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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Evidence suggesting Wilcott's remarks were true is included right in the HSCA notes themselves. "Committee did stress analysis on Jim Wilcott. Cuban stress analysis verified Wilcott validity. Available if needed." I have no idea what a "Cuban stress analysis" is, but we all know what a lie detector is, and it was quite clear that Wilcott was more than happy to take a lie detector test. The HSCA failed to take up Wilcott's offer, and it is clear that HSCA's Michael Goldsmith insisted that Wilcott leave out MANY details from his sworn testimony. It is right in the notes! Even forced to eliminate all those details, Wilcott's testimony was so explosive that it was kept from the public for decades!
  2. John found the HSCA notes with the reference to RX-ZIM because he did what virtually no other researcher has done. He traveled to the National Archives at College Park and worked there for months, examining all the evidence directly related to “Lee Harvey Oswald” (except for the zillions of FBI reports, which he purchased on microfilm from UMI). He found these notes and paid the Archives to have photocopies made. He mentioned RX-ZIM briefly in Harvey and Lee, but he didn’t make a big deal about it. I’m amazed that you have no curiosity whatsoever about the fact that a CIA accountant said he made payments to an encrypted account for “the Oswald Project.” You don’t find that the least bit intriguing, do you? Do you just want to close your eyes and make it go away?
  3. Mathias, I meant to comment on this a long time ago. Sorry. It's obvious from the HSCA notes that Wilcott remembered just about EVERYONE in the Tokyo Station, but that he said he didn't remember under public testimony. Either he didn't want to put other Agency employees on the spot, or he was forbidden from mentioning the specifics of his charges, which the HSCA notes seem to indicate was the case. It surely wasn't about, as Mr. Parnell would like us to believe, being afraid to testify under oath. It is every bit as much a felony to lie to Federal investigators as it is to lie under oath in public testimony. Anyway, here are some of the people Wilcott did remember: And here are some HSCA notes indicating why Wilcott wasn't allowed to give specifics during his testimony. Read near the bottom beginning, "Concerning Michael Goldsmith...."
  4. Tommy, The anti-H&L folks want us to believe that “Lee Harvey Oswald” became fluent reading, writing, and speaking Russian after spending two and a half years in the USSR. But you want us to believe that he couldn’t achieve fluency speaking English after spending at least a decade in our country? Really? Should we call that a double standard or a quadruple standard?
  5. Many researchers consider De Mohrenschildt to be, at the very least, a CIA asset and, whichever side you believe he served, I wouldn’t trust his word alone about much either. But in an employment interview held on October 4, 1963 (JOBCO Employment Agency in Dallas) HARVEY Oswald said De Morhrenschildt was his best friend. As a native speaking Russian with obvious fluency in English, AND as a university language instructor, AND as HARVEY Oswald's closest friend, who on earth was in a better position to discuss Oswald’s remarkable Russian fluency than De Mohrenschildt? How can you ignore him on this issue? What motivation did he have to lie about Oswald's fluency in Russian? Even more importantly, though, De Mohrenschildt's views about Oswald’s fluency were corroborated by other White Russians in and around Dallas: Natalie Ray was asked by Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler, "Did he (Oswald) speak to you in Russian?" Mrs. Ray replied, "Yes; just perfect; re­- ally surprised me .... it's just too good speaking Russian for be such a short time, you know .... . said, 'How come you speak so good Russian? I been here so long and still don't speak very well English.'" George Bouhe was asked by Liebeler, "Did Oswald's command of the Rus­- sian language seem to be about what you would expect from him, having been in Russia for that period of time? Would you say it was good?" Bouhe replied, "I would say very good."170 Mrs. Teofil (Anna) Meller was asked by Liebeler, "Do you think that his com­ mand of the Russian language was better than you would expect for the pe­- riod of time that he had spent in Russia?" Mrs. Meller replied, "Yes; absolutely better than I would expect." Elena Hall was asked by Liebeler, "In your opinion, Lee did have a good command of the Russian language?" Mrs. Hall replied, "Very good ..... " Mrs. Dymitruk was asked by Commission attorney Albert Jenner, "He did speak Russian?" Mrs. Dymitruk replied, "Yes; and I was really surprised-in short time, he spoke nicely." George DeMohrenschildt told Jenner, "He loved to speak Russian ..... he spoke fluent Russian ..... he had a remarkable fluency in Russian ..... he preferred to speak Russian than English any time. He always would switch from English to Russian." Peter Gregory told Warren Commission Representative Gerald Ford, "I thought that Lee Oswald spoke (Russian) with a Polish accent, that is why I asked him if he was of Polish decent." --from Harvey and Lee, p. 426, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong. All rights reserved. By the way, on the same day (October 4, 1963) that HARVEY Oswald was filling out an application and being interviewed in Dallas, LEE Oswald was 400 miles away in Alice, Texas. De Mohrenschildt's shotgun death while being sought out for an interview by the HSCA is one of the most suspicious deaths in this entire sordid affair.
  6. According to George De Mohrenschildt, a Russian émigré who taught the Russian language at a university, Oswald’s Russian was arguably better than his English. Vladimir Petrov, the head of the Slavic Language Department at Yale University, wrote of a letter Oswald wrote from Russia to U.S. Senator John Tower: “I am satisfied that letter was not written by him [Harvey Oswald]. It was written by a Russian with an imperfect knowledge of English." Oswald could read, write, and speak Russian while still in the U.S. Marine Corps prior to visiting the USSR. Oswald’s English speaking skills were quite good, although you can hear more of a foreign accent than the sort of U.S. southern dialect you would expect to hear from someone with his alleged biography. But his written skills were not good at all. The first sentence in the letter above reads, “Sorry too take so long to write but I thought sometime might have come up but we’re still waiting.” Dr. James Norwood has written a wonderful essay on Oswald’s remarkable Russian language skills at the H&L website. See his article here: Oswald’s Proficiency in the Russian Language
  7. Let’s not forget what the Washington Post did to help destroy the late Gary Webb, the courageous reporter whose Dark Alliance series first brought to public attention the depth and breadth of the CIA Contra-Cocaine scandal. The Post, together with The New York Times, went from selectively reporting the news to becoming a literary hit squad to squash the truth, just as they did for JFK. “Those who don’t read the newspaper are uninformed. Those who do read it are misinformed.” – Mark Twain, I think.
  8. Why can't Hollywood directors as powerful as Steven Spielberg simply tell the truth? Why must we be afraid of the facts?
  9. To see what Lance Payette hopes you don't see, click on the link below.... Harvey and Lee
  10. In the wee hours of the night of Nov 22-23, 1963, the FBI secretly took “Oswald's Possessions” from the Dallas Police Department, transported them to Washington, D.C. altered them, and then secretly returned them to Dallas, only to publicly send them to Washington. D.C. a few days later. Among a great many other alterations, a Minox “spy camera” became a Minox “light meter.” Tax records, not found by Dallas police who said they initialed each scrap of paper, magically appeared without DPD initials. FBI agent James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the bean about the secret transfer during his sworn WC testimony, which was altered by the WC. The FBI falsified so much testimony that it even had a process in place for routinely doing so, including over the objections of Warren Commission attorneys.
  11. Here's a 3-minute video showing how the FBI lied about witnesses in Dealey Plaza.
  12. EARTH TO DVP.... The FBI faked evidence in this case. Can you say COVER-UP? Of course not. Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Pistol from Seaport Traders
  13. The usual flurry of insults from Mr. Von Pein won't make the evidence for the revolver any better. It stinks, just like the rifle evidence. See... Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Pistol from Seaport Traders
  14. All the rifle documents, and the pistol documents as well, placed in evidence and now at the National Archives are all black and white COPIES. What happened to all those ORIGINALS that the FBI confiscated?
  15. Thanks, DJ, for posting more evidence about this sordid affair. The order from Win Scott’s office to re-arrest and torture Sylvia Duran shows not only how deeply at least some top CIA officials wanted to shape the whole Mexico City/LHO charade, but also how totally they could control DFS and, by extension, the entire Mexican government, at least in regards to this crime. With this in mind, how can we possibly trust any evidence from DFS and other Mexican authorities, as DJ demonstrated in his recent MC series.
  16. This was all covered 15 years ago in Harvey and Lee. The graphics I've posted here are from the CD accompanying Harvey and Lee.
  17. Marvin Gheesling, the FBI agent mentioned in the handwritten note on the flash cancellation ("per r/s from Gheesling, Div 5") was censured by Hoover, but only AFTER the assassination. It is so fitting that no one from the WC showed any interest whatsoever in asking Gheesling why the alert on Oswald was cancelled. If memory serves, he died before the HSCA had a chance to ignore him.
  18. A very bad joke, at that. The evidence seems to indicate elements of both the FBI and the CIA helped to clear the way for the patsification of Oswald. Six weeks before the assassination, the FBI canceled the wanted notice on Oswald, this just two months or so after he was arrested in New Orleans for allegedly violent pro-Communist activities. Who is kidding who, here? At exactly the same time the FBI is turning down the lights on Oswald, the CIA issues it's infamous "LEE HENRY OSWALD" cable, which essentially gave him a clean bill of political health. This took Oswald out of the spotlight of Federal authorities who otherwise would have been all over him in Dallas on and before 11/22/63.
  19. Which immediately leads to the question, Why did ALL of "Lee Harvey Oswald's" original education and pre-Marines employment records disappear? The FBI made the effort to confiscate them within hours of the assassination, and so why weren't they kept? And since we're talking about Harvey and Lee's educational records in this thread, this would be a good place to point to the evidence that the FBI made ALL the original school records for the two boys disappear, some never to be seen again, some replaced by b&w photos, which can easily be manipulated. Assistant principal Frank Kudlaty said he gave "Lee Harvey Oswald's" Stripling School records to the FBI immediately after the assassination, but those records disappeared entirely. John says there are no original Beauregard records in the National Archives, only b&w photos of them supplied by the FBI. The ARRB concurred. An ARRB memo from 1995, reproduced below, says, "Let me state at the start that all the school and employment records I looked at in the Warren Commission Exhibit files at Archives II were copies, not originals." John also found a documentary trail indicating that all the original NYC records of "Lee Harvey Oswald" disappeared after Judge Florence Kelley, Administrative Judge of the Family Court of the State of New York in 1963, supplied them to the Special Agent in Charge of the New York FBI Office, John Malone. The Office of NYC Mayor Wagner even contacted the FBI asking what happened to those original records. It is clear that J. Edgar Hoover felt it was necessary to confiscate all of "Lee Harvey Oswald's" original school and pre-Marine employment records before he had even determined if other members of the U.S. Government were targeted along with JFK. The reason was clearly to avoid exposure of the Oswald Project. Perhaps someone here can suggest another reason why all the original evidence disappeared.
  20. From Harvey and Lee.... In June 1962, when Harvey Oswald was returning to the United States from Russia, an article appeared in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Once again Robert Oswald told reporters that his brother attended Stripling Junior High School and Arlington Heights High School."33 Robert Oswald stated publicly, on three separate occasions over a 5-year period, that his brother attended Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth. The Commission could only ignore Robert Oswald's references to Stripling. They reported that after complet­- ing the 6th grade in 1952, Lee Harvey Oswald attended junior high in New York and New Orleans, and did not return to Fort Worth until the summer of 1956. Could Robert have been mistaken? Robert Oswald joined the Marines in July 1952 and was not living in Fort Worth during the fall when his brother was supposed to attend junior high. I considered the pos­- sibility that Robert assumed that his brother entered Stripling after finishing elementary school, because this was the same school he (Robert) attended in the fall of 1948. But if Lee Oswald and his mother had remained in Fort Worth in the fall of 1952, Lee would have transferred to nearby Monnig Junior High, not Stripling. On August 21, 1948, prior to the beginning of school, Marguerite sold her house and drove with Lee in her 1948 Dodge to New York City. Two months later Robert Oswald visited his mother and brother in New York, shortly after Lee entered the 7th grade.34 Robert again visited Lee and Marguerite in New York in the summer of 1953, when Lee was between the 7th and 8th grades at PS #44.35 Robert's visits to New York make it nearly impossible to believe that he could have assumed his younger brother attended Stripling in the 7th grade. After Robert was discharged from the Marines, in July 1955, he briefly resided with Lee and Marguerite at their apartment on Exchange Place in New Orleans. Lee had recently graduated from the 9th grade at Beauregard Junior High and, according to Robert, was working for an export firm. If anyone knew where Lee Harvey Oswald at­- tended all of his junior high school years, it was Robert Oswald. So why would Robert tell reporters in 1959 and 1962, and tell the Warren Commission in 1964, that his "brother" had attended Stripling? Because Robert was telling the Commission about his limited knowledge of Harvey Oswald's background. --from Harvey and Lee, pp. 95-96, Copyright © 2003 by John Armstrong. All rights reserved.
  21. Mr. JENNER. Well, I really did not want to refer to that at the moment. Do you remember any of the places at which you took snapshots of Lee during this 10-day leave? Mr. OSWALD. The Bronx Zoo I believe was about the only time I can recall taking any pictures of him. Mr. JENNER. I am at liberty to advise you, Mr. Oswald, that when your mother testified before the Commission she did produce a number of photographs, snapshots, and otherwise, among which was a snapshot of your brother, Lee, taken at the New York Zoo--that she testified was taken at the New York Zoo. Is that the incident in which you took the photograph of your brother Lee, as far as you know? Mr. OSWALD. You say the New York Zoo, sir. As far as I know there is just one zoo up there referred to as the Bronx Zoo. I do recall, and I still have the picture that I took of Lee at the Bronx Zoo. I certainly feel that perhaps either I sent copies of it to mother, or to Lee after I had the film developed. Mr. JENNER. Mr. Chairman, may I go off the record a moment? (Discussion off the record.) Mr. DULLES. Back on the record. Mr. JENNER. For the purpose of the record, I have before me the February 21, 1964, issue of Life magazine, on pp. 68--A, 68--B, and 70 of which there appear a number of photographs. I think it would be well if we gave this spread page an exhibit number. And since it really consists of two separate pages--the next exhibit numbers are what? Mr. LIEBELER. 281 and 282. Mr. JENNER. We will mark 68-B as 281 and page 69 as 282. (The material referred to was marked Commission Exhibits Nos. 281 and 282, respectively, for identification.) Mr. McKENZIE. Mr. Jenner--the only thing you are offering to the Commission at this time as I understand it are the pictures that appeal on those two pages and not the text. Mr. JENNER. That's correct, sir. Directing your attention to page 69, identified as Commission Exhibit 282, there is a picture of a young boy and the background looks like it might be taken in a zoo. You mentioned that you had taken a snapshot of your brother on this 10-day leave. Could you examine that and see if you can identify that as being the snapshot you took? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir, I do so identify that picture. That was taken at the Bronx Zoo--a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald, taken during my 10-day leave in New York City in 1953, approximately July or August of 1953.
  22. I don’t think so, Tracy. Robert knew full well that his brother had gone to New York. On page 63 of his book LEE, Robert wrote: "Lee entered the 8th grade at P.S. 44 on Columbus Avenue at 76th St." He could not have taken that information from the Warren Commission, because that school is not listed in the Warren Volumes. The school at Columbus Ave. and 76th St., by the way, is O'Shea Junior High School, PS 44 in Manhattan. Isn’t it remarkable that LHO's brother puts LHO at Public School 44 in Manhattan at about the same time as the Warren Commission has an LHO at Public School 44 in the Bronx? What a coincidence!!! And what a great way to merge the identity of two kids, at two NYC schools both identified PS 44. Another amazing coincidence, I guess. Is this John's fault also? PS 44 in Manhattan: PS 44 in the Bronx: At any rate, New York City is pretty irrelevant to the Stripling evidence. We're talking about Sept. 1954, when both Oswalds were long gone from NYC. By the way, do you have evidence that last year’s Fort Worth Star-Telegram article stating that teachers and students at Stripling School remembered Lee Harvey Oswald attending it was all because John talked to people?
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