141:

    https://books.google.com/books?id=QLdqgDsVio4C&pg=PA141&dq=Rose+ACSI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgxtiTz4zcAhUE54MKHSqQAF8Q6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=Rose ACSI&f=false

    When Frank Branstetter was looking for work on his return from Havana in 1959, he wrote to Colonel William Rose in the ACSI (Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence) office.

    "Rose suggested that Brandy contact Colonel Sam Kail, the U.S. Army military attaché at the American embassy in Havana"

    I have read (and I can't remember where, that it was Kail who steered Brandstetter to Crichton and his 488th).


    Steve Thomas

  9. 35 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Good one Steve.




    One of the most telling passages for me in his testimony, appears on p. 21 of the pdf file, p. 17 of his testimony:

    In other words, if we were going to run an operation that was going to be a cache replacement in the Cuban mainland, that had to be put in, say in our October schedule, that October schedule had to be submitted to the Washington Headquarters so they could make it available to the Special Group sometime in September.”


    You'd think they were introducing a new product line.

    Assassinate a head of state?, I'm sorry, that doesn't fit into my November schedule.” "Have your people call my people." "I'll pencil that in my calendar."


    Steve Thomas

  10. On 1/19/2017 at 4:28 AM, Steve Thomas said:

    Does anyone know of a Whitmeyer connection to Louisiana?


    I'm picking up references to a Major George L. Whitmeyer as a Reserve local area unit advisor in Monroe, LA in the 1955 - 57 time frame.


    Steve Thomas

    This was passed along to me by Mark Valenti.

    From the Monroe News-Star, March 15, 1954




    Steve Thomas

  11. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Interesting what he says about the troika at the top of MONGOOSE being at first, Helms, RFK and Lansdale.  I don't recall anyone saying Helms was on the operating committee for that operation before.

    Also, does anyone think Shackley did not know the code names MONGOOSE?  Even though he was running their ops out of JM WAVE.



    It was these crazy Cubans, you see. Running around talking about assassinating A, B, or C.

    The CIA would never dream of assassinating someone. I know we were doing weapons drops and all, but that was just for self-protection. We never dreamed that they would actually shoot someone.

    "ZR/RIFLE you say" "Never heard of it."  "There were thousands and thousands of acronyms floating around. I can't be expected to keep track of all of them.

    "QJ.WIN?" "News to me." "Mafia?" "Pshaw"


    Steve Thomas


  12. George Lumpkin provided the transcripts of the DPD dispatch tapes to SA Roger Warner, which were then flown to Washington and became the Secret Service copy.



    Steve Thomas

  13. 5 hours ago, Tom Hume said:

    I don’t know if this has been discussed, but the link below is to a 1966 Richardson (Texas) Daily News article that describes George Lumpkin as “Commandant of the 415th AKSU Dallas United States Army Reserve School”. One has to subscribe to something to read the whole article - I’ll pass.





    Thanks. I think the newspaper's OCR software interpreted the acronym wrong. I believe it should be the 4150th ARSU.  I'm pretty sure ARSU stands for U.S. Army's Southern Command

    Mark Valenti sent me the following pdf:



    I was very interested to learn that he taught.

    With respect to George Whitmeyer, who rode in the pilot car with Lumpkin, Winston Lawson told the HSCA that Whitmeyer "taught army intelligence."

    There were two reserve training centers in Dallas.

    Muchert Reserve Center
    10031 E. Northwest Highway,

    Herzog Reserve Center
    at 4900 S. Lancaster.

    "Mr. Lawson acknowledged that Lt. Col. George Whitmeyer, who was part of the Dallas District U.S. Army Command, who Lawson said "taught Army Intelligence"
    1/31/78 HSCA interview of Secret Service agent Winston Lawson (RIF#18010074-10396)

    Is this possibly where Whitmeyer and perhaps Lumpkin worked?
    Jules E. Muchert Army Reserve Center
    10031 E. Northwest Highway
    This Property was a part of the original boundaries of White Rock Lake Park. The City of Dallas sold the Property to the Federal Government in 1956 for an Army Reserve Training Center Site.

    Mary Ferrell Database
    1963-1964 City Directories list him (George Whitmeyer) as Area Commander USA Reserve Training Center.

    That pdf has some nice pictures in it.


    Steve Thomas

    Lumpkin The_Times_Sun__Jul_15__1962_-1.pdf

  14. At around 3:00 - 3:15 PM on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, Lieutenant Jack Revill of the DPD and James Hosty of the FBI had a conversation in the basement of City Hall.

    Exactly what was said in that conversation caused a major blowup between the FBI and the Dallas Police. You can read about the controversy in Jack Revill's WC and HSCA testimony.

    "Jim Hosty knew, that Lee Oswald was capable of killing the President."


    What Revill said, and what he wrote to Curry in a memo within a half an hour of that conversation in the basement, drove J. Edgar Hoover completely off the deep end..


    Up until that time, local police units from around the country had been invited to attend an annual training regimen at the national FBI Training Academy.

    After this major blowup, Dallas was no longer invited to attend those training sessions.

    Here;s a listing of the 1959  Dallas personnel graduates. Look who else was in that graduating class with Lumpkin:



    Dallas - Paul Harvey Ashenhust, Inspector, PD 
    Dallas - Glenn Winston Byrd, Justice of the Peace, Dallas County 
    Dallas - Alden C. Cantrell, Captain, PD (Retired)
    Dallas - Jesse E. Curry, Asst. Chief of Police, PD
    Dallas - Walter C. Fannin, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - Newton T. Fisher, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - William P. Gannaway, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - Orville A. Jones, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - Forrest E. Keene, Chief of Police, University Park 
    Dallas - Royal Hobart Kelley, Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County SO 
    Dallas - Tyree B. Leonard, Lieutenant, PD 
    Dallas - Dallas A. Loe, Inspector, PD (Retired) 
    Dallas - George L. Lumpkin, Deputy Chief of Police, PD 
    Dallas - Erskin Lewis Munday, Lieutenant, PD 
    Dallas - Arthur Evert Nobles, Detective, Highland Park PD 
    Dallas - C. E. Oliver, Detective, PD 
    Dallas - Edward Preston, Inspector, PD 
    Dallas - Lloyd S. Reeves, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - Harry T. Riddell, Captain, PD (Retired) 
    Dallas - James Lee Riddle, Lieutenant, PD 
    Dallas - J. Herbert Sawyer, Inspector, PD 
    Dallas - J. M. Solomon, Captain of Police, PD 
    Dallas - James M. Souter, Lieutenant, PD 
    Dallas - Ted P, Wells, Lieutenant, PD 
    Dallas - W. R. Westbrook, Captain, PD 
    Dallas - John Charles Wilson, Lieutenant, PD 


    Steve Thomas

  15. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I don’t mean to dismiss the point of this thread. I’m really interested in Lumpkin. 



    Every little clue helps.


    Dallas, September, 1964 American Legion Convention:



    Steve Thomas

  16. 27 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Wow, that is a great find David, especially with the suggestion that the station inquiry was a major priority (not something limited strictly to a tasking by Sforza) and went on well into 1964; it certainly gives lie to Shackley's later remarks...

    I find it hard to think that a COS could order an inquiry of that nature without HQ authorization nor that it could be conducted without a report to HQ...and as far as I know no sign of any such report, specifically including a detailed inquiry into the exile community, has ever surfaced in any form.  That should certainly be a high priority item for future document searches but I would have to think its either something that never went into the files.  If Shackley did it strictly on his own authority, and lied about it later, it would suggest that something really serious turned up in the station inquiry.




    The reason I asked about Philiips' "chain of command" is because it seems to me that over time, the Intelligence function of the CIA gave way to the Counter-Intelligence function.

    More time seems to have been spent trying to counter what the Russians (and others) were doing to us instead of what we were doing to them. I read once that the greatest harm that Joe Macarthy and his ilk did was to bring the "communist menace" home. The threat was no longer "out there", but was here among us, and caused a whole lot of paranoia.

    Joe Macarthy's "the commies are in the State Department; Vosjoli's and the OAS's  "the KGB has infiltrated the French Secret Service;  Angleton's "mole hunt", all seem to illustrate this.


    When you said,

    " By the fall of 63 he had his fingers in a great many pies and so did James Angleton who was waging a turf war at HQ claiming he should be in charge of CIA both in Mexico City and Saigon. There is some reason, Bill Simpich pursues this line of thought and I address it in NEXUS, to think that Angleton and Phillips might have been working certain special projects that fall, perhaps without the full knowledge of the COS. Its interesting that both Phillips and Angleton's person in MC both got relatively poor reviews from the COS that year, possibly because of unhappiness over Phillips divided loyalties.",

    that may be an example of what I was trying to get at. Phillips and Angleton are out running their Counter-Intelligence side deals.


    Your comment that, "That should certainly be a high priority item for future document searches but I would have to think its either something that never went into the files." sounds like a topic for the Wishlist for Researchers thread. *grin*


    Steve Thomas


  17. I do not know if this is the same George Lumpkin.

    The George Lumpkin, who was a Deputy Chief of Police in Dallas, TX in 1963, was born in 1912. In 1942, he would have been 30 years old. 


    Pacific Paratrooper

    Blog Archives

    Eye Witness Account

    Mar 16

    Posted by GP Cox


    ““Upon arrival, 27 May, (1942) at the island, we were greeted by remarks indicating that we were just in time for the “party.” These remarks didn’t bother us; we had just left the States two weeks before. Next morning, at squadron briefing when Major Henderson also let us know that the Japs were overdue — we did a little more thinking on the matter.

    “The greenest group ever assembled for combat included Second Lieutenants George Lumpkin, E.P. Thompson, George Koutdas, D.L. Cummings, A.H. Ringblom, Jack Cosley, Ken Campion, Orvin Ramlo and James Marmande. None of us had ever flown the SB2U, so we immediately checked out with no more trouble than a couple of ground loops.”



    "Front row L-R – Richard Blain, Leon Williamson, Daniel Cummings, Allan Ringblom, Harold Schlendering, Sumner Witten, Frank Zolnis, Gordon McFeely.
    Second row – William Humbard, Jack Cosley, George Koutelas, George Lumpkin, Clyde Stamps, John Moore, Charles Cayer."


    Steve Thomas

  18. On 7/4/2018 at 5:12 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    re "pg. 128"  So Brandstetter was a subordinate of Lumpkin Army Intelligence, Not the 488th Military Intelligence/reserves?

    And, per your last sentence, Lumpkin was in A. I. from 1960 -1967, while he was with the DPD?


    Steve Thomas

  19. I just ran across this and thought I'd pass it along:


    The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus


    November 26, 2011

    Volume 9 | Issue 47 | Number 2

    The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

    By Peter Dale Scott


    (Jack) Crichton was also an extreme right-winger in the community of Dallas oilmen: he was a trustee of the H.L. Hunt Foundation, and a member of the American Friends of the Katanga Freedom Fighters, a group organized to oppose Kennedy’s policies in the Congo.”


    Steve Thomas

  20. 15 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Since the writer didn't respond to my request to post the letter here, there isn't much more I want to say. It was, obviously, an objection over copyright infringement.   



    Can you at least say whether the author of the letter you received was a published author of a work that was included on the site?


    Steve Thomas

  21. I've sort of come to the conclusion that Cuba was a clusterf*** all the way around.

    Veciana and Alpha 66 just wanted to kill Castro, and didn't really care what came afterwards.

    The CIA just wanted to run covert ops for the purpose of running covert ops and had no plan for what came afterwards.

    The military just wanted to do what it was born and bred for -  to conquer things -  and had no real interest in what came afterwards.


    To whit:


    Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board meeting of May 15, 1961.

    This is after the Bay of Pigs.


    Page 9





    Meeting of June 7, 1961:


    Page 10




    In other words, the CIA was conducting covert actions for the sake of covert action.


    Meeting of September 12 – 13, 1963


    Page 16:



    What happens after Castro? "The CIA prefers that no leader in exile be considered".


    Page 21:





    V is Veciana




    Although interested in the Cuban political scene, the military was primarily interested in doing what the military does; i.e. military conquest. They were using Alpha 66 as a reconnaissance in depth, testing for Cuban weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and more importantly, possible Soviet ground troop response.

    (emphasis in prior sentence is mine).



    Steve Thomas




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