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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Keyvan, I once had occasion to index the files from Henry Wade's Jack Ruby trial. During that process, I ran across this: This is from Group 45 pdf. 2127. This is the same Emmett Joseph Hudson who testified before the WC. He wasn't asked if he knew LHO. Steve Thomas
  2. Over and above discussions of the photographic evidence; for me, the issue of the backyard photos is clouded by what I believe was a clumsy and ultimately, unsuccessful effort on the part of the Dallas Police to disguise the fact that Lee Harvey was interviewed by the Dallas Police at 12:35 PM on Saturday, November 23rd; and that during that interview was asked about the rifle photos. I believe that this interview took place at least four hours before the Detectives returned from their second search at 2515 W. 5th St. in Irving. You can find a fuller explanation of my analysis of the 12:35 interview on my web site at: https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ and on the Education Forum in the thread entitled, “Fritz ADDED the part about the photos afterward...” started by David Joseph on 11/28/2011. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/18440-fritz-added-the-part-about-the-photos-afterward/ There is also a version of the Interrogation of Oswald in CD 81 AG Texas Letter with attachments dated 07 Jan 1964 beginning on page 452. Covers the Interrogation of Oswald and takes up 13 pages. On page 460, Fritz references the 12:35 interview in the same language as is in the DPD Archives “with Inspector Kelley and some of the other officers and myself”. He asks Oswald about the different places he lived in an attempt to find out where the picture was made of him holding a rifle. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=652&tab=page Also, CE 2003 (24H beginning at page 195) - Dallas Police Department file on investigation of the assassination of the President (CD 81b, all pages). The Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald begins on page 264 of this Exhibit and takes up 13 pages. Page 268 covers the 12:35 Interrogation. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=286 The Warren Commission interviewed Detective Guy Rose on April 3, 1964 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/stovall.htm Mr. BALL. On Saturday morning you went out to Irving again? Mr. ROSE. Yes, sir; I did. Mr. BALL. But you brought that property back here into town, did you? Mr. ROSE. Yes; we did. Mr. BALL. Now, you say you sat in on the interrogation of Oswald later that day? Mr. ROSE. Yes; we did. Mr. BALL. Now, you say you sat in on the interrogation of Oswald later that day? Mr. ROSE. On Saturday evening--that Saturday evening. Mr. BALL. What time? Mr. ROSE. I don't remember--it was late--it seemed like it was around 9 or 10 o'clock, I don't remember. Mr. BALL. Who was present? Mr. ROSE. Well, Captain Fritz, Detective Sims, and myself--I don't remember--there was an FBI agent and a Secret Service agent there, but I don't remember their names. Mr. BALL. Do you remember what was said? Mr. ROSE. Do I remember what was said? Mr. BALL. That this took place in Captain Fritz' office? Mr. ROSE. In Captain Fritz' office--yes. Well, the occasion was--I got back to the office and I took this small picture of Oswald holding the rifle, and left the rest of them with the Captain and I took one up to the I.D. bureau and had them to make me an enlargement of it, and they made an almost 8" by 10" enlargement of this picture and I brought it back to the captain and Oswald was brought in and the captain showed him this picture, and Oswald apparently got pretty upset when he saw the picture and at first he said, "Well, that's just a fake, because somebody has superimposed my face on that picture." Then, the captain said, "Well, is that you face on the picture?" And he said, "I won't even admit that. That is not even my face." I remember that part of it distinctly. Guy Rose went back to 2515 W. 5th St. in Irving on Saturday, November 23rd. and searched the garage. Detectives Moore, Rose, Adamcik and Richard Stovall were with him. Stovall told the WC that they were for 2-2 1/2 hours at the most, but be also said that they didn’t leave Irving until 5:30 or so. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/stovall.htm Mr. BALL. The next day, you made another search of the Paine home, didn't you? Mr. STOVALL. Yes, we did. Mr. BALL. About what time? Mr. STOVALL. Must have been around 1 o'clock, just past noon, 1:00 p.m. Mr. BALL. What time did you leave there that day? Mr. STOVALL. It must have been around 5:30, because it was--I believe it was 6 when we got back to the office. Steve Thomas
  3. "Interposition" Keep your eye out for people using that term. Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA. https://cspoa.org/ “When we look at the Office of the Sheriff, combined with the historical powers held by that office, he stands as the upholder, defender, protector and servant to the liberties of the people within the county. In addition to upholding the law, the sheriff is also charged with upholding the supreme law, the Constitution. The law enforcement powers held by the sheriff supersede those of any agent, officer, elected official or employee from any level of government when in the jurisdiction of the county. The vertical separation of powers in the Constitution makes it clear that the power of the sheriff even supersedes the powers of the President. Furthermore, it is this responsibility that grants a Sheriff the Constitutional authority to check and balance all levels of government within the jurisdiction of the County.” “The CSPOA promotes the view that the sheriff is the highest authority in a given county, and as such has the power to provide a "check and balance" against "any state or federal agency that may infringe on the natural rights of the people" The CSPOA website sums up the position with one word: "interposition." "We are witnessing great deeds of protection, service and interposition across America by courageous sheriffs who only want to serve the people who elected them," the website says. Interposition has traditionally been claimed as a right of a state to cancel out actions of the federal government that it deems unconstitutional. Sen. John Calhoun of South Carolina cited interposition in the 1830s to preserve slavery in the South, and southern states turned to it in the 1950s in an attempt to avoid compliance with the Brown v. Board of Education decision to desegregate schools. The Supreme Court rejected interposition in the 1958 Cooper v. Aaron ruling, which invoked Marbury vs. Madison to assert judicial supremacy.” BIG VALLEY: Rumbling of insurrection continues in California's far-right MAGA world where the Proud Boys are revered by Jordan Green, Staff Reporter July 10, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/california-insurrection/ “In May, Aguilar and Thornton spoke at an event billed as a "Patriotic Social Gathering" in rural Lander County, with a population less than 6,000, in Nevada, to celebrate the county joining the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA. Previously, in February, the Lander County Board of Commissioners had unanimously passed a resolution removing the county from Gov. Steve Sisolak's COVID emergency declaration. In addition to Richard Mack, a former sheriff in Graham County, Ariz. who founded and leads CSPOA, other special guests at the county-sponsored event included Nevada gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert and Dr. Simone Gold.” “The CSPOA has also caught the attention of at least one Proud Boy leader in the Central Valley. Sean Adam Kuykendall, president of the Central Valley chapter… Kuykendall said he wanted to propose "a group that is taking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights into their own hands and implementing it as a broad swipe across every elected official's agenda, which should be that way — and this is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association."” Steve Thomas
  4. The Chilling Message of Trump’s Embrace of Ashli Babbitt Martyrdom January 6 is now a heroic uprising for the movement. By Jonathan Chait https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/07/trump-who-shot-ashli-babbitt-january-6-insurrection-riot.html “All the political momentum is on Trump’s side. He has slowly turned January 6 from a black mark that threatened to expunge him from Republican politics, to a regrettable episode that his allies preferred to leave behind, to a glorious uprising behind which he could rally his adherents. Martyrs are the most potent symbols for a radical movement. The John Birch Society commemorated an American missionary killed by Chinese communists in 1945 (the first death of the Cold War, the society’s followers believed). Horst Wessel, a German storm trooper killed by communists in 1930, inspired an eponymous song that became a poopoo anthem. The anti-anti-Trump right has dismissed the insurrection as overblown, a protest march gone bad, perhaps ill-considered but never posing any serious threat to the republic. The far right’s highlighting of Babbitt’s death sends a different message: The insurrection was good. Babbitt’s effort to penetrate the defensive barrier was brave, and the stopping of her charge a crime. By throwing himself behind this message, Trump is endorsing the most radical interpretation of his presidency. January 6 was not a minor misstep after a successful era, as fans like Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham now say. It was the heroic culmination of a righteous uprising.“ Chilling indeed. Steve Thomas
  5. Donald Trump has sued Twitter, Facebook and Google for kicking him off their platforms. He filed suit in Florida. 1. You can't sue private companies for violating First Amendment rights. They only apply to governments. 2> Facebook's Terms of Service say that if you want to sue them, you have to file in San Francisco. He filed in Florida. 3. His "expert" lawyers are a Personal Injury firm. Ivey, Barnum and O'Mara, LLC is based in Connecticut. Notice how all their lawyers are listed as Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming. Pro Hac Vice means, For This Occasion, or This Event Only. At least two of them list aol.com as their professional address. https://twitter.com/AkivaMCohen/status/1412802041609691138 Fairfield County Personal Injury and Real Estate Lawyers https://www.ibolaw.com/ Attorneys for Corporate Matters, Franchise Law, and Civil Litigation Serving Metro New York As a full-service law firm comprised of lawyers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC offers trusted guidance and representation of the highest quality to clients who are facing a wide range of legal concerns." "Our firm was founded in 1950 with the goal of helping our friends and neighbors in Southwestern Connecticut and the surrounding region." Steve Thomas
  6. I don't know. To me, his eyebrows and his eyes look all wrong - especially the outside corner of his right eye. Steve Thomas
  7. Mark your calendars! @patriottakes Jul 5 https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1412044845246390272?ref_src=twsrc^tfw "Mike Lindell says by August 13, the talk of the world will be to overturn the election and get the communists out. He also said there will be many down ticket senators that will have different election results.." I'm sorry I won't be able to join you. I think I have to wash dishes that day Steve Thomas
  8. Jamey, I have often thought that there is an untapped goldmine of research to be found in the African-American newspapers that were published in Dallas in that time period. Being so small, these are unlikely to have been indexed, or digitized. Perhaps these could be a research assignment for some grad student. If a person were to go looking for anecdotal evidence of what various black people experienced that day, I'll be you would find a bunch there. Here's a listing of some: List of African-American newspapers in Texas From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African-American_newspapers_in_Texas (sorry for the format, these were copied in table form. The numbers are footnoted references in the Wikipedia article) Dallas The Dallas Express 1893[35] 1970[35] Weekly[35] Dallas Dallas Gazette 1913?[36] ? [36] Weekly[36] Dallas In Sepia 1959?[38] ? [38] Weekly[38] Dallas The Item 1891[40] 1900[40] Weekly[40] Dallas The Key News 1962[41] ? [41] Weekly[41] Dallas The Dallas Weekly 1954[54] current Weekly[54]
  9. New reports reveal a much larger plot and conspiracy by Trump before the Jan. 6 coup attempt By Chauncey Devega, Salon June 30, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-plot/ “But the fundamental reason why Trump is targeting Milley and other national security leaders is because they stood up to him, and opposed his efforts to use the military as a personal weapon in service to his coup and his egomaniacal fantasies. Trump also believes that by attacking senior military officials for "disloyalty" and "betrayal," he can provoke dissent among supposedly "loyal" enlisted personnel.” “In an essay at the Washington Spectator, George Black explains how former military officers and retired members of elite military units are organizing right-wing paramilitaries. Their purported goal is to "save" American democracy from the "socialists" and "liberals" by using violence against a government that has supposedly been taken over by "the enemy." Black's essay merits being quoted at length: The biggest risk here is not that we fail to understand what happened in the past and breathe a sigh of relief that American democracy dodged a bullet. It's that we don't recognize what some have called a process of "ongoing incitement." The main significance of January 6 is that it failed. But failure is a learning experience, and those who propelled the insurrection are determined not to fail again. In that sense, the storming of the Capitol was not a culmination: it was one event in a sequence, even a dress rehearsal, just as the invasion of the Michigan State Capitol by armed militants last April can be seen as a dry run for January 6. … The gutting and takeover of the [Republican] party has progressed in plain sight since January 6, embodied in the state-level drive to curtail voting rights and driven by the zeal of the two-thirds of Republican voters who have embraced Trump's Big Lie of a stolen election. The advance of the "cutting edge" — the military veterans of the Vietnam era and their present-day acolytes, however, has been less visible, though no less real. Perhaps the most important, though scantly reported, manifestation of this has been the emergence of a new group of retired officers called Flag Officers 4 America — "flag officers" meaning generals and admirals. Black continues with a discussion of a veteran-centered far-right organization called 1st Amendment Praetorian, which says it is committed to violent resistance. He quotes one former Special Forces officer saying, "If you vote your way into socialism, you have to shoot your way out." This new organization ... has much in common with the Oath Keepers — the invocation of the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam as the starting-point of the global anti-American conspiracy incarnated in the Democratic Party and the Deep State, the vow to defend the Constitution "against all enemies foreign and domestic," and the special role of elite units of the military. The group's leader, Robert Patrick Lewis, a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, says that the group was founded last October and provided security and intelligence, including the high-tech surveillance of protesters, to a string of Stop the Steal, MAGA, and other "patriot" rallies in the weeks following the election. By January, it had organized a security detachment for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — who helped raise funds for the group — and Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell. It performed this function at a Memorial Day weekend rally in Dallas where Flynn mooted the idea of a Myanmar-style military coup in the United States. What comes next, according to the group's website, is a "Coalition to Defend America" event in Palm Beach, Florida, on July 4 and the formation, together with "constitutional sheriffs," of grassroots "resilience groups, training them to free the oppressed." Like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters, 1st Amendment Praetorian is wedded to the idea that small numbers of highly trained individuals can move mountains. The key, Lewis says, is the unique organizational structure of the Special Forces, the 12-man Operational Detachment Alpha, which is "trained and equipped and operates under the knowledge that one ODA of 12 Green Berets can take down an entire nation."” Steve Thomas
  10. WTF? Tennessee megadonor behind the demand to deploy South Dakota National Guard to Mexico border By Sarah K. Burris June 29, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/national-guard-republican-donor-kristi-noem/ “The Republican governor of South Dakota appears to have deployed the National Guard at the demand of a Tennessee GOP megadonor who agreed to pay for it. According to a report by Insider, Kristi Noem made an announcement that she would deploy her state's troops to the Texas border. According to the news release, Noem said that the soldiers "will be paid for by a private donation." It's drawing questions by folks wondering if it's legal for a private donor to buy American soldiers to use as his own mercenary troops.” Steve Thomas
  11. Chuck, The same PAC backed Roy Moore down in Alabama. https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-super-pac-has-a-new-target-republicans-who-supported-jan-6-commission?ref=home Steve Thomas
  12. Republican SuperPAC goes after fellow Republicans Dirty Commies Steve Thomas
  13. Super-rich will be able to buy £8million apartments on the world's largest yacht: Stunning 728ft-long £430m 'floating condo' will have 39 ultra-luxury onboard homes By Ted Thornhill, Mailonline Travel Editor 28 June 2021 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-9726161/Worlds-largest-yacht-unveiled-Somnio-floating-condo-super-rich.html 'Somnio' will launch in 2024, with the apartments spread over six decks - each one fully customisable Owners will have access to a 'spectacular' 10,000-bottle capacity wine cellar and tasting room A lounge in the ship's bow, meanwhile, will provide for 'spectacular views' when sailing in scenic areas The owners will enjoy a life on the ocean waves like no other - enjoying service found only in the finest hotels “'Somnio' will launch in 2024 and, with a length of 222m (728ft), will be easy to spot from the outside. Only a privileged few, though, will get to view the 500million-euro (£430million/$600million) boat from the inside. That's because she'll serve as a jaw-dropping floating condo for the super-rich, offering 39 ultra-luxury apartments starting at 9.5million euros (£8.1million/$11.2million)”. “The identity of the owners will remain a tightly guarded secret, with the chance to buy one of the apartments coming by invitation or referral only.” 'nuff said Steve Thomas
  14. His Insurrection Inside the Oval Office on January 6. By Michael Wolff https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/michael-wolff-landslide-final-days-trump-presidency-excerpt.html A fascinating account of what was going on inside the White House on January 6, 2021. Steve Thomas
  15. - If there was no fraud, why are all these States spending so much time effort exposing it? That's kind of the logic we, as a country, were forced to endure for four years. Steve Thomas
  16. Monero emerges as crypto of choice for cybercriminals Untraceable "privacy coin" is rising in popularity among ransomware gangs. by Hannah Murphy, Financial Times – 6/22/2021 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/06/monero-emerges-as-crypto-of-choice-for-cybercriminals/?utm_source=digg “For cybercriminals looking to launder illicit gains, bitcoin has long been the payment method of choice. But another cryptocurrency is coming to the fore, promising to help make dirty money disappear without a trace. While bitcoin leaves a visible trail of transactions on its underlying blockchain, the niche “privacy coin” monero was designed to obscure the sender and receiver, as well as the amount exchanged.” Steve Thomas
  17. Trump's going to have a rally tonight in Wellington, OH., population 4,846 (2014 est.). Hope he doesn't leave them out in the field again like he did in Nebraska last year. Steve Thomas
  18. In November, 1963, Kenneth L. Anderton was a Patrolman in the Patrol Division, Second Platoon, Captained by Cecil Talbert. Partnered with John P. Adamcik. Bachelor Exhibit 5002 page 8 of pdf file https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf In his after-action Report, Anderton said that on November 22nd, he was on vacation, but that after JFK was shot, Lt. Wells called him and told him to report to work. When he got there, his partner, J. P. Adamcik was “out with other detectives”. DPD Archives Box 3, Folder# 2, Item# 1. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Police Officers Adamcik (7H202), Rose (7H227) and Stovall (7H186) are unanimous in saying that Captain Fritz dispatched them to Irving at 2:30 PM. They are also unanimous in saying that when they arrived at this address at about 3:00 PM, they had to wait for 35-40 minutes for the Deputy Sheriffs to arrive since Irving was outside their jurisdiction. Anderton also took an affidavit from James Worrell. DPD Archives Box 3, Folder# 2, Item# 1. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Anderton and Adamcik talked to Floyd Davis, the owner of the Sportsdrome Gun Range on December 2, 1963. Mr. Harold Price, who worked for Mr. Davis told Davis that Oswald had been at the gun range on November 9th, 10th, and 17th. This report is tacked on to the end of a Report by L.C. Graves. DPD Archives Box 1, Folder# 6, Item# 22 page 2 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1.htm On December 1, 1963 Richard Borchgardt (who had appeared in a lineup alongside Lee Harvey Oswald) told Patrolman Kenneth Anderton that he had information that Jack Ruby was involved in a gun running scheme involving Lawrence Miller, et.al. Portal to Texas History John F. Kennedy Memorial Collection https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338950/?q=Anderton Though Anderton is listed in the Batchelor’s Exhibit 5002 as a Patrolman in the Patrol Division, his obituary said that he worked in Homicide. Kenneth L. "Andy" Anderton Dallas Morning News May 21, 2005. http://obits.dallasnews.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?n=kenneth-l-anderton-andy&pid=3566572 ANDERTON, KENNETH "Andy" L. 72 of Eustace, TX. passed away May 29, in Tyler, TX. Grew up in the Dallas area. Worked for Ford Motor Co. for a short time. Served in the US Marine Corp. as a flight instructor. After the service he joined and retired after 23 years of service with the Dallas Police Force in the homicide department where he was involved in the investigation during the time President Kennedy was assassinated . He left homicide and joined the intelligence division and was involved in many special projects, some with the FBI. He was a Master Mason at the East Dallas #1200 Lodge. After retirement he worked at Cornerstone Granite & Marble where he coordinated the building of the playground at Scottish Rite Hospital. Survived by his wife, Deane Anderton, son, Mark Anderton, step-sons, Michael Wayne & Patrick Wayne, half brother, Phillip Anderton. William Allen Harper gave the Harper fragment to Dallas FBI Agent James W. Anderton. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/H%20Disk/Harper%20William%20Allen/Item%2001.pdf Any relation to Kenneth L. Anderton? Kenneth L. Anderton wedding photo Dallas Morning News. August 8, 1952 page 11. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/11008119/kenneth-l-anderton Compare the Borchgardt/Anderton story to the account of John Elrod in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WyKEuHna_3CYy8JmWzUWYSLc3PmVpNK_ Page 2 Steve Thomas
  19. State university faculty, students to be surveyed on beliefs “Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested that budget cuts could be looming if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.” By Ana Ceballos 06/23/21 https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/06/22/state-university-faculty-students-to-be-surveyed-on-beliefs/# TALLAHASSEE — “In his continued push against the “indoctrination” of students, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed legislation that will require public universities and colleges to survey students, faculty and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints to support “intellectual diversity.” The survey will discern “the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented” in public universities and colleges, and seeks to find whether students, faculty and staff “feel free to express beliefs and viewpoints on campus and in the classroom,” according to the bill. The measure, which goes into effect July 1, does not specify what will be done with the survey results. But DeSantis and Sen. Ray Rodrigues, the sponsor of the bill, suggested on Tuesday that budget cuts could be looming if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.” Shades of Mao Tse-Tung Steve Thomas
  20. You know, it never occurred to me before; but I don't think that there are any affidavits from these Sheriff's Deputies in the Dallas Police Department Archives. There are Sheriff's Reports, but no formal reports from the Dallas City Police Department that they were interviewed as material witnesses. I wonder why. Steve Thomas
  21. This man is an idiot. How could America have elected him as their President in the first place? Can we go back and impeach someone retroactively for just being completely stupid? Trump issues unhinged new statement about 'winning' Georgia -- and gets quickly shot down by fact checker by Brad Reed June 22, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-georgia-2653492637/ “Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday issued yet another statement falsely claiming to have won the 2020 presidential election in Georgia -- but a fact checker for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution quickly shot down his false claims. In his statement, Trump praised Georgia officials for removing over 100,000 names from their voter rolls -- but then demanded to know why those names weren't removed before the last election, which he narrowly lost to President Joe Biden. "WHAT ABOUT THE LAST ELECTION?" Trump demanded. "WHY WASN'T THIS DONE PRIOR TO THE NOVEMBER 3RD PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, where they had us losing by a very small number of votes, many times less than the 101,789 figure?" Trump then falsely asserted that "this means we (you!) won the Presidential Election in Georgia." However, Atlanta Journal Constitution reporter Mark Niesse explained that Trump's claims have zero basis in reality. "Exactly 0 registered Georgia voters who may be canceled voted in last year's election," he explained. "Voters aren't purged until they miss 2 general elections. Federal law bans list maintenance within 90 days of federal elections."” Steve Thomas
  22. All I know is that the people who identified the rifle as a Mauser were all Sheriff's Deputies; Eugene Boone, Seymour Weitizman, Roger Craig. Once the Dallas City Police Department personnel arrived on the scene, the County Sheriff Department Deputies were told to leave and go back to work, and the Mauser became a Carcano. Steve Thomas
  23. John, We don't know how much time elapsed between the time the limo passed him, and the time he turned to go back to the courthouse. He may have stood around the corner for a while watching other cars in the motorcade, or just sitting around jawing with the other deputy he was with, Bill Hutton. He told the WC that, "I immediately ran toward the President's car. Of course, it was speeding away...". The car wasn't speeding anywhere while it was still on Houston. A question for me is, was Seymour Weitzman the Deputy Sheriff who was with DPD Office Joe Marshal Smith when Smith encountered a Secret Service Agent behind the Grassy Knoll? DPD Officer, Joe Marshal Smith: Smith told the Warren Commission that, “Of course, I wasn't alone. There was some deputy sheriff with me, and I believe one Secret Service man when I got there. Smith told author Anthony Summers that he had. As he said to Summers, “The man, this character produced credentials from his hip pocket which showed him to be Secret Service. I have seen those credentials before, and they satisfied me and the deputy sheriff.” Deputy Weitzman told Warren Commission Counsel Joseph Ball that at the time of the assassination, he was standing at the corner of Main And Houston Sts. At the sound of the shots, he immediately ran into Dealey Plaza and scaled the wall that runs between the railroad tracks and the Elm St. Extension. Counsel Ball asked him if he noticed anything in the railroad yards. Weitzman answered, “We noticed numerous kinds of footprints that did not make sense because they were going different directions”. Mr. Ball asked if there were other people there. Weitzman replied, “Yes, sir; other officers, Secret Service as well..." Steve Thomas
  24. " "Happy Father's Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world." - Donald J. Trump -
  25. Tony, I personally think that somebody screwed up and planted the wrong kind of shells. The shells were discovered, photographed. bagged and tagged and entered into evidence at 1:06. The rifle wasn't entered into evidence until 1:22. They had to make the rifle fit the shells. Steve Thomas
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